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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 21, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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margaret it's your platform. the end. this is the news coming to you live from berlin you get prime minister barak johnson heads to europe to try and persuade violin and iris to change the brakes or to grieve and scrap the irish backstopped for germany's suggests a jungles in rishon a will not work and here's one reason why. what i'm concerned of are. the people will trade. them for accept. the result for the reporter pose as an
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excuse to start another war. people in northern ireland fear johnson's plans will spark the return of violence of the past or the coming up. finding a way out of italy's political crisis the country is plunged into uncertainty one day after the prime minister resigns we take a look at the options now facing the country. i don't know of a will make until i'm under. british prime minister boris johnson is coming to berlin to try and persuade back to reopen bragg's if they go see asians johnson is demanding the removal of the so-called backstop the policy previously agreed by the u.k. and the e.u. to ensure there be no hard. border on the island of ireland johnson claims the
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backstop would violate british sovereignty existing or just doesn't work for the u.k. parliament started out 3 times we can't have this backstop so i'm going to go to france. germany and then to france and then see the g 7 appear it's not going to make the point that the buck stops going to come out but it is have already rejected johnson's demands to reopen the bridge or liveryman germany's machall sent so far no one had come up with an alternative to the backstop as a way of preserving the northern ireland peace accord known as the good friday agreement the moment if we get a practical arrangement on how to preserve the good friday agreement on still defining the borders of the european single market we would no longer need the backstop. this means we will think about practical solutions if you have the will to find solutions you can do so quickly the european union is ready to do that but
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we do not need to reopen the withdraw agreement accomplished. so that was we heard bars johnson's objections to the so-called backstop arrangement for the irish border here's law on why it's a controversial the backstop is an insurance policy to avoid a hard border between northern ireland which is part of the u.k. and the republic of ireland but it would involve northern ireland remaining in the e.u. customs union which would create a border in the irish sea that critics say is a threat to the u.k.'s sovereignty and could keep britain tied to the e.u. indefinitely. but the fear is that a hot border on the island of ireland would reignite the decades of conflict known as the troubles did obvious teri schultz reports illinois than irish capital belfast. one of the most popular activities these days for visitors to belfast is a troubles to or
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a 137 people hospitalized there were horrific injuries there were people loss of limbs that were guides like paul donnelly navigate what's called a history of terror but many fear history could be repeated deadly clashes between protestant supporters of british rule and catholics wanting to unite with the republic of ireland were largely ended 2 decades ago by a power sharing deal known as the good friday agreement but now the looming prospect of a new deal breck's it could mean the return of checkpoints along the irish border and that has people like donnelly warning that former anti british guerrillas known as dissident republicans might have bandon the peace process with the ends of the hard border it gives the public comes a contemporary justification for their violence you know it's not just ideological it's saying this is not obstruct any more look at the. border this is deferential and what they see is this part of them from the rest of. their. worries
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over a hard border and the loss of other rights are compelling even some former pro british loyalists to consider the once unthinkable uniting northern ireland and the republic of ireland the good friday agreement means northern ireland can take a vote on doing just that belfast new lord mayor john thenew can wants to make sure citizens are well educated about their options while hoping they'll back unification his party should faine openly lobbies for that it's a cause that colored his life he was just 9 years old when he saw his. father a prominent republican human rights lawyer shot dead by approve british paramilitaries despite getting death threats himself as he took office in may and you can believe the time is right to move forward a little deeper exit doesn't automatically mean that unification will happen but what i do think is that it means that the conversation hostile because the
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conversation has already started not just from people within the north but people all over the island and certainly within europe as well. 50 years after the bloodiest period in northern ireland history a time when more allies why so many walls and gates around this city no one i spoke with believes that addressing the question of a united ireland now would lead the country back into that kind of sectarian conflict at the same time no one is completely confident it won't. really hutchens and the city council member from the progressive unionist party served 16 years in prison for 2 sectarian murders hutchinson says he's rejected violence but he's worried others haven't what i'm concerned about is that people will try to use results from breakfast. from the border post as an excuse to start another war. at queen's university belfast professor colin harvey says people are anxious about the possible impact of unification but also frustrated with britain the british
