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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  July 13, 2019 6:30am-7:00am CEST

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it's. what secrets lie behind the. find even worse of experience and explore a pressing need to read cultural heritage sites. the d w world heritage turned 60. some unusual sounds that our reports are hendrick belling brought back from his last trip but more about that later welcome to a new edition of your max with
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a mixed bag of topics here are just 2 of them. a cooking course with 1000 pound of cure sets in the south of the bronx and. even our them from norway to make sound can seem from every day. but 1st we present a lady with a very special mission german photojournalist. wants to climb the highest mountain in every european country sometimes it's just a small hill sometimes it's several 1000 meters high she calls a project adventure europe there are 47 mountains in 47 countries on her list we met up with her in under a. well the oman is driven to test her limits over and over again.
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this is where she's in her element on her own with the forces of nature. to make up to me this is adventure and i think adventure doesn't mean bigger faster higher farther but simply the experience itself to focus on life. and i feel totally alive when i'm hanging off a cliff or trying to climb up it. it might not make a lot of sense but this is how i get to know my own limits and overcome them. has arrived in a door she's going to scale the nearly 3000 meter come up with the tallest peak in this micro state in the pier any case. it's part of her current project adventure europe she plans to touch the highest point of 47 european countries. and this is. this diversity of europe and its mountains are really exciting that
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one is a tiny little hill totally covered in cow dung that was can i feel like i'm and then there's the vatican where the hardest part was to stand in line for 6 hours in the heat in front of st peter's basilica. even the ascent of the just 75 meter high tower was to become a rather arduous adventure. she craved ice and snow to conquer norway's god had begun she teamed up with her husband to take on portugal's highest mountain the pekoe at night she's always looking for a unique angle but yes my very 1st word was squatting that i never accepted what people told me i always wanted to find out why things are the way they are and i still have this curiosity. the couple are taking their one year old son model up to the summit of. the comma patrol so. he can ride on his mother's back normally the ascent isn't all that difficult as i could misters at the peak doesn't have any
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real mountaineering challenges or there's just one path up but it's covered in snow now so all at once things get really exciting. looks for breathtaking challenges well beyond europe as well her breakthrough as a photojournalist came in 2012 with a story about an indigenous tribes ancestor called in popular new gifts. in the south pacific she explored the volcanoes of the vanuatu. she became the 1st person to climb into the crater of the active on provoke a no 600 meters down to the edge of a seething pool of lava. it kept the speed that i felt the earth trembling all through my body i smelled the gases and felt the hot wind from the volcanoes and i realized i'm suddenly a part of nature. if you already bet and i think this world would be a better one if everyone could stand down there by that pool of lava because you realize how incredibly precious life is unfair and how incredibly precious the
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earth is that gives you moments like these. momentum the needn't. back in on door the higher they go on coma patrol so the colder against not good conditions for taking a baby to the summit. then with it i don't think i'm afraid we'll have to turn around otherwise we'll have to trudge through a snow field and it's really windy up here and freezing cold either we really don't have to make the summit at all costs i'm not into these conditions i'll just take a few pictures to capture the experience. even. no mine didn't make it to the summit this time but a project doesn't necessarily require adrenaline.
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just to miss i'm tired what keeps me going is a passion for telling stories being here i can see things and feel and smell and taste and experience them and that makes me feel totally alive and i'd like to share this feeling with others through my pictures maybe i can even motivate them to set out and discover nature. and they can discover themselves and do something with their lives even. the photos and videos little man is collecting for her adventure euro project are indeed an incentive to discover the old world a new. buddhism one of the 5 great world religions by the way it has its roots in my adopted home country of india buddhism is particularly widespread in asia but interest in the far eastern philosophy of life is growing here in europe too did you know that
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there is an entire buddhist region here you're a mixed reporter hendrik valley was that a far a series europe to the max. the golden temple in the least. i'm listening to buddhist monks chant as part of the ritual ceremony. we were here in shura in the step with people with a very exotic song welcome to a cult. i've made my way to the south eastern most part of europe. as an autonomous republic of the russian federation created between the caucasus and the caspian sea. the biggest buddhist temple in the countryside in the capital in this time it is a nation's most important symbol. some 160000 buddhists live here comic yes the only buddhist country in europe. the lama pillow talk or in part has
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been the spiritual leader of the comics in buddhists since 1902. buddhism is not just a religion it's a way of life and when i say a way of life it's part of one's culture with his him is very important for the people of comic we did they are a believer in buddhism are not. this that lies just beyond the city travel it's once the ancestors of the comics are not the mongols did the nomadic people 1st arrived in the region in the 17th century actually it's not as comfortable as it may look like so i'm really glad that i can get of the camera or . at one point camels were used for transport to new york. until the early 20th century host families lived in these portable tents.
