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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 10, 2019 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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this is do w. news live from berlin the disgraced u.s. billionaire an accused sex offender jeffrey epstein is found dead in his prison cell apparently having killed himself epstein was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges and had been accused of abusing dozens of young girls the f.b.i. is now investigating the circumstances of his death also coming up a russian opposition politician is arrested and many more people are detained by police as protests flare up again in moscow thousands of people up and taking to
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the streets in the past month demanding the opposition candidates be allowed to run in elections for the city council. and police in hong kong the fire tear gas said pro-democracy protesters as they define a war next to cancel a march these fresh demonstrations come out of the cities leader found not to ground the protesters any concessions. thanks for joining us i'm mary and i haven't seen. the disgraced u.s. financier jeffrey epstein has been found dead in his new york prison cell officials say his death was an apparent suicide epstein was jailed last month a sex trafficking charges and was being held without bail the f.b.i. is now investigating the circumstances of epstein's death in federal custody. he
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had already been found injured in a cell a few weeks ago then the multi-millionaire was found dead in the new york jail where he was awaiting trial an apparent suicide. the convicted pedophile was facing up to 45 years behind bars on sex trafficking and conspiracy charges. epstein a high powered investor was accused of having sexually abused girls as young as 14 at parties in his palm beach villa where he reportedly passed the girls on to his guests what made the case explosive was the few notes he has connections to public figures including british royal prince andrew former u.s. president bill clinton as well as the sitting president donald trump charges were already brought against him in 2008 a controversial plea deal spared him time in prison. if i wasn't afraid to come forward sooner than we would be he would have done it to other girls i feel really guilty to list if the. conviction for epstein could have meant the rest of his life
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in prison now many questions remain will the authorities further investigate the sex trafficking allegations and will possible accomplices be held to account. for more on this we're joined now by due to the news washington correspondent fully ileus hello to you pablo so tell us how political leaders and law enforcement officials have been reacting to epstein's death. well as you can imagine the political fallout here has been rather dominating the news here in the united states what's probably the most damning actually came from the attorney general william barbara's going to reject some of what he said in his statement he said he was a poll to learn that jeffrey epstein was found that early this morning from an apparent suicide he said mr epstein's death raises serious questions in a day in addition to the f.b.i. investigation taking place he said he's consulted with the inspector general and
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they're also going to he's also going to open an investigation so that was from the attorney general william barr and then we've even heard from republican senators like ben sasse of nebraska he wrote a letter to the attorney general saying that they knew that epstein was a suicide risk and he said that his dark secrets couldn't be allowed to die with him he said the justice department failed and epstein's coconspirator conspirators think they might have gotten one last sweet deal now it continued because also we heard from bill de blasio of course the new york mayor and also one of the candidates for president he's a democrat he said some of the wealthiest people in the world committed a horrible crime he said if they think for a 2nd that they got away with it because jeffrey epstein is dead they're dead wrong is what he said very strong words and of course we're monitoring what else is being said there in response to the death of jeffrey epstein and of course
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a lot of people are asking how is somebody who was found in their cell just over 2 weeks ago who had attempted suicide apparently. apparently committed suicide just over 2 weeks later so many questions left unanswered at the moment but i'm sure we'll be keeping an eye on that in the coming days all right will have a what then does epstein's death for. investigation into his alleged crimes what is going to happen next. well a lot of the jeffrey epstein's accusers their representatives their lawyers have said that they are not going to give up their fight there's the possibility of course of opening civil lawsuits against jeffrey epstein's the state what's known at the moment is how big that estate is because of course we're talking about jeffrey epstein in the sense that he was known as a billionaire financier but in fact we were not entirely sure about that of course
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i just mentioned the political fallout but there's also been a lot of a lot of talk here. you know there's a lot of emphasis put on the people who. friendships with or a. you know being seen with either socializing or in the business sense and i mean in the report we heard there are some very important people such as the sitting president donald trump former president bill clinton prince andrew many other members of the world of politics and entertainment and finance so there's sort of a renewed sense of you know focus being put on the accusations that were brought against him not just in july of this year but also the plea deal that was brought against over a decade ago so this story is definitely going to continue unraveling and most importantly for the those people who accused them they said that they're not going
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to give up their fight. fully ilias in washington we appreciate it. let's get a check now of some of the other stories making news around the world the southern separatists in yemen have taken effective control of ogden the seat of the internationally recognized government official said separatists seize control of government military camps and the presidential palace separatists have previously been part of the saudi backed pro-government coalition that's been fighting the rebels in northern yemen. in china at least 22 people were killed and several are missing following a landslide triggered by typhoon leukemia on the country's southeastern coast heavy rain large waves and strong winds prompted the evacuation of a 1000000 people. at least 60 people have died in tanzania after an overturned fuel truck exploded people in the east african nation of where siphoning gasoline from the vehicle at
