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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2019 2:02am-2:31am CEST

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in stark contrast the u.s. ambassador here in berlin today slammed germany for not joining an american led naval mission in the waters off the coast of iran disapproval from washington with a subtext slash sermon to berlin don't forget what we've done for you you owe us at the same time germany's foreign minister was in poland to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the war so uprising against the nazis berlin to the polish people we haven't forgotten what we did to you we owe you. go off in berlin this is the day. i came here to pay tribute to the memory of the victims i want to ask the families of the killed and wounded for forgiveness i want to ask the polish people for
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forgiveness that. you grew up with on a post that would be no free poland without that hard line attitude. to stop without the fight against the german beast. shimmers i am ashamed of what the germans did to the polish nation in the name of germany. and she would be seeing executions for 5 years and we wanted to fight to free walsall to free conant. i am ashamed that after the war we kept silent about this guilt for too long. was still alive we are the witnesses of history. i am. also coming up on the 20 democrats who want to be the next u.s. president and defeat donald trump some may be strangers to you they tried to change
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that this week. we need to do the opposite of much of what we're doing right now and the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes. to live to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with a german no and an american no way 24 hours ago germany told the united states it will not be a part of a u.s. led naval mission in the strait of hormuz the trumpet ministration is insisting on an international fleet to protect ships as tensions with iran escalate but german chancellor angela merkel prefers deescalation diplomacy not the military or lin's defiance drew the ire of the u.s. ambassador here in berlin today richard grinnell said and i'm quoting here america has sacrificed
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a lot to help germany remain part of the west germany is the biggest economic power in europe this success brings global responsibilities for more i'm joined tonight by dr andreas nick he sits on the german parliament foreign affairs committee and he's a member of chancellor angela merkel's conservative c.d.u. party he joins me tonight from the west german town of bonn mr nick it's good to welcome you back on the day i'd like to get your reaction to the u.s. ambassador he implied today 2 things that germany owes the u.s. and that germany is not shouldering its international responsibilities is he right . i think one has to carefully differentiate what we have been also publicly debating over the last couple of days. i think a number of senior pelham italians like my friends not russia can enjoy a lot of food and others from the c.d.u.
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strongly argue it's that we should take responsibility in the european east 3 led mission in the region which was a protest proposal that was on the table still a couple of days ago. i think european style meant it would have had. the opportunity to get majority approval in the german bonus saga also by colleagues from opposition parties like the liberals or the greens. now that that option seems to be partly off the table given the substantial differences we have between the europeans and the united states subordinating in the us led mission in this region i think is not a viable option for the german government or for the german parliament while mr nick there is there's a lot of the i guess confusion about what the status is with that british
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suggestion for european wed naval mission has that idea has that suggestion been killed. i think my understanding is that this was a proposal on the table by the former foreign secretary jeremy hunt that was a change in government with the change of the prime minister the change of foreign secretary in london. the focus has shifted over there towards a u.s. led mission which was scary something different that has been discussed before i think we believe that. mission would have been a strong message of european unity of european willingness to deescalate to combine diploma's efforts of diplomacy was a clear mission to monitor and maybe even at some point escort the sea traffic in the whole wall street that i think would have been viable option and i think we may still reconsider options of that together with the french and other european partners with the german government have said that the freedom of navigation in the
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strait of hormuz has to be ensured it has to be protected that is the goal of this u.s. led naval mission so that how is it in to germany's injuries not to join if you say you want to protect freedom of navigation. i think protecting freedom of navigation is defined in a white book is one of the 5 strategic priorities of german foreign and security policy and as i said we would have an opportunity for broader support for such a mission if it's. by these 3. we have fundamental differences with the united states in terms of a pro choice to read it was the united states who terminated just the chase appeal way. it's still executing the policy of maximum pressure in the region which is a very different approach from the one that the joint you're taking with our european partners and you can hardly expect the german parliament. to approve to
