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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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he received no end of visitors and gifts cake flowers and fan mail like this letter which opened with a line dear fervor. the bavarian social and political elites flocked to speak with him his visitors log was full to bursting some 330 visitors with every conversation registered down to the last minute. a range of high profile visitors went to landsberg including general lute and off. wagner starter in law giving fled sent letters and parcels. many benefactors urged him to continue writing. a lender back stein of the best piano maker dynasty is said to have given him a new remington portable typewriter. before moving to the so she was
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a frequent visitor it's believed she would have been the one who provided what was such an expensive machine at the time the typewriter in those days was quite a sensation. hitler had time on his hands his political party had to be rebuilt and he had court costs and legal fees to pay a book seemed like a good idea. persistent myth was born during this period that hitler the orator would not have written anything himself instead he dictated his thoughts to a meal more peace and hold office. but recent research has concluded that hitler typed at least the 1st volume of his manifesto himself in prison. ship the wrote the 1st volume in lands back by himself of his couldn't type very well and only started learning how to type in prison. none of the others helped him
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either he talked about it alone on his typewriter the idea that hitler dictated his book in lands back is a myth it's simply untrue. hitler recast his own history with himself in the starring role. he's believed to have read dozens of books in prison and his manifesto was steeped in theories of racial hierarchy such as those set out by french writer artur to go be no he also drew heavily on the ideas put forth in fitz lengthens textbook human heredity and human hygiene. now discredited pseudo scientific theories of this type were widely accepted at the time. journalists disseminated these ideas as a matter of course. from hitler they served as a source of inspiration. in all sail he collected all these theories and
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brought them into our a pulse of soup. or dumont just something more he was able to give these books and these racist ideas a repulsive nightmarish coherence. as the months passed hitler continued to hone his world view of a superior area and race essentially the germans who were cast in a constant struggle for racial purity. their greatest enemy were the jews a supposedly racial parasite. the jew is and remains the typical parasite a sponger who like a noxious bacillus keeps spreading as soon as a favorable medium invites him and the effect of his existence is also like that of spongers wherever he appears the host dies out after a shorter or longer. harriet. the
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word you did the jews appears over and over again in mind comes. 373 times on average every other page. hitler was obsessed with the jews and believed that they were responsible for all ills that had befallen germany including its defeat in the 1st world war. and they say that is a tries to convince the germans that the jews are behind an international conspiracy to destroy germany. speak to self-less is a cause of all their problems but we traverses the entire range of anti sematic discourse and brings it to its culmination. in 1924 hitler left lands bad prison with a manuscript running into the hundreds of pages. he had little difficulty finding
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a publisher for his anti semitic tract hitler was famous and publishing houses eager to cash in. the. first books about him had been published and he was being talked about in the newspapers perhaps he wasn't quite a media star. but he was definitely very well known outside of bavaria too and even to an extent outside germany sometimes look at you but thought something else because. they saw the possibility of publishing his 1st book his autobiography was very attractive for 1st place. with such a wealth of options hitler chose the publisher who offered him the best deal. was a friend and his former company sergeant during the 1st world war. headed a small publishing house and shared hitler's extremist ideology. but before the book was pub. wished there was the question of finding the right title.
