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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2019 4:30pm-4:45pm CEST

4:30 pm
to our story are you ready with the wonderful human stories that make the game so special. your old. car is. worth. more than 4. marm. this is d. w. news asia coming up a major nuclear arms control treaty ends between the united states and russia but it will impact the asia pacific we'll tell you how plus. a car crash or attempted murder india's public is demanding answers as the young woman who accused a politician of rape fights for her life. and from icon to insurgent to ordinary citizens of hong kong has driven its summer of protests but not without being led by some serious star power.
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i'm melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us the united states and russia have withdrawn from a landmark arms control treaty today it had been in place for 30 years the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty the i.n.f. banned land based missiles with a range between 505002500 kilometers now asia's nuclear powers that's china north korea india and pakistan were not signatories to the i.m.f. but it's and has raised fears of a global arms race that could ripple across the region i'm especially talking about the dynamic between the united states and china and of course that then has an impact on the other neighboring nuclear states now most of china's missiles actually fall within that formerly band intermediate range and now the u.s.
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will in theory be able to deploy and station similar ones in the asia pacific. well that's at least the concern from the chinese perspective joining us to explain this and more is adam me of macor university adam so that set up i laid out just now is that really the case that the u.s. is going to be the one ratcheting up tensions the region. well melissa certainly the demise of the i n f a treaty makes everyone less safe you know in asia iran says of prospect of a new arms race principally between us russia and china but also others north korea south korea japan for example an arms race dynamic would especially be likely if the u.s. decides to deploy new missiles to asia you know to counter china's growing military power the u.s. will start testing these new missiles in the next few weeks testing of which will
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bend on the under the treaty a big reason why the u.s. has put out of the treaty is that china is not a signatory to it so the us sees china as its principal geopolitical competitor of a challenge that is far more familiar bought and injuring than putin's russia so the last few decades china has made enormous progress in these missiles most of china's miss else would have been banned under the treaty if china has signed on to it and china in fact now has one of the most events into media range to sell forces in the world so what's china's next move. china's reaction so far has been predictably negative beijing has urged the u.s. and russia to stay in the treaty it has said that pulling out the treaty is destabilizing but of course part of the reason why the u.s. is pulling out is because of beijing in addition to russian violations of the
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treaty the white house despite its fondness for you know actual isn't doesn't see the reason why it should be unilaterally constrained by this treaty beijing will most likely continue its protest and indeed take countermeasures against u.s. deployments of these new missiles to asia if that was to happen putting huge amounts of pressure on us allies to decline hosting of these missiles so we saw that in 20162017 when china as south korean goods when the u.s. deployed and ready missile system then well you talk about this arms race between the united states and china can you talk a little bit more about the other countries concerned in the region and perhaps one or 2 countries of note that are worried about this. well i think everybody in the region is worried about including north korea south korea japan i mean some of the same dynamics between us and china also plays out in u.s.
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north korean relations in fact the north korean regime sees a u.s. is as its nemesis and the deployment of the potential deployment of these new missiles to asia part of us will make north korea more paranoid about u.s. intentions i think the biggest card that the north korean regime has its nuclear weapons right but new u.s. mr 1000 other military capabilities in the region will make it more likely that the u.s. can launch a disarming preemptive strike on the north korea and i think the north korea like china might decide that it needs to counter these human cells with added military capabilities and that's that's really the birth of an arms race got it at any thank you just turning now to india and what's become known as that now case was it a tragic accident or the attempted murder of
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a rape survivor well public outrage has whipped up a media frenzy and the supreme court will now look into the case and 1000 year old woman is fighting for her life after the car she was in was hit by a larger vehicle earlier this week many believe the collision was not an accident but attempted murder she had accused politician cool the things think are of raping her at his home in that now district. her family says police ignored her case and instead they've been targeted here's the guys well with more from delhi. and unless that i could do years ago is continuing to make the headlines in india the allegations have been made against a politician in the local administration while the politician himself is in prison the family of the victim as alleged by his aides and apathy by the local administration the father of the victim died in police custody last year and to have 4 onse have also died in
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a recent car accident the victim herself and her lawyer are fighting for their lives in a hospital in the british the accident and the 3 kids has sparked outrage across the country with protests breaking out because of the impunity that seemingly has been brought by the bar of this politician another reason why people are angry is that this politician used to belong to the ruling b j b but has only been expelled now do it yours after the actual case as allegedly happened the supreme court has taken cognizance of the case because of media coverage i'm public outrage and has directed federal authorities to take prompt action more protests are planned in hong kong starting today and it should not come as a surprise they're expected to continue on through the weekend as many as one in 51 in 4 residents have hit the streets this summer and while everyone has given up time and energy we take a closer look at one pop music star band in china who has given up that and more.