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government has behaved recklessly and irresponsibly in relation to this region for some time people look at what's happened in britain or in private and it's been that's picked honestly spin balik altered disastrous mass that the british system sees are falling apart and i think there's a real feeling on this island that we need to materially and sensibly monitor and plan a conversation whatever the outcome of this you know find a sort of agreed way forward recent surveys suggest most people in northern ireland prefer to stay part of britain for now but those who want to united ireland say they are in no hurry expecting chaotic to help. me now is the political correspondent hans van welcome hans jocelyn leggett is already ruled out any renegotiation of the big sea treaty from mr boss johnson insists the backstop moscow is there any point in the meeting this evening well there's always
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a point in meeting there's always a point and talking and getting to know the position of the other person and getting to know that other person a little bit more intimately in more detail so yes there is certainly point in talking and in fact that hasn't closed the doors to any negotiation whatsoever she said that the european union too is not really interested in this backstop if other alternative arrangements can be found the european union is prepared to talk about that and to agree to it if they are. in the fold that the european union can agree to but of course those kind of arrangements have so far in 3 years or so of negotiations not been following the sort of possibility there could be for all we've lost people in the streets and building here what they think about this let's have a look at what they feel this is going to pan out. i don't think bars johnson will do that. i hope things stay as they are and i think that would be better for europe . poor so much money into it they'll do it one kind of nice just for one through
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some congo breaking things that you've just about managed to bring together. book clubs events i phone you shop they just one make it it's already taken so long i think in the end they'll remain because it's easier denville to be pretty dumb to give in to johnson now. for majority of course one briton to stay on in the e.u. but you know why is johnson hopes that the e.u. will at some point that down if it realizes that the back of the agreement will not go through the british parliament as it's failed to do 3 times and do you think he's playing this hog ball game and hoping that the e.u. will blink at some point and give in maybe that's what he's hoping he's certainly trying to play hardball and that's something he's going to sell to his electorate back and great britain there might be another strategy behind that he might be interested in going to an election with that kind of position with that kind of hardball position towards the e.u. he might have another agenda beyond actual back start negotiations they want to
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call that but we have to see that there's a backstop as the would already say is a kind of full back position both for the united kingdom and for the european union because so far one has not been able to find any other alternative arrangement you don't need to reopen negotiations on the withdrawal agreement to get rid of backstop if you can find some way of solving this northern ireland problem that is acceptable to both sides and as i've said that's been a search that's been going on for a long time johnson also vaguely talks about alternative arrangements but nobody knows what that could be at the moment so at the moment the backstop is all there is but short of that you might have something obviously that boris johnson can take back home and set it as progress because also it's not in the interests of the e.u. in the end to have it. i have seen no indication of the e.u. actually backing down in any way whatsoever see no indication of the e.u.
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saying well we are possibly prepared to offer boris johnson this all of that in the opening there is actually to talk about alternative arrangements that might replace the backstop which is actually something that is full seen and that is in the withdrawal agreement and in the political a declaration that accompanies that agreement there's a transition period that has been agreed on that would go until the end of 2020 during which all of these details would be in the go if one can find a solution of course that could be agreed to but as i say i don't see any sign of some kind of other solution coming up in the near future right. political correspondent thank you very much if that's mean. let me having ya it's among the stories making news around the world the head of sudan's military council has been sworn in as the leader of the newly formed sovereign council it's made up of military leaders and members of the opposition and lions and believes have done
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during its 3 year transition to civilian rule. the number of wildfires and brazil's amazon rain forest have hit a record this year that's according to new data this been an 83 percent increase in fires compared to the same period last year president. says the government is working to control the blazes and he accuses environmental activist of setting back . more than 80 refugees stranded on a spanish rescue boat for 19 days have now disembarked on the italian and of lampedusa italian justice authorities overthrew the government ban on allowing the vessel to dock 5 e.u. countries say they've taken them by prince. now stay with italy which has been plunged into uncertainty following the resignation of the prime minister just gone and the collapse of the government country is attacked the far right interior minister matteo salvini singing provoked the crisis for political gain in
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a few hours the president of italy is due to sound political leaders to see if a new coalition going to be formed or if the country will head for fresh elections . cheers and jeers for the italian prime minister as he arrived at the senate in rome for a crucial debate on the government's future. in a dramatic move he resigned from his post bringing italy's populist government to a swift end after just 14 months in power contact accused interior minister. of being the sole architect of the country's seemingly endless political crisis. you days are the reasons that lead me to call the decision to spark the government crisis extremely irresponsible but. i must say that the interior minister has
