tv DW News Deutsche Welle August 12, 2019 9:00pm-9:29pm CEST
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this is due to the use life for a girl in the u.s. urges all sides in the hong kong protests to avoid violence well that's after the authorities closed down the airport as anti-government protesters occupy to arrivals hall the chinese government has signaled its rising anger at the protest denouncing some of them as terrorism also coming up italy's far right interior minister much they are some of the hosts to push through a no confidence vote in the government so he could win a snap election italian lawmakers are expected to meet to 6
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a date for the vote and to russia tries to tighten the screws on you tube over the life streaming of recent protests in moscow the demonstrators have been calling for a free and fair elections to the city council. great to have you along everyone tonight as china shows signs of losing patients were demonstrators in hong kong a senior u.s. official has called on all sides to avoid violence saying societies are best served when diverse political views are respected and can be freely and peacefully expressed well the official spoke on condition of anonymity hong kong authorities shut down the airport earlier today as thousands of activists staged a sit in there and shut down came as the chinese government signaled rising anger at the protest announcing so. some violent demonstrations as quote terrorism for
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the 1st time. a huge occupation hong kong international shut down for most of the day i civil disobedience and disruption a mainstays of this protest movement is a kind of increase in campin yes ah selfishness cost to other people but how we can all this is somehow not enough voidable because we fight for our final goal that is our freedom and that is why we pay our soul just icing off i think. it does not it doesn't matter right there also angry at police violence when i was an eye for an eye protest as a dressed up in solidarity with another demonstrator who was filmed bleeding heavily from her eye the video went viral over the weekend. these processes of anger at hong kong's all thirty's who have been closely watched by the authoritarian government in beijing hong kong international airport is one of the
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savers airborne one of the most efficient airport and what has been done today has seriously. the repetition of hong kong most well i was there home called international airport and therefore i would like to appeal once again to all those who are no famine straight to your own call international airport to leave peacefully and i sure know it's possible a many have now gone home business should go back to normal but the protest is set to continue with many fearing a violent crackdown at the behest of beijing. and you don't use a c.v. kong has been at the international airport throughout the day. although international airport is one of the p.c.'s the airport in the wall is that over the 1000 of life part and arrive at these aviation help every day the aim of the post has this is not just to paralyze the airport itself they want to stress that the
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months and their anger towards the excessive force used by the police police office says they're now with testing the demonstrations by taking a more hot might oppose the ploy all kinds of problems for weapons which result in more serious injuries despite the aspirate from tension beijing is not making any compromise try to compromise to the public but instead they accuse some of the posthaste this as a terrorist was just not going to cool down the situation but more likely to embrace the public and oppose has this or even some of them they may resort to more violence act to achieve that goals. reporting there will citizens of hong kong living in other parts of the world have been closely watching developments back home while a large hong kong community lives in great britain and some of been taken to the streets of west london to support the protesters back home. hong kong expatriates in london are showing solidarity with the activists back home nearly
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100000 people from the former u.k. colony are now living in britain there watching the protests with a mix of hope and concern for. last 8 weeks a crowd has been putting on the helmets of the democracy movement and gathering over the weekend in west london we in the u.k. cannot do much but we want to know that the hong kong people know that. you know from calling us all over the world we're u.k. photos as well which we should apply pressure on now and peace to put to go through the parliamentary process to put pressure on the hong kong government but london isn't offering much more than encouragement success for the u.k. after brics it is heavily dependent on economic deals with china a dispute with beijing now would be extremely unhelpful. like many others alexandra is worried about being confronted by an aggressive chinese state when she returns home the 25 year old has been living and working in britain for 2 years she says
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her body is in london but her heart belongs in hong kong. who can best and they have a whole army they have to pull east and what we have to have met. safety cocos. and this is just not fair to me and even though we are strong right now we stand stroll and who can help us in london alexandra is safe from the tear gas and yet she still considers her protest part of the big picture. we will fight studio and until we got what we want we want out the more christie we want. our universal suffrage but that is exactly what beijing doesn't want them to have and so the fear is spreading even to those far away from home. and x. is only now where the senate will convene on cheers say for special session to figure out its next steps in the country's political crisis during
