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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 9, 2019 4:30pm-4:46pm CEST

4:30 pm
so it's like me just like there's the. 50 story. and 53 personal tips on berlin's very best features. every week on t w. this is you don't think there is a show coming up on the program. prime minister. a new enough for the region. autonomy but. few in communications blackout. react we speak to a journalist fresh from the region also coming up. others are accused of tolerating systemic torture on detainees and prisoners for human rights groups about the scope of the problem and what needs to be done to stamp it out.
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i'm going to welcome to. it's good to have you with us indian prime minister. has hailed what he called a new era for indian controlled kashmir this offered an address to the nation on thursday he also promised development on so-called mainstreaming of fish meat is with the rest of india but he was clear on why the constitutional provisions giving a semi autonomous pause have to be scrapped i did. our part to play any. article 370 and 35 i. have given. nothing but separatism.
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terrorism. to nasty politics and corruption. said that he's joining us now journalist am from delhi and not a good driver with us on the program none that interim or the has outlined why the government believed special status for christmas or wasn't working and he's also promised a so-called new eva for the region we people on the ground except the prisoner. it loose unlikely honestly because the people on the ground read it and you know who are going to be 70 and was actually doing x. number of crime and all and now it's like you're looking. to have a mind of protest. because it is a good you need a slow so we don't want to look as if there are you what all told in srinagar the summer capital of jumbo in kashmir or there in the wreak what did you see there
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what is the impact of the security lockdown being on the people there how does it troops are under under in the streets it shouldn't cause a few men to be gone who are the only people who happen to bill emergency who. is the antidote to going civil it's really hard for the rest of the people who are . you know many people are stuck. in the east india in need and yet and that was a little bit what he would do on to family so hard for him and. don't want to be on the. just on the scale of combat is and. in administered kashmir has seen a fuse in the past you've been reporting from kashmir for a number of years how does this security lockdown compare with the times in the past. does this one was ready to shoot is how do you do if you lose the hat not
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land and who does that and when so this is well so if that isn't the way to contact you a family member who was at the same time you you going knew all. because you don't just. people who are around you got in this interview how did you want to do so is that all oh so difficult to do better you spoke a little while back about anger amongst the people of kashmir at this move of government based in new delhi do you predict that in the coming few days one when see lots of protests on the ground perhaps intrade out and other parts are for in administered kashmir like you said and you can and i mean it's a matter of time who would i have and who were the last team to do some new evidence so you didn't see the then i just said that it's a matter of time and it shouldn't lead to lift it over you and i do see that little thousands of people on the streets only wanting to protest against article $370.00
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so it's a matter of planets it's approaching it and it's looking up we're going to ask you damn every prime minister more the has talked about development and serve. can look forward to in many ways happy times because things will start to happen in the region do people in indian administered kashmir at all across the government in delhi is that absolutely no faith. i actually didn't have it in the process only you know as i understand that all of them are seeing but i see that it should last and only keep folks in the bewildered and the deucedly and i don't see it and honestly it was 6 percent still so we didn't sit on these things but saying that i'm not a little bit you have to get it into means you will have to choose will fight you know last. i am a con thank you very much for giving us that coming out of buying others one of the
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world's 5 fosters growing economies according to the world bank but in contrast to that distinction since its record on torture human rights watch dogs are denouncing what they call the systematic use of torture in the country a report by the wild organization against torture the oil in c.t. and the bang that issue human rights group or take a look at $300.00 cases over an 8 year period they found that torture is used to instill fear and quash dissent to course confessions or as a routine tool for corrupt law enforcement agents to extract bribes impunity for perpetrators reign supreme further reinforcing these important practices of those practices according to the report's findings include extreme forms of physical violence such as breaking bones drilling into body parts and i go the report called for more international pressure and put forward a 10 step plan to establish the rule of law in on lavish bustelo
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honesty is the network coordinator for the wild again world organization against torture she joins me now from geneva is asked as a welcome to the program just in terms of what your report says it mentions shooting in the legs or knees drilling holes in arms and legs and these are some of the forms of torture that happen in by another how common is this. well i'm for trying to get it's very common and this is what emerged from a detail examination of over 200 reported cases the torturous than in the period of 20092017 as well it's from information gathered doing several missions conducted by their one city and about the few years where we talk to families of the teams as well as we've stakeholders of course and we think of that these is that only the points of the iceberg because the jutes of that their nature of the torture which
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it's largely exercycle side of the public visa in and with the children. seems most of the time so also terrified by was possible reprisals it is impossible to have a firm with a few states about its. anyway so we found that the torture is a very common in bangladesh and it's as you said it's not only used as a political tool to quash in the sense metal so against the ordinary stupid sensitised awkward questions that which they go against down there all the evidence or to extort. bribes or ransoms not by mother should somehow had ratified the un to mention against all china were about to mentor mentee it is said it has its own laws that criminalize torture up what you say above but this is serious about acting against all. well i think of that there's there's you know we live by the government some sort of dress code these that these question we were