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to be that the thought of there was an altar. in every tent people would bow down to the gods and pray and they would always make a donation of cookies or candy for the dead in the afterlife. so that they would have something to eat. the. minute the overtone sing of the demure kind to you was a star in. an overtone singing the singer uses his or her vocal chords to create more than one sound and pitch at the same time. throat singing has been passed down through the generations just like the history of the comics. it's very important for us to maintain these traditions it's also important for our future because we have to rely on our culture. we have to know our history
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so that we can continue as a people with our culture and our knowledge. significant. i also want to try to sing. the 5 5. home. it's harder than i thought it does something with your youth the whole body through to breathe and to make the thought and make something with you which is not . during the soviet era buddhism was repressed the temples were destroyed but there was a buddhist revival after the collapse of the soviet union. the new buildings are symbols of the religious renascence and of the fact that many comix refused to give up hope. because of that hope
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because of that with that strong will to preserve. their identity their traditions their culture that they were able to a secret the preserve that and when the time came to have religious freedom freedom of consciousness that they were able to pass this to the younger generation. during this war doesn't books that many months have traveled from afar to celebrate . the central element of practicing buddhism is the reciprocation of montrose. after the ceremony to believe the sikh the almost blessing. and they make offerings and donations to our number one.
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we are a bridge between east and west and we have a very important role in bringing these 2 different continents or different ethnicities bringing them more closer through understanding through dialogue. come live here is a piece of asia in europe. once again become aware of how big europe actually is and considering the buddhist tradition we're also told that. our reporter hendrick belling has already visited some very different and unique places around europe for this series you can find all of his adventures on our you tube channel and its own playlist have
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a look. they say that too many cooks spoil the broth but at this open area bend in must say fronts that is not true because that's exactly what the organizers wanted to bring as many people as possible together for a gigantic open their cooking course and to prepare a dish together under the guidance of a star chef a cooking course in a huge 4 months. other 1000 amateur chefs gathered in mar ses old town to take a cooking class with michelin star chef liana levy he began with a recipe for a typical starter from france's province region oh yes that's it you know it's a tart seen with sardines and an olive top a nod these are the 2 emblems of musée and provence the sardine is emblematic of the old port of marsay where we're cooking everything today at the top and now it is the traditional recipe for a problem if you will sell the plans for this huge cooking class which is part of
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a big food festival has been underway for months 2 hours before the class begins being greedy insert divided among the tables $100.00 slices of focaccia. 2000 capers and a 1000 jars of top notch. and the 1st participants are arriving they paid 5 euros for the privilege of learning with a great chef. when the usual things we saw on facebook that there were these food related events and because we're big fans of food and french cuisine we just came. and i think we're going to see religion and it's original and this doesn't happen ever and then next to the wonderful say it's magnificent job on the other hand it had to do with santino which are really important to my say and i'm glad to learn how to make a great dish that i can really impress my family with the recipe is called last
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sardine to share love paul or the sardine which block the port it's a metaphor that captures the locals tendency to exaggerate. the stuff secure the story goes that a boat called last 16 sank near the port and with time the works of dean became sardi and since we like puns and must say we often said that the sun dean had blocked the port so i. this idea from my recipe. was you can see the simplicity of something. is not working alone today there are 32 ships on hand to help the participants. everyone's excited to be here and the class will last an hour it kicks off at 9 pm . you look great you're all simply magnificent i applaud you.
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but the amateur chefs follow the instructions on the screen they learn how to cut a shallow finely and how to spread the top and. deep boning sardines it's a bit more fiddly than expected. big pieces that you do it looks easier than it actually used it's a bit complicated you know the most complicated part is remembering all the different steps if i'd have known i would have just had everything down. but it all works out with a bit of help the cooks grill the sardines with a gas burner and arrange them on top top and on which they decorate with lemon and capers. one of the sardine that one of the poured. concrete very very tasty very spicy it's excellent. it's a success the deal now levy plans to do it again even bigger he hopes to inspire 4 to 5 times more people to take part in his next fall the sod cooking class.
