tv DW News Deutsche Welle August 14, 2019 10:00pm-10:30pm CEST
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the be . the big. this is it really was live from berlin more tear gas on the streets of hong kong police fire multiple rounds of gas to disperse pro-democracy demonstrators following the violence that broke out at the airport sit in on choosing beijing it reacted furiously to what it calls terrorists like at acts on its citizens by protesters also coming up one year on the people of genoa remember those who died when the road bridge collapse a cyclical report reveals that parts of the marandi bridge were not maintained for
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25 years plus a climate activists in grafton burke set sail for new york city to attend the u.n. climate summit conditions will be basic but still in motorboat to keep her carbon footprint small hand at a not so likeable facebook under fire again all this time for listening in to its users conversations after having long dismissed rumors that it indeed eavesdropping . on whale shark a very welcome to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to our other viewers around the world now there have been more tear gas volleys in hong kong as hundreds of protesters gathered outside a police station in yet another violent clash in the territory pro-democracy.
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demonstrators were marching through a residential district the latest clash follows 2 days of mass protests at hong kong's international airport at times turned violent china's kong affairs office condemned yesterday's violence calling it terrorist like around up in rhetoric during the territory's long summer of unrest the airport in the meantime has reopened. from kill stick our hong kong international starting to resemble an airport once again this morning passengers on the move departure boards no longer a sea of red cancellations the signs of the crippling protest still visible on disc one to travelers to. stop the protests but at the end of the day we're going to stop the blind protesters because we're the ones caught in the middle of the sandwich. and you know arm already 2 days late getting to where i'm
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going to be. that's costing me money the airport authority was not visible to all the condos were simply closed all gone you closed the condos. hours earlier riot police clashed with protesters a mob cornered one officer snatching his baton. before he drew his gun remarkably no one was killed. elsewhere the captured this man believed to be an undercover policeman. he was kicked and beaten eventually medics wheeled him to safety. council authority said the violence amounted to torture large number of protesters were surrounding and attacking police officers and vehicles some were even pointing laser beams and then he goes asian carter officer who was trying to defuse the situation and help extricate the injured visitors. through
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a course at your dick seems threatening the safety of rebel and on sides now the concerns of a much bigger conflict these images appear to show chinese military build up in a stadium just over the border in shen's and that is consistent with mainland media report and raises the specter of an unprecedented confrontation on the streets of hong kong. home. to view c.v. con has been at the international airport throughout the day she described how the day unfolded. here thought to tighten up security measures off the chaos over the past 2 days checkpoints are set up at the entrance of the tunnel to prevent anyone left the warning from entering the pasha let the authority bus also around town and injunction order from the courts to deter any further this ruction to the airport meanwhile those who was to stay here to demo space they want to we gain the
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sympathy and support from trouble they apologize body balance occurred yesterday where some of the protest this beaten up suspected spies from mainland china and they tried to explain the inconvenience cost us how was due to flights cancellation despite criticism protested today to try to take a step back and hopefully to regain and keep up the momentum for the upcoming protest. to become reporting from hong kong international airport want to turn to russia now and the kremlin says it is winning the race to develop cutting edge nuclear weapons on this despite last week's deadly explosion at a military testing site in northern russia authorities ordered the evacuation of a nearby village only to cancel it hours later local officials officials had reported a spike in radiation levels which russia's defense ministry denied for many this denial echoes soviet era attempts to cover up syria's disasters. a
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town between mourning and a sense of unease has all relevant information about last week's incident really being released 5 leading scientists were among the 7 who died in an explosion that caused high levels of radiation to be released into the atmosphere they're being honored as national heroes with officials praising their efforts to control the situation. the testing range in your knocks on the white sea is the same site where the soviet atomic bomb was developed directors from the sites nuclear research center gave an assessment of last week's incident. it was a chain of tragic events following an initial analysis the man tried to get back under control unfortunately without success. according to experts in washington the incident was connected to the development of new powerful new pm mistrials during an engine test liquid fuel allegedly caught light causing an
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explosion u.s. scientists say that that should not have released radiation but that's exactly what happened. only for an hour. that is saying experts suggests the engine was nuclear power and. that the russian nuclear research center near the city of several advanced nuclear submarines are built and fitted out with atomic weapons that have been similar such accidents in the past though most are not revealed to the public what is clear is that radiation levels here 30 kilometers from the site of last week's explosion remain 20 times above the normal level. residents near the testing site on nervous regularly monitoring radiation levels with their own kids. those in the locality were initially told they would have to
