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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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this is deja vu news live from the land exposing the horror of human trafficking when we didn't catch enough fish or squid i think we will be eaten by the captain of the thing people or we will be to know a lot i'm still traumatized by it going to far far more. from seafarer to slay we will speak with the indonesian then forced to work in appalling conditions on chinese fishing boats and we hear from an expert on what can be done to stop the trade in human beings. also coming up germany is in shock after and 8 year old boy
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is pushed in front of a high speed train at frankfurt station apparently for no reason and we have the latest on the investigation and plots a rat and road infested mess that is what president trump calls the city of baltimore at the weekend outbreak in many of its residents we sent our reporter there to find out what it's really like. the at. i'm sorry kelly welcome to the program the united nations is using today's to draw attention to human trafficking it is a worldwide problem with more than 40000000 people thought to be tracked in some form some form of slavery now almost half of the trafficking victims are women men account for about one 5th more than a quarter are girls and just 7 percent of them are boys. now more countries are
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reported trafficking up from $26.00 in 2009 to 65 last year so higher reporting their trafficking is just one aspect of modern slavery make them is often indoor forced labor in terrible conditions. a steady job with a good salary and a lucrative bonus that's the promise that tempts many indonesian men to leave their homes and hope to see but what they get is this is about i would defer to trail east by the indonesian seafarers movement shows crewmembers sleeping on the floor in the cargo hold looking malnourished and exhausted. one of them is from a tula he says he was tricked by an indonesian recruiting agency traffic to somalia and forced to spend 9 brutal months aboard a chinese fishing boat manning the nets and packing fish for 18 hours a day. some
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. banking when we didn't catch enough fish or squid we were beaten by the captain. diverting people who were beaten a lot i'm still traumatized by it but i was. on board the creek claim they were given a choice between going hungry and eating spoiled fish and they didn't even have clean water. most likely got on the rare occasion we were given fish we could tell by the smell that the fish was already bad after smelling it we couldn't eat it in a daily basis all we got was cabbage and rice with a little salt. and we drank pronunciation of water that we collected from the air conditioner done but i would. run the tool and his
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crewmates are now back hein and they've taken photos and videos to document their experience experts say the fishing industry is riddled with forced labor and it predominantly targets poor workers from southeast asia and. once on board there's no way out for the men and they often mercilessly exploited. a tool and as cremates say they're owed thousands of dollars in unpaid wages. we're going to go what i will try our way for my family so they could be proud of me when i returned home but the reality was different from us a lot are coming when i asked the recruitment company for our rights they said you're a stupid idiot we just want to ask for our rights after working for 7 months when about how many. numerous n.g.o.s both local and international have rung the alarm about the slave like conditions that seem to be commonplace on fishing vessels across the globe but it hasn't stopped men like these from falling into the hands
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of traffickers. in an aegis the ministry of manpower is among other things tasked with the protection of its workers that brought the department head acknowledges the problem but says it's difficult to monitor labor conditions at sea. with little. to study 1st whether the information about the abused seafarers is true or not. rely on data and facts so we can enforce sanctions lawfully in that country where they probably don't want them. but as raw material and his former crewmates no doubt are in fact difficult to obtain when you're at sea with no one watching. in the local for more let's bring in now joanna you are changed she is chief executive of freedom united which works to end modern slavery walk into the program and thank you for joining us the call for global action against
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human trafficking it came from the united nations almost a decade ago how has the situation of volved in that time. space you very much for how many other programs yes that's right quote full and in here track is facile forms one flavors have seen a troll also has been on going so 3 years is that more than changing. first he says the legislation against the just may vary state and right. in that period the crime had still persisted and not largely because we do you know have a not or a understandings of what it is to. what is just a slight manifest so we do not have strong protections for workers so we do not have a care in our. charities as well as other result it's all
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a parry crime with very little hazards. why is it so difficult to identify these cases of human trafficking and really to bring the perpetrators to justice. the great thing about the place to give the criminals about exploiting a is that a person's is not legal like in the case of illegally trafficking weapons or drugs so i just look presidents and the existence of the weapons in the drug incriminates as this means that a yes' to traffic i'm sure some votes were a lot need to be evident to the north forces all people who may be coming into contact with this i thought it's great easy for this crime to be hidden in plain sight rights joanny you were chains from the freedom united organization which
