tv The Day Deutsche Welle July 31, 2019 4:02am-4:30am CEST
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dish tanker near the strait of hormuz london accused tehran of state piracy on the high seas and it asked its european allies for assistance a week has passed and the british government and its call for help well they've both changed now london says it needs washington's help to which it will get at the u.s. once germany on board as well tonight a formal request has gone out from washington to berlin so far the only response sign i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. or if you follow it this is a pocket full of all the threats in the straits of hormuz it is to all international shipping this is kind of target us there is no question that the e.u. operation must all safety in step with what the americans that doing in my economy
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car up there. see this shouldn't be some sort of geopolitical e.u. that sees us. tussle what they're trying they're pretty scary. wonder why can't prove this is about international rule and the rules of the international legal system being upheld draw are good they're good they're in my operation. also coming up and today is a world day against human trafficking more and more people are being displaced and forced to migrate these are boom times for the criminals dealing in desperate soul . left unchecked transnational organized crime can undermine governments address disrupt markets drain national assets inhibit the development of stable societies and endanger our citizens generally. and to our viewers. on p.b.s.
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in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a u.s. request in germany that may be falling on deaf ears today here in berlin the u.s. embassy confirmed that the u.s. has formally asked germany to join a european led force to protect shipping in the strait of hormuz just off the coast of iran now this request apparently was sent out days ago getting no reaction from the german government or making the request formal it will not make it any easier for germany to offer a reply germany is one of the european countries still committed to saving the iran nuclear deal now that deal has been put into question since the u.s. withdrew from it last year tensions between iran and the u.s. have increased ever since germany's foreign minister has repeatedly stated that deescalation and diplomacy must remain top priority some lawmakers here have said publicly that joining the mission in the strait of hormuz to protect shipping would
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mean suddenly siding with the americans in a war with iran or iran has made it clear it is against any international force moving into waters off of it sure is saying the greater the military presence the greater the risk of a military confrontation iran makes constant efforts to ensure the sea of oman the persian gulf and the strait of hormuz remain safe passage ways for international shipping the presence of foreign forces wouldn't help the regional security and if anything it would actually be the main source of tension. all right we've got complete coverage of this story tonight with me here in the studio is nicole rendered from the german council on foreign relations and in washington is bradley bowman he is with the foundation for defense of democracies and he's a former national security advisor to members of the senate armed services and the foreign relations committees to both of you nicole let me start with you the u.s.
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made this request to germany which we're hearing is that the request was made several days ago for them to join this force and they didn't get an answer and today the embassy here said ok we'll make it official the request has been made official is germany ignoring and i dare say is germany trying to blow waltz the trumpet ministration at this juncture actually a country if fought to get off the trumpet ministration because the whole german industry is dependent on the safety of the travel of the of the routes and the escalation in this region affect the german economic sector in a way that unprecedented so there has to be an onset but the problem is the coalition and as you already pointed out. that. part of the government so far has been pretty outspoken that it will not support the mission on
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u.s. leadership and didn't it's still discussing the option off it is your mission and i think. depict accountability of having 2 missions here and my might not be what will come out at the end fell i'm pretty convinced that yet it has to be something in the middle there were 2 missions in the last week we're talking about a european led mission and we've also had the u.s. trying to create a coalition an international coalition and it seems now with this new british government that maybe these projects are merging i mean who knows better let me ask you what do you think about the germans concerns that if they joined this mission in the strait of hormuz that they will automatically have to side with the americans in the event of a war between the u.s. and iran is that i mean is that fear is that concern. a legitimate one