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a regional title was 4 and a half years of struggle against lies stupidity and cowardice. those of the title was very descriptive but not very catchy. the publisher insisted on a shorter title. the title was supposed to be short pithy and captivating. it's not known who ultimately determine the title. but the decision was made to call it mine come from my struggle. the publisher advertised the book in the far right press. in december 9251 ad described the 2nd edition as the perfect christmas gift. but to the surprise of
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many sales failed to take off. several 1000 copies found buyers among convinced nazis but the wider public chilled little interest. in the book received some scathing reviews. once with daily for example we further to hitler as a political agitation who no longer understand the world and his ideas were the result of a desperate adherence to an error in reasoning. truth is that my income is largely unreadable. this contemporary is regarded as a hodgepodge of ideas. well known controlled volcanic eruption is that he starts the public have been expecting sensational revelations about the porch. and saying they hoped that hitler would reveal insider secrets previously unknown details. sucking at seeing you they had very high expectations and
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hope the book would be political dynamite that was not what mine com was about. hitler persevered in 1928 he wrote a 2nd book that became known as hitler's secret book. the sequel was also a barrel and lee aggressive work but it remained unprinted during hitler's lifetime the publisher turned it down citing the poor sales of mine can. mine come might also have faded into obscurity. but history was about to take a fateful turn. in 1929 a severe economic depression hit the united states by 930 its impact was in full force in an already economically weakened to germany by 932 germany had an official
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unemployment rate of almost 30 percent. in the 1930 elections traditional parties saw fallen support hitler's nazi party went from just under 3 percent to 18 percent of the vote. sales of mine can't suddenly so worth. its salt 54000 copies in 1930 alone. people wanted to know what hitler was thinking. what he wanted he had now become part of the german political system. the book also helped to boost hitler's image in his quest for power. sas walked into stablished hitler's credibility now he was no longer regarded simply as a political agitator an orator but a writer too. in that mattered in germany germany was still
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a country that respected its doctors and professors. would have fought for so i made. it $933.00 hitler surprised the world with his sudden rise to power. he was appointed german chancellor despite having garnered only 37 percent of the vote. which i knew he would need to unite germany behind him to achieve the greatness and the conquests he had fantasized about in mind come. with use of goebbels at his side he drew on one of the ideas he talked about in his book propaganda. all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must reiterate these slogans until every member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. one of the tools for influencing the masses was mind comp it soon became required
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reading for government employees. in 936 the state began giving a copy to nearly wets as a wedding gift. by then hitler had won over much of german industry thanks to his re armaments program orders increased up to 8 fold companies like steel make a club gave every employee a copy of the book. is this the board's. it was given as a gift on birthdays and anniversaries. or as a bonus for good performance and. to boost sales the publisher offered every imaginable format braille editions for the blind. did not sufficient with marbled covers and gilt edging. and a limited edition for high ranking nazi dignitaries. and the ultimate in
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propaganda a large version in the format of a family bible. this is a hash of the simplicity of the nazis it was a symbol of domination the bible of nazis of its size and on more than one the book itself was its symbolic function so in this matter one said yes i know mine come from is the furious book. the regime ensured that the book would become a bestseller and it made hitler a rich man. he received the equivalent of around $10000000.00 euros in royalties those proceeds enabled him to buy the backhoe filler in the bavarian alps . and he indulged his penchant for luxurious mercedes limousines. by $994.00 a total of 12 and
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a half 1000000 copies have been printed in germany the book form and hitler in the round one writes mark per copy which meant the book earned him at least 12000000 bucks must mean the 1st in the on ice model and isn't good for d. and. mine come from was widely distributed but what is more difficult to gauge is was it also widely read with its $700.00 pages and labored style the book presumably put off many readers. in 140 karl-heinz going or was drafted into the german military as a medic. his father had been given a copy of my income from his employer. but he wasn't fond of the gift. as. my father put the book on a shelf and that's where it stayed until 945.
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he once took a look at it and said it was a declaration of war and simple. and he'd never read such rubbish. like many germans at the time karl-heinz clinton and his father underestimated hitler. knew where my then. we didn't think hitler was ok in the head. we didn't take him seriously and and we figured that whatever he'd written would have to be poppycock. and 100 years didn't think he was all there given we made jokes about him. perhaps we should have taken him more seriously. then the.
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other families did take the book more seriously. grew up on the outskirts of berlin near the spree river. he still remembers the 1st time he heard of mine count. in 138 lutes was just 6 years old his father auto was an architect one evening he invited his friends over to talk about hitler spoke. the i was sat under the table instead of going to bed because i was curious about what was going on when i get hearing my father say you have to read the book they'll. read what it says to us and of course they weren't talking about the bible or another book. what about mine comfort of lish those of my income. doesn't know if his father's friends follow his advice but he does know that his father was one of the few
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germans who understood what calamities the book foretold. he was of the opinion that my income explained everything that the nazis were planning to do. when i was a child back then all hitler ever talked about was peace peace peace and in reality he was determined to go to war. with them that coughed. hitler wanted his preparations for war to remain a secret. he realized that his books might reveal his true intentions especially the passages that spoke of his plans for conquest. we must hold unflinchingly to our aim in foreign policy namely to secure for the german people the land and soil to which they are entitled on this earth.
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his desire for more lands was at the time directed at one country in particular from. france is and remains by far the most inexorable enemy. predicts or in any case legitimizes the idea of military revenge against france. that there were a lot of pages full of aggression aimed at france which he saw as a symbol of race mixing it was a nation of negroes that's the word hitler used. international juicers. if the french were to take these threats seriously they might prevent german rearmament so hitler took preemptive action. in november 933 he received a visit from a french journalist in berlin.


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