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tv   Faith Matters  Deutsche Welle  August 4, 2019 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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development of. vulcan schmidt has a demanding job as prevalent in jerusalem he's the german lutheran churches envoy to the holy land. it's a delicate balancing act. that. doesn't dissolve this is a special place we are located in the middle of jerusalem and that's how we view ourselves as a community and a good mind to the for we want to connect people to be a meeting place and a vehicle of understanding across borders this is the sense of tall order but it starts in a small way on simply welcoming people without worrying about church membership or what people believe. talking.
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was. was. he has his headquarters at the lutheran church of the redeemer right in jerusalem's old city. with. more intimate. ok so we have it in german we have a prayer time here. everybody is welcome to attend the may day press service sometimes the congregation is large but other times there are just a handful of people it's a german speaking parish. she hears all summer reading from the book of the prophet isaiah chapter 2. this is
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this is what isaiah the son of a mosque prophesies concerning judah in jerusalem. the nation shall not lift up sword against nation. the church of the redeemer was built on the foundations of the crusade a century at the end of the 19th century the german emperor vilhelm the 2nd and his consort a goose to victoria presided at the dedication ceremony. the provost leads us through the narrow alleys of the old city to christianity's most sacred site the church of the holy sepals just 15 meters from the german church it's been a destination for pilgrims since the 4th century. traditions say this is where jesus was crucified and buried and where he rose from the dead 6 denominations the greek orthodox and meaning of the star like roman catholic
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ethiopian orthodox syriac also talks and coptic church is share the care of the basilica the lutherans have no say it was built more than a 1000 years before luther. burns is over and some of you might call us late comers . but literally goes back to the 1st christian centuries without the deckers or deport the son because there weren't any protestants until the late middle ages was it and we've only been in jerusalem since the 19th century you were living. in. a lake come as they might be but protestants have made their mark all over the holy land. in television for instance it's a curious fact that lutheran christians from southern germany were among the founders of this bustling metropolis 150 years ago if you wanted to live here apart from foreign missionaries. and the sandy weiss land. today the settlement built by
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missionaries from the pietist lutheran sect known as the templars is overshadowed by towering skyscrapers. the preservation of the old buildings is almost entirely thanks to one man schaefer cash his love of the historical relics led the manufacture of painting tools to become a conservator he explains that television is deeply indebted to the german missionaries. everything started real when the temple survived to this place the delivery was not a stopper shared there was nothing here that of the desert and they built a really nice and very. pleasant colony with agriculture. one day around 15 years ago schaefer cash took a look inside one of the dilapidated buildings and discovered to his astonishment beautiful old wall paintings together with a group of fellow enthusiasm he persuaded the tell of the of authorities to grant
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building commission only to people prepared to conserve these old buildings. schafer cash turned his factory over to his sisters and began to study art conservation. the german missionary set out nation 71 to establish christian communities in the holy land jeans design and now uses the blacksmith's house mark twain is said to have stayed here when this building was a guest house today it houses a restaurant. the former wine cellars and now a trendy bar the wine on the menu no longer comes from here in serrano which is now an upmarket district. a small museum pays tribute to the german pioneers but it also reveals their darker side in the 1930 s. one in 3 of the residents was a member of the nazi party. shafer cash is the son of
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a romanian brush make out members of his family were murdered join the holocaust but he doesn't blame the german missionaries the period of the nazi time in stockholm israel was very short and the under the years before will vary. it's a productive and. contributing of the temper of the land of israel or so much that is sealed for years of. is there almost nothing. after the 2nd world war the last residents of serrano were expelled from the country the israeli military and secret service took over some of the buildings others were used by the 1st israeli government when television was officially established and 999 the german missionaries had already been there for almost 40 years. back to jerusalem. here in the old city is the
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lutheran guesthouse. its central location the friendly atmosphere and a lovely garden attracts many visitors. we accompany the provost to beit jalla. involved and schmidt wants to show us the 1st lutheran school in the country it lies on the outskirts of bethlehem and this road would take us there directly if it were not for this war. to the israeli government and the west bank barrier is a security barrier against terrorism palestinians call it an apartheid wall west bank residents have to pass
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a checkpoint whenever they want to go to work or to shop in jerusalem the procedure and sometimes takes hours. the wall was built in response to the 2nd intifada an uprising against israeli occupation of the palestinian territories in which a 1000 israelis and $3000.00 palestinians were killed israel says the barrier has virtually eliminated terrorist attacks but it remains controversial. pass' man does much good makes me really angry to see how this. beautiful landscape has been divided. on the number or you see here is the wall no one no. evangelical lutheran school is in the west bank the heartland of the palestinian territories. its name to leap economy comes from the gospel of st mark and means girl stand up it was founded as
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a girls' school by lutheran deaconesses from germany in 851 today it's a co-educational institution. the school has an excellent reputation among its notable alumni is the head of the palestinian mission in berlin wolfgang schmidt is a member of the school board and likes to keep an eye on things the principal has some good news all the seniors have passed their final exams. this isn't destroyed so you have a german school leaving certificates you can study in germany 95 percent of them want to be really wow we've conducted a survey the nearly all of them want to study in germany they shop not us it's all i just hope they come back to this man that's always my great hope that they don't just end up staying in germany. i have to go teach a class i think if it goes in and see you in a bit i know. in addition to being principal mathias both is also
