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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2019 8:15pm-8:30pm CEST

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a force for good or bad don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website that's d w dot com more news as always at the top of the hour thanks for watching isn't. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word courage because. rico is in germany to learn german why not come with him simple online on your mobile and free to suffer in w z learning course nikos speak german made easy . quiet military reasons among the light of the. reasoning when
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it's. the mind and amusing. to confessed on 2019 from september 6th to september 29th. i click i like i shop online and that produces huge amounts of data but who analyzes it one culprit is the advertising industry i look for a curry recipe online and suddenly as for indian cookbooks pop up everywhere big data is it a blessing or a curse our focus today on sit. com. i'm always online my smartphone is always connected wherever i go along the way i leave
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digital footprints and help create a pot of what's known as big data. researchers have analyzed close to a 1000000 apps from the google play store they found that 90 percent of data and many of these apps send data to several companies that sounds unhappily but does big data have a really affect on my life well let me know if i need my umbrella tomorrow. this vaguer rocket has a new kind of weather satellite on board at an altitude of 320 kilometers will collect data that will help meteorologists create better weather forecasts. for the 1st time a satellite will be able to measure wind speeds using laser range it even works in locations that are normally inaccessible like over oceans there's a perfect storm brewing out there big data can help us predict the weather.
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insurance companies also use big data for instance to estimate the impact of natural disasters like flooding and car insurers set their rates according to the risk of theft where the policyholder lips so you might pay more or less for your policy to pending on how many cars have been stolen in your neighborhood. big data can also make your sat nav more useful and precise in a las vegas pilot project an onboard computer tells drivers how fast to drive to catch the green light. and in estonia the port of tallinn is a digital showcase project trucks and goods are checked in electronically big data to better logistics and shorter waiting times. so big data is big business companies are investing. in software that analyzes it in 2018 more than
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6000000000 euros were spent on big data applications in germany alone. here's a stunning application from the field of medicine predicting flu epidemics with the help of twitter data researchers at university took 500000000 tweets from around the world and fed them into a watson computer system watson found the relevant tweets was more it recognized what they were about for instance if the writer got a flu shot or already had flu symptoms this process is known as cognitive computing the digital simulation of human thought processes. watson for example for key words like no and for information into the right context even berlin sorry to a hospital is using big data to diagnose illnesses more quickly and treat them more effectively. this is a tuman cell which has specific molecular markers. or cells that are sane and ideally therapies will be targeted to the decision medicine hopes determine which
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therapy is likely to be most effective researchers identify the tumors genetic characteristics to select a targeted treatment. dr claudia followed brecht's from berlin charity hospital is using big data to improve cancer treatment she's collaborating with the molecular health data analysis company. did it is generated worldwide through various clinical studies and research experiments and then collected in databases for example molecular health checks these databases regularly on a daily basis and compares the results with those from the patient samples and after that to get such results tumor cells molecular markers are only lies in a process called sequencing doctors at the sheraton a send the results to molecular health. but you are cells molecular markers are compared with those of thousands upon thousands of other stored in the company's database. the database also contains information about therapies
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a report is produce that provides doctors with a recommended treatment tailored to the specific characteristics of the tumor cell . this is what we're looking for it's the direction we hope things will go in the future we'd like patients to receive personalized treatment based on molecular changes we can identify during sequencing. the idea behind the project is revolutionary but using data from so many people as the basis for medical decisions and possibly superseding diagnosis of the patients doctor is also country. is at the for in germany people are still quite cautious we're afraid to give others access to our data which is understandable as a researcher i'd like to manage my own data and know exactly what's happening to it . but i think we must do away with this idea of keeping it all to ourselves the amount of data is just too large for that. big data has already allowed berlin's
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charity hospital to identify individual therapies for some 30 cancer patients. treating illnesses with the help of big data that's real progress and it shows that ai and humans can work together for the benefit of mankind another thing that we've done is make human behavior more predictable that's especially interesting for companies who want to target us online with personalized advertising that can still be hit or miss just because of research diving expeditions doesn't mean i want to buy a wetsuit right away but data analyst paul monk from from thailand are working on ways to optimize targeting when you play when you like when you start to see you've already seen all the data that will go to whatever. we are the technology to help the brand to know how to talk the right way to the right consummate with
