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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 16, 2019 6:30pm-6:46pm CEST

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when i was. just really getting better. a global $3000.00 special report. starts august 19th some details of. this. coming up on the program. living in fear office keeping ethnic cleansing in myanmar in our face with. others we've heard about the danger in the refugee camps coming up. indonesia's capital is thinking into the seat so president is proposing to move with somebody else tell you where and what it means for the people left behind. and hong kong on the
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edge of the prospect of another weekend of protest will demonstrators be out in force the chinese right amassing just over the border. i'm british manager. it's good to have you with us. knowing you are refugees in camps in bangladesh are facing danger from their own people according to reports over the last 2 years at least 31 refugees have been killed in camps in bunder there's many others have been abducted for ransom the perpetrators all denies gangs of young rohingya men operating in the camps camps which housed more than 1000000 the large majority of whom fled me and in 2017 to escape a brutal military crackdown our correspondent david greene about reports. well
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to. see his son ali's shows us the spots were bullet struck him in february 6th the ranger refugee spent almost 2 months in the hospital. and has limited use of his right arm and hand. i think i'm the luckiest person because i'm still alive even though they shot me 6 times that one heidi and i do lisa says the assailants are also written and mistakenly think he's an informant for the bangladesh authorities this is not an isolated case refugees say criminal gangs murder people they think are government informants and cannot children from families with relatives living in more wealthy countries or henge a father told me he baldly cover them more than $6000.00 u.s. dollars to get his 4 year old son back refugees and researchers say for some of the gangs the only goal is to make money no matter what the human cost but there are also range of militants in the camps as well as the surrounding jungle whose aim is to fight me m.r.s. army and they're willing to kill their critics the dominant militant group is the
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ara can remain just salvation army or are so its attacks on the m.r. security outpost in 2017 were immediately followed by a brutal crackdown by me m.r.s. military that forced hundreds of thousands of or hindu to flee to bangladesh matthew smith of the human rights group fortify rights says our son has not been held accountable for violent acts against their fellow almost complete impunity for . militants with regard to these crimes against civilians so killings torture threats and intimidation. there is there's no real justice bangladesh's refugee agency says the country is struggling to handle the challenges of hosting so many refugees but it says security in the camps has been stepped up more police more police because the police. in self you know now more. can you know if you talk about 1000000 people. we cannot you know. and then
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for $1000000.00 people under pressure after reports of murders are so called on to refrain from committing crimes in bangladesh at the same time are said disavowed any responsibility for any of the violations that have taken place today which is a problem because we're talking about very serious crimes his son ali says he's unaware of any connection between his assailants and are so since being released from the hospital he along with his wife and 3 children find a new place to live every few days when i met him he again had his bags packed and you have a i have no protection so i keep moving from one place to another because i fear the people he shot me as. he says life on the run is the only way he can stay alive gets is the issue of pacific research of a mystery international and she's observed the conditions in the rohingya camps 1st time she joins me now from brisbane australia good good to have you with us what is the main reason you found the rising crime in the camps. yes so we talked
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to nearly a 100 people in the camps and a lot of them raise concerns around safety but when we talked to the police presence on the part of the bangladeshi government a lot of people felt that the police and they came into the camps to make sure that they went to noisy or to arrest people that were causing trouble or committing crimes in bangladesh that they weren't actually there to place issues within the camps between refugees and of course that then leaves a situation where the refugees feel like they have to police themselves and so many issues that arise crimes within the camps they report them to the ma she who is the leader of that camp block it doesn't always go through the bangladesh authorities and i think this this absence of presence of the bank the next government because they just want to see them as temporary camps create some of these problems just
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certain that the government does not taking it seriously. i think the bangladesh government is very focused on this being a temporary situation and life on hold benefits no one i mean certainly there is a bit of stigma in the camps the bangladeshi government is afraid around extremism and drug trafficking and other crimes that might take place but we found very little tangible evidence of that is crimes being committed and i think one of the things that the bangladesh government needs to do is move towards long term solutions for breaking the refugees and that includes hadn't given them some opportunities at the moment and living in these camps surviving non-emergency rations and food distributions for example in very basic show is and for the vast majority of refugees they don't have a means of supporting themselves outside of that some of them can work as volunteers for humanitarian agencies where they get