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deeply disappointed by the governments we thought that's what we need to against torture just a few weeks back. and where the new government to basically 3 did once again they said 0 tolerance policy against torture but to get provided no doubt no evidence and so we've seen very little evidence of such a policy ever being for said also. the most worrying part it was that the complete denial by the government of that torture is ever happening in the county and the government's hands would be plea faded so knowledge of the problem and you can think that torture at that disease and when your heel and you want to get better you look to the doctor to find out what's wrong and then you have to ups and you can see the doctor seriously and act accordingly or ignored they don't know what the is that and it is ease and pet him probably never get better and recover and i think that the lottery it's exactly what's happening with the government right now and i think that to the very 1st step of the government to should recognize that or
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that i torture is. to start healing right we thank you so much start honest as if on the one organization against torture for joining us on this very important subject thank you very much of this week the u.n. issued a diet of thought on the need to change my views too about the climate catastrophe it warned of the dangers of unsustainable farming i'm dumping to deforestation those are problems that have had devastating effects in the interview where vost swathes of tropical forests have been god palm oil production but one man that is taking his own steps to protect indonesia's involvement from scenes like this is staging a 700 kilometer protest march across the island of java walking backwards to chemical . a look at life in the rearview mirror made of us tony this walking backwards on
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a 700 kilometer long journey from his village to the capital to kata unlike his walking this mission is straightforward. but nothing was walking about words because i want to meet president. to ask him for a tree seed which i want to turn into a symbol for our reforestation name and willis and i also want to educate the young generation to care about the forest and the environment round about. the eco campaign at once to plant that seed at the slopes of mount willis in east java province like many other regions it has been hit hard by deforestation which has made indonesia one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gas. many of us tony says people need a wake up call. but i'm not i am or i saw the myth that i'm not concerned about the well being of our you have got on top of locking me in this era of advanced technology and most of the young people only care about gadgets or about
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smartphones rather than about the environment that it was that you thought would be on the forefront that work yeah. that's why he wants the government to take action now the eco campaigner hasn't received any official invitation from president joke of a dodo yet but his back wards march to jakarta is catching the attention of locals along the way many have helped him out with food water and shelter. when and on the unique maybe it's a way to get the president's attention so his request will be noticed but i'm going to test us about the i think this is crazy it's nearly impossible to walk such a long distance backwards because but he has a noble mission it's good and we support him we just hope he will successfully arrive in jakarta in search of that at the time to get back out but many of us tony
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wants to reach to contact on oldest the 17th in the aegis independence day and while for some it might look like he is walking backwards for him these are the steps to what for the protection of the country's forests. that's a fine i'll be sure to check out all of the stories on that up about from for the 1st term next time a part. bursts . home to moods of species. a home worth saving and. yes those are big changes and most start with small steps but. tell stories of could induce people and innovative projects around the world. to use the country's good news to bring energy solutions and resource to show.
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interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection. using all channels available to inspire people to take action and we're determined to build something here for the next generation globally as the environment series of global 3000 on t.w. and online. the bands roll or at the pet. stock exchange shares flopped as tension saw between pakistan and india over the disputed region of kashmir. by a storm surges reports the chemicals giant is considering a settlement for thousands of cats and tyrants that it cost a lot less and cutting plastic waste while queuing for the bus is a city in asia where passengers can buy tickets with trash. and bin for school and
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let's do business it's been a bad week for investors on pakistan's stock exchange the stock market has marked its 4th straight day of foals thanks to the tense political bans rouer at the pakistan stock exchange shares as tensions saw between pakistan and india over the disputed region of kashmir. by a storm surges reports the chemicals giant is considering a settlement for thousands of cats if i haven't said that it cost a lot less and cutting plastic waste while queuing for the bus is a city in asia where passengers can buy tickets with trash. and been physical and let's see business it's been a bad week for investors on pakistan's stock exchange the stock market has marked its 4th straight day of foals thanks to the tense political situation between pakistan and india across the stock exchange plummeting 2000 points to its lowest in 5 years on tuesday india passed a controversial bill stripping the statehood of jammu and kashmir and divided the
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region into 2 territories one of which will be governed directly by delhi. the flare up in tensions as sponsor mass flight of migrant workers india has shut down mobile networks across the region and banned public gatherings. a train platform in general filled with laborers eager to leave a tense situation many say they were told to leave their jobs some report never receiving their salaries the challenge now scraping together enough to get out. there would not come from the kashmir valley and we don't have any money and my wallet is empty we don't know how we'll to.


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