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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2019 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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on t.w. . this is you know we news live from berlin showdown in the gulf britain says a royal navy forget has driven off iranian boats trying to intercept a british oil tanker but iran denies there was any confrontation also coming up on the show a powerful storm devastated greece is from northern coastal areas leaving 7 dead and dozens injured plus a french lawmakers to vote for a digital services tax that washington says unfairly targets american tech giants
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good to us speak airing out full but no other trade war this time with france. it's great to have you along everyone britain says 3 iranian boats attempted to intercept a british oil tanker near the persian gulf but were driven off by a royal navy frigate iran has denied that its vessels tried to stop the tanker in the strait of hormuz saying it's boats were carrying out routine duty. the strait of hormuz one of the world's busiest shipping lanes through which a 3rd of the world's seaborne oil passes. iran's navy is an active presence here. the narrowest point in the strait is only 40 kilometers wide the british ministry of defense said the incident took place near the island of abu mussab.
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it says this for get turned away raining speedboats stuff are threatening the british oil tanker the u.k. foreign minister has responded by calling for calm obviously very concerning developments but also very proud of the royal navy and the role that they played in keeping british assets british shipping safe we are continuing to monitor the situation very very carefully the fear is that this latest incident will escalate it comes days after british authorities seized an iranian tanker off gibraltar claiming it was violating sanctions by delivering oil to syria earlier this week iran also started enriching uranium beyond the limits set down the 2050 nuclear deal it signed with international powers iran says the confrontation never happened it's foreign minister mohammed serif has called a british accusations worthless iran's farce news agency quote sorry for saying they are seeking to cover up their weaknesses with such claims as tensions in the
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gulf simmer diplomats are scrambling to keep the nuclear deal from unraveling completely. and earlier 2 i spoke to a mideast analyst a simon maven at the university of lancaster in the u.k. and i began by asking him about how significant the tit for tat succession of incidents really is it can be read in a number of different ways it can be seen as just a small step a step from rhetoric to action or it can be seen as a quite significant change in pace moving away from words to actually putting these words into action and i think a lot of this depends on what iran does next whether it leaves this is a worn off incident or whether it decides that it wants to do more and really take a stand against the u.k. against the u.s. and other international act so for now i think it's just a small step is just moving from woods to one act but if it comes into more action
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if it does more of this then i think it's quite a seismic change in pace or the police and her brother says that they have arrest that the captain and the chief officer of the detained iranian a super tanker at the same time a british security source says we're not going to accompany every frigate that is in the strait of hormuz what i'm wondering is are all parties just testing the waters but they don't want to go into confrontation and just checking how far they can go. yeah i think it's a case of trying to figure out what the new rules of this new game were know traditionally that the shipping would go on and iran wouldn't necessarily go and do anything like this it would threaten it but it wouldn't actually do it but right now given that iran has done this it's a case of figuring out what's what it might do next and what what states like the u.k. and the u.s. could potentially do to prevent it from happening so there's
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a great deal of uncertainty everyone's trying to figure out what the other side wants what the other side's endgame is and that is a delicate and quite a precarious situation to be in because it raises the specter of something bad happening of something negative happening that people misinterpreting things now let's talk more about that because of course the u.s. maximum pressure approach has iran in a stranglehold and despite efforts by european nations the iran nuclear deal is by all accounts on life support if ever that are all taking into consideration soaring tensions between the west and iran is a military confrontation in your assessment inevitable or can a deal still be struck. i don't think it's inevitable i think that the scope for the bailout i think best scope for all sides to to deescalate things to find a way out but it takes willingness it takes creativity and it takes patience i don't think any of the parties involved want a direct military confrontation certainly not the iranians and i would argue
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certainly not the americans we know donald trump has said repeatedly he doesn't want to get drawn into another conflict in the middle east in spite of that he sent more ready more u.s. troops u.k. certainly doesn't want to get more and broiled in the us so i think given that given that none of these actors will really benefit from a conflict it's just a case of figuring out ways of getting out of this situation with all sites saving face and all sites feeling secure in the best possible light and that will take creativity it will take creative diplomacy as a way of escaping this this incredibly worrying situation salmon maven from the university of lancaster in the u.k. thank you so very much. and i stop greece at least a 7 people there have died after a powerful storm battered the country in the north violent weather and healthy dickie also injured scores more and toppled trees and power lines the storm followed intense heat in greece with temperatures soaring to 37 degrees celsius
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before the weather broke with disastrous consequences. catastrophe the greats gave us the word the describes best what befell they country last night. it was a terrifying evening as a huge storm front swept through with winds churning and over 100 kilometers per hour and how you will pounding a stone pots of the country spain did gene cause line. you know put it but maybe not even cannons make that much noise i didn't have clothes on when i came out to get the kids and it's a running fell it was like rocks were hitting my doc. nothing but the head of the people you could learn from them. in the morning after that night. this holiday