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a meeting in rome earlier today a party leaders agreed that the senate would attempt to set a date for a motion of no confidence in the government the leader of the far right leak interior minister meant there was a. call for snap elections last week and a bit to lead a new government lead has been in a coalition with the populist 5 star movement since last year. let's get you more on the political unrest in italy let's join a journalist john hooper he is in florence he is the economist correspondent in italy john good to see what can we expect when the senate meets on tuesday. well we can certainly expect some high drama because it's clear now that mr so leni is not going to get what he wants easily the opposition a center left democratic party and his former allies in the fire star who
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are trying to slow things down as much as possible he would like to have a new confidence vote in the government which is a part of ironic as soon as possible they are trying to drag everything out as much as possible i don't hooping to postpone the vote on the debate until after the next weekend and why why would they want to do that can you explain that . well the logic of this is that if mr salvini is made to won't that a point will be reached where it will be impossible for the incoming government to put together a budget for next year which is always a long process in italy or least of unjudged who will not trigger an automatic mechanism whereby the folks here on parliament then they say was the da
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has to go up and not be a very popular measure the 100 pound on mr soley. let's for the sake of this conversation presume that mr 70 does manage to get his way what do you have enough support to form a new government. that too is in doubt he is running around about 3637 percent in the polls at the moment and he needs around 40 by most estimates to be able to control the next column and if there is to be a next hand for that he is probably going to be counting on support from a group of former neo fascists and may have to bring in the party which is headed by silvio berlusconi so he comes back into the picture now mr berlusconi has quite a few schools to settle with mr zolli so there's every possibility of drama there.
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and who would have thought that we would see mr it's possibly see mr silvio berlusconi make a comeback john hooper the economist correspondents in l.a. thank you i've later. i want to bring up to speed now with some of the other stories making news around the world. a new migrant rescue ship has saved more than 250 people in its 1st 3 days in the mediterranean the ocean viking picked up the migrants off the coast of libya is the largest of the rescue boats searching the seas between north africa and italy. a yemeni separatist group supported by the united arab emirates says it's ready for talks with yemen's saudi backed government while the separatists seize control of the city of aden over the weekend after a breakdown in the coalition fighting yemen's iranian backed rebels separatist seek independence from southern yemen. the norwegian man charged with killing his
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stepsister and opening fire in a mosque near also has denied the accusations and asked to be released 21 year old philip man's house made the statement at a court hearing the court ruled that he can be held for 4 weeks while an investigation continues. funerals have been held for 5 russian engineers killed last week by an explosion at a nuclear weapons research center a spokesman for the center says the blast occurred as the engineers were testing a nuclear isotope power source for a rocket engine russian environmentalists are calling on the kremlin to release details of reported radioactive leak. and we stay in russia where the interior ministry says it has launched a probe after a video of a riot police officer punching a female protester in the stomach when viral video was shared by several russian
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celebrities on social media and has been viewed millions of times it's a comes amid accusations that the words have been using excessive force to break up demonstrations calling for free elections in moscow well protesters have gathered for the past 4 weekends in the capital and other cities. very uncomfortable are viewing social media has been playing a central war in drawing attention to the protests and now the country's media regulator is demanding that you troops stop promoting live streams of the demonstrations that reporter carl has been joins us now for more good to see you carl what does moscow want you choose to do in this case i mean 1st of all these protests they were a big deal i mean 60000 protesters in the capital city more than $200.00 people arrested including the woman we saw in that disturbing video so the very next day russia's communications watchdog actually sends a letter to google that's you tube's parent company and it's essentially saying look stop promoting these rallies or else i mean this is that letter it
