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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 7, 2019 6:30pm-6:46pm CEST

6:30 pm
i'm 50 nations 50 stories and 50 very personal tips cumberlands very best features . planet for our miramax series every week on d w. this is due to other news asia coming up on the program a 2nd night of protests in hong kong police charged protesters of surrounded a police station in a city district beijing has also warned punishment is only a matter of time but how and when will it act get the view from chinese artists and dissidents by way way also coming up. the last charge with general thomas time to follow a 10 year old spends wrong days not at school but working to support his family we speak about the pervasive problem of child labor.
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i'm going to welcome to do the news asia it's good to have you with us but i suppose in hong kong are in no mood to relent and if anything's clear it's that they aren't afraid to confront the police either these what the scenes of this week in china are special administrative region crowds of protesters surrounding police facilities unafraid of police warnings projectiles what also hold of those inside police responding with tear gas and arrests. estimates put the number of injured in these clashes at around 41. the continuing protests over the past
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9 weeks have prompted the harshest warning yet from beijing well quality here i warn all criminals not to misjudge the situation and mistake restraint for the weak us. well now. we want to warn the handful of violent criminals and the meddling hands behind them. they hold that those who play with fire will perish by it while. the punishment will only be a matter of time. joining me now joining is artist understood and i were in the studio thank you very much for coming in i really very we just heard young wearing their punishment will only be a matter of time is this beijing's way of telling protesters that the beijing government can step in directly to stop them well unless they tells the truth of what's in their mind they have been doing that since that gets you know they have
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been seeing any places in the land of china they would do it as oh crash it. this tanks or a military or whatever they have and they're they can be very brutal and a very bloody and but this is hong kong so they're really bluffing you know they are the in the situations much beyond they came magine and and those young people are not scared they are not easily you know to be. forward or to you know this is this is their life struggle so do you mean a situation like the 1990 on them and square protests would not happen in i would not see a war not happen i predict it can happen but or be have a heavy cost on china and that may be come opportunity for china to change but do you think china what is about this cost. now worries deeply and then narrow facing
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problem a search you know as is interesting a game you know is not is supposed to be one country to system and that car they played very wow to today one says them and demand its own. more life independency and the more clearly does their. identity so is a relief it's a problem but what is the next move of the hong kong government for instance if the beijing government is facing a problem what does the hong kong government do next what are its options the problem is in reality it is no such thing as a young congressman congressman the services of a. puppy for central government and whatever they say is really and their action from the central government so they're
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just trying to delay and they're trying to to lead them through asian saves itself doesn't it we're not have happened if that from everything that you're saying it would appear that the young protesters have the upper hand on the government on the streets of hong kong you yourself have been incarcerated by the chinese government in the past and in a way i understand how the chinese government things what are the debates what are the discussions if at all happening in beijing or for that matter in hong kong if i can put of the about how to end this. so far as that lock no. beijing will not lose its face and they cannot allow the hung government to accept the hung young people's very rational demanding you know to not to call it does a ride to release of those peaceful than 3 turners and the 2 to to
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have some kind of election. and. as same as kind and never had as this kind. to listen to demonstrators they have no. no way even to to negotiate and sing so it's very very difficult where one chartered waters but as i was just saying it is on for both sides is very difficult i want to go back to a term you used you call them peaceful demonstrations you call them peaceful demonstrators based on everything that we've seen in the past few recent particularly last night's violence and which you have the protesters surrounding police beatings would you still call the protesters peaceful i would call it peaceful because on the other side the you can see the you use. gallus you know shooting people on the rise seldon's protesters and you know the uni shaking some kind. but for hong kong protesters
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is still some umbrellas or water bottles i think that's as peaceful you can say 11000000 people demonstrators on straight i mean this is most rational the human clear clean up of the streets after a demonstration i just want to ask you these protests have been going on for about 9 weeks now do you think in your view they have done something to the psyche of the people of all has this been a tipping point have things changed in hong kong i think cannot afford to have demonstrations like they have a more important companies stays in thailand which have accused his stays in hong kong have a great deals working with china so it's very crucial and enough for those young people they have nothing to lose you know they there is a generation realize freedom guarantee their life quality under this is what they
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want so this in a way they can back off we leave it there for the time being irate thank you so much for coming into the studio and speaking to us. rather not of. many kids on to school or playing but a walk join libertines a widespread problem it's believed that one in 4 of grandchildren between the age of 6 and 14 are working to support their families and the jobs can be hard and dangerous with little regard for work conditions or safety uki you personally meet you know with the sun rises over afghanistan and these children should be on their way to school but for 10 year old cameron and his siblings it's the start of a day of grueling work. since their family has fallen on hard times the children get up before dawn to make bricks at a factory on the outskirts of couple who thought.