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an english teacher the school has around $850.00 students. so you know if your brain is new today who welcome to 90 great to have you here just tell us a few things where you come from. all of the 12 years of been here since 2 years living in close friends of. the muslim boy from berlin is not yet certain whether this school is the right one for him his family decided to return from germany to the palestinian territories most of his class. it's want to go in the opposite direction. we study in german that's why i come to this school to learn german so i can travel to germany because i want to become a doctor 1st. 40 percent of the students a christians most of the wrist a muslims. it's
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a school where we really learn together christians and muslims. together we all strive toward the same goal of education and that's what special in this middle eastern context we offer education for everyone. to bring him has to tell his father what he thinks of the school and his father will then make arrangements with the provost of the buffalo this is one that we're telling how was your day. there was pretty good was actually so would you like to go to the school but he didn't talk to each other more in arabic then in german that doesn't help me with my german finance evasion. which. votes going mediates between father and son he advices them to sleep on it for. the school is built on 10 hit is problematic soil part of the grounds are israeli territory the palestinian authority administers the rest. the hind the wall the
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palestinian area is densely populated. and up on the hill the jewish settlement if frat has been built on israeli occupied territory. has a fund of stories about this divided country. just 1st of all the restaurant over there has been demolished 3 times because it was built without planning permission or going in and now it has a tent roof. so strictly speaking it's not a building. the continuous tension is sometimes hard to bear. over time one succumbs to resignation and hopelessness because one doesn't see any improvement in the situation as my that's been my experience over the past 7 years where is the source of hope. and are you pleased to be leaving because in your. there are situations that i'll be glad to leave behind us. on the
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mount of olives in east jerusalem standstill ghost of victoria hospital it's named after the wife of kaiser vilhelm the 2nd who founded the hospital more than 100 years ago today it's administered by the lutheran world federation. both bank schmidt is on the hospital board it's the only medical facility in the palestinian territories that has an apparatus to provide radiation therapy for cancer patients israel has blocked the use of such nuclear medicine technology and gasser and the west bank citing security concerns the provost is on his way to a board meeting. no more is the hospital director after studying in france the united kingdom and the u.s. he returned to east jerusalem officially he stateless but his family has lived in jerusalem for generations. it is not easy for police here
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to develop adventure. or services and that we are providing the dirty ignorant into lots of their book of investment and you know for the longest day up to now palestinians are under occupation sure the development of health services in british day like everything else is not at all an easy task. kudrow shalom is job is also not easy she's a pediatrician and cancer specialist her work is made harder by the fact that her young patients are often separated from their families for weeks at a time she has to discuss the children's cases with their parents by telephone is the dean is 8 years old he has lymphoma for weeks the doctor was regulate his bedside because his mother wasn't allowed to visit him his family lives in gaza which palestinians may only leave with special permission. we're c asking actually
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for a promotion and we'll go to medical reports regarding is there psychology situation because he's aware of the disease is aware of being away from his their family and from his brothers and sisters so this effort actually his treatments and during this stay in the hospital so we're right there and medical reports explain how it's very difficult for him to say for a whole month away from his mother so very loud for a mother to come next time with him and how long does this take up around one month one month the out. little boy in the next room is more fortunate at least in one respect marette has his grandmother with him she is old and ill which is why she was allowed to accompany him the 2 of them have been here for 2 months the 2 year old child has
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a kidney cheema the prognosis is uncertain. on returning to jerusalem both draws comfort from his home situation. without the support of his wife he says he wouldn't be able to enjoy all the suffering he sees. and that has fled schmidt has made great sacrifices for her marriage she holds degrees in theology and remedial education but can't get a work permit in israel so she's reduced to being her husband's help might. you copyeditor the parish newsletter. narked it seems yes i just have to give it a final read through. they're a good team and she has no regrets. i know mine are for going on one of my predecessors. told me when we were preparing to come here that jerusalem was
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worth it. i think of my. i must say i see it the same way. i wouldn't have followed both going to some other places quite so readily. but jerusalem it's worth it. to commit to scott i can't imagine not having somebody with whom i can constantly and regularly share what i experience here the things that challenge me and my thoughts about the situations that raise doubts in me. although the cloister is currently under repair it's one of the native land schmidt's favorite spots. in a courtyard is a peaceful way in the center of the bustling old city and it's open to the public the provost's wife is available to visit his church workers. for service i'm glad she's come again. on a few of the renovations. i'm sorry about that. my wife
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also wants to come that's amazing because you never want to do what i raved about it was the most beautiful spot in the world i know you renovating. 3 years ago annetta flan schmidt had the idea of opening a cafe in the. she runs it with the help of volunteers. in a room above the café a young theology student is studying a song and is spending a year in israel the program study in israel is financed by donations and the german lutheran church. share a lot. there i knew i was really.
