tv Check-in Deutsche Welle July 28, 2019 9:02am-9:31am CEST
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i crossed the march and found it richer than i had dared to hold roll to hold off on top of the in the 19th century as a travel writer a novelist has made the landscape and the city's office need to spread the flames. 200 years ago to hold off on time that was born here and. he also got a monument in his hometown his famous work. book rambling through brant burke will accompany me on my journey today.
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to the front on the ship the image of this region with us travel reports about brandenburg the vast land its lakes castles and people i know from time to from my german lessons back in school but very theoretically and today not quite as theoretically i am following in his footsteps. of course we show you the tourist highlights in grant park. and that you can also dine here like the people did at the time a fun time. hour of your video this week shows us the sights of belfast in northern ireland. fun time that as a. traffic lights you'll only find bad in the who pete to hold off on time his
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birthplace after a fire in $1787.00 is center of the city was rebuilt in the classicist style with white streets and church squares by meeting up with. she heads the fontana festival here and has become an expert on the writer's life and. here we are really at the beginning of the history of théodore fontana's involvement with noir. his parents moved here at easter in 1900 and on december 30th théodore from tonto was born up there on the 1st floor of this house. on the 1st front on the tried his hand as a pharmacist in berlin then he became a journalist a correspondent in london a theater critic and travel writer it was only when he was nearly 60 that he began
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writing his great novels. m m. m m m m m m. m. she has a nice building. that was the old secondary school among the many people who attended it were our théodore fontana as well as the architect karl things wishing that actually but the stuff wasn't clear in his school days that he would be a writer. he himself wrote that he wasn't a very good student. how to become a writer if things didn't go well in school the short i think a lot of it came from his father not necessarily the ability to write but to develop strong. thought to pick up anecdotes and turn them into new thing is. that fun turn on like that about his father was something of a playboy. he felt that one town a didn't really need to go to school but could
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learn things from the books and stories of other people. and. a couple of great father. bless you my hidey holes said fun talking about his frequent absences from school and later in life as a travel writer he often returned to normal people. and the preachers widows home what's the link to fontana sometimes what else had one become as mother and his sister lived here for some time during that time from tanakh often came to know of pain to write about his rambles through brandenburg and then bundled with my. aunt to have that he often got his sister and liza to do research for him to consult people to go into churches and look through the registry books looking for people or to go to a village is an described of the even sketch them. all those things flowed into
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from time his book reading of the of the 2 of them had a really great relationship. to the statements. and. in his rambles through brandenburg from tunnel also wrote critically of his birthplace and saying it was a bit lavish for such a small town but he did say it was beautiful it is situated on the lake. and. held in from thomas childhood here in mobile being shaped him. i think much does from time i think the wide open spaces here on the lake and forest landscapes gave him a certain sense of home with a cool here and make it happen that's about an author also goes up and that was the trigger for him to start writing not about other regions but the one he came from. and which he came to love so much that later in life he wrote 5 books about it all that escape.
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before i keep following my fun time route there are a few tips for you what else does brant burke have to offer especially now in the summer many tourists come here to the most watery state in germany. brandenburg has around 3000 lakes more than any other state in germany and the water quality measured at the lake shore beaches is generally excellent. south the water is clean it's great swimming here on the sun sand what else. and then there are 33000 kilometers of flowing waters hobby navigators can traverse them to their heart's content a popular pastime is renting a house but the toll of family comes from dresden this is the 1st time traveling with brandon bros waterways. is about his unique back home in saxony
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we also have small lakes but this rambling on the water spending a week hopping from lake to lake i don't think you can get that anywhere else. in the burbs abundance of water makes it a popular vacation spot since 1902 the annual number of overnight stays has nearly tripled from 4.6 to 13500000. to get the opposite has mainly come from berlin brandenburg sex in the north rhine-westphalia yes you can say that 90 percent of the overnight stays are from germany in lund but last year we had around a 1000000 foreign guests and your. friends were guests to. one of the top just the nations is the state capital pottstown with its reconstructed city palace seat of the state parliament. just it looks amazing. and i'm a big fan of
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a rock and old saying i love coming to st. mark's and what they're going to. see is perhaps part sounds most famous palace but the person kings built many businesses and ones here the city was a royal residence in the 18th and 19th centuries. nowadays pots them so keisha surrounded by lakes close to poland has attracted many wealthy residents. the lake is lined with luxurious homes. in the past few years the brandenburg capital it's become one of the most desirable and expensive cities in germany. its 180000 residents include many young people plus the most free universities and more than 30 research institutes and.