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i think respectfully that's the wrong question i think the right question is what are germany's interests and what are america's interests there and the foremost interests which we share isn't our defending the freedom of navigation and the unfettered flow of maritime commers that's a u.s. interest and that's a german interest that such interests we share as nato allies so while good allies can disagree on how we arrived at this point be severe the iran deal new u.s. decision to withdraw from it we should be able to agree that we have a vested interest national security interest and an economic interest in having commercial vessels transit the strait of hormuz and the goal on unattacked unmolested by iranians that's something we should be able to agree on and in german officials paul titian's have said so so the question i have for them is are you willing to help or what do you make of the fact then broadly that we have not received a firm yes from berlin. well i think these things take time i understand
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these things have to be coordinated among the various components of the german government just like they would have to be in the u.s. so you know i stand these things take time but i think if we focus on the centers that we have in common which are very serious economic and security interests the answer should be yes the question is how you know i you know i think we have to focus on the freedom of navigation of a free unfettered flow of commerce aspect of nested if the goal is the void war with iran and avoid escalation now what we should be doing is deterring additional iranian attacks on those things and you know i've spoken with many members of the german parliament of the german government and they agree with what bradley's saying was let's talk about our shared interests and then they immediately say to me that shared interest was the j.c. p.o. way the iran nuclear deal which we negotiated together which the u.s. unilaterally then turned its back on so these share into i mean how salient are these shared interests when it comes to you know joining
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a coalition in the strait of hormuz now i mean the fact that the interests basically the same is effect here and as you've said many many politicians in the coalition government agree but still the fact that the u.s. left iran deal somehow limited the option of negotiating with iran you know what what would be the next step and here to jevan government doesn't want to provoke the iranians even more by having a mission on the u.s. leadership which might not help in the negotiation process with iran and. again there might be another solution to it because the german kept abilities pretty limited you know kaminey is not to be a player when it comes to defense issues so if for example the americans that even the british are the french would really rely on german. military support i doubt
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that. there has to be something outside and more than just a guest chair the has to be a clear commitment to support the safety of this this that me important area are you talking about policies that bring predictability and that's the thing that's lacking in the trump administration that's what we hear time and time again from german lawmakers abroad they offer that to you what should these lawmakers do i mean they tell was time and time again that they are dealing with a u.s. president who was unpredictable who can change policies with a tweet and they don't want to commit to something as serious as a force in the strait of hormuz something that would agitate the iranians when that when they know that that could easily be turned over on its head by this president . what do they do that's a reasonable concern that has been heard before that is
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a concern that some here in the u.s. share but i don't think the question is are they willing to sign up to the trump ministrations or ron paul's they are they willing to sign up to the max pressure campaign that's really not the question on the table in berlin the question berlin is what is germany willing to do protect its core national security not canonic interests with respect to freedom of navigation an unfettered flow of maritime commers roughly one 5th of the world's all goes through the strait what is germany willing to do and the goal is to avoid war in the gulf which no one wants no one wants the best way to do that is to deter additional iranian attacks on international shipping where we will see if if that is the conclusion of the german government hopefully and then went in the next day or so and covered with the german council on foreign relations and bradley bowman with the foundation for defense of democracies to both of you thank you very much. you're watching the day still to come brazil's president wants to fight crime by making it
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easier for everyone to own a gun we'll hear from brazilians he believes more guns equal more significantly the more guns we have the more secure will use of it doesn't the police can't be everywhere at once with the police know it's easier to buy weapons and make them you into. the united nations is using today to draw attention to human trafficking it's a worldwide problem with more than 40000000 people thought to be trapped in some form of slavery almost half of trafficking victims are women men account for about a 5th nearly a quarter are girls and and you see 7 percent are boys of the trafficking process can take many forms one of them is child marriage where children are married and they simply disappear some are forced into working in brothels the in g.-o.