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the 1st 6 months were difficult for the young woman from saxony in eastern germany . the middle eastern culture is a far cry from what she's used to. here kyra i can retreat here when i need some peace and quiet. after i've been out in the city and feel overwhelmed by so many impression the power is a bundle of fun and fear and i don't when i need a break i can come here and drink a cup of coffee. and enjoy the peace in the midst of the hustle and bustle. determined. on a tumor walks almost everywhere there's no other way of getting around in the old city she sometimes feels overwhelmed by the crowds but the young theology student enjoys the spiritual patchwork that is jerusalem. she shows us another of her favorite spots the abbey of the domitian is
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a catholic monastery. usually the benedictine monks chant midday prayer at this hour but today is an exception the catholics have some visitors. i. guess. it's a group of syria also talks christians from outspoken something germany not a problem in this ancient city but it's amazing the riot here fades. 2 2 2 2 back and the 2 most spends most of the time here at jerusalem's hebrew university. the lutheran world foundation pays her student fees of $10000.00 euros. the woman at the side is melanie moore tossed maya she's part of wolfgang schmitz
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team and runs the study program she also attends the course because she's one of the chooses its election in the talmud the definitive rabbinic commentary on the hebrew bible the lecture is given in modern hebrew which presents something of a challenge to the student from germany. so thoughts about. melanie morgan last mile participated in the programme herself in 2002. her last. time i wanted to go to the university to collect my certificate and there was also a farewell meal planned in the students' canteen that was the one that. we collected as a ticket somewhere on our way to the canteen when something happened that delayed us then we heard the news there had been an attack on the campus in the heart of
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the hebrew university in the canteen where we intended to have a farewell learn only visited in them and. then talk with. the hunters and i couldn't believe it happened here at the university. right because the uni was considered one of the places where the most diverse people came together it was a war of jewish israelis as well as muslim palestinians and foreigners like us christians. all religious in nations are represented here at the uni and that. didn't change her love of the country any more tossed my returned and her. on the other hand is living in jerusalem. from the price of the fish will tyler to say goodbye. good to know your true very good through
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a greeting is about the limit of all french meets arabic he's had some language lessons but on the streets of jerusalem he doesn't get very far with what he learned the people here a french irregardless. drops replete with this music you have a nice time. he believes he is even there exactly. so warm and friendship that. we will see so so would. be the years that brought on the feast of the ascension the lutheran parish organizes an international church service on the mount of olives german english and arabic speaking christians celebrate together it is from here that jesus is believed to have ascended to heaven. when we read the bible in germany it seems very abstract and far away. but here
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it's linked to a specific geography where this is on the one hand that's fascinating down on the other hand i would say especially in the lutheran tradition. our faith doesn't depend on these places specifically but it's good that we have them as places of remembrance in the home. everybody is invited to the meal at the conclusion of the church service the provost is among them most of the people here are foreigners like the students and the to the german lutheran parish office them a home away from home the end of the summer marks the end of vulcan schmidt's sojourn in jerusalem he has said that. if i have often described my life here. is being constantly plugged into an electrical outlet constantly under tension or death is both i on the one hand that's very invigorating but over time
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it's also exhausting you don't fight through an airship. for game that's the nature of life in the holy land.
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and. in the. last. i think sunday afternoon by our series on tomorrow today. we want to see what he saw to experience which drove him nuts journey through latin america following the footsteps of the. great scientist. i 1st started ecuador on time integrates him an ass of argentina to oral tradition of the demons on w.
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. warm warm warm. the quiet melody resounds michael white of the mood. and it soon repeat resonate with and it's all. the mind and the music. be told in 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. not laughing out of the jam well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whip it up and richard herman thinks the vintage emma culture looking at the stereotype aquatic that is think is beautiful country that i now live. via nudity
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ridiculous drama down to you thus it's all that there are no i'm a joke join me from the german bund b.w. post. birth. home to use of speech it's. a home worth saving. given those are big changes and must start with small stands back and global ideas tell stories of creativeness people and innovators projects around the world. trying to use the tools it's going to use to greenough of insurance and forced additional. interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection. mushrooms and. channels available for people trying to get action and were determined to build something here for the next generation. as the environment series of global 3000 on t.w.
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and all modern. plane. love. this is state of the news live from the united states reels from today's mass shootings. last show the latest in dayton ohio comes off to remand opened fire in the popular nightlife area a suspected gunman has been killed his sister was among the victims it follows another shooting in el paso texas. and in hong kong. has just often i'll show on the streets for a 9th straight we can't some demonstrators autonomy want these government buildings
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