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specifically says that the site was sending push notifications to you tube users to help promote what it's calling these unlawful demonstrations the letter as you can see also says if google doesn't respond it will be regarded as quote interference in the sovereign affairs of the states hostile influence and obstruction of its democratic elections the letter doesn't actually say specifically what russia might do in response but those are some strong words there a google for its part has not publicly responded so that letter but interesting to see russia really trying to crack down to these on these push notifications really what they think is promoting these videos well let's talk a little bit more about that why does russia want you to stop this person out of occasions i mean the letter doesn't specifically mention which accounts were sending these notifications it doesn't sound like a big deal when you think about it on the surface but it's pretty clear what russia is concerned about right it doesn't necessarily like the fact that there are so many videos out there on youtube that have so many different views take
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a look at just some of what you can find on you tube when it comes to these protests there were scores of accounts in fact of live streaming the demonstrations for hours on saturday that one was about 8 hours stream on you tube many of the largest channels that we could see were run by international broadcasters so radio free europe voice of america. this particular stream from radio free europe was seen by more than 2000000 people you see interviews there with protestors an active discussion board on the rights launched into stardom he has 3000000 subscribers they come to watch these sorts of investigations you might remember this one in the state corruption looking at the prime minister potentially using dirty money to buy buy mansions and other property that has 30000000 views in a country where you really cannot safely talk that much openly about anti kremlin viewpoints so you tube and google in general they are being targeted by russia and the government in general we've seen this before so this letter not coming out of
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the country the worst hit states are maharashtra current talk and kerala and it's only been a year since kerala suffered its worst ever flooding. the tour venture rains just keep coming teams across india's southern and western states have mounted major rescue and relief efforts more than 300000 people have been evacuated in the worst affected areas carola karnataka and maharastra to provide assistance in the prevailing persecution to the drought that modest or so 1st miracle bond is deployed to focus india faces rain related disasters during the monsoon season which kills hundreds of people in each year flood waters and landslides have made roads impassable have cut off and even in some cases downed bridges and have made traveling by bus and train impossible. people are forced to seek shelter and safety at relief camps some houses are covered in several metres of mud like that cafe
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which has been completely destroyed in like on the kerala. it's been at least 5 or 6 things everybody is stuck in the villages animals and everything all stuck there people are facing a lot of problems. water's coming from all directions and entered all the houses. rescue teams worked tirelessly to evacuate those affected by the floods and most at risk they are also being helped by the good samaritans in their communities the worst may not be over authorities worry that the flood hit areas will be pummeled by more thunderstorms hampering their rescue operations even further. turning to central america now where got a most conservative candidate has won the 2nd round of the country's presidential election with nearly all the ballots counted. it took almost 58 percent of the vote according to the electoral commission it was 4 time lucky for the 63 year old.
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was a 100 jemma ted looks pleased and relieved after 3 failed attempts he finally won blah tamales presidential election little goes well it's been 12 long years 12 years of wanting to hold this position and not because i meant vicious but because i have a mission. but it won't be an easy ride 2 thirds of all guatemalans lives below the poverty line gang crime is rampant corruption even more so immediate employ people live here for the same reasons there are just no prospects here. even with a university degree you can't find a job in life and that is that it will get us here we want security most of all few a criminal is in the thugs that we need to protect our families. that are needed. now it's up to gemma tay to make good on his promises he won the election as
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a conservative law and order candidate with hard line positions he's pro death penalty for criminals and vehemently opposed to same sex marriage and abortion a little of the law but his greatest challenge looks set to be the controversial migration agreement with the u.s. become a taste predecessor just agreed to it in july and only under great pressure from u.s. president donald trump. this deal declares guatemala a safe 3rd country which must take back all migrants who have passed through the country on their way to the u.s. the new president would like to avoid this agreement. this agreement is not good for us how are we supposed to take in foreigners when we don't have the capacity to take care of our own people. i think the u.s. will have to modify the migrant deal if they're that committed to it security.
