tv DW News Deutsche Welle August 7, 2019 8:00am-8:31am CEST
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this is deja vu news live from berlin russia's losing battle with massive wildfires firefighters are struggling to contain the blazes now covering an area the size of denmark we'll tell you why some are calling this a climate catastrophe also coming up. top organizers of the 2006 world cup in germany have been charged with fraud by swiss prosecutors over their alleged roles in a multi-million euro payment. also on the show the world uses a groundbreaking author nobel laureate toni morrison has died at the age of $88.00
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or novels exploring african-american identity gave voice to millions. i'm brian thomas thanks so much for joining us we begin this program in russia where firefighters backed by the country's air force are struggling to contain vast wildfires in siberia the area that's a blaze continues to grow with some 45000 square kilometers already affected that's an area the size of denmark officials say they've had to give up their efforts and some of the most remote areas in the hard hit province of cross the arced residents are literally choking on smoke as the flames grow closer to the village of ben he is at the front line if the place residents knew they would probably have to
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evacuate the smoke's harmful effects have nearly driven them out already. well you know. the 1st fires started in july nights here weeks after they were pits there's another fire burning. kilometer that's the flames were 20 kilometers away. you could only see 20 meters in front of you that was worrying we couldn't see the barriers that sometimes wander into the village you know fire fighting helicopters have been in service several times a day but sometimes they need an hour to get to the flames they're dropping tons of water to extinguish the blazes and exhausting undertaking that may not even be successful. if you can if we send 5 or 10 times as many people and resources we wouldn't be able to put out the fires if only continuous rain can do that disaster relief workers have been flown to the area to help with the effort and vajra mentalists say the impacts of the fires extend far beyond siberia it's
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a question. this represents a climate catastrophe. so if the fires are releasing as much c o 2 into the atmosphere as $36000000.00 cars a year the likely cause of the fires is dry lightning strikes but it could also be discarded cigarettes or neglect on the part of the timber industry. let's get the very latest on this now from our moscow correspondent emily showing today here why are firefighters having such a hard time getting these blazes under control. well 1st of all brian that's because the area that's burning is just so huge as we just heard and as you've said as well the area of denmark apparently it's just over $4000000.00 hectares that are burning siberia as huge as it were as it is anyway a state of emergency has been declared in 5 regions in russia there are forest
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fires every year in the tiger but these are just unprecedented and the other problem is that many of the areas that are burning are so remote they're very very hard for firefighters to reach nearly impossible the author already say ok this is their remote areas but nonetheless there are growing calls inside russia and internationally to change how moscow flights fires in siberia what's russia not getting right on this. and there's been growing anger as well among people here who say they've been being smoke choked by smoke coming from those fires they also were these are acting last week putin called the army to get to help put out fires there been planes that have been dropping water on the area affected and there been reports of successes as well authorities say that they've been battling the fires on over $100000.00 hectares but they also say that they have
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actually been leaving 2000000 hectares they've given up on them simply because they're too hard to reach and that's a huge territory as well according to russian law this is actually policy there are so-called control zones that authorities have simply declared too hard to reach in case of a fire where authorities by law aren't obliged to put them out and there is actually a law from 2015 as well that states that if the cost of fighting fires exceeds the potential damages then also already is do not have to put them out so this is kind of a policy here in russia you know greenpeace is calling these farmers a climate catastrophe can you give us an idea of the scope of the environmental damage. well what's worrying here is of course because of the scale of these fires there's a huge amount of c o 2 being released in the atmosphere which could of course speed
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up climate change there's also black carbon which is being emitted by the fires and not can settle on arctic ice and also speed up the melting of that arctic ice again for the climate overall and plus there's the trees huge areas of trees are simply dying or simply burning down the tiger is one of the green longs of the world and scientists say that these trees could take around 100 years to grow to grow back so it's understandable that greenpeace is calling this an ecological catastrophe thanks so much for that from moscow. preview now and some of the other stories making news this hour protesters have been rallying across pakistan after india ended the autonomous status of its borders kashmir. the indian government has sent thousands of troops to the disputed