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evacuate then came the all clear though not from environmentalists. as far as 30 kilometers from the. depending on which substances were released. iodine tablets only limited protection against possible radiation exposure local pharmacist sinful md people about the associated risks but they say that didn't put many off. people were panicking in an hour we'd sold all our iodine tablets and medicine. russia is determined to develop weapons that travel vast distances at the speed of sound outpacing any missile defense systems. right now it seems it still has a way to go. to talk more about this is joined now in the studio by gustav
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gretl he's an expert in russian defense affairs for the european council on foreign relations good evening sir very warm welcome good to have you here this incident is still shrouded in so much secrecy what do we know about the rocket engine that is the source of this accident well not much and most of the things that are said actually don't make sense at all so we know that 7 people have died several injured you know that this was as they call the radio power souls to produce electric power and in combination with the explosion all fairly crude rocket fuel which points rather towards a nuclear satellite or some other space up location rather than across from side. as the. statements are usually conflicting as there is actually
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amateur video footage that doesn't fit to it is region of the m o d we just and it is is fueling so much distrust among the population as well understandably because why not just be transparent why not just say what has happened and reassure people that you're on top of this problem or let's not sort of the soviets kind of governing and putin's russia is pretty much governed in in terms of the soviet union or in the style of the soviet union. so the sign is officially secret what they do is show a secret. if. there is no clear information of what actually happened what was developed. if you would declassify or start to almost be talk about what. and there you mine to actually give away to the world or you're researching out is not so cutting edge as you claim in used numerous
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propaganda clips the russian oil has been told about and read that might be embarrassing there are sort of the usual bureaucratic hurdle it's the armed forces are a state within the state that is hardly controlled and are not accountable to anybody but putin himself and he if he doesn't want to be clear up it will not be cleared up i mean it's very very concerning of course for the people who live nearby these areas but how concerning is it for you as an observer as well to see this these types of accidents happen do you expect more of these accidents happen in the near future or the problems with any kind of the well and you can never rule out accidents the other problem is we really don't know what the russians are really developing. to their sort of new bold weapons is that there is sort of one computer screen these old computer simulations that just show percent of the march when they're very bold a very risky but we don't know whether that's just
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a program they're cool or really serious. there's actually one thing practically the west can do i mean this is the last lynchpin of transparency towards. was russia at least from from the military to military contact is the start treaty which i'd least house some 4 months of bilateral dialogue between officials but no american woman possible no verification only on deployed systems and research and development over once these things are declared operational actually american officers can go there and visit it and see what's still a likelihood of that happening yes but this sort of very good last source of serious information you can get because all the whys there's nothing in the program start will expire in 2020 and the corruptness ration has a new opportunity to prolong it. unfortunately. expert in russian defense affairs for the european council on foreign relations sir thank you for weighing and. like
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to turn out to italy were a technical report has shown there parts of the road bridge that collapsed in genoa a year ago had not been maintained for 25 years while the structure collapsed in heavy rain killing 43 people the local prosecutors that the ongoing investigation would show whether a lack of maintenance was instrumental in causing the collapse the report came out as people gathered to remember those who died in the tragedy. at 11 36 am exactly the time when the motor on the bridge collapsed one year ago genoa stood still commemorating the victims among those taking part in the ceremony where at least president settlement that island and the city's met. read it again when it she's ready for action today we stand here on the new construction site to commemorate the victims young but we also look to the future and want the city to be strong again rashida parts of the morandi bridge collapsed from
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a height of over 200 meters into the pussy better valley 43 people died and 16 were injured hundreds of people had to evacuate their homes situated beneath the bridge as the rest of the structure was also in danger of collapsing in 2019 the remaining parts were detonated in a controlled demolition. authorities are still debating exactly who is responsible for the disaster. relatives of the victims like benedetta would like to see justice done today is about remembering those who lost their lives she says but she would also like to see the new bridge commemorate what happened here part time and only i can't wait for the new bridge to be belts and connect the city again but he only had a letter to dot. but most of all for it to remember the victims soon in the new bridge posts are already in place in less than a year traffic should be flowing again. i said we have to see now with some of the other stories making news around the world and italian courts has ruled that