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100 german victory is widely celebrated here in guatemala will be put to a serious test when he sworn in next january. the islamic holiday. that has begun around the world with a 4 day festivities are considered the holiest in the muslim calendar but this year they are taking place in the shadow of political tension in several countries. in israel and the west bank thousands flocked to the mosque in jerusalem to offer prayers to commemorate god testing abraham's faith by commanding him to sacrifice his son but each had a political edge in ramallah where palestinian president mahmoud abbas lets the crowd but also vowed to establish an independent palestinian state. politics with part of the proceedings in india ruled kashmir to when muslims were only allowed to go to mosques alone or in pairs amid rising tensions and
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a security lockdown strong feelings are on display. premature for me and we've gathered here not for aid but to show solidarity with the people of india and how kashmir. we want to tell india that despite its crew to the people of kashmir will not remain silent. significant. in syria shepherd scout that their flocks to sell. for sacrifice but for many the conflict destroyed the joy of eat. the spirit of 8 is 100 percent missing and i open my shop to create a nice atmosphere for the people so they can forget the misery and displacement and . the celebrations last 4 days and although marred by conflicts here in syria and elsewhere these children at least could enjoy some of the fun of the fair for the festivities. now to an exceptional young woman who's equally at home in the
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water and the television studio she's a paralympic swimming champion from egypt who's making a splash on television it's not just her gold medal that says her part she also has down syndrome here's a story. rock my car lead has truly swung her way to freedom the 23 year old has down's syndrome right here with her new friends she's in her element. i'm happiest when i'm here practicing with my friends the house and i chat and play with them. and i feel like a champion. but. they're training for the upcoming international competitions. rockman mother is often hurt by the cruel discrimination her daughter endures. but swimming has
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helped compensate for people's poor treatment of ra after all she's already won several medals in international competitions. but outside the pool things haven't been easy. the hardest part for me was when i wanted to go to kindergarten and school. many people were against me going to school. they said be thankful that you can walk and talk alone most more they don't understand down syndrome i'm not disabled i have down syndrome it makes me special . another thing that makes her special is the morning show she presents on the popular egyptian t.v. channel d m c before the recording rocked my has a briefing with 2 colleagues and some guess. my answer guess make their way to the studio for the channel a presenter with down syndrome was
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a courageous step. we found it a little unusual at 1st but then we thought it was great because the result is fantastic and she has been very well. i found it the. rock my has been presenting the morning show for 9 months together with a colleague rockmart always opens the show she's one of 2 main anchors both rock and the station are pushing boundaries well as a full i'm proud and happy because i'm doing something to enlighten society. from the society knows that we can do this now. that we're integrated into society. that we belong to it. that one chromosome doesn't make a difference then all the down syndrome makes a special. we won't be discouraged by that label getting to get used. to. rock by khalid says her message is well received she's already succeeded in
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convincing the mothers of children with down syndrome that they are a gift from god. next to tennis in canada's rogers cup canadian teenager be. anka and dress cooler became the 1st female home winner of the cup in 50 years after 3 now williams had to pull out with an injury. it was only on course in toronto for 60 minutes before she had to stop playing because of back spasms she was left in tears as she was consoled by her. in the men's final in cannot rafael nadal came out on top in his match against danielle medved yet. reigning champion rafael nadal dazzled from showing plenty of aggression to set the tone early on against i'm better. off just surviving to break points and
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breaking medvedev said the world number 2 looked in control his russian rival showed fight but couldn't force era's. the doll sealed the 1st set 63 with this suit put shot down the line and it was smooth sailing from then on much to the delight of his spanish supporters in the audience. and failed to turn around much better if fortunes in the 2nd set no doubt at this point clearly comfortable with everything the world number 8 through it's him. the spaniard consistently broke in the 2nd set to cruise to 6 nil claiming the rajah's cops for the 2nd year running making it the 1st time he has defended the title on the play cool. now recharge his batteries before the us open having pulled out of the cincinnati musters shortly after this match and. this is due to you know.
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the game. in a. home . heavy clouds loom over this paradise clouds of wrecks are to. the caribbean island of bengal it is a british overseas territory and its neighbors are french and dutch territories. if britain leaves the e.u. the consequences will also be felt here. except curse of the caribbean. close up next on t.w. . all for.
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a quiet melody rizzo's among the lighten the mood. ready and insult. resonate in an it's all. in the mind and the music. ain't open 1st wand 2019 from september 6th to september 29th. the world is getting worse and. worse catastrophe i'm not promised. the global $3000.00 talks would seem british researchers to take a more optimistic view. the wild and. always a good plan but it's much much better than i was up. is the world really getting better. a global $3000.00 special
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reports. starts august 19th on d.-day the. holidays in paradise where turquoise waters that's what the caribbean stands for it's no different on the tiny island of angola. somewhat troubled by the fact that the seals are being made for us you know 4000 miles of invisibility every year here we are powerless to do a thing about it. despite the sunny skies the dark cloud of bronx it looms here to . sign a free for me.
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