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underwrite a mission whose. objective and. scope we cannot alternately control you know that with this policy stance you're going to draw criticism from the trump administration basically the accusation is going to be germany enjoys security and stability but is not willing to do which part to defend it. i think as i made clear i think we have seriously considering i think would be still seriously considering a eastern european mission which could to certainly send and would have to be coordinated also with the united states but not supporting a change to us ekal monts given the u.s. policy objectives in the region it's approach on escalation exerting maximum pressure. i think everyone in the german holliman too will have to vote on such
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a mandate would want to make sure that we are able to at least codify and controlled such a mission and given the unilateral approach of the current us administration i don't see that as a basis on which we could contribute to such a mission if it's purely us that. mr nick we know that germany along with france and the u.k. have been working nonstop trying to save that iranian nuclear deal which the u.s. withdrew from last year how much energy has been invested in trying to convince the trumpet ministration to change coors and to come back to the deal i think there has been ongoing efforts and discussion you may recall that the decision made was made in the united states unilaterally without much consultation with european allies. we have. we have been very
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instrumental in putting this together it may not be perfect but it has served a very important purpose on maintaining security in the region and for for europe as a whole we have a disagreement with the united states on that strategy and we we can hardly. except that that i would troops would be put at risk by decisions that are driven by different policy objectives from those that we are pursuing with our european partners mr nick it was reported just a couple of days ago that the u.s. sent that request to germany several days ago and that there was no reply from germany at all and therefore a formal request was issued this past tuesday and it's sounds like the u.s. felt that germany was ignoring it can you confirm that do you know what happened there. i cannot confirm any of the details i was in the in the special meeting
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of the foreign affairs committee last week wednesday when we discussed it also was for 63 months. what i can. recall firm is that we were seriously considering the u.k. proposal of a joint 3 millette european mission and i think we would probably need to you all un approval for such a mission for political and legal reasons in germany. a unilateral mission under unilateral c'mon twere everybody else is just a true provider and not a party to the decision making would be very hard i think to sell leaving aside what my own party would decide it i think we would have to get a majority in the parliament and the european mission would have had the chance to get broad approval beyond. the parties supporting the government including some opposition parties and it would have been a good signal that germany is taking responsibility also in such
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a difficult environment but always in a mission that we can define and that we could can put into a political or diplomatic a context that we have influence and leverage upon well if that european mission is revived mr nick please let us know and please come back to the show we'd be happy to talk with you about it andreas nick a member of the german parliament and the foreign affairs committee isn't it we appreciate you taking the time and driving in to talk with us tonight thank you thank you cannot. colons capital city came to a halt today to mark the 75th anniversary of the war so uprising thousands gathered in the city center. to honor the resistance fighters in civilians of world war 2 who were killed during germany's occupation the warsaw uprising began in 1904 and is considered to be the largest military resistance operation against the nazis the
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uprising was ultimately crushed by the german military. the germans were retreating the red army was approaching the poles finally saw their chance on august 1st 1904 units from the polish home army and underground resistance launched their armed struggle to liberate warsaw from nazi occupation it was one of the largest such efforts of the war polish forces may have outnumbered germans around the capital but the germans had the poles outgunned the uprising strategy gambled on soviet support for the most part and never came they were also expecting soviet forces to free the city within days but they didn't historians still debate whether stalin intentionally delayed the red army's advance because the polish home army was anti-communist fighting lasted 63 days a bloody stalemate took hold but the germans made progress by early october polish forces negotiated their surrender. the toll on life and property was extreme tens
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of thousands of combatants on both sides were killed as well as hundreds of thousands of civilians many massacred by german forces during house to house combat . more salt lay in ruins some of it destroyed in the fighting much of the rest as retribution after it ended the nazi leadership wanted to raise the city. the warsaw uprising was a tactical failure but it succeeded in showing poland's resilience to the nazi occupiers and to soviet dominance yet to come. all right here we go for more now i want to bring in to run a good priest meyer to coach from the european academy here in berlin to talk about this we're already talking about it here even before we came on camera good to have you back on the show showed what role does the warsaw uprising play today in poland's self image and in the identity of the polish people actually