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territory and shut down communications there to stan which also claims kashmir has warned india's actions could lead to war. north korea says its recent missile launches were a warning to the u.s. and south korea washington and seoul are currently holding war games despite protests from pyongyang on tuesday north korea fired 2 missiles into the sea as force just lost them 2 weeks. the u.n. refugee agency says a new italian law penalizing migrant rescue ships could stop lives being saved on monday italy raised the fine on authorize ships entering its waters to 1000000 euros ship captains bringing rescued migrants to italy also face arrest the u.n. said the activities of a rescue ships should not be criminalized. well later today in the united states president trump is due to visit 2 cities struck by
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a weekend of mass shootings that left at least 31 people dead the president has called for bipartisan action to address gun violence the grieving communities of dayton ohio and el paso texas are still struggling to come to terms with their losses as we hear from the w.'s alexandra phenomena who's in el paso for us right now. the vigil to honor the road ragers a high school student killed them last year to you know pass only 15 years old bright polite and quick on his feet that's how his friends remember he will always be there for me. he was a really are. you was a. positive person. never negative. always happy. always trying to make it. there's just no you don't. like the word for it. we have a really strong community and everybody here loves each other we're really big
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family. students parents teachers they came together at horizon high school just outside parcel trying to come to terms with what they see as a terrorist attack against hispanics all over the past so residents are reeling after 30 days horrific events and they are hoping that the mass murder a crime committed by an alleged white supremacist from outside the town does not give us a bad name after all they say this is a diverse and tolerant place which has consistently ranked one of the safest cities in the u.s. for many years. a border city with an 80 percent latino population el paso has suffered under presidents trams and immigrant rhetoric and his administration's 0 tolerance policy at the border residents say christina garcia works for
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a local organization that helps immigrants and asylum seekers she says some of her clients are now terrified they feel like every client i've had interaction with they've had to apologize for what happened this weekend and i've had to reassure them that we that we are going to be a safe community but for now they mourn the dead. every day people gather at the wal-mart store where the mass shooting took place president trump is expected to visit us on wednesday and we respect him because he's a president but to be honest when welcome him we don't need him this was a very different city and what happened there was the worst thing that could happen 1st and i know a lot of people know that if we walk he's going to bring a lot of people that really hate hispanic people. hate is not what should define us they say it's not what the united states is all about.
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now to what you could describe as 5 g. in 0 gravity a new satellite system known as the space data highways on its way into space a rocket carrying a satellite system blasted off from the european spaceport in french guiana tuesday the satellites are equipped with ultra fast laser technology to help emergency services during disaster situations by transferring data and images of any point on earth in almost real time. flying at an altitude of 36000 kilometers the really satellite has a view of large parts of the earth's surface the system runs around the clock and some of the satellites orbit the globe with even greater trajectories the e.t. r s c is intended to improve and accelerate data transmission from space by using a so-called laser communication terminal it can receive data from earth observation
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satellites through a laser link then it immediately forwards the data to the ground station the system is $100.00 times faster than high speed internet before the actual daters and the entry was in europe it took several hours normally we didn't we could cut the stone to 1020 minutes maybe call reeling today to rio i need to respond to ricky to the ground. during floods and other disasters swift access to satellite data is crucial radar satellites can see through clouds there is able to capture the extent of floods over a wide area. emergency support needs this information as quickly as possible they can then determine the location of the greatest damage and how to get to affected areas earth observation
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satellites orbit the globe every 90 minutes. but they can only send data to earth for 10 minutes at a time the new laser technology extends the transmission time and users can obtain data more quickly there are other advantages this is tim is useful for weather services accurate forecasts rely on huge amounts of data from around the world the e.t. or a c. satellite works like a laser node in space. a 2nd node is already in place on a telecommunications satellite together they form the basis for europe's space data highway. delta my goal will of course be to achieve global coverage so the become transmit imagery that is taken anywhere in the world to europe with and cause the real time meaning almost immediately. at the
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beginning of the next decade a 3rd satellite e.g. r s d is planned to be stationed over asia after its installation the system will cover most of the globe a 4th satellite is already in the works. while the clock is ticking for the world's remaining barrier reef that's according to a report by unesco which says global action on climate change is needed to save these natural treasures the small central american country believes has been doing its part office coastline as the 2nd largest coral reef in the world and conservations they are doing painstaking work to nurse the underwater world back to health. with its breathtaking beauty billie's is paradise on earth or at least that's how it looks. but the country's most prized possession lies under water the incredible biodiversity of its 7000 year old
