tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle August 13, 2019 7:15am-8:01am CEST
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i was i was sure the structure the. brits had has the potential to be destructive as well depending on how would it all to so be it within the u.k. and the of europe and europe that you're. really building continues to this day. swept over the lesser antilles in september 27th team with gal force winds raging at almost 300 kilometers per hour it was the strongest storm ever recorded on the open atlantic. since to many the time after the cataclysmic event marks the beginning of a new age the hurrican took many anglicans by surprise with it sheer force one of them was felix fleming. opened the door. after the door in guard down. and to see the destruction you know as a force hurricane and i've been through quite
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a few that. actually. the sea had swallowed up his garden where he grew mangoes and other tropical fruit felix fleming also sees similarities between bracks it and irma. norse them oh my goodness you know for us because that's all i really have people fingers crossed that. somehow it will cope favorably but we don't know you know that's the big question for us. on quilla is a 20 minute boat ride from st martin it's nearest neighbor island. why is a british overseas territory so martin belongs half to france and half to the netherlands it's almost like a mini e.u. the legacy of colonialism in the area makes this situation unique.
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saying mark is like an extension of anger because well over the centuries been so many. into marriages and shearing. you know it's only in recent times that the politics of it game. divisive instrument. felix is a retired appetising man tonight he's hosting a reading with family and friends of a new play for that amateur dramatics group. felix his daughter laura compares breaks it to a shakespearean drama. but with more facile elements. in . the discussion amongst ourselves what we have such a hard time. you know our family members that live and work and say martin you know
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any sort of restriction to those relationships would be devastating i mean there's grandparents that are buried here and their you know their land then and that. bank account. i mean how what is going to happen to and we don't know and i think it's very scary sometimes they can i get my medication here in angola needs and i have to go there to get it and if i don't if i'm not allowed to go there then there will be some problem for people who need medical attention. or has a population of around $15000.00 tourism is the island's economic engine but it hinges on a good relationship with its neighbors and martin. the large planes that shuttle in the bulk of the tourists can't land in. the runways are too short they land on site mountain where the runways are popular for being so
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near to the beach 95 percent of the tourists who come to angola 1st arrive in st martin. and well as 33 white beaches are its biggest attraction sun sand and seafood that's all holidaymakers here are looking for. tourism is the backbone of anchorage us economy and its chief source of income. the island's most famous musician banky banks can be found here. on the beach he used to play with bob marley but was but. the bird.
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is what you see what you look around and see you know big. big ocean. but still. great people. people. real people. on the edge of atlantis like a legacy. the well traveled calypso and reggae singer has a very clear opinion on pranks that he says the british are dishonest and should take this opportunity to prove to the world that they are more than just well groomed to the critical diplomats. british the uk a. small little piece of the earth like this you know and they're playing. for just centuries they've been dealing in diplomacy which is false. never seen the
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truth about any situation. so no breaks it is the portray. the support in the very they have to say the truth about. to themselves and to the work. they have with them been doing that for years to get a nice a practice in. banking banks is not the only one seeking clarity in the whole banks it discussion. d.j. hammer is on his way to meet someone who has been making a living from tourism for 50 years alan gums is a hotel and restaurant owner and used to be the island's director of tourism. rich it is a result of what happens perhaps you don't think something through from the very very beginning. what about their colonies and how to fix their colonies going into
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the european can or has that been the old have been considered within this brics it though it was not to anybody defend our interests a lot of it. can lessen whether we're didn't side well in our better position of the european community is more important to us than then this affiliation with great britain and what we're going in there we want to go independent as a country and then all the things that come from that flow from that that i mentioned earlier where the british said that we cannot take it from china. the ones will say well we. made it will go independent and then we can take it from china which may be more we're getting hungry but i mean these are these are very these are questions that have not really been thoroughly thought out by the people of a world. breaks it is a great divider not only on the island itself and glare is dependent on imports
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almost all goods have to be shipped all flown in 90 percent of it's own comes from sent him. infante products are usually paid for in u.s. dollars and will is rather pricey. around 2 thirds of its tourists come from the year last private jets often land at the small international airport by anglers capital in the valley an extension has been under consideration 3 years fabienne fi he head of the airport authority has long been dreaming of an airport with direct connections to north america and europe. 3 travel overseas see if relatively good we do medical treatment of us is that is not available on the island and so on so there's a lot of movement by residents and of course the tourism which is the economic
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engine. if you don't have good communication and tons of passengers by yeah and also by sea we're quite cut off. hot border between and we're not on some mountain with import tariffs and border controls would be a nightmare for an gwyneth's and the end of that caribbean many. of these are part of texas we believe that we have angola. we have all the phone with us to survive so even though it's a challenge we are pretty confident be a bit of a sub but if we have a special the language and community understand modern community both on the debt and the french side. is by and large one community from a. heritage standpoint. a ferry runs to st martin twice an hour.