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put some as i did last time it's really a small big city i like that that's being called much that's probably why so many people come or move here especially berliners because they appreciate that although we're smaller we have everything. you can also meet the city's most famous son in the museum. is one of the curators of an exhibition marking funtime his 200th birthday. the one in. this room has something really special. yeah there aren't very many remaining objects from front on it which is why the no ripping museum is very proud to have this clock. i mean it's the funtown a family's grandfather clock. it's really old and it dates from 790 and the family
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owned it until 940 and kind of that it's nice to imagine that it not only stood in front on a study but that he wrote to the rhythm of this clock and you can kind of hear that . with him but he's so i'm hearing more from tom heard the you hear hearing what went on heard. and there is also installation about one thomas most famous novel if you policed. it's a lot of material can you explain what it's all about. and it's very simple this is the network of characters in the novel if you greased. half we've put the main figures from the novel in this room. here this is effie that's her husband. here is the man who's to do says her major compass and we've linked the characters with the pink text ribbon it's been with and why all these words on the floor that think the horrific those are the main knowns in f.a.
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released we have them counted from a for or evening to half on z. fritz which means tenderness hiatt or and what do you think the words are different sizes stop. you from the bigger they are the more often they appear to now that's right wasn't in there look at the pink words what do you see there. they're very long. exactly that's the 1st thing you notice there are the normal words and then there are these very long pink words they are the fun time to sound so to speak but these are front on his own creations long compound now yes. when he couldn't find a word to describe a situation or a feeling then he created one himself with your mind. so you get a creation such as coziness ranking neuralgic comedy morris root error one pouring stunt one step are any of them still used today.
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do you have a favorite were created by fontana. are they fought have prejudice foolishnesses won and winter acquaintance we asked ourselves for a long time what a winter acquaintance might be and we've ended up with 5 different definitions and if you get. into which is the most convincing evidence either making the acquaintance of winter lots of people picked that like seeing snow for the 1st time or the winter acquaintances someone who always keeps a distance was aloof or an affair at christmas with an affair or an affair at christmas time that's popular too or that or it's someone you do wintertime things with like sledding or ice skating. or winter time friends who you don't want to see in the summertime winter acquaintance. but let's move on the departure moment this year. from tom there was an attentive observer as
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a traveler and that's why we also find him in his work about what he ate on his travels well and that's an inspiration for chefs today to rediscover fontana who are merrily. baker carl de mar plants in shanta on the hafele river got his inspiration from a poem by taylor a fun time. on a summer morning to take up field walking stick all your cast will fall away from you like morning haze that was the origin of the walking stick they gave me the idea of making blood gets in the fog of walking sticks. the bakery is one of 13 businesses that have taken up front on his color terry legacy. restaurateur henry angle is one of the initiators he figured that the people who come here on the trail of fun time know will also want to eat something. that was just a fun idea we want to develop new please we don't want to just cook the same menu
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for 3 or 4 years and this. was a nice challenge to market it gave us a chance to come up with something new awesome small stores. in his restaurant here can hope ngo offers a 3 course meal based on the real art of wild boar it's certainly in tune with fun town as well known modeled after fortunes are not for me. the artist casino and marry again also has fountain on the menu the main courses feature freshwater fish trout and pike no surprise to find tons of fans after all the riders last completed novel was named after lakes fish lean. and potatoes here lightly tossed in butter have been a staple since frederick the great introduce them. the fish is served on a bed of root vegetables this is truly regional cuisine. from time to describes in this walk through brum going to is my region my home town and if you want to experience one town and not only the literal way but
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a common one when you look at the recipes that has been murdered friedrich or shall lot of fun town of our town and all the cakes he likes you see that he was a bit of a glutton it's quite cute the way he was always nibbling on things and we're going to. force the font on a menu includes dessert it's called bread pudding a spice cake made according to fun time his grandmother's recipe answer it was pear poached in red wine. on. the. front on a sister published their grandmother's recipes as a book in 1980 the meal ends with the dishes to. get a 4th course the chestnuts look you're. brown without fear but we've learnt a lot about it often town and his life not only about what he ate but what he drank and we found that he always liked the schnapps or the cure after a meal even after his coffee. so it's nice that we can serve the. this is aware 4th
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course of the fun time and a menu to ground on. an ideal of a village church simple inviting nicely situated front on a road bed about the church in here he began in 859 with his rambling through brandenburg no village was too small for him no way to farm. this house was built later but it's already over 100 years old now it houses a fairy with an exhibition of children's paintings of course beer topic was from tonga. it is impressive that fontana was also curious about the most in conspicuous places.