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resort. is in ruins. to remind you tourists died he lost not in a beachside which was torn to pieces. dina is still on the table or a mind to how sudden the song slow it was. on the board there's a man everyone inside was screaming it was chaos a friend of my brother was wintertime head to toe because the bar fell on him those girls flying through the air from the windows yes somebody is. a 1000 kilometers away this time on italy's east coast super cells from the same intense front pool pro to. nearly 20 people were injured as the sea surged into pesca home to one of the biggest ports on the i dreaded say. beautiful italy is now battered italy with emergency services cleaning up after the summit deluge as for have to be
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now with some of the other stories making news around the world. and staying in italy were in eastern sicily massive wildfires have sent beachgoer scrambling into the water there have been no immediate reports of casualties several blazes have broken out around sicily in recent days spurred in part by high temperatures and hot winds from northern africa. and bosnia herzegovina thousands have marked the anniversary of the set up in need some at the worst mass killing in europe since world war 2 in july of 1995 bosnian serb troops ordered more than 8000 bosnian muslim men and boys international courts have branded the massacre a genocide. at least one person has been killed in a hugely at a gas fired power station near moscow several more were injured firefighters have now put out the fire was flames reached up to 15 metres
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a fire reportedly broke out in a natural gas pipeline. a french critically chick at the center of a legal route over whether he should be allowed to die has passed away in hospital in the hospital doctors removed to events on bass life support more than a week ago against his parents wishes he spent over 10 years in a vegetative state. we say france because that country has defied pressure from the united states and passed a law taxing many of the world's biggest internet companies all the changes voted through by the french parliament have faced heavy criticism in the u.s. the white house says the unfairly target american companies facebook apple google and amazon are among the 30 companies affected french finance minister boone north america says the 3 percent tax could raise half a 1000000000 years
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a year resident donald trump in the meantime has ordered an investigation. so are we on the cusp of a nother trade war to talk more on this raul is genoud to allow for a business always good to see you now what i 1st want to know why did france decide to go it alone why didn't get the rest of the e.u. to support this measure well it has to be said that the e.u. tried it they did try to get standards that would apply to the entire block but it failed in this undertaking due to opposition from countries like ireland which you know offers their broad favorable tax regimes to these companies for the express purpose of attracting them to ireland so going out alone is of course a risk for france it's the 1st test the waters it's a drawing us anger upon itself in this way so it's hoping like with this single signal to spur more coordination on the multilateral level it said that it would
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drop this tax if standards are agreed on the o.e.c.d. leveled out of course is the club of the world's richest countries now failing that it can only hope that at least on the national level governments that have said they were looking into this like like italy like spain like the u.k. they hurry up with their own processes if this turns into a full blown fight with the us that it's definitely going to need some allies what can the u.s. do to retaliate well 1st of all they've already said that they're launching that probe into whether american tech companies will be unfairly targeted by this law and interestingly they're using the same legal justifications that they used when they launched a probe into chinese technological processes and we know that that devolved into the trade war we're now seeing and the u.s. has said that with this particular process with france it is prepared to launch a punitive trade measures if it sees fit now france of course has called on washington to settle this matter in
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a matter be fitting its relationship as allies that of taxation is a sovereign matter that should be left up to france. it can only hope that the u.s. will listen but what this of course this rao does do it is it sparks a debate about how to tax the internet economy something that a lot of countries and governments and policymakers are struggling with do you foresee in the immediate future other governments may be trying to introduce similar measures while there is a widespread consensus. the taxation the models for these kinds of companies just aren't able to keep up they've been very good at not paying taxes where they make their profits which is everywhere in the world but just where they're headquartered meanwhile they're making so much money apple alone made close to $60000000000.00 in profits last year the european commission has said that business is in the traditional business as they face the taxation rate of about $23.00 per cent when you get to internet tax giants internet giants. 8 to 9 per cent so there's
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widespread acknowledgement that has to be addressed that's not sustainable in the long term are i had to mail them allow always good to get your view on things thank you. and you're watching to every news we still have a lot more to tell you about coming up how south africa's vital mining industry is reeling from global trade wars with production falling dramatically month by month . first we've got some tennis news for us serino williams has reached the final of wimbledon's women's tournament after beating barbara starr coverts 7 time champ williams won the match in straight sets now williams will have to face some on a how up for the trophy after. alina. 6163 and how it is the 1st romanian woman to reach the wimbledon final. our to this is it every news up next business africa with bank your heart out 1st i'm
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a little of her rock and roll and on behalf of the entire news team thank you for spending this part of your day with us i hope to see at the top the hour. what secrets lie behind the small. find out 1st of experience and explore a fascinating cultural heritage sites. d.w. world heritage 360. i'm not going to the gym well just.


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