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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 5, 2019 6:30pm-6:45pm CEST

6:30 pm
this is. why. i tried to do it except. this is. coming up on the. i mean. it's crap. situations that's how they. describe. what.
6:31 pm
i'm going to welcome. it's good to have you with us india has ended a constitutional provision that governed its tradition ship with the disputes of. the abolition of offical tree 17 means the state. will no longer enjoy near autonomous control over its affairs this special status has so far formed the cornerstone of india's policy in let's go. now the entire shaded region that you see over here is a region of kashmir that india and pakistan both claim it was a princely state at the time of india's independence in 1907 but decided to join india in the wall for the. and control was eventually divided between the 2
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countries in these 2 showed it in different colors of orange that you see here optical 370 government india as mission ship in the pot on the indian administration it give it control over all affairs except foreign affairs defense and communication this has now been ended india's home minister ahmed shah had this to say in bottom and stop at the sunset these 2 parties but on the recommendation of parliament of the month the president announces that starting from the day that the president of india signs this declaration and it is published and the government does it all the provisions under article $370.00 will cease to be a political. number. and the president has signed this that their mission manoj joshi is a leading security analyst from the observer research foundation in denver manoj good to have you with us how do you see things developing on the ground in kashmir
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after this announcement well i think certainly very there would be a sense that we would have been going to shock the article $378.00 so it's not really much. to go. criticize the region you know the divine but equally important symbol of the. symbol that they were unique. so this has been and i think that is something which is going to be a bit of a psychological shock to them and you and despondent of the psychological shock as reported a former chief minister of them one has made. called it a quote the darkest day in indian democracy and she father went on the wall on that there could be catastrophic consequences for the subcontinent does she have a point. well you know that may be stretching it
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a bit faulty google as far as christine is concerned it has already seen a huge amount of wireless and. service they will be a google distant day never be purchased from the docks why be according to the program for their st paul police forces army forces i think in the short done they will keep a lid on it but what does i think. the problem is the question will flow do it initially in the sense all stated on the street is want to do so. since the 1990 there has been an insurgency there oh that insurgency have been more it is defeated and you still have a lot of the population or silent majority because this interview went along with the idea that we were part of the india and the separatists were actually in the minority right now i'm a pretty good there's going to be something good to be rid of and at this hour since that they have lost something not in fact the loss that already taken place
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but the point is the psychological shock being told that if you're like anyone else right here your state is nothing unique about you. that is going to have the impact what does that someone who has about the. governments try to do $200.00 have a strategy if so what isn't well you know the thing is there to be hippies only still ideology has been that you should not have a special status so to do something with a big important part of a funding would be to be just won't be slow this one or the movement to defeat. this special status so in one sense it's the fulfillment of that and you can be sure that it will how widespread support across the country. in the gun created of this moment between 50 and people are going to say well you don't 70 years we've tried to be nice it hasn't been so this is the busy this has to be
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a drastic solution so be it and so people would have to be a little government or do you seen the reaction of political bodies many of the political parties in the south actually supporting the suspect that seems to be there. right across the country is where one or george are from the observateur such fun version draws from denny thank you very much for that analysis. fanning out to hong kong where a general strike has paralyzed the city's airport and varied services on monday protestors prevented metro trains from moving and was successful in disrupting their services as well more than 100 flights were canceled at the airport the strike on monday for the weekend of clashes between protesters and police demonstrators want hong kong chief executive to resign and broader democratic reforms in the special administrative region of china. based on dress has been
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going on for more than 9 weeks now and protesters have had to adapt to stay one step ahead of the ever tightening security. bill as this report from hong kong. you know you can hear through the frustration like this is clear in any language. as the weeks go on even cameras becoming unwelcome head. limits later take us by it but is no longer a match for these increasingly sophisticated protesters. as the toxic fumes fill the air the cool goes out to meet. under the cover of smoke process is dispersed as quickly as they are right. this is what they're calling that the water strategy stay nimble don't get cold. group chats on social media help them plan where to target next. by thousands file into public transport and on to the next location