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shown he is acting out of personal and party interests of the. country blasted salvini for breaking up the right wing coalition with the intent of going it alone . we don't need men with absolute power. but people with a strong sense of responsibility. however salvini the leader of italy's right wing league party told senators that he treated the government crisis because he's not afraid of an early vote. when my will do everything that i did all over again. everything with a great strength of being a free man. it means i'm not afraid of being judged by the italian this
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is the. kid on a par with. the judith's or the. his supporters were also asked in forced chanting elections now elections now salvini has made clear his bid for power and his popularity is steadily on the rise because call crises in recent years. max and then joins me now from rome max the elections that are new coalitions seem to be the 2 options available what happens next. that's right emirate of the government crisis is in full swing and now the ball is in the president's courts this is president of italy he will have to find a solution to carry on with the with the governing of this country and one of them could be to find an alternative coalition which could be the 5 star movement that has been in power so so far but with a different coalition partners than of the league with the center left party
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however the p.t. party is not yet sure if they really want to join this governing coalition they said they might do so if they have a strong consensus within the party a strong majority for a sustainable government the other option would be for to install. a caretaker government that would take us to new elections this however would not be before october or even november because there is a constitutional process that has to be followed new elections as well to fall right into. the is hoping that he's being accused of engineering this political crisis how popular is the in the country. he. is a popular figure in italy but he's also a very polarizing figure he has been extremely vocal as an extremely tough stance on the migration issue here in the country as well as issues involving the european union and which he is very very skeptical but according to recent polls just before
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the government crisis. he was. coming out stronger and stronger he according to recent polls he is at 7 his party's at 37 percent right now which could mean that together with other far right parties he could even. have a wish it came to elections be in charge of government himself. now what do people there max and make of the collapse of the government just after 14 months . it's hard to say at the moment this is the peak of holiday season italy a lot of the tellings are at the beaches mining other business and the government crisis but i guess most people will be very worried especially when everything comes back to normal here in italy there's a few issues on the table few issues on the agenda for example italy will have to present their budgets for 2020 to the e.u. later this year and if they're not able to do this because election campaign and in
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4 swing this might lead to an increase of the v.a. t. increase of the sales tax of 3 percent up to 25 percent and that is something a lot of italians are worried about this is going to have a knock out effect. on wages and also of course what people are buying so in the end people are worried and they're going to feel this at some point. thank you very much. beijing this confirm that an employee of the british consulate in hong kong who went missing earlier this month is being held in china a spokesman for the chinese foreign ministry said simon chang had been placed an administrative detention for 15 days as punishment for breaking a public security law the incident comes amid strained relations between britain and china beijing has accused london of interfering in support of hong kong ongoing for democracy protests. i'm joined now from beijing by samina mistry on oh she's a correspondent for the german press agency d.p.a.
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welcome serena do we know anything more about what the accusations are against the consulate worker. pam rita good to talk to you so at this point all we know is what dirt chinese foreign ministry said earlier today which is that chunk broke the security administration punishment law which is a lot that covers offenses that are not considered clients or like lesser than arms and that he has received and mistreated detention for like 15 days and change and south china. so far both hong kong and british authorities are trying to get more information. and what does this incident mean assume enough for sign or british relations. there's already a lot of tension building up between china and britain. hong kong protests that are
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entering their 12 week they started in june 19th. over hong kong. disappointment with this proposed. this proposed extradition and the arrest of simon chung will only increase the tensions there were small protests in front of the british consulate in hong kong today and it is very possible that salman chung will become more prominent figure in the protests this coming week and there have been protests in hong kong every weekend and. it's there's always been a focus on on people who have become kind of representative or for the protests. in beijing thank you very much. well one of the most powerful people in the roman catholic church cardinal george pell has failed to have his conviction on child sex
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abuse charges overturned but was once the vatican's treasurer he's serving a success sentence for sexually abusing 2 choir boys in the 1900. led away in disgrace 78 year old george pell leaves the supreme court of victoria in melbourne he once dominated australia's catholic church now he's a common prisoner appeals judges a found a controversial jury decision against him was right there has been vigorous and sometimes emotional criticism of the cardinal there has also being strong support for the cardinal. in date it's fair to sorry but this coast has divided the community and see boise state go oh full. of you survivors and their supporters celebrated the supreme court ruling for these people pelle is a symbol of the sins of the church. going and else made an example of justice.
