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tv   Arts.21  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2019 6:02am-6:31am CEST

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busting continues. just being on the move just fall in love with me. your mum the star 1st of all it's beautiful. we've all looked at it since we were children and seen the face in the moon. we chose to go to the moon. we choose to go to the mold and this became to do the other things not because they are easy but because they are. the moon landing on july 20th 1969 fulfilled
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a dream of humankind the pictures went around the world. it's become film history and part of pop culture. the moon and other celestial bodies have always captured the imagination why does outer space fascinate us out and what is it about the moon landing that continues to hold our attention a cosmic trip through arts film and music. it's a long. a small step a giant leap. it was the 1st time a human had set foot on the moon. mankind had. left
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a footprint in space. these images are reflected in our collective memory. it was far more than a scientific expedition it was the fulfillment of an age old dream of mankind an exhibition project examines the way artists have approached it high heels on the moon sumi for at least pointed reference to the under-representation of women in space flight this installation carries a touch of the poet earth moon earth in 2007 scottish artist katie benner isn't transmitted beethoven's moonlight sonata in morse code to the moon which bounced it back to the earth here and i'm sure of that we hear a piece that's been on luna and acquired slight variations from the original because on the way the sound was swallowed by a crater or got lost. or topics. on the modified long ago just.
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lost in space. but fortunately this time it was only musical notes. before the landing artists regarded the moon above all is a mystery a celestial body and embodiment of fears and desires especially for a surrealists like running amok that. within just a few years the movie would symbolize very different fears and desires the space race was on who will win the soviets or the americans it was the dawn of the space of. many artists took a critical perspective on it. others were fascinated by the technology among them british pop artist richard hamilton. doubtless for he actually sense that
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this moon landing this spice rice program would very noticeably affect our daily lives inside the concept of streamlining and design for instance or lightweight materials and the miniature as ation of technology. 969 as soon as they landed the americans planted their flag on the moon by gesture that inspired bop artist andy warhol as late as 1987 just before his death. it was billed as a mission for all mankind that heralded in a new era the euphoria spread to countries that had recently thrown off the yoke of colonialism spaceflight subjects' on stamps cutter used them in his painting. british nigerian artist chink a show in a body suggests a space walk in wax print suits it's
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a multi-faceted work centered on themes of colonialism it seems to be asking why things are the. more colorful up there in more ways than one. that started out as a shock many segments of society the black and asian communities all women have never been to the moon the job price also called for men if a certain age and this whip refers to that fact in a very ironic why ornish off the top thought. you know that zambia had a space program of its own in the early 1960 s. . lack of funding may have spilled its doom but the vision has retained its explosive political force to the present day. the most famous image in the exhibition isn't an artwork on december 24th 1968 apollo 8 astronaut william anders made the earth rise photo revealing
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a shining yet fragile world. the summit site that was at the time of the viet nam war of terrible conflicts in the 1st environmental problems and of the hippie movement that expressed the desire for alternatives which we live on a planet on which we somehow have to get along and put an end to all the nationalist conflicts in this aunt much less moms on which is not so how does this have to. the moon landing changed our view of our blue planet after decades of manned space travel no other planet has been found where humankind could live. the moon is no longer an object of fear and designer now it's the earth itself.