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a migrant rescue ship with on was 150 people on board may enter the country's waters after 13 days at sea it leaves interior ministry banned the ship from italian territory another ship carrying more than 300 people is still a drift in the mediterranean sea with storm conditions on the way. slugs and landslides have killed nearly 300. people in india in the past month and displaced 1000000 people 2 weeks of monsoon rains have washed away crops and damaged roads in the country south and west many people are still living in relief camps waiting for floodwaters to recede. germany's the latest figures have fueled concerns that the country could be headed for a recession the economy contracted is 0 point one percent in the last quarter the
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slump into has been attributed to falling global trade if the economy contracts again in the next quarter europe's largest economy would officially be in recession . hundreds of firefighters are battling wildfires in greece the largest blazes burning out of control on a nature reserve on the island of a via north of athens while small villages and a monastery have been evacuated but the words have declared a state of emergency in the area. she's become the poster girl for climate change awareness grettir thun berg the swedish teenager is the face of the fridays for future movement so she's on her way to the united nations climate summit in new york city and then berg refuses to fly fish wants to keep her own carbon footprint as small as possible so now she set sail from england on a racing yacht. 16 year old greta totenberg is imparting on our great
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adventure that she has never sailed before difficult weather conditions are to be expected but she's willing to rough it to save c o 2 emissions in what many see as a symbolic move. what i'm concerned about is whether we we will do something or not whether the people in power will react and act. with unnecessary force study. burge who has been the target of online abuse from across the political spectrum denies she's being instrumental lies by the green lobby. people who want climate delay years who want to do everything to shift the focus from the climate crisis to to something else or want to make people question the science and i'm not worried about that so i'm just going to do as i as i want to do and i think it will have most impact. conditions on board the milly's
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a 2 yacht or simple there's no toilet on board. and sleeping quarters are basic. yet a site that shows her determination to accept uncomfortable conditions so she can get across the atlantic as carbon neutral as possible on a normal dog she could have had a run cabin with air conditioning in a shower but she's taking the spars that only produces a small amount of electricity by means of solar power and it's very fast so it can bypass storms and hurricanes. the journey spawning almost 5 and a half 1000 kilometers across the atlantic ocean will take about 2 weeks. thailand's farmers have been hit hard by the worst drought in a decade the lack of rain has left fields parts to and more than a dozen major reservoirs are almost empty a dire situation but is had an unexpected silver lining because one drought
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struck reservoir a last buddhist temple has reemerged from the receding water take a look a cultural treasure long hidden on the water the construction of a dam 20 years ago inundated this buddhist temple in thailand province. now after months of drought it's reemerged leaving the memories to flood. back. seeing the temple again is really emotional but. when i was young i always came to meet friends at the elephant sculptures in front of the main building. that place was a landmark for children back that. little the temple is normally covered by water and the rainy season you don't see anything. but the exposed ruins are also
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a reminder of the harsh reality for local farmers the reservoir which kept the temple under water is at a record low as thailand faces its worst drought in a decade. we. currently have the water level in perceptual as it is even lower than the last record low in 2015. back then it was $33.00 centimeters above sea level. today the water level is lower than that was several centimeters. life in. the reservoir normally irrigates more than half a 1000000 hectares of surrounding farmland but currently there is only enough water for just over a 1000 hectares the land is drying out and with it the crops. people in all sectors need to be made aware that they have to change the way they consume walcha we need to save more water because i believe this kind of water shortage will happen increasingly often the good. and that means that peace
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temple ruins may once again become a common sight for the people look glory province. facebook is in hot water again this time is due to revelations about the company's messenger app and here we are protocol masterman is here with me shock horror who would. tell us you know what have you found out i mean there are all those rumors right that facebook was listening to our conversations it turns out in a way that's true it wasn't quite what we thought it was so there are these rumors ok they're listening to our phones are giving us these creepy personal advertisements based on our conversations it was actually for a different purpose so according to bloomberg facebook it hired outside company to listen to and transcribe audio clips from users conversations facebook says this was done to improve its artificial intelligence and this was basically something