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works and modern slavery thank you so much for joining us. thank you. germany's interior minister is set to hold a crisis meeting to discuss the killing of an 8 year old boy on monday horse as a whole for has interrupted his holiday to deal with the case the child was pushed in front of a train by a man in frankfurt station the suspect was detained by police after trying to flee the scene prosecutors have revealed more details about the suspect. to our knowledge the person in question is a 40 year old man born in eritrea and who is also a citizen of eritrea is believed to have been living in switzerland since 2006 is believed to be married and the father of 3 children. in italy cooperated with police and provided information including that he travelled by train from basel switzerland to frankfurt a few days ago. so some more details emerging let's bring in mass really who is joining us here in the studio for more on this one of the most troubling aspects is
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of course figuring out the motive or you know the fact that there is a lack there of currently what more do we know well as we've just heard the public prosecutor spokeswoman has just been speaking this morning and she's been saying this still don't know why the men did miss this what we know so far is that he and this is what we know by the investigation of the police authorities and also witness reports the man pushed the woman and the 8 year old boy on the train tracks where a train was coming into frankfurt train station the boy died when the train came in the mother was able to save herself and the suspect has now been detained by police authorities he's not giving any indication on why he has done this what we know so far is that he has been tested negative for alcohol there's also no indication the man has been taking drugs but there's also no indication if there is any case of psychological issues with this suspect and yes so we're now waiting for more
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details of this investigation is absolutely horrific and it is getting a lot of attention here in germany just fill us in as to why well because of course this is a very emotional. incident this is something that has brought the public the attention of the public here in germany this was a scene where you know germans are kind of going on holiday this is the big train station there was a relaxed easy mood and then out of a sudden this happened so this has been quite a shock for the german public a very emotional case with a little child. dying and a mother surviving but also one particular detail of this case has ignited a rather controversial debate and that is the nationality of the suspect is of eritrean nationality his lift in switzerland this is what the public prosecutor spokesperson told us he's lived in switzerland for several years now he's. a father of 3 bought his foreign background has scores like a very expensive phobics debate on social media in germany and this is to be
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considered in the background that since the refugee crisis in 2015 we've seen a rise of sin a phobia here in germany and this case is so prominent in fact that germany's interior minister has broken off the holiday in order to deal with this what are we to make of that well public security is a very the very front and center of his responsibilities as the interior minister here in germany and with that case with the shock of that case also came the question how secure public train stations are in germany and we've seen a similar case in fact a couple weeks ago in north rhine-westphalia that doesn't seem to be enter elation between these 2 cases as far as the prosecutor's office says but this of course the question how easy can it be for some violent acts like these to happen in germany and this is something the public takes a lot of interest in in germany at the moment and is asking for a response from the german government political correspondent max 1000000 akashic thank you. fed a quick check now some other stories making news around the world the u.s.
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has formally asked germany france and great britain to help provide security for ships passing in and out of the strait of hormuz the strait controlled by iran is a strategic route for much of the world's oil a series of incidents in the region have been worsening relations between iran and western powers. brazilian authorities say the least 1557 people have died during a prison bryant in the north of the country officials said that brutal fighting are up to between rival criminal groups in the aisle to mirror prison in prostate the death toll may still rise. the military pray plane has crashed into a residential area in pakistan not far from the capital islamabad at least 17 people were killed most of them civilians on the ground the crash destroyed several houses the cause is not yet known. in sweden american rapper has pleaded not guilty to charges of assault the artist was arrested
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a month ago for alleged brawling while on tour and stockholm the case caught the attention of u.s. president donald trump who tried to intervene with the swedish government. anti-government protesters in hong kong are refusing to back down this morning hundreds of demonstrators just left a train service says by blocking the doors of commuter trains it's part of their campaign to increase pressure on the government to give in to their demands for more autonomy from mainland china. the rush hour and one of the world's most densely populated cities in the subway system commuter chaos. activists have blocked the train doors. calling for democratic reforms an independence from beijing's rule the protesters hit where it hurts the daily grind of hong kong's economy. not have a meeting at time is enough. well mom i think my work in that meeting
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to wake us up for the gym safety and going to bryce and to get away and got caught with some ok with that kind of i think is ok because i think the governments of the response to the mom of the city i was advised that if you would all die out there oh these are. just the protests began over 8 weeks ago against a proposed bill that would allow suspects from hong kong to be extradited to mainland china for trial i the bill was shelved but demonstrators are now demanding its complete withdrawal. they're also calling for hong kong leader kerry lead to step down and for greater autonomy i lawmakers in europe and the u.s. have weighed in many defending the protesters and saying the police have used excessive force the chinese government said that this was hypocritical i sat down to continue our what if you asked the u.s.