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a big orchestra and plenty of spectacle to celebrate the half. century anniversary of the moon landing. with oscar winning soundtrack composer hans zimmer and steve by one of the world's best guitarists. man brian may astrophysicist and queen's lead guitarist. the concert spectacle opened the stormers festival we met the man who started it all. with my heroes so i could never never imagine that one day i'm going to put together a festival to bring all these heroes of my childhood all my get together and i feel a part of the festivities that i'm paying tribute to all of that. is really i'm here next to brian may is
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a professor of astrophysics native to armenia he launched the stormers festival in 2011 on the canary islands bringing artists together with veteran astronauts and scientists and not just any scientists but such big names as stephen hawking. i think the main goal of stubbornness as i says is. this is a slide decided me we should create a festival of people out inspired and the one of the race to inspire them is actually to bring these guys to get to have basel 3 on stage with brian may to let people see real heroes and treat them like stars. the 5th edition of the festival was held in zurich switzerland the idea was to bring star most closer to the center of europe and pay tribute to swiss aerospace research like the solar wind composition experiment developed in bam it was the only non american experiment aboard apollo 11. on the 50th
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anniversary of the 1st moon landing everything that star must. about the moon and the u.s. apollo missions of the 1960 s. and seventy's. america's goal was to put a human on the moon before the soviet union did. but what is the moon's attraction besides the purely physical. the fascination of want it is because you can see that everything. above the beach is there and he makes a tree. look at that 1st of all it's beautiful. just being on the moon you do is fall in love with it it's our. purpose build space station. i think it has played a very special role and he still he meditated creating making people trained to write songs apollo and fitting part of the 1st. astronauts have always credited
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science fiction writers like jules verne with sparking their imaginations and in turn the achievements of spaceflight had inspired art. some astronauts have become artists in their own right like nicole stott who painted watercolors in space not an easy task. the water behaves a little bit differently in microgravity than it does down here so i had little floating balls of water that i would use to dip my brush into and i painted a painting based on a picture of probably one of the most beautiful things i saw which was this little chain of islands on the northern coast of venezuela called us rochas and to me i remember looking out the window at it and it looked like somebody had already like they'd taken a big paintbrush and painted this wave on the ocean i think our planet is art i started like looking at earth with this idea of art appreciation you see the universe and it's all it's orderliness and all it should be and you say how did
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this just happen by accident. this is the designer i call it god. charles dukes perspective on many things has changed he was 36 years old when he piloted apollo 16 making him the youngest man ever to walk on the moon he spent a total of some 20 hours there his olympics his attempt to jump as high as possible almost cost him his life back don't ever do anything in space if you had practiced all over the many apollo was. an adventure in a technical mission that i had a job to do and i was focused on my own i can't say get more come back i would like to live on the moon forever but certainly stay 2 more hours would have been great they said come on. back home he was welcomed with accolades but also skepticism
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even now some conspiracy theorists claim the moon landings were staged on earth were they faked the evidence is overwhelming that we landed on the moon we have. probably 300 kilos of moon rocks that are totally different they are rocks the russians knew we went to the moon we want to race with them they tracked us we landed they never said it was a lie they they knew we were on the move and we did it now in terms we went to the moon if you go to fake so we do it once and shut up. important to remember is that the apollo missions had a major political motivation they were expensive risky and always controversial their success gave us modern day heroes though some may see them as american space cowboys the star most best of all is yet another tribute to their admirable teamwork and contributions to science and technology and to news.
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among them is brian eno he was awarded the stephen hawking medal at the festival for the release of his legendary $983.00 apollo album. in addition researchers have even named an asteroid after him. somewhere out there a little brian eno is tumbling through space who else can say that about themselves . we met the english musician at a festival for tea and a chat. toothpaste flavor to. you know how do you remember the moon landing off 969 what did you do back then. i had just left out school and i was living in la the next door to my old painting professor we sat in the kitchen looking at his little television. and it was
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getting evening and there was a full moon in the sky. that's actually where they are now those people are there and it was an incredible moment of everything contracting into this moment in time and of course i realize that was a very historic point in the history of the human race so although the apollo missions were you know a military technological industrial. thing they were also it was a piece of art it was this idea. hey we could do this we could make this happen how did it inspire you as an as an artist as a musician i didn't suddenly go and start making space music but i was already working with electronics and electronic instruments then the kinds of sounds that they produced were unearthly i kept finding myself thinking about
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the universe instead of the earth thinking about you know galaxies and. the emptiness of space for example and i started to think actually most of the universe is silence the only place that there is any. actual noise is on earth you need an atmosphere for there to be noise so we are the noise in the universe as far as we know we don't know any other source of noise. it's us just us . and when you say space the silence how difficult is it then to transform that into music when you say you put a very large reverberations on the side and you think that sounds so spacey you know they have been all these devices in the history of music called space echo and
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space chamber but of course in space there's no echo. there's no sound so so we've created a human fantasy about what space is like and all that we know is that it's very big . i started to think that composing making music i should say was such an unusually human function so we do this thing called making music for quite mysterious reasons i think and i think one of the reasons is it's a way of saying i am here. mankind. to explore space. far away. from the circumstances of. the moon landing was mostly a giant leap for mankind it was also reflected in popular culture shock for example
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in david bowie's song space odyssey you it's about an astronaut who ends up drifting in space. that clownfish loves a legit sound if you play a grey lives. that it loves you love that you want. the song was released days before the start of the apollo 11 mission but the b.b.c. refused to play it until the astronauts had returned safely to worst drug plan to lose a little a little blow to unfold live you tube was always inspiration for the song that didn't come from the apollo mission from a science fiction film to. stanley kubrick's 2001 a space odyssey.