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each sunday time for a family outing. felix fleming. and his wife a visiting relatives on the neighboring island. they arrive in merry go the capital of the french have sent mountain. brother frank and system a saint is a happy to see them. since. their visits have become less frequent everyone is busy rebuilding felix was born here on the french side and only moved to i'm going to nato is the only one out of the month actually. he lives in angola and it wrecks it happens i don't know what will happen to our relationship with. we may not be even a lot of come to said law to me though regular as for we may need
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a visa. i'm not sure yet what we'll have to. make a decision you know. i have a plebiscite already. if it caught people off guard now everybody knows of. the one river you want to group or you want to bring this guy in a relationship that should have been at the ready you know before you decided to leave. you know you should know oh you want to leave well that is for us and sell it for your people to say we are still being governed by england said lightens governed by friends and hollande you know in this so close together we're proud to be separated for a. times would be unthinkable the family wouldn't be able to come together as easily as they do now visiting the cemetery together would no longer be this straightforward. and their
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parents' grave they praying for a peaceful future. in we're hoping i really would be able to do this and c.e.o. of families and shear say martin french and dutch the way we have for centuries. how hard it is you border would make all of that impossible. to. teach a hammer it isn't too hopeful about the future after breaks it on the evening of breaks it down he meets friends on the strip a small street in the valley popular on the weekends. if you if you look at all the bit of usable bricks that's up i'm sure that you've been following the developments you know up there what they don't tell me they
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cannot tell us where we stand and let them know what it is that because of them said to me though it is the local grocer has got me out here pretty and we don't the british. that. cause britain because a different future 6000 kilometers away and will until they have been overlooked they talk about great britain's forgotten border with each year. that i feel. disrespected because. well not even involved in the fort. we are right next door. yes they have a bottle of beer she had severed ties between the french and the dutch for years and nobody consulted us. brits it. has been done in the last couple of years is that it doesn't make judgments in facet vulcanologist. but just except. the jack hammers local barber q.
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joint teams next door and well as national dishes chicken usually with rice and peas you can is the barbecue king of the island. a can of the good of the tree are you doing a good good most of us are going to have to go to give me what secular god and chicken leg yes or that. most of the country here is imported too for now it's still cheaper normally t.j. ham i would order more to eat his breakfast it ruined his appetite regular customers to nag chick you know what normally it's only when. he wants the. sounds good. and cooler is not the place for a bustling nightlife ad cans barbecue with a side of chicken and ribs brax it is the main dish of whatever order to keep it
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there is a little bit lost if they are putting up a number of bridges don't think they're good never consulted with those you'll be looking to take it to it's like you don't have a light year it is reinforce the point of shut more fruits get along with other seek. justice you're right that all of these. former british colony the island still depends on its former colonial rulers and. and the e.u. when. they have the brits a situation that's ok with me really my dad and my not benefit. from the european or retreat like i've pointed out it goes on here actually gets in one way it was the new 44 letter word on how they're going to affect the island directly that. is why i am their. heritage cans barbecue is where everyone comes to me top canadian farah makita runs an organization which depends on e.u.
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subsidies she's been living in angola for 15 years the biologist is head of the national trust and is in charge of conservation on the island and good as nature and wildlife were heavily hit by hurricane. farah meets her staff at sunrise they're building an artificial snorkeling trials for tourists. what happened this week stop them and their spaces between each of these layers and this space this is what provides the habitat to the different marine life so the fish fish shrimp and lobsters and then eventually we'll actually have algae in and hopefully coral growing on these as well so we get this really nice artificial reef
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happening. sustainable eco friendly tourism also entranced guests from the u.s. east coast. people are starting at but there's a lot of green. we've seen turtles insurance in my house are flooded we got it done in your opinion on things are on the 3rd quarter yeah i'm going to. like you. i'm. when i received 14000000 euros from the 11th european development fund it covers every 3rd of the island's entire development budget but the funding will run out in 2020. 4 hours that we're just a bit confused about how it's actually going to affect the other from our perspective the national chester's back if it does mean that we're not going to be able to act that's really important fights for a lot of the work that we do which is quite unfortunate. the u.k.