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system i think there is a oh i think i get it down to. the case against pell dates to the mid 1990 s. but despite swirling accusations his star continued to rise in the catholic church he became one of the vatican's most senior cardinals and even now the church has not defrocked pal he's always denied the allegations against him and may yet appeal today's verdict but tells conviction house rocks the catholic church he won't be eligible for parole until october 2022. still to come monday down the union is not look closely down district mind you anything we explain why this riot in amusement park in germany has been grounded.
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president donald trump is canceled an official state visit to denmark because the danish prime minister refused to talk about selling greenland the u.s. going the proposal absurd agreement is autonomy and belongs to denmark it's the biggest island in the was its government has said greenland is not for sale. canceled by a tweet all the plans were in place here in copenhagen for a state visit by the u.s. president but then donald trump announced on twitter he's not coming after all denmark is a very special country with incredible people he tweeted but if the danish prime minister doesn't want to discuss selling greenland to him then the visits canceled it is with regret surprise that i received the news that their president trump has canceled his statements that to denmark on the 2nd and 3rd as. i've been looking forward to this it. does not change the capture of our
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good relations and we will of course from denmark continue our ongoing dialogue with the u.s. on how we can develop our cooperation and deal with the many common challenges us we are facing greenland may be geographically right next to the united states but it's been an autonomy danish territory for more than 200 years and it has its own prime minister kim kills and make clear what he thought about trump's real estate offer during a meeting with the danish prime minister earlier this week. richard knew almost would you like that the americans can trade resources with greenland just like any other country they can treat with us but our country is not for sale there's been a u.s. airbase on greenland since the 1950 s. but global powers are also now increasingly interested in its vast oil gas and mineral reserves. now it's a germany's and number one a no go symbol the stuff that the nazis symbolism fishley band here but it
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sometimes crops up unintentionally for example in the case of an amusement park in the black forest. as it starts up this ride called the eagles flight looks unassuming enough but once the eagles take to the year they seem to form a sinister shape few seem to notice at the park until the video of the eagles made it online now the park's owner is repentant. so there. i would like to emphasize that i apologize in every way i come along to anyone who feels disturbed and insulted by exhaustion. visitors to the tasmania park seem to take it in their stride but. you wonder how you can build something. new because it really is still a sensitive topic on the other hand it's just the engineering just happens to look like. i'm not bothered i didn't even notice that they might look like
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swastikas. and the children they think nothing of it is used to bore you the owner is talking to the ride's manufacturer about a redesign until then the eagles are grounded. if you've just joined us here's a recap of the top stories at the following for you this is from mr barnes johnson is coming to by men to trying to spear chance for an american to reopen breaks of negotiations and balin and the e.u. countries say the joint agreement will not be changed. and one day off the italian prime minister just sepic on tape designed to the country's president to begin talks with key players to try and find a find a way out the crisis on to be of the far right deputy prime minister. for the collapse of the government. coming up next on news. they've had enough reports of racist abuse against top lines in indonesia bring
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this simmering anger to boiling point. and precious precious around the was how china is fighting hard to bring its children creches back all. the folks coming. from the under 13 months it's by no. the feeling.
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clicks to. touch you and. the rhythm of the markets. the momentum of the morning morning. your business magazine made in germany in 60 minutes on d w.
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subscribe to documentary to. this is. coming up on the program on the streets against racism a 3rd day of protests struck up for our interview but why do people feel discriminated against. explains also coming up. recovered treasures beijing has ramped up its efforts to free up antiquities colonial times it's become a point of national pride plus plastic fishing nets discarded in the indian ocean get a 2nd much cooler life.


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