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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2019 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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the general policy decision what's going to happen with interest rates it's a committee but clearly this is the main act now on friday when jerome paul takes the stage donald trump recommending fight or flight for u.s. central bankers in jackson hole that was carter thank you very much. see sun sand and surf holiday destinations go the southwestern french city of berets pretty much has it all but this weekend it's playing host to the g 7 meeting while that might move the political contests it certainly isn't doing much for business in the city. normally at this time of year beer it's as beaches would be full of tourists looking to catch some waves or raise instead it's hosting some of the world's most powerful political leaders in town for the g. 7 summit. ahead of the start of the event on friday the city is in lockdown the airport and man train station will be closed to the public was certain parts of the
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city including the beach are only open to residents that have permits. according to the local mayor though there is no major problem. but the books and he said 1st of all i would say and be a rich everyone knows that starting august 20th we see a decrease in the number of tourists we are not at the peak holiday season of august member of the but local business people are not impressed by the disruption during what should be one of their busiest weekends. and. first of all we have to say that for 3 days now we've seen a decrease in revenue and it's not the last week of the holiday season but the 2nd to last week that might be running the stand during the holiday season for 15 years now and berets and this is usually my best week since my may have simmons because it's stupid simply put just stupid i think it's ridiculous the should have
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organized it in the middle of winter but it still would have had a positive impact for businesses that usually don't do as well jordan winter. the reason for all the security is to thwart protesters to come out in force for such high profile political gatherings but with such a massive security operation in place it's likely that the only people protesting will be those whose business has been hit. overfishing is reducing fish stocks around the world and africa has been particularly badly affected and going to the situation is becoming serious over 2 and a half 1000000 gun and fish and the well being of the industry is critical to livelihoods and the west african country. every morning uncle a young son goes out to see full of hope. he has been. a fisherman for over 12 years it was his own uncle who taught him when he was a boy. now yanks in a showing his own sons the ropes of fishing is getting more difficult here. and so
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you know when that's the way we start our day by asking god to help us to catch some fish or there was i don't know what we will eat at home but i want to this is the only thing i can do to look after my wife and my kids. if you. like. song as well as prayer is used to try and coax some fish into the nets for a long time the good man coast was home to one of africa's most fish rich bodies of water but in the last 15 years fish stocks have dropped by half and today it's the same old story for on pull out a yanks and his prayers for full nets have not been answered. at the fish market in the town of elmina some fishermen have done a bit better it seems but the fact remains that the ocean here is being heavily overfished and the marine ecosystem is in danger earlier this year the government
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took action. i asked symbolically close the sea. in the name of the father and of the south and of the horn is. last spring going in ministry of fisheries decided to impose a fishing ban on the country's coastal region. busy its plan to reduce fish in their forts. as they in the year and also show that. at this time it is expected that that might geraghty or fish will be spawning. it is the time for them to spawn. these are hard times for dramas fishermen. this fishing ban will not be the last but it may well help secure a future livelihood not just for uncle dunston but for the millions of going to
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hands who depend on fishing. or plans to revamp truck plant owned by its chinese a joint venture partner photon to build mercedes benz branded heavy trucks in china under the planet photo and will reportedly adversities bands branded actually as heavy trucks to its production lines all my savings bonds truck benz trucks currently sold in china are imported the truck market in china is holding up well despite the climbing auto sales this is because of growth in e-commerce and improved logistics infrastructure us month photons parent beijing auto bought a 5 percent stake in dialer. cuban cigars a stroll on havana's famous malecon while classic cars drive by and the americans have enjoyed their trips to cuba over the past 2 years after travel sanctions to the communist country were loosened under the obama administration today the situation is quite different. tourism was supposed to be
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a growth industry in cuba but ever since u.s. president trump has banned american cruise ships from cuba and tight interest and u.s. citizens to travel there for a short boom to the island nation is over 2 or 3 arrivals are down 23 percent for the month of july following a 20 percent drop for the month of june trumps fight against the government have on the past people suffering. now are we're talking about a stratospheric drop the united states government is intentionally seeking to do harm to the cuban government but what they are actually doing is harm us the workers those of us who work for ourselves but have an agreement with a government that has been a catastrophe since june. where when you. among the 1st victims of the trend restaurants where the number of guests has plunged. them i look to the side on the
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cruise ships really had an impact during the lows because when we were in our lows these and there were cruises you didn't really feel it because the americans really kept tourism afloat tourists from america good tourists but well now they are not here and we still have to be working. for trump his actions against cuba seem to be a political ploy for many in cuba there are next to stem cell threat. from me and the business team here in berlin for more business news and teachers. d.w. dot com slash business or follow us on social media i'm john al d'amato and thanks for watching.
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blah. blah blah blah blah. blah for. takes good personally. with all of the wonderful people and still make the game so special. for a true friend. become more than football on line. it's time to take one step from her
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mum and face the. mum taught me to search. for the trusts. to overcome the turns and such. it's time for her. coming up ahead. i'm not laughing at the gym i just sometimes i am but i stand up and whimper that. thinks deep into the german culture of looking up the stereotype quiet but interesting to see from the country that i no longer. you don't seem to take it as drama they are to me it's all that they know i'm a joke join me to meet the general you post.
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the blue planet our world we tend to describe its beauty in terms of what we see and treat our site as our primary sense. but in recent years new research has pointed toward the importance of hearing of the sounds of our world and how we process them. hearing it seems is more important than we thought. some even believe it's the key to our futures. music these inbuilt within our d.n.a. within our genes. our society becomes faster and faster and faster we have to get information out of the environment there it quickly the auditory channel is quicker than the visual channel. this big developments happening in technology at the
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moment and a lot of people soon that's all about the visual but if you don't get the sound right then your sensor motion completely disappears. so i walked in the right way going to how people react every day sounds so i go on
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about a normal day or kind of there's lots of sounds i'm not really paying attention to little and i will be taking my is my brain will be taking unconsciously but my conscious brain isn't aware of it. some aspects of older channel are faster than other senses not because we might think of hearing as being something to do with speaking like i am now in communication but i choose to know. warning system and that's what it's 1st evolutionary purpose. good to see you're welcome to the sound will come it's a really noisy place isn't it what you would believe under these railway she's just a list amazing sounds which will lead you about this wonderful call coffin and follow me.
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the most just as a listener around here just. can hear. you know. comes on maternal line boldness my. point is i don't see we have. a slot back of the
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sofa for news on the 1950 s. rock n roll and musician here thank you todd it really is going to great sound effect but it just calls by the you know the brick is just keeping the sound here not in sound is probably skipping around the inside of this curve but you have the bottom coming back and it's probably also going along the top of the walls and coming back again so you know it's amazing amazing contribution by signs the mystery is how does this sound good. across it's give me around the top of the bridge was it just going straight and bouncing off the wall and coming straight back to you. could even be both. i think sun can be both about listing and about vibration so from a purely so physical point a few you can think of acoustic ways which a vibration and they don't need someone to listen to to actually exist but actually to be of interest really you could have some to be an animal whether it's a human or whatever listening to the.
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early ninety's i moved from a music listener to. explore experimenting working on this topic you realize to not really 100 percent but be feeling what is reality existing outside us. our brain
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it's all the delivering information to be needed in order to survive but you can very much money relate your brain by giving it attention to a constant listening to the right. it's up to you how much of that. sound itself can. physically. change our behavior in a radical way it can create moods that creates a physical reaction in the body history noise loft just this is a disability language but you can communicate so much we never switch off actually hearing because everything was.


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