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will hardly take over the subsidies currently coming in from brussels it seems angola is not a high enough priority to the british government. tourism is and will is livelihood to see its capital. for the plan for the. business that follows most not the older woman on the trail she's going to let this look up to the north to break that lever because either should go i'll be at the bottom while i'm a forest. and as they come down i'm going to start putting them together so that's my role for the day and then they feel comfortable with the steel an arm for them to say the fullest so that the current president. since november 28th seen there has been a diving and snorkeling trial in the little bay marine park right on the coast it
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was made with 2 purposes to create a new tourist attraction and to support sustainable tourism and underwater biodiversity. fishing is not allowed here lobsters and turtles have settled very i think so it will take a few more years. as for a real reef to grow with healthy coral. back on land d.j. hammer has found an interesting guest for his morning show a blogger from angola who has been living in england with her family for half a year. well let me use a good day to day usually used in the u.k. on good day to you how you do it. oh you did yeah. i am pretty good here on
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a friday afternoon. i want to hear from you for us to see on. the feedback divide you must be immobile. what's the feedback like what's the vibe going to grow i am really exhausted the subject of. this is true much whenever i look at the news you know that it's like the number one story and it's always something new so it's just you know i just never know what to expect sands i still don't know what the outcome is just a false 1st then you know around the world so it's a pretty pretty scary wish to be sure of thank you for your time. blog my angle our experience from a cafe in cambridge she normally likes giving restaurant temps but she can't escape the ever present breaks it chaos at the end of the day we call the british passport just like any other british citizen and i would hope that the cause that he will
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make sure that all $100.00 saris are represented that we are not supposed to be any less than any other british does then you know we're supposed to be afforded the same rates as any other british. she wishes her island would receive the same kind of attention that island and northern ireland have throughout the breaks it negotiations hard you border would be just as much of a catastrophe for her and her family and williams. as husband is starting in cambridge she will be spending 2 years here with him and their son. hi. i'm from and i learned called angle that so actually i'm a blog. and i'm just as a research on the fact how you know breadth it might affect a country like i do you haven't a thought there's been
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a lot of the consideration of the fact that there's a united kingdom but you have to represent correct that there's diverse interests of between the skull of it's not certain but in business certainly so when you have that arrogance it doesn't surprise me that they wouldn't consider what the channel islands feels with guernsey feels what feels right to venice that i think we should have left the because apparently trade is going to be way more expensive than most people in england when you go to that to get that foreign people out of the country but most the time they say all that taken on jobs or whatever but it's been missed they're not lazy like most british people and that you do the work and they i don't know i think is a bad idea we should have left and not people trying to say that we should take a vote again. there are too many students in the city for cambridge to reflect the average english view in 2 years when her husband has finished his studies she leads here and the family will return to angola.
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feels homesick whenever she sees fish at the market. i don't know if there is a week that goes by when i don't think gosh i would love to have lobster or some kong customs now or you know so i definitely miss the people for me. whether it's asian proms or classic british fish and chips for seafood available here is not much of a consolation. even though there was a time when fishing was as important for i'm going as tourism is today. the good angler that means ill and italian and refers to the shape of the island according to surveys around 90 percent of residents would have voted remain. as a child of the day i consider a lot of it on children and the teacher children your child bad well. you know what the other took from others. when former british prime minister david cameron called
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the bronx it referendum he spared no thoughts for british caribbean fishermen. and if you lose the password you can go to. others you have to get a visa. that perhaps would govern the world. so the past was important was ok so marcie good reason but it was even more so because a photo was a. situation similar to zohan photo was going to when will you know and if it goes terribly wrong that too could be could be impacted negatively. and could go bankrupt without tourism it's like the island's lifeline borders and trade barriers may sound abstract but a passport is something quite real. this
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is my european union passport this document here allows me the trouble are we in europe or around the world and this document is valuable very valuable to the people of a world i cannot imagine the the whole life will be without this document you know once we exit deal of the european union i don't know what will please the document and this is done so into the most english freest today. t.j. ham i won't tire of reporting on developments in the united kingdom he wants to illustrate the consequences of leaving the e.u. well. break the deal would not be good for for us at all in angola and of course the other british overseas territories as well so folks are here the morning we are just about $830.00 that's our time here this morning. and we love pause for these so that the loss of those. breaks it has been postponed until the end of october 29th teen it's unlikely that the concerns of british overseas territories
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