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table tennis balls match box springs and other small parts for most of us the that's just everyday objects but quick on the. they are the perfect materials for a new cycle instruments cook up build small boxes out of such objects which produce sounds with simple means he calls his constructions big machine and they can sometimes sound like a whole drum set what do you think. there was a time again. that mimics a snare drum. there is. a mix of the bass drum. there is. to hear that spins against
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a small spring. and that basically mimics had. made his 1st beat machine in 2016 and it used a crank handle. as further developed his invention. the machines produced a rhythm and he composed his melodies on the computer. his beat machine number 3 made from old soda bottles and table tennis balls has been displayed at the museum for pop music in oslo since 2017 i'm super excited about making small sounds really really big when you can take a tiny little spring and put it on top of
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a contact microphone and they can play that spring and they can amplify it so that it becomes so that. somehow. feels great. a lot so i was born in georgia but today he lives in norway's capital are slow he originally trained as a violinist and a conductor but now makes a living composing for ensembles in orchestras but 1st the beat machines were just a distraction and started making. had a very difficult period in my life. so i found this kind of therapy where i skate. that moment. so addicted. he spends weeks making a big machine working in a shared studio called a maker space for inventors can share their technological know how with each other
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. he also has access to materials here. i try to not like. as possible for building the machine. so i just go around. you know find stuff in the drawer find stuff and. now requests from collectors are becoming increasingly frequent. he currently has commissions for beat machines. i really want this to be my job right i want to i want to build weird and strange. that's the best job in the world. he's also planning to release machines and has already
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performed on the big stage. machines will play at the beethoven festival in. the tour for. guffey. new. funny. leaseholder together there. this series with berliner bite. on facebook dot com slash you x. . and now for another episode of our planet berlin series where we introduce you to businesses and the german capital that are run by people from different countries you can find out more about that on our website today we need to moroccan born bad as these are in berlin he is better known as beth his
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store on the famous course. is a real institution. for over 50 years now. has been making sure the men of berlin addressed to the very best. to be branded by love berlin and the people of berlin as well they're so charming and good. integrated here in berlin and i feel like a berlin or a real berlin or that you know. as a young man in casablanca has these are trained as a child in 1961 with the help of connections.
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to the super down working as a dancer at the hip hop awards be considered. part of. this this is i'm still got and even with my 70 years of age. i still have dancing in my blood. even went on to open his car then in 1968 has opened a men's wear shop in a prime location. this is how it looks today. customers have to ring the doorbell mr has plenty of regulars he no longer sells much of the established name brands for over 15 years he's had his own lines made he finds his fabrics in milan and has them cut my son in naples according to his specifications after all he knows something about
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the craft. some customers will say the sleeves are too long or they'll say i wear it like this but if i don't like it i'll say no we have to shorten that dress by this year out there that mired everywhere. he's also witnessed major historical events on the east and in 1909 when the berlin wall fell in east germans and pouring onto the strange. way tens of thousands of euros worth of clothing on a single sunday. friend did something for the former east germans i thought to myself i'll bet you have to do something to feel that i let more and more people in and we serve them all i ask everyone what would you like a suit with a sport coat or trousers or a leather jacket. they all said leather jacket. 15 minutes later i didn't have any leather jackets left and. mind of the day i gave the east germans
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a wonderful sunday treat indeed. the news quickly got around among germany's social and political elite that mr albans not only made exquisite suits but gave excellent advice former chancellor helmut schmidt came here as did the german interior minister. sharon i have to say i've seen him a lot on television and he always had his legs like this. when he was here i said mr surely that doesn't look good you have paced the white legs so you want to wear new socks and he's warning socks ever since. even after 50 years i'll bet has he said is still passionate about his work. that's all we have time for today don't forget to visit us on our website and do follow us on social media look forward to seeing you again next time until then from all of us here in berlin.
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all the 77 percent be so bold. as you. left their mark i'm going to sum up. all the revolutionary wrong with the world from. a song when beginning to see just take a look at tens of. and find out what young people love this. 30 minute. following up on germany's former
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division. today i want to take you on a little tour along the border between has set and there in seattle 30 years ago the iron curtain divided the world and to east and west right here. by now what has changed since reunification and we'll explore what else there was for visitors to see today. the 16th. double. take it personally your wedding with a little wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. for all true fans. pick up more than football online. it's time to take one step further and face the possible. time to search the unknown and fight for the truth.
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to overcome boundaries and such. it's time for empty dublin. coming up ahead. never has it been the stock. is facing mass extinction. you could say the top itself is in danger. but there is a glimmer. because companies are uniting to korea global trade. a possibility. that not only animals will be saved but to. the lion's share. of the conservation of hope. frankfurt. international gateway to the best connections of air road and rail. located in the
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heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. be our guest at frankfurt airport city managed by from. the united nations is calling on europe to restart my current rescue operations in the mediterranean and to stop returning refugees to libya the e.u.'s operations the fia ended in march because member states could not agree on how to divide up migrants arriving for.


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