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for now the short sharp best of disruption. pages is easy trains to get across the city as quickly as possible barry is left open for them to polish freely in and out of the train stations this is part of a deliberate strategy to get from location to location is quickly as possible to not stay in one place for too long move on and start the next demonstration this flash mob style tactic is now the most powerful defense. against an increasingly intolerant police force i have to police custody time together when they go there was and then we can go to another place so maybe there is less police and we can do our things secondly we will try to save also from being arrested that's the main thing i think how do you 16 and how many different protest locations have you been see today to now it will be 5 for. a major
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tunnel is blocked for a 2nd night running. cars brought to a standstill but once again it doesn't last long in the to get the. police move in but the demonstrations are one step ahead they've already moved on. all that police can do is clear the damage. this is become the cats and mouse game with protest is throughout the coming harder and harder to contain. and for more i'm joined by john lewis lauro troll in hong kong the real you've been covering these protests since it began about 9 weeks ago does it look like the protesters have a plan is there for instance a willingness to talk to the government and try and reach and end all of the protest movement that is going to stay on the streets. i think there is absolutely a willingness to touch the government but the problem is right now that the government is not reaching out they're not making any compromises the chief executive is barely visible or she disappears for days or weeks at
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a time so i think there are protesters now what they want and they're willing to talk but it's the government that's not budging that's why people are saying it's really hard to see how this fall and what the reaction been among supporters as to the recent press conference by county. well i think she said more of the usual which is not much and i think no one was surprised by that no one was really expecting her to say anything new or interesting so she didn't really do anything to deescalate the situation or to reassure them she continued to condemn the protests there is so it's it didn't help i'm not sure how much of her either but it again more of the same really that she's been saying this whole time and that beijing has been saying that's fine what does that say about. the hong kong government has what the government to do to try and make to situation better.
6:41 pm
well the protesters have very specific demands they want to completely draw all of the bill they want an investigation into chile's violence and things like that they are and can take steps towards that but it hasn't been happening it's unclear why did withdraw the bill hasn't happened especially when chief executive very alive and said that the bill is dead delayed it and that they don't have plans to go through with it but because the people here don't trust her or the government they're demanding and complete withdrawal and so far very lamb has even refused to say the word with drawl so there's also the question of who's really and power here is that ariel i'm or that baby. there is rumors that she wanted to step down but that beijing didn't want her to so the legitimacy of the government and her leadership is also in question what about the police in all of this are all of them are those have been heavily criticized by the protesters police tactics father
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cozen protests to spread. i would think so the police have been a big focus for the protesters they have focused on police violence to focus on the fact that a lot of police officers aren't wearing their badge numbers there have been a lot of arrests they are getting on the streets and there's even video of journalists getting protests so the balance is absolutely incited a lot of the anger there's been there's been a couple protests that have only focused on the police violence and didn't even mention the extradition bill so the police behavior and reaction definitely made it worse and what we're seeing now is that actually local residents who aren't even protesters per say they're they're coming down to break police they're coming down there they're getting into their. heckling the riot police and the products they
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had to respond to that with tear gas which of course makes it even more angry and these are local residents there on the flop they're not wearing masks and helmets like. the rats are all the speeches of some concept of very much for that now there tear gas another on it's your gas just fired so and this is happening all over morning was about. the people on our website going to the doctor also was i was very struck because our facebook is right it's today to the. sex naked. raring to meet. if there is any erotic and it's remember you have to find it between the lines. literally. 100 german straight. to one to one official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans even colombia legally and illegally. nobody in the album was returned to the planet.
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visiting friends i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know where i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. bearing witness global news that matters . made for mines. is a currency war brewing the thought is crossing more than a few traders mines china allows the you want to fold it could be a move to offset the united states like stance. but a trade war between japan and south korea push the korean peninsula towards peace. and solving the planet's pollution problems a company that wants to suck c o 2 out of the air and turn it into fuel. and then fizzle and lets do business beijing could be using its currency as
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a weapon in its tariff war with washington china has allowed the you want to significantly fold against the u.s. dollar the central bank blames trade protectionism referring to american tariffs but it's also playing down the weakening of its currency saying fluctuations unknowable could china's yuan be the next weapon in the increasingly hostile us china trade war the chinese currency unexpectedly broke through the closely watched 7 per dollar mark for the 1st time since the global financial crisis a major psychological blow as it's seen as a line in the sand the un slumped to 11 year lows and weaker yuan could allow china's exports to remain competitive despite the tariffs.


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