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tv   Quadriga  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2019 6:30am-7:01am CEST

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so what is fueling this shift to the right well since the country's reunification and many people in germany feel they are treated as 2nd class citizens young people are also leaving to seek opportunities elsewhere and the reason of loose asia brandenburg is about to be dealt another blow the mine which is one of the region's biggest employers is slated to close for many voting for the anti establishment a.f.d. will give them a platform to be heard. many people in brandenburg who say she a region depend on the coal mining industry for their livelihood but they're worried because germany has decided to phase out coal fired power plant germany's far right a.f.d. party is tapping into this fear. local a.f.d. candidates deafened could be tricky who currently works in a power plant himself says other parties have no plan for one coal mining is history. and it's me what
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kind of a crane do we need. what sort was it again was. works as a technician in the local coal power plant. lately he's been concentrating on a political career. he's hoping to win a seat in the upcoming brandenburg state elections. 10 years ago i would never have dreamt of going into politics and being involved in such things so i could have chosen to spend my time fishing or walking the dog or going to lead an easy life or being a member of the a.f.p. that makes things difficult because people are hostile towards the party and you're frightened of. but it's the a.f.p. that's known for inciting hostility on this stage could be campaigning for the a.f.p. in a small rural constituency the turnout is much higher than expected. a.f.d. politician quite frequently oh and party co-leader alexander garland are in
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attendance they know just what people want to hear. different north our own culture is vanishing in public life every day that will science make us feel home and just disappearing refugees showed up next door we see women in veils and more emotion. and hardly anyone speaks german on public transport any more that's why germany's fate lies in the hands of a.f.p. voters. matter not much damage ladies and gentlemen if the f.t. gets into power we will resume control of our borders. the most difficult bit also knows how to win over locals. box is the funniest question i was asked was what i think of climate activist credit on bag i was outraged and then i simply said i drive a 5.5 liter v 8 with 388 horsepower so can we just skip this question.
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thank you thank you a f the politicians from berlin together with stephan could have a strong influence on these voters. by a group excuses the president talks like an ordinary guy. the others have their own parliamentary way of speaking. because it's good talks like a normal guy who works in a power plant and people like that but. many people in brandenburg appreciate the party's rhetoric after the collapse of communist east germany many people moved to the west those who did not have felt at a loss but now the f.d.a. has entered the political landscape it denies climate change stokes xenophobic sentiment and has been linked to me a nazi yet despite all of this the f.t. is projected to win the brandenburg state elections. few people here are willing to
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comment openly on the a.f.d. success. story was that depends on what they want to achieve that's not clear yet i guess we'll only find out once they're in power or when they have influence but then it's normally too late. despite these misgivings the party is expected to win over voters from all the other parties except for the greens who even score points on the issue of climate change in the coal mining region party member tweeted schmidt can only guess at why the a.f.p. is so strong and brandenburg and this gets into play doing ok really and that's why they're prepared to take political gamble. unemployment isn't just 3 percent here national oh gosh but so suddenly people are turning to be afterward going a bit mad or taking risks but some of the reason to be seen for work toward russia . for us. because there is a danger that should the a.f.d. win the election its extremist faction could gain control but that doesn't worry
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stephan kubicki. i could leave at the drop of a hat if the party develops in any negative direction but i doubt this will happen exactly what it will weakness. polls suggest that the f.t. is not only set to make major gains in the upcoming elections in brandenburg but also in the states of trickling in and saxony as well the town of has santé been turkey is more than 10000 years old but is now at risk of being submerged under water not by the climate crisis but by a planned project the turkish government wants to flood the historic town to build a down that will generate electricity for the country's south east and that means people like him are are being driven out of their homes and one of the world's oldest inhabitant settlements. a brand new bungalow development is a rare sight in economically challenged south eastern turkey. a man and his mother
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are moving into one of these houses soon but they aren't looking forward to it they have to move because a new dam is being built and their old home in has some cave valley is going to disappear. the locals will have to relocate to new hudson cave which is higher up. but i could what's the use of a new town if the cost is the destruction of history and culture because of my absolute