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a busy intersection when the blast happened some reports suggest that a cigarette may have triggered the explosion. in russia tens of thousands of opposition supporters have been staging protests in moscow and st petersburg the biggest show of opposition in russia for nearly a decade police detained up to $200.00 people including a prominent opposition figure protesters are demanding democratic local elections. riot police were out in force even though the latest demonstration in moscow had been officially authorized police arrested nearly 200 protesters and blocked access to the president's head courts is among those detained was the opposition activist loop of suborn who's been on a hunger strike. all opposition candidates have been barred from running in next month's moscow city hall elections. but it corrects it's still growing. they need
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to drop all of the politically motivated cases against people who hold early mero actions because the current one isn't doing his job properly for what it says right now dozens. of thousands have been detained over the summer as the not just opposition movement seen in russia since 2012 gathers pace. the only thing i've come here to be counted on to show that i have the right to choose who to vote for and i stay at u.s.d.a. mandela we did i suppose it's impossible to stay at home. we have to show the authorities they can't just ignore what the people think though which it would when you. shouldn't be able to arrest normal people for no reason. that unfortunately we are seeing that across the whole country months is what i am syria all candidates whatever their views and political positions
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should be allowed to run in any elections we should look at some way but russia's summer of discontent is far from over more mass protests. unexpected in the run up to the. early september. correspondent emily share when it was at the protests in moscow earlier today and she joins us now from or so emily tell us what you saw at today's demonstrations well today was some of were some of the biggest protests that russia has seen in several years according to independent monitors nearly 50000 people were out on moscow's streets according to police it was closer to 20000 and that was an authorized protest that we saw today there were performances from to various famous musicians as well and it was kind of was a real mix at various points kind of a party atmosphere on the stage and then rows of riot police lining up towards the
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end of that authorized protest because the organizers had called for what they said was a walk through the center of moscow the unauthorized protest part of this protest and that's when the arrests began hundreds. over $100.00 people up to $200.00 people were arrested today and there was a huge police presence out in the city of moscow including military forces as well . just what are the demonstrators now calling for is it just about these local elections. well these local elections have been the kind of jumping off point for protestors in a way and today we heard people chanting for the registration of the independent candidates to moscow city parliament elections they weren't registered because independent candidates have to collect signatures several 1000 signatures and the
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author already said that many of the signatures were invalid they said that there were so-called dead souls amongst those signatures so people who don't exist people who are dead the candidates themselves say that that's just a pretense that in fact those candidates were not registered on purpose by the author already and this is become about democracy in russia and today we heard people chanting as well for freedom chanting against putin president vladimir putin as well so this has become about much much more than just moscow and moscow city elections all right emily i'm sure when her morning from moscow we thank you very much. to hong kong now where there have been renewed clashes between police and pro-democracy protesters police fired tear gas at the protesters who are holding an authorized demonstrations in 2 vocations it's the 10th straight week of
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protests weekend of protests which were triggered by opposition to a proposed law that would have allowed extradition from hong kong to mainland china . activists held a number of other protests earlier in the day that remained peaceful including a sit in at hong kong airport at the airport protesters assembled for a 2nd day to greet passengers arriving in the city drawing international attention to their cause saturday morning also saw a rather tranquil rally in support of the pro-democracy movement that brought together families demanding a stable and free future the wave of protests began 3 months ago in opposition to draft legislation to allow suspects in criminal cases to be tried in mainland china but the demands have widened. come i am worried if the extradition law to china is imposed or this movement of ours is a failure my kids might have no democracy or freedom and
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a lot of things will be taken over by the mainlanders. a group of elderly people also submitted petition letters to the police and the authorities to stop and investigate what they call violence against the protesters especially of clashes in july normal days the reputation of the hong kong police was so good for more than a decade but it was completely destroyed on july the 21st i don't know how many years it will take to restore the trust of the people. at the same time there were smaller demonstrations in front of several police stations in support of the police people gathered to express their thanks and called on others to say thank you whenever they meet officers on friday various business groups also called on the people of hong kong to support the police and to reflect on the. chaos and the economic impact of the protests. the average income of taxi drivers has decreased nearly 40 percent over the past 2 months. i appealed you to stop and think
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if the situation continues our hong kong really is heading towards a dead end this is probably the kind of thing the communist leadership in beijing wants to hear and once people around the world to hear as it seeks to boost resistance to the pro-democracy movement in hong kong you're up to date now and it only means thanks for watching. live. births. home to news of species. a home worth saving and. yes those are big changes and most start with small steps back to global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative project.


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