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police if there were a similar violent attack on the police in the united states in washington d.c. or in new york city how would they respond i think everyone can imagine the scenes in baghdad to crete some to. me beijing has not addressed the protesters demands for more democracy instead it insists on a return to order and hong kong. that some city lawmakers have taken the side of the movement saying beijing is out of touch the impression of hong kong is simply a fundamentally wrong if the so far away from hong kong people whose real listen to me and some of the demonstrators would most likely agree and they seem willing to continue the near daily disruptions until their message gets through. u.s. financial services company capital one has revealed that personal information of
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more than 100000000 people both stolen during a cyber attack the firm says that data including the names addresses and phone numbers of credit card applicants in canada and the united states the announcement follows the arrest of a suspect on monday capital one says the hacker exploited a weakness in its systems. let's bring in rob watts who's joining us from d.w. business so what more do we know about this x. well this all begins earlier this month when out of the blue an e-mail comes to capitol warms headquarters saying that someone has been noticed online boasting about having hacked into their systems so they look into this in 2 days later they find that indeed someone has managed to get in and get access to that data and they then report it to the f.b.i. now what we now know is that 106000000 people were affected by this hacked up breaks down to roughly 100 in the united states and 6 in canada most of that data
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was given to capital one in the 1st place through credit card applications made between 252-9000 so over a very long period which is why we're dealing with such big numbers but the sort of details they were able to get phone numbers addresses e-mail addresses we've got income if the person included that 140000 people have now had their social security numbers compromised that's the number this used to keep track of your income during the course of your life and others have had that their credit scores accessed and somebody has been arrested correct yes that's right on monday the f.b.i. raided the home of a 33 year old woman her name is paige thompson although some people would know her as erratic that's the name that she uses on the internet and in software developing circles they raided a home they found devices that they searched through days devices and on them they found documents that related to capital one and indeed other companies which the
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f.b.i. is now looking into whether they were potential targets or maybe they've already been targets and they just don't know about it yet so she has already appeared in court she appeared in court today she's been remanded into custody she will remain in prison until thursday when she appear in court again she's been charged with. to fraud and abuse what has capital one's reaction been to this attack well it shocked it's a very big organization is the 7th biggest commercial bank in the united states it says that it doesn't believe that these details have been used to commit any fraud but it's still looking into that it's offered to all of the victims credit monitoring services for free just so that they can check whether or not their information has been used for any nefarious reasons the c.e.o. of capital one says the company sincerely apologizes for it cause the understandable worry this incident must have been causing those affected and
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richard to fabric says i am sincerely sorry lot of sorry stick around we'll see what kind of action that follows up with iraq lots from v.w. business thank you. so u.s. president donald trump caused yet another controversy at the weekend by calling the city of baltimore a rat and rodent infested mess critics say that the president's remarks were directed at a black politician from the city alija cummings who had slammed the federal government's treatment of migrants some have described trump's comments as racist it is oliver salat reports the city of baltimore faces many problems and one has been there for many years west baltimore which is prone to crime and violence and where the streets are indicate. one of the last homicides happened just here a few days ago with more than 300 people murdered last year there's no doubt that
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baltimore is one of the most violent cities in north america but does this make it a rat rodent infested mess president trump serfs. a series of inflammatory tweets from the y. tells its baltimore slee this problem president trump calling the city of very dangerous and filthy place worst in the usa and says no human being would want to live there president trump statements are wrong. represent a political attack and a lack of understanding regarding the dynamics of baltimore the dynamics of crime a city with a black population of more than 60 percent some feel insulted by the president's rhetoric but others say there is some truth to what he says he's right about some part as well like others like if you haven't been here you can't really say anything about it especially if you're not helping the city he's right about what