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as a journalist from time to was also traveling to other countries in europe for example to england or to scotland and we're also traveling right now but it's going to northern ireland to visit chrissie greenway now. kristie is going to show her hometown belfast. hi everyone i'm christiane of the great pleasure of you and your. today. i love belfast the player of the city the hustle and bustle the mix of all of the new america artists and musicians and it's rich and diverse history. so 1st of all i want to introduce this in the cathedral quarter so it's not just the oldest part about it's also one of the ninety's parts about us it's a beautiful cobblestone on the some of the most amazing bars near.
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just come into the duke of york it's one of the oldest pubs in belfast city it's back to the hundreds of lots of bars in belfast but this is definitely one of my favorites of. the old. murders so it's a real iconic bar and the site of a really good start. has a population of roughly $400000.00 but considering the size of the study we have a really impressive civic building a beautiful city hall which at the same time is also the home of our lord mayor. and and. and. the next office are people telling museums it's a symbol of our industrial heritage but it's also
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a memorial for the many lies that were lost at sea and the reason the titanic was. at the turn of the 20th century was the largest and fastest growing industrial city and the british empire my parents were. on the 1st time that we had a sort of a hotel on board of a ship. and. this is more like what i would have travelled if i had left and 1912 3rd class cabin so a lot of the irish emigrants would have only had money to afford a small bed like this. you'll always be reminded of our. beside me as one of the last remaining peace signs peace signs that we once had all across northern ireland used to separates the protestant from the catholic community. it's really become a remnant of the symbol of what used to be as you can see we've allowed. those
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organized projects for both the communities where they come to. gather and just participates in the project. so you can see people find all and leave their messages well wishes not just by northern ireland but also for peace all around the war. but it can come about without experiencing one of our many traditional music. so what a great way to end our day and i hope you have much fun as i did until next time
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slot on. the next stop on my journey through brandenburg in the footsteps of. it's kind. of . the view of the pellets you're made a deep impression on the writer he wrote before us we have a picture of unusual beauty the smooth surface of the water line by a wreath of reeds and finally the palace itself in the distance. a gift from his father frederick the great rebuilt the palace and the rock style and extended. the showpiece is the hall of mirrors. with what was this room for us for here for this was frederick the great ceremonial and concert hall he wanted to have a big festivities and he wanted to give
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a concert see if frederick. a passionate flute planned he wanted to play here but any managed to do so once because the room was finished so late. but in that tradition we put on small concerts here and there mainly chamber music concerts with a photo piano for example small concerts with space for up to 100 people. and i was thrown out as one of them. writes back palace is considered the model for song to see colors which frederick later built in potsdam in where he resided expression king. looks gorgeous yes it was frederick's private study where he lived here and ryan spankers crown prince with it as one of the 1st rooms he moved into the 2 days later he wrote his 1st letter to voltaire. by the way from the time the did not have as much luck during his visit to inspect his idea the old fellow's warden was taking
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a long nap only on the 2nd attempt did he open the door for fun toddy time for our weekly v mail as you know we like to show videos that you have made on your travels this week we join me get sorted out from madrid on a tour with a chance iberia railway i really would like to do that too from moscow to.
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most watery state in germany so i just have to go swimming. at its. place. do you hold off on tom his last novel was inspired by the lake and its oppressive natural landscape. from taller wrote 5 volumes about his travels through the march of brandenburg and maybe this is the 1st time i have really understood this from tanya from school just because of this trip i only saw a small part of this region but that makes me want more.
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a satisfactory resolution. next on d w. our consumerism is causing a radical depletion of forests. for 25 consciousness as a strategy. as it. forests and the money. the tragic reality behind the exploitation of john. 45 minutes of dollars. as long as the managers do not go to day nothing would change you know the banks don't do mike and so what's the language in a bank writing. speaking the truth global news that matters d. w. made for mines. the quiet melody rizzo's
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