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a huge one i mean even even if it's already the 75th anniversary of the uprising we can talk about it's really only 430 s because during the communist time it was forbidden to talk about the uprising so this was not a subject in poland and it was also not a subject in the west so only one generation a little more can freely talk about what happened in warsaw because written about the role of the soviets of itself the nazis. of other people and as this is only a very hot topic that's also very close with us what you said that because i would i would assume that as an outsider i would think that this would be something that could unite the polish people but i heard today from our correspondent that it's being politicized it is politicized because i think there are still many people who have their own perception and that we have of course nationalists who are trying to present their own story and rotation and this we have the year of elections in poland so of course the ruling political parties also using the any of us that way for their cause and to get the votes. and they try to is also playing
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a huge role in the opposition so yes we have different parts of society who presented theirs saying well let us take part in this uprising because about it i just have our own kind of perception but also interpretation of this and i think this meaning or this understanding of the rallies was still a little bit lacking specially you know in the year of elections the german foreign minister today he was there for the commemoration ceremony and he offered an apology he offered german shame for what happened but he said nothing about reparations yes that's right but 1st of all i think every german foreign minister and the learned president always repeats the thing about the shame on the wall so uprising and he also the not a. foreign minister months also mentioned that it's definitely the west didn't do enough to commemorate the uprising and i think this was the most important part of
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the speech saying yes we we also did faders up to what's we just didn't take care about what happened during the 2nd world war in poland in the east and this is i think a very important step this is a very important message that you send but also you know he what is going on now in germany there was a big discussion about commemorating the role of post during the 2nd world war and a special. special they tried to treatment on policy exactly i think this is also raised a very important 1st step does the fact that germany has been particularly when the iron curtain fell in germany was instrumental in bringing poland in to the west does that help to mitigate what happened in the 2nd world war well. it's helped but it doesn't probably solve the problem that is why we have to discussion discussion on restitution is nowadays be have you know the legal aspect and the political one thing young poles do they see that do they see what the
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germans have done for poland in the last 20 years 25 years did they see that and put that into context with the 2nd world war i think there there is enough in the books but the question is how the history is being taught so a lot of lies in the education so i think we should puts more accidents on really presenting the history of the both sides actually on the polish side and on the germans on what happened and of course also what consequences. the events. of the 2nd world war of the cold war had later on and of course what role did the germany play on. the democrat's ation and transformation of poland so yes that might be also true there is still not enough. for a german polish relations today the fact that the german foreign minister was there today the a good sign it is extremely important he's been to day in one month we have a german president in poland the president is of going to suck us to
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a little bit missing with a really strong voice and that probably we will also hear something from brant so this year is a very special we have year for german polish relations. memory of the past but also on celebrating the joint europe so i think really we can concentrate on that to run a good breeze meyer to coach from the european academy here in berlin veronica good to see you again we appreciate you coming in tonight to talk with us thank you thank you very much. well can you name all 20 democratic presidential candidates and you name the 10 who debated the last night in detroit chances are you can not and that is what the past 2 nights of televised debates aimed to change candidates clashed on issues from immigration and climate change to health care there may have been 10 candidates debating last night but all eyes were on 2 former vice president joe biden and
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california senator thermal here. joe biden had seen it coming come on a harris renewed her attack on the democratic front runner in the 2nd round of t.v. debates. but this time the former vice president was prepared and went on the offensive to the senator said several plans to the floor and anytime someone tells you to get something good in 10 years you should wonder why it takes 10 years if you notice there's no talk about the fact that the plan in 10 years will cost $3.00 trillion dollars if you will lose your employer based insurance and in fact you know this is the single most important issue facing the poll he drew a stinging response. so i think that you should really think about what you're saying but the reflective and understand that the people of america want access to health care and do not want cost to be their barrier to getting better with the
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higher deportation rates resume if you're a president absolutely not number one other candidates joined in on the attack and even the crowd got involved to criticize biden's track record on immigration many meetings i never heard him talk about any of this when he was the secretary. please where is michael when his beer is back on the ground. biden did not get all of the attention the democrats are divided between centrists and progressives and the battle for the party still will determine who will face off with trump in the 2020 elections many democrat voters are in favor of a lurch to the left. i think the time for matter is he has passed i'm as we heard yesterday our republicans are going to say that democrats are crazy i am socialist whether they come with centrist or electors policies so now the opportunity to push the parties policies the democrats really want but in their