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are you then it may be in a way that it but that's the fear that i get is i think people who are insulted are absolutely justified in being insulted because he has no idea what he's talking about but that's the case of everything what does it mean what with this attack president trump is taking on some of his most vocal critics congressman elijah cummings who represents parts of baltimore in congress they are human beings. city councilman leon ping katz the tax on baltimore are above all political gamesmanship a congressman cummings has been doing an exceptional job as he chairs the oversight committee in congress and. the reality is he is and as a result of his work he's shedding light on a lot of issues that are directly. the president is directly responsible for and when we talk about a border policy when we talk about the the the treatment of immigrants
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a good reason for the president to take on cummings and his congressional district even if that doesn't improve the situation in west baltimore. the united nations has called delhi of the world's most fluted capital city the indian capital is home to the country's biggest trash mountain the gazi for landfill located in the far east of the city now it's a stinking dump it has a serious public health risk people living nearby are at risk of respiratory and stomach illness and even cancer and last year a landslide killed 2 people the mound is growing by about 10 meters and officials seem unable to do anything about it. over 15 stories high and new rising delis trash mountain is on course to grow taller than the taj mahal by next year india's supreme court has ordered red warning lights to alert aircraft to the giant pile below. the dump reached capacity
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17 years ago but the trucks still keep coming. unloading 2000 tons of garbage every day. and this pile of waste belches out a host of deadly dangers like leach 8 a toxic black liquid that seeps into nearby canals and frequent fires sparked by methane gas. smoke from a nearby recycling plant adds to the misery researchers say the health of people living within a 5 kilometer radius is at risk. at this local clinic the doctor sees 70 people a day with breathing and stomach ailment which she blames on the dump. it again was making it in here these boys this guess is then they can have can sit
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in the long run. health scares that are driving people from their homes. i'm leaving this neighborhood for the sake of my children i have 2 children one is 8 and the other is 4 and both frequently get ill because of the pollution. efforts to shut down delis trash mountain haven't worked because authorities couldn't find an alternative dumpsite but environmental experts warn the waste crisis will only get worse as india's growing economy pumps consumerism into overdrive. and how few golfers ever rush around themselves on the course unless they are hastening to the 19th hole but instead of golf time is of the essence and in the form of sport players compete for the lowest score and the fastest time. a round of golf is commonly more relaxing than it is rushed but here different rules
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apply. not just strokes but also seconds count the british speed gold championships where both shot tally and time taken to get around the course are reflected in a player's speed golf score still hurry or no hurry haste is no excuse for bad etiquette. the championship is in its 6th year and attracted competitors from around the world as well as plenty of hopeful locals. oh it's pretty and. actually i've been playing for about 5 years and to finally get going in it is just great hall hockey hall of golf with a decent bit of distance sprinting thrown in for good measure that's no easy. practice swings are out as are caddies carts and clubs over the maximum number of 7 plenty to get accustomed to for your average go for hardly
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a hobby to take up in retirement but speak golf is none the less the rockies. a quick reminder now of the top stories that we're following for you here and prosecutors in germany have revealed new details about a man accused of killing a child by pushing him in front of a train at frankfurt station the suspect is a 40 year old eritrean national who has lived in switzerland for 13 years and is a father of 3 his motive for killing the 8 year olds is still far unknown. antigovernment protesters in hong kong have disrupted train services by locking the doors of commuter trains it's part of their campaign to and keep greece pressure on the government to give in to their demands for more autonomy from the mainland china. coming up next on g w news kick off the media send me a phenomenon to part 3 what makes fire munich so successful around the globe all
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that more and don't forget you can always get the latest news and information on our website that's a t w dot com and you can download our aft and follow us on social media types here kelly in for liane thanks for watching have a great day. but .
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keep calm. me. down some. yes some yes yes yes it's a kind of culture walk to me a phenomenon a suburban family
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an illegal to it. in a form something. down to maximize profit for a man stands a rank culture among the bottom stalls marching girls. the inability of confirmation . who keeps track of a frame. of reference from. you. a $62.00. bill or. the quiet melody rizzo's michael white of the.
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reasoning when it's all. ready the mind and amusing to. be told from 1st bond 2019 from september 6th to september 29th. of them. from. act. on him asked him and in him is fair enough. but i guess it was a lie if they made it up against them.


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