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and advertisements for the film called it the ultimate trip and probably would probably have a great. it was the light 960 s. after all and many young people were experimenting with psychoactive drugs. and all this mind team 6 to 9 the woodstock festival took place in the u.s. a key event in the history of popular music and american counterculture. always song space oddity reached the top 5 on the geek a chance and went. it's released a 975 it went to number one the song has been covered by many artists. even in space. you just saw. in
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2013 the international space station commander chris hadfield sang a version of the song at the end of his mission hadfield change the lyrics slightly so that major tom returned to earth safe and sound to. you. a chance. to do college level mission required a massive effort an estimated 400000 people took part in developing the technology for the moon landing had a huge influence on the movies nasa itself delivered spectacular pictures in july 969 shortly before takeoff it was perhaps the greatest human adventure of all time and would be covered on live t.v. like the one. as far as responsibilities represent a man. that's relatively difficult to answer.
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a new documentary on apollo 11 features digitally restored footage from nasa where some of the video has never been seen before. you have to kind of what all doubt one of the key moments were the moments of humanity the out there what were the things that stood out what really got me was the emotion on their faces you could see the weight of what they were about to do. the film celebrates the heroes of this historic mission. the world of cinema has always been fascinated with the mood in french directors. yes imagine the moon landing in this film from 1002. the film was a huge success around the world it brought viewers a step closer to the heavens the earth's only satellite a place filled with mystery and unknown dangers where dreams of adventure could
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turn into nightmares. in 1929 german director fritz lang portrayed the darker side of a moon mission in this silent film it was considered one of the 1st reasonably accurate science fiction movies. moon films had been popular since the early days of cinema and still are seen. in a new film portrays the triumphs and the tragedies in the life of neil armstrong in 1962 his daughter karen died of a brain tumor when she was just 2 years old. armstrong was devastated by the loss of his daughter. the film includes a scene in which armstrong 7 years later stands in silence on the edge of the moon
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crater in the film he casts a bracelet with his daughter's name on it into the crater. this was a man who i think was forged for failure and for loss he was not sort of you know this kind of born icon it was not there's not necessarily the sort of all american hero from the outside he was a human being he was vulnerable women mistakes. later after the astronauts have returned to earth armstrong is shown at the quarantine facility the moon mission seems to have changed him and not for the better he's more serious and remote. many other astronauts behave the same way after their missions. the 2011 us canadian film apollo 18 is a fictionalized account of a moon flight that never actually took place.
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apollo 18 was cancelled by nasa in 1970 but in the film the astronauts are sent to the moon on a top secret mission it ends in disaster when the astronauts are attacked by extra terrestrials left alone in space far away from their home planet they are the most lonely people imagine. there will not only really please. the soviet union was justifiably proud of its space program a $27000.00 russian film tells the story of cosmonaut aleksei leon of the 1st man to walk in space schley on nov left his orbiting capsule on march 18th 1965 and spent 12 minutes floating around outside. by the time he returned to earth soviet space officials had decided that leon of was to be part of moscow's 1st lunar mission but the project was later cancelled.
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was the moon landing faked a 2002 french mockumentary alleges that greene noun director stanley kubrick shot the scenes at a studio acting under orders from the cia the film claims that the idea for faking the landing originally came from president nixon. became very aware how important the visual spectacle effect is going to be at 1st i didn't take it very seriously about with ford motor. but it kept growing our border on ben one of the presidential advisors i don't know general alexander haig or donald rumsfeld. said hesitantly. why the if we fill the 1st steps on the moon
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in the studio then if we fail we can always show those pictures to the public. the film is best understood as satire as opposed to a traditional factual documentary but the production values are way good so it needs seem convincing to some. the moon and it's never ending magic continues to fascinate and to which a song here on earth. as neil armstrong once said the moon's an interesting place to be i recommend it that was all from arts 21. there are there are.
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a small fish big party. and a massive cooking class. marsay michelin's. hardship you know that. shows a 1000 amateur cooks what a sardine can do. a.
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google. on the 7 to 7 percent the so-called stop top. left their mark i'm going to sum up. all the revolutionary down there was. gonna cause a song where did indices. take a look at 10 cities graffiti scene and find out what young people look. 60. 6 naked. raring to me. if there is any erotic benefits remember you'd have to find it between the lines.
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of literature a 100 german streets. what secrets lie behind these may. find out even immersive experience and explore resonating with cultural heritage sites. d w world heritage 36050. a. month will learn
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some of the usual sounds that are reports a hendrick belling brought back from his last trip but more about that later welcome to new this.


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