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i took a rather unusual khamees story multiple session country pop star denise home went to the fans are attending a protest rally in the suburb of communal. week before joe democracy protesters were attacked here by suspected criminal gangs 2 days demonstrators are here to denounce the bomb but this is telling us police soused out to disperse the protesters. i was on. the news who has been a familiar face at the anti-government grounds. all the way that the chinese government they have been trying to. tear and us into this population where we are. playing clarities and then just giving up everything it's just not going to
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happen because it's a totally different culture. he's always a performer of so called canto pop hong kong signature pop music style that has made the city's entertainment industry popular throughout east asia including on the chinese mainland has always stood out in the region's entertainment business in 2012 she was the 1st hong kong celebrity to ever come out as a lesbian so. it . was. but the biggest step for her came in 2014 when she openly supported the pro-democracy umbrella movement she immediately lost access to china's huge
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mainland market when the music was back shortly afterwards a record company used asian music and did her contract i think i knew i would get back. but then you'll guess you have to you have to. decide what to sell in these situations where. people is facing. such a big crisis. since then she has learnt to be her own manager right now she's trying to organize a concert in hong kong's biggest venue because ian. i got rejected. 45 times before. i got the applications through in 2016 but the was 2016 so i don't know what's going to do. whatever the outcome may be
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she would not have to worry about being able to fill the venue within the city or outspokenness has won many things. we'll end on a lighter note for our last story of the week so to tokyo and its new ninja cast say maybe something to do in between your meetings on your next business trip or if your kids are along to feed and tire them out take a look. fancy some ninja training before dinner in tokyo is an engine thing hits the mark. opened in july it offers the full ninja experience complete with sword play blow darts and flying daggers. of course we want people to think this is the most fun event in all of tokyo and all of japan has got that up there so all of our staff are giving it
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their best to make this a really exciting experience. for you this young apprentice gets ready to learn the way of the shadow warrior. i just really enjoy. the darts i think because i was a mouthpiece so it's kind of easier for me especially since i don't play or write thank you always and after all that hard work out it's time to pack away some power food. spicy noodles. and flying dagger rice. and for dessert there's fire jitsu putting a menu sure to delight your inner ninja if not the kitchen staff better watch out.
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know who to day. you know the banks. and so was the language of banking. speaking the truth global news that matters w made for mines. south korea says it won't be defeated again by its neighbor japan's capital to finance the removal of korea's. threat. the only way is down problem solved. escalating his trade war with china beijing threatens retaliation and a river runs right into villages in india blame the textiles into spring just going to. get his will and place to visit south korea is the 1st country to
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be dropped from japan's white list of favored trading nations a slow way ots of a wide range of goods and with so threatening to do the same make could be or could economically both export driven economy has faced sliding demand from china and both a key u.s. allies in keeping regional peace. no sooner had the news of fresh japanese trade restrictions reached south korea the protests kicked off again just like here outside the japanese embassy in seoul. we are here to express our deep anger against japan 2nd economic retaliation we have been boycotting japanese products since 2 pounds export curbs were introduced last month. south korean president mungy in described japan as a selfish nuisance.


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