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desire to evict trump from the white house democrats might be focusing too much on the incumbent 1st of all the president is a race i think the biggest challenge is whether or not you want to position yourself as a person who can win the vote or a person who can defeat around and it sounds like the same thing but it's not the joining of people right now who are voting for democrats they're looking for candidates who can beat trump and that doesn't mean that they're looking at them all became even their skills that are even their issues. in a contest where personality tops politics front runner biden still holds many cards . for this i'm joined here the big table now by emily lyons she is the vice chair of democrats abroad here in berlin it's good to have you here so you watched the debates what do you think. i thought it was really interesting i mean it's
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always a great opportunity to see all of these candidates we all realize there are many of them this time around and it's a chance to see them in action and actually hear what they're proposing if they become president did the debate make a difference do you think in the democrats' minds or in americans' minds in the u.s. or abroad i think abroad they definitely help because we are not in the u.s. so we're not seeing the coverage 247 we are picking and choosing what we see and this is a chance to then see all of them where the top 20 presented to us and the u.s. i don't know i think in the u.s. it's easier to tune these kinds of things out and to say. a i've had enough and i don't need to spend 4 hours watching a debate you for hours watching the debate in the middle of the summer when election day is november of next year how do you explain that to people outside the us or what we saw west night in the night before is there
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a healthy democracy at work i think what's healthy about it is that there is a selection it's not just one person i think it's good that we have options whether having 25 options is the best way i don't know we'll see how that plays out in over the next year but it is a difficult thing to explain because it's so early and here at 6 weeks c.n.n. which is where the media partners putting all of these debates together it has come under a lot of fire today i've been reading about the network being accused of treating this the debates like a game show trivializing politics is the media here are they partly to blame when people say they don't care about politics i think so i think the way that they pick what questions they ask who they ask the way that they're phrase that plays into a lot of it and if it comes across to people as it's just
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a show or they're just trying to stir up something among candidates create problems that aren't there then i think that makes it easier for people to tune out why do you think that the candidates agreed to these formats because all of the candidates all their campaigns said yes we will participate i think they need that t.v. time that it's 20 people and it's it's hard to get your name out there and especially to such a wide audience i think it's easy to tune out but for the people that are watching they are learning something about who these people are i mean you know i think is a necessary evil in in one way for the candidates i think to a certain degree i'm sure that if in an ideal world i think they would have it again. that way i think they would all have the equal amount of time to talk and have the same questions and have a chance to answer every question and that's just not how it works we've got 10 seconds of me ask you joe biden do you think come september when the next debates take place is he's just going to be the clear front runner i can say i think it's
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really hard to make that call very very diplomatic there in the lines with democrats abroad here in berlin and we appreciate you coming in tonight thank you. well the day is almost done but the conversation continues online there we go you'll find us on twitter either at the news or you can follow me and bring god t.v. don't forget to use our hash tag of the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see that in the.
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small screen and smaller the change. the people making it possible eco africa. fantastic right john that. as they set out to safety environments. learn from one another. and work together for a better future. next d.w. . and with
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a bang. the world of science to its feet. subpoenaed zola took his music from the streets of miniseries as a staging ground. i'm broke all the rules for his son go the way the. robots are still in the development phase 5 foot that's going to happen when they grow up will humans and machines be able to peacefully co-exist or are we on the verge of a robot collapse. artificial intelligence is now spreading throughout our society
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chaotic will experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this technology create deadly new autonomous weapon systems. or robot collapse store targets for teams on g.w. look at a back up. doc. hello and welcome to a new edition of eco africa my name is the but my friends call me z. and i'm coming to you from johannesburg and south africa if you want to find out what a national park can do for the people who live in it stay tuned and of course to meet my lovely colleague in nigeria. yes we're here in lady.


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