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coral reef the 2nd largest in the world the reef was dying but is now gradually being brought back to life. expand on is one of those fighting on its behalf what i feel like when i look at work it's like. when they call me and say all right we're going to all do this laughing work here check the corals here or whatever it is i am like all right let's do this let's let's wrap this let's wrap the way beneath the surface it's clear why the reef is struggling the corals have been dying off the sea water is too warm too acidic and the frequent cyclons have wreaked havoc here climate change is turning everything grain. together with marine biologist lisa carne and the fragments of hope organization monique is rebuilding the corals . over. time. pros
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are basically like the forest and the seas so just like the trees in the forest provide a habitat for so many other animals the coral do the same on the reef. very meticulously after much research and careful selection they take a few fragments up some especially hardy quick growing corals. then they plant them in new places. around 80 percent of the fragments survive these ones have been growing for 18 months life is returning and attracting more life with it. the rich protectors work is financed by project money and donations they proudly show us the results of 8 years' work. the corals here have increased from 6 percent to over 50 percent all the hard work is worth it the reef has been able to recuperate. this is not solving the climate change crisis
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obvious to you is a little band-aid behind us some time for the coastal community people here i see it's all about political will i think we can do it if we have all if we have the people behind us hurricane season is about to begin for money that means that the coral has to be established enough to withstand any storm that comes its way we have some sports now in the news as swiss authorities have charged 5 people in relation to germany's bid to host the 2006 football world cup max merrill from the sports is here to talk about that good morning max one of the allegations of what's happening well essentially from 5 people as you mention full key figures of germany's 2006 world cup but among them 2 former association presidents i'm told so german footballing legend on spec and who'd be tried separately juice for health reasons and then also the form of swiss x. 50 general secretary lindsay and they're accused to varying degrees of involvement
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here it's all centered on a payment of 6700000 euros which the prosecutors say that the accused are alleged to have fraudulent lee misled the members of the supervisory body of that world cup 2006 period about the true purpose of that payment and these 6700000 euros went on quite a journey so let's get an overview. the men behind germany's wildly successful hosting of the 2006 world cup are in trouble on tuesday the swiss attorney general's office brought charges against former german football association presidents false gun years. and former general secretary horst r. schmidt the 3 stand accused of falsely claiming a payment of $6700000.00 euros from the german f.a. to fee for was depression the financial world cup gala an event that never took place in 2002 then world cup organizing committee boss france beckenbauer received
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6700000 euros from entrepreneur robert louis dreyfus back in balad then transferred this money to former qatari official mohamed bin hammam who has since been suspended for life due to corruption the central question of why bin hammam received the money is still unclear to investigators in 2005 the d.f.t. then transferred 6700000 euros defeat supposedly for the 2006 world cup kickoff gala but then transferred the money directly to louis dreyfus swiss authorities are investigating france beckenbauer in a separate case on account of his current state of health back and bauer were charged along with the others and then failed to appear it could in danger the entire case. and the clock is ticking. to commuters are under time pressure there are only 8 months left under the statute of limitations it's high time charges are filed. now swiss justice has to hurry to
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reach a verdict or the fraud charges will have to be dropped. ok the clock is ticking on this is a serious speculation over what that payment of 6700000 was for yes the main speculation is that it was used to buy votes through the world cup as we heard the money traveled through several hands mohamed bin hammam. the 200-6000 committee and. robert louis dreyfus who has since died but at the time was the added a c. so you know this wild transfer of money that and prosecutors they think this money initially was also a payment for a loan they say even further back in 2002 payments made to a qatari company and it's suspected back in 2015 dish legal was already reporting this a german magazine that it was used to buy at least 4 votes from asian federations buying votes in the world cup how much of a problem is that and how much is a problem for germany right well several world cup bids have been investigated
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including the upcoming next world cup the qatar weld cup germany's welcome to the 6 was seen as a very different story you know a very run of the mill awarding and no corruption to be seen but this is dating back since 2015 german prosecutors have been trying to bring cases against at least 3 if not all 4 of these german members here and as we heard that the clock is ticking on the statute of limitations there are now many many people thinking that this will finally bring closure to what we thought was a clean bid but it's looking increasingly likely that this wasn't ok max thanks very much for that max merrill from the sports desk for us today. while staying with football the chairman of german bonus league club clemens tanya's has temporarily stepped down from his post following comments he made in the speech last week criticizes racist football club's honorary board convening on tuesday