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would automatically change your audio into text inside of facebook messenger this is the feature that we're talking about right here you can see how this works if you turned on voice transcription and sent a friend an audio message your message would automatically be turned into text just like here in this case it's a grocery list of course we know label of artificial intelligence is not always very accurate and that's why it turns out a human being a real person may have been listening to those audio clips in order to check the accuracy of that system so real people were listening in to your facebook conversations how is that legit well it's a little bit creepy i mean here's the thing facebook had told its users that a person might be listening to those audio chats in fact even the contractors that were hired to do with. this felt a little bit iffy about it apparently some of those audio clips were not grocery lists they were personal quite personal conversations we reached out to facebook today the company stressed look this audio was anonymous so you didn't know who was
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talking there was only used to improve its technology improve its products it wasn't for giving you advertisements a company spokesperson also told us it stopped the practice here's exactly what facebook said they told us much like apple and google we paused human review of audio more than one week ago so they're basically saying we weren't the only ones doing this but they're saying and they're right this is now the 5th big tech company that essentially got caught doing this exact same things so amazon google apple microsoft now facebook all the tech giants have done this and in amazon's case for example employees were listening to voice recordings from alexa smart speakers and in all those cases the companies had not told their customers what was going on they now all say they've stopped doing ok what can we do about that i mean as users concerned users so this particular situation is not happening anymore but
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if you're worried i mean there's a surefire way to make sure that no company can listen to your audio and that is to turn off access to your microphone on your smartphone in the pretty simple fix if you go into the settings of your phone whether apple or android you see the screen here for io west go to the app you're concerned about whether it's facebook facebook messenger simply flip that switch they don't allow access to the microphone that's the best way in the end though companies need to just get this message that users do not want to their personal conversations being listened to for any purpose especially not without their knowledge or maybe we users have to get used to the fact that those accounts are not our fashion phone call maybe we have a thank you so much greatly appreciate it thank you. i want to say now about a polish a village where no boys have been born in almost a decade women outnumber men so they have taken over jobs in areas that were traditionally be more male dominated and that includes the villages of volunteer
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fire brigade. it's a job these recruits take very seriously. even the very youngest. the rule maya go lashes just 2 and a half years old but what ever the age all the girls in this polish village are expected to become trainee firefight is. a relation in the money we know money to rescue operations putting out fires helping out his various accidents. we also try to help. there's a reason why the volunteer fire brigade to me. is made up entirely of girls no boy has been born in this village of 300 residents for almost a decade but although it's not quite the role expected of girls in poland it's
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obvious these volunteers are extremely committed. he admits watching the programs the report of my dreams is of course having a husband but all main dream is to get the new fire engine because this one is 44 years old we care for it as much as we can but well afraid that's one thing we'll be called traction and it won't work for some awkward when you're mostly. the local man maybe offering a prize to the 1st couple to produce a son which any boy born here will have a tough act to follow. yes that's right all right out to space odyssey or space oddity an italian astronaut has become the 1st person to perform a live d.j. set in orbit revelers on board a party ship put in the mediterranean down to the sounds of d.j. luca parmitano people search the set for get this the international space station
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using an i pad. well it's up doris day our breath they could hope to permit tonto's species check this out. as for any awesome this is video years live from berlin and just a couple of long was so you can join me for the day of the stick around for that and if you get you can always head to our web site for the latest news from around the world i'll see you very soon. and. the.
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from september 6th to september 29th. s.o.s. europe the euro 96. cursors. the future it will be champions young champions. league involved to make it out that spot spirit no for a long time i took pieces of the things we value about europe for granted that now i sensed this not be something that we wanted people in particular to me to fight like i was going to try something. for activists trying for a new country. they are looking for the dream please. and they save the european idea. what's going on you can stand out of
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european fantasy and contribute to something important and you know that should come that she is. the future of europe star september 2nd on d w. with it asia in crisis the united states is finding itself increasingly sidelined my ass unrest continues to rock hong kong pro-democracy protesters face off with police again present some calling the tensions tough but stopping short of criticizing beijing another volatile hot spot the contested territory of kashmir where nuclear powers in the.
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