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a small salary to support them that it's certainly not enough to allow refugees to be supporting themselves and sustaining themselves and other key areas we have a high population in these camps and bangladeshis just refusing to allow them to have the right to education. from a mr international thank you very much for that. $10000000.00 people on the outskirts there's 3 times more but the jakarta is one of the world's most proud of capitals and also one of the most for to do that it's a result of uncontrolled groundwater destruction and for these reasons the government is looking to move the capital to their indonesians not roughly where the. it. young the capital city is not only a symbol of national identity so but also a representation of the progress of the nation that we do this is for the
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realisation of equality and economic justice this is for the vision of forward indonesia indonesia that lives for ever. i hereby request permission to move our national capital. to kalimantan on kind of on time is the indonesian name for the island of borneo it is also said by brunei and malaysia we don't know didn't reveal the exact location on borneo but as in the past tour of the island looking for the ideal location borneo is said to be favored because unlike other parts of indonesia most of the ivan isn't prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. the plan is for the government to stop moving there by 2024 all something that is expected to cost up to $33000000000.00 so many ins are caught out though the move could be
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their only hope. jakarta is disappearing slowly being swallowed by the sea an abandoned mosque no more than human to the city's bleak future scientists estimate as much as a 3rd of it could be lost by 2050 millions are at risk. that allowed us to get it why is the water level now higher than my home. why am i now living below the water level. maybe because the sea water is swallowing the soil little by little. that's all i know. but luckily we now have that sea wall now that there will be a way out of. the sea defenses though showing cracks that oceans of shacks that dot the shoreline here flood regularly. leaving behind hazardous waste and pollution. in the past it
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wasn't like this it was nice there and the sea water was good the beach sand was nice and we could still play in the water now we can't do that anymore the water is macky and dirty it floods every high tide. that out of. jakarta. to climate change and poor resource management excessive groundwater use has led to massive subsidence the city is sinking residents are heading if not for higher ground then higher floors resigned to chaos. that i'll never get to know us well so today i'm not so nervous about the flooding. in the past when the floods came i used to tremble nearly drowned back in 2007 with the truth of all my belongings were swept away and i had to start all over again. with. the government to planning
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a fresh start hoping to relocate the capital to borneo such drastic measures aren't an option for the poor to cottons living on the edge of this unfolding disaster. on kong is bracing for more and to government unrest and of the street protest has forced a 2 decoders of the city's airport one of the busiest in the wild china responded by appearing to bolster its military presence just across the border in sean john our correspondent. has more on what's expected this weekend. this is the launches lennon war in hong kong there are thousands upon thousands of messages papered across the war in these protests is to carry on to keep going now that the finance in the face of those images that we've seen of chinese pilot military forces on the border less than 20 kilometers from here now most people think that chinese forces on the streets of hong kong is still unlikely at this stage they say that that
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would come to much of an economic and a political cost what most people that we've spoken to say that their main concern is what they see as increasing police violence on the streets now a lot of these messages here are rushing people to take part in a demonstration that's planned on sunday hundreds of thousands of people organizers say are expected to take part now this weekend is going to prove to be extremely crucial juncture in this protest movement that's also a violent scenes unfolded at the airport on tuesday night sleep teach my knees men were detained and assaulted forcing the protesters to apologize the criticism still has to do a lot of soul searching they now need to work out where this movement is going to go next how they're going to keep up momentum and keep the peace here on the streets of hong kong. and today the president's piece appeared in the hong kong skyline as the man they call the frank spider-man island drive past state of the 62
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story choke on center is that it's you next time somebody. if you ever have to cover up a murder the best way is to make an accident raring to. never read a book like this i. missed the german streets. belonging to an official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. i'd return to.
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visiting friends i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know where i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. bearing witness global news that matters the need for mines. a short resignation at cathay pacific c.e.o. rupert hawk steps down just days after the hong kong alan said it would fire as dolphin to take part in anti-government protests. and in a small town in germany the americans pull out and the chinese move in we'll find out why. cathay pacific has announced the resignation of its c.e.o. rupert hogg stepped down days after the hong kong came out of pressure from beijing
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because some stuff that supported pro-democracy protests in the city in his resignation hold the face challenging weeks that saw its share price hit 10 year lows on tuesday it counsel hundreds of flights with hong kong shut down by protests about this stock rebound at the down after the carrier condemned the protests and riots 2 pilots who have participated. now for the world of geopolitics to a small town in the west of germany after world war 2 u.s. troops were stationed in hope stepped in via but us the giants left whole apartment blocks stood empty until 2 entrepreneurs came up with an idea building a base in germany made in china will get stupidness in europe to do it he's moved through this family all the way from the chinese megacity of gwangju.


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