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they determined that tonya's did violate schall because anti-discrimination policy the accusation of racism was quote unfounded a statement from the club says the 63 year old billionaire will step aside for 3 months after which point is expected to return. well it's quick it's fun and supposedly has the ability to revolutionize city traffic in the years ahead electric scooters are zipping to global popularity a few weeks after their introduction here in germany about a quarter of a 1000000 of them are now out on the streets but not everyone's quite convinced that east of the breakthrough there claimed to be. together with u.s. special someone on a new electric scooter touring. a moment too romantic to bother with traffic laws for some but a lot of car drivers and cyclists conversely share the excitement. well the feet of
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the kind of there are so many people using them who have never ridden before who have no idea how to ride them and then they even ride them on the sidewalk and they could end up really hurting someone this made i feel bad that more people are on the road makes it more dangerous. they just shoot out of parking spots without even looking. at the top speed of an electrifying 20 kilometers per hour the fun fact does sometimes switches off commonsense rights have already ended up properly with abrasions bruises and sometimes even severe bone fractures since mid june there have been more than 20 accidents in berlin alone to my small so far most of the accidents have been caused by the east scooter drivers themselves either they didn't understand how the east good or works or they thought they were better drivers than they actually are just because you can ride a bike doesn't mean you know how to use a nice scooter the little wheels react completely differently and the sort of extent but accidents are not the only concern
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a few weeks after the introduction the 1st easement is a lying around in the city some fear they will end up as you waste according to manufacturers' the school just last year but a us study claims the average lifespan is actually only 28 days of them on line unless durable scooters are scooters they can easily be damaged by vandalism with a life span of 28 days is much too short because then new resources have to be used to produce new ones that's not in the interest of the environment and not in the interest of conservation. according to her east can only be ecological if they can completely replace trips taken by car otherwise they're nothing more than a hip new toy. nobel laureate and bestselling american author toni morrison has died at the age of 88 after a short illness her novels focused on the african-american experience in the u.s. often through the eyes of female protagonists among those marking her passing was
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former president barack obama who described her as a national treasure for a magic solution over a technical in toni morrison's career the 1st african american nobel literature laureate receiving the presidential award of freedom from america's 1st african-american president barack obama in 2012. her path to success was studded with obstacles that she overcame with defiant inspired by her grandfather as she remembered in a documentary the pieces i am released earlier this year. my grandfather. said it was illegal in his life to marry out of. that word. before becoming a writer morrison made her way up the male dominated world of new york publishing always fearless she soon realized that she and not the old white males around her
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was the smartest person in the room i was more interesting then. she turned the status quo of white perception on its head when talk show host dick cavett asked her a provocative question. i prefer. well i'm tired of people asking the question. later oprah winfrey's book club helped toni morrison become a household name her novels such as the bluest eye song of solomon and beloved went beyond bestseller status they contributed to a shift in african-american storytelling a style that embraced ruthless honesty. toni morrison empowered countless readers and will be remembered as a force of nature in the world of literature and beyond. coming up in business with a gary hart streaming services like netflix or being tied to climate change will have that story for now while more news at the top of the hour i'm brian thomas for
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i'm not going to think the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i said nothing when that happened. thanks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotype a question in here thinks leave the country behind on time. p.s. need insane people to describe my day out to eat it's all that they know i might show join me in the jam and funded up the. post robots are still in the development phase 5 for it's going to happen when they grow. will humans and machines be able to peacefully co-exist or are we on the verge of a robot colors. if we just bumble into this totally unprepared with our heads in the fusing to think about what could go wrong then let's face it it's probably going to be the biggest mistake in history. artificial intelligence is spreading
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through our society they are experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this technology create deadly new autonomous weapon systems. school robot collapse stores aug 14th on t.w. . markets in asia are still raw sold by fears the u.s. china trade or could spread to the car in syria even though darvish tones are coming from the white house investors fleet to safe havens in droves. shocking new figures show how increased use of internet streaming services that like netflix is pushing c o 2 emissions but we all have warming the planet one clicked at the time.
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