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there was a time when my father wasn't able to earn enough money anymore so i had to start working with my father and after i started working i stopped going to school. that . cameron family comes from nangarhar province where years of fighting involving both the taliban and in a slum extent affiliate group have left many people with nothing but the international labor organization says brick factory owners take advantage of this by offering lanes to families who are struggling to cover lots necessities and then forcing them to work off the debt in their factories. cameron's father supports this immediate family of 8 as well as several siblings nieces and nephews. he says his entire family has to work a whole day to end the kind of money needed to pay for a bag of flour. but my children wake up in the morning
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right after prayers and they come here for work so we don't have time for school. these days if you don't work you cannot survive. bag of wheat flour costs around 16 year olds have to market. and if we don't all work we won't be able to afford to buy. a u.n. report from last year said more than $2000000.00 afghan children aged $6.00 to $14.00 were engaged in some form of child labor often at the expense of the education for cameron and many children like him going to school as a lecturer they simply can't afford. for more i'm joined by another was ibrahimi he's a child protection officer to serve are gonna start office be glad that you could join us how widespread is the problem of for child labor in a. thank you very much.
6:41 pm
yes gerald levert is one of the child protection issues in afghanistan unfortunately. but there is a way. around 29. of the children in afghanistan. to do the big concern for unicef are not so far the board member and not. assume you need to learn. it in china. but then you also have of gonna sound labor laws which aaa 18 is the minimum age for employment also says that children below the age of 14 cannot be employed for the laws are there are they not being implemented. yes you are very. very comprehensive. and then for.
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problems for liberty but that of issue with internal mouth important the different context of a bunny stand because of. the issue and. stability in the country and. they would indicate that. to depend on the. but in turn i'm up implementation. to really issue. this we are a full. implementation of the funny thing but how. to improve. the lot in the country roger let's leave it there for the time being a moment of ruse romney speaking to us from kabul thank you so much for that. that's a fun obvious show to check out other stories on did have a dog. on facebook and try to. relieve it now with some of this week's
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striking images of the protests in town called protests that are becoming increasingly violent with your. first. post to news of species. or see if you can. get those are big changes and most start with small steps that can. tell stories of creationist people and innovative projects around the world. the news the culture the climate the loosest green solutions and before station. crew to interactive content to choose the next generation doesn't want to touch on
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the. odd channels available to inspire people to take action. and more determined to do something here for the next generation. the environment series of global 3000. and all mine. policymakers a trembling as president trumps trade war widens a global spillover from the us china taft dispute is materializing with a trio of central banks announced a surprise rate cuts. experts say female corporate leaders could boost global growth so what's holding them back you talk to a safety executive board member a definite slap in. iran sanctions on iran more and more international businesses of fleeing the country leaving the economy in freefall. at flying high keep your
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seat belts on it could be turbulence ahead the warning to investors from cathay pacific. is all and that's the business global trade tensions are sparking central bank is into action rate cuts in a whole host of asian economies this wednesday the moves are also based on poor economic data the latest coming from europe's economic powerhouse germany where industrial production fell back in june german industrial leaders say companies must brace themselves. india cut it spent market rate by $35.00 basis points a bit deeper than expected and it wasn't the only country surprising investors on wednesday thailand's central bank unexpectedly lowered rates for the 1st time in 4 years and new zealand cut by 50 basis points to its lowest level ever one percent new zealand is a major trading partner of china where purchases have slowed and a trade war with the us.


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