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justice and care says that girls are being raped sometimes as much as 20 times a day in brothels. some girls end up as domestic slaves and then there is we have the topic of forced labor when people many of them children as young as 8 years old are forced to work hard physical labor for long hours for little or no reward and this could be happening right before the front of our eyes in it will salons factories in agriculture and even at carwashes when children make up most of those forced to work as a result of human trafficking in africa and in the mekong region the one thing that all human trafficking victims have in common is their vulnerability. joining me now from london is christina everlovin she's the director of european operations for the anti trafficking in geo of justice and scared scared to have you
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on the program the numbers of human trafficking over the past 10 years that we received from the u.n. today i mean they do not paint a pretty picture why has the situation become worse. good evening thank you for inviting me on your show guys the question of the on a number of presents the freedom of movement has increased weight with more conscious being able to travel and want to be able to travel across the globe and that the money for $7.00 states has also increased that we consistently request cheap sepsis cheap or not sound so whether he's ace of monaco have to be a supply but also greed money this is all about money some of the criminals carrying out his activities will have a bold move goal which is to make enough money to pursue their criminal business in a cruel model and we know that bringing these criminals these perpetrators to
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justice that's a daunting task many times it's really only the victim's word. that's the evidence because you have being in slavery you can make it impossible to collect evidence for a court procedure what would you say what can be done to make it easier to prosecute . there are again a number of. things that we can do in terms of the law enforcement and victim support calls for the collaboration we we need to be able to talk to each other freely without any restrictions of time delays when we got the evidence we have to take into consideration their weakness itself we all traumas that have gone through and offering adequate support in such a way that he strengthens. and a carriage and needs to to pursue justice but themselves and for others but alternately it does fall down to how the countries operate and how the entrees
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communicate with one another so if we take europe for example we rely on europe or we rely on just the support member states talking to each other but very rarely this investigation is reached such a fine level it is at the low level a local level the investigations are not carried out adequately that the office and investigators are not trained appropriately and quite often his resources are not available to just and actually investigate this kristie let me obsessed one question we've got it we've got about half a minute left here climate change is expected to force more and more people to leave their homes there's going to be more migration is this a perfect storm for the criminals who benefit from human trafficking. it's part of a perfect storm it's going to help to create the perfect storm absolutely and the poor conditions from the home countries the way that the society is needs and we quest to fulfill but the lives will will allow the traffickers the tigers won't go individuals but a book communities and will freely and more openly read christina governor over
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with the anti trafficking in justice in care christine we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you. thank you. for the u.s. financial services company capital one has revealed that the personal information of more than 100000000 people was still during a cyber attack at risk and names addresses and phone numbers of credit card applicants in canada and the u.s. including yours truly a suspect we understand was arrested on monday capital one says the hacker exploited a weakness in its systems that's how they described it let's talk about that now here from our d.w. business stephen beard so stephen this what they're saying one person has been arrested in connection with this but this is as you correctly have said this is a case of locking the door after the horse has left the stable right in this case
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this is something where the person was arrested the crime is the fact that this alleged perpetrator broke in took these files released them but obviously more crimes can happen with all this information that's out there and that's the biggest concern is that it's not over for people the fact is this is the new reality in a world where financial institutions have access to massive databases and we live in a world where of course there's no way to prevent a vulnerability from occurring it will always occur in this case it looks like there was a faulty fire wall that someone who had an incentive to try and get in and manipulated so she got in because she wanted to but also because there was a mistake so what happens is there's such an onus that falls on consumers to be protective that's more of a burden for us we have to put up fraud alerts we have to get credit checks things like this if so much falls on us what you have to hope is that companies will begin to be more vigilant as well just look at equifax right this was the biggest data leak data breach in the history of the u.s. 147000000 consumers affected from this credit ratings agency which was selling
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personal information but hackers gained access to a lot of that information and the the company cell phone. not report it as soon as it should have didn't make people aware and they just settled for $700000000.00. and they will have to spend have to amount of that paying for people themselves who are affected by this so you hope through that they will learn sets of people are protected what's capital one going to do to reassure its customers that you know they're not about to be the victims of identity theft and who knows what right so it's offering things like free credit monitoring 1st we should mention that they do say that no credit card account numbers themselves were released and that no logons were compromised and there is plenty of personal information that does get out there though and so e-mails for example so you'd want to do is be vigilant phishing e-mails for example someone trying to get your information further report that capital one they say but again go with fraud alerts things like that there is sort of a step by step procedure to protect yourself against these things and no one says otherwise