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information. from and his fellows co-founders have been actively collecting data since 2013 today the firm employs more than 160 people and mainly analyzes data from the asian market they help authorities and companies to control their image there's been little criticism about how they process the data our job is not on the data but our our job. that is father brand to understand it so in the end we help it to understand it outta here. but data security specialist cash to normal is more critical he believes that the global trade in data is a multi-billion dollar business from which only a few players profit. google alone earns over $100000000000.00 a year with online ads. and of course not $100000000000.00 has to be recovered
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somehow through the products that are being advertised so a single company earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from each internet user. then there are the data brokers who profit from collecting and analyzing this flood of data using special software we try to find out who's tracking user behavior the triangles here representing the trackers the circles the websites visited. even users who don't log in aren't surfing the non i'm asleep with every click the trackers network grows in this test there were close to 20 trackers for every website visited. big data analysis helps link that information and produce a digital profile of the user. and. a profile like this describes a person and their fears their needs and possibly their financial situation allowing for advertising to be tailored to meet their budget. it describes as better than even our best friends could one become. so companies might know me
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better than my friends too. even very sensitive data like that used by health apps is often passed on to data collectors without users knowledge the legal basis for this is sometimes highly questionable. massive amount of data is generated every day it comes from a variety of sources not just the internet. whether on facebook instagram or net flix every day we humans generate 2500000 terabytes of data but not all of it on the net visit a doctor in your sentence and diagnoses are stored in servers this data is often anonymous the person to market researchers when you found some of the comments location and contact details are scooped up and become part of big data. brokers encyclopedia defines big data as a balance there are so large changes so fast and so varied that they can't be
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processed with standard software. exactly how much data counts as big is hard to say as it's not stored centrally i see analysts estimate that in the next 6 years the global data speed will rise to $175.00 bytes per year one set of byte is equal to 1000000000 terabytes one trillion gigabytes one quadrillion megabytes in comparison 3 minute m p 3 track is around 3 megabytes in size so one set of i can store around 333 trillion songs processing such masses of data isn't easy there are 3 aspects to consider. there is the hardware aspect what hardware can handle it. second there is the software that processes the data directly. and 3rd there's the algorithms which glean information and knowledge from this data.
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hardware software algorithms it's a big business. big data is analyzed using software platforms called frameworks they divide data between several high performance servers where it can be processed simultaneously processing that data quickly is key that's where data artisans abroad and best start up comes in they analyze very large amounts of data very fast using an open source platform called apache flink they help create it processes incoming data in real time and can simultaneously analyze data has already been stored stream processing is a big new thing so it's no surprise that chinese conglomerate alibaba snapped up their dozens for an estimated $90000000.00 euros earlier this year that's great for the start of founders but is it good for society. when healing. poses
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a risk that data could be compiled on unaligned to such a way that for instance human behavior becomes more predictable and transparent. a nun can end up limiting individual freedom if i have as i mentioned i'm good friends falls honestly i'm pretty generous when it comes to my personal data if i look into a service and like it i'm willing to pay for it with my data but maybe the prize really is too high as trading your personal data for free apps or services a fair exchange all will big data turn into a surveillance nightmare what do you think join the discussion on facebook on the w dot com goodbye until next time.
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jumps a little began to say disk has made its election. just in the longer just a little why down side is that a little too deep think european writes. small bits nothing out is new t.t.s. can take as. dr next year. it's been 15 years since the landing. part. was the 1st man to walk on the moon. neil armstrong the moon was his destiny in 45 minutes on t.w.
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. sometimes books are more exciting than real life. raring to read. once there's no speech. ritualised. german must rates. are low and welcome to drive with a d w motor magazine survey the race of the century the formula eat visit switzerland. not small or huge just sporty the audi t.t. yes.


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