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this was a mistake and they're running it on let me ask you what we're talking about data privacy we hear today that the smart phone giant google way has posted double digit sales growth in the 1st half of the year that's despite u.s. efforts basically to cut its global supply chains is who are we winning here we should point out when we talk about the blacklisting a hallway that is for getting american companies from supplying them that actually hasn't been such an ironclad rule and that american companies microchip producers have actually been able to get around that they've been worked around so they are still selling to them at some level. that said we have to remember that huawei is not the most transparent company is not publicly listed and these numbers are selective and some people who are really good at this kind of stuff have done some snooping and looked at their last quarter sales which they did release and they said it looks like most of the growth in this 1st half year came in that 1st quarter and so it looks like the 2nd quarter actually stayed the same suggesting that there was perhaps
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a falloff overseas especially if the numbers went up in china also keep in mind that it's going to have a tough sale if it wants to increase chinese sales in the. going to a tough task because of the economy there yeah i mean i guess is it could be moving forward this could be the call before the storm right reason yeah i mean how absolutely i mean this. is going to happen while weighs in the middle of trade talks the middle those trade talks and at the end the day everything is uncertain including whether these sanctions blacklist will really bite them or not they don't know they don't know stephen beardsley from the business as always david thank you it's very. brazil's president was elected on the promise of curbing widespread violence in the country part of his plan included a bill making it easier for citizens to buy guns critics say relaxing gun laws will not solve the problem but in our next report you're going to meet some people from
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rio de janeiro who think very differently. what is the right way to kill a man that's what deno is learning today she's holding a gun in her hand for the 1st time but after she is finished with this one day course she plans to buy her own revolver. to me i'm afraid of violence when my husband's away on trips i'm left on alone with my daughter i mean even then things get serious for the 1st time the students are allowed to shoot the guns themselves . it's feast that wasn't easy is riley i'm going to learn to aim better. oh a little exercise helps raise the students heart rate. i'm about as our has also decided to buy a pistol now that the weapons law has been eased. that was pure adrenaline it's a great sport to. never have to use this go this is also. nearby
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as a gas station where the witnessed a robbery and murder a few months ago. it was then he decided to get a gun to watch to see if you can see the more guns we have the more secure. the police can't be everywhere at once it was always known as user to buy weapons make them you and. the police are also taking a harder stance on violence ruthlessly fighting drug gangs recently they even started using snipers. last january police snipers shot at residents of this favela who they say they thought were criminals the hard line stance was initiated by presidential airball so not all who promised strict law and order if elected. a policeman should kill a criminal with 102030 shots and then get a medal for it. cut to the day is just that kind of officer her life abruptly changed one day as she was picking up her daughter from school. on that
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day a man pulled his gun at her sass that it didn't hesitate shooting the armed man with her police weapon. many brazilians point to episodes like this as proof that every citizen should be armed. to sit there is a criminal think that we citizens are on armed them makes them more careless. we decent citizens must be able to defend ourselves if this is the thing the incident may catch here a minor celebrity some want their picture taken with her she has since entered state politics and was elected to parliament. there she supports the right to bear arms and a hardline policy on crime just like president also not 0. sum was willing to for many years didn't invest in security and it neglected infrastructures.
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that influence the elections these people put their trust in the police force in people like me and i just thought he only has close ties to new hampshire dino and shame about us our hope their states will follow suit until then they've taken safety into their own hands. and finally pop star katy perry has just found out the hard way it is not easy to be original a jury in los angeles found that her hit darkhorse copy parts of a christian rap song now this is serious 2013 softness. this is a joyful noise released 5 years earlier by the rapper marcus gray alias flame. you know what. your peers tell you but very denies
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ever having heard the song but crowe could end up paying millions in damages it's a remarkable takedown of one of the popular world's elite for your relative unknown this could herald a wave of similar lawsuits by other artists and it could get up being music to the ears of a copyright lawyer. it's a great true though isn't it are the days almost gone the conversation continues online and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody.
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child. want to become a doctor instead. because. a fad that because of this cut i can't go to school. around 2000000 turkeys children today have to work to help support their families. what kentucky. child labor. global 3000 next. small secluded superior be changing. the people making it possible to go to africa.
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fantastic right. back as they set out to safety environments. and learn from one another. and work together for a better future. c.b.s. out. in 60 minutes on d w. meets kino the sex phone operator to work her master's thesis on the potato raring to read. not a turn on well if it's more or. that there was from their. truest retreat. what secrets lie behind these men. find out immersive experience
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and explore a fascinating cultural heritage in science. w. world heritage 360. welcome to global 3000 here's what's coming up. what kind of weed would you like a fairly normal question in europe why were the sale and recreational consumption of marijuana is legal. have you eaten chocolate today if so chances are you've consumed cocoa from ghana it's a crop that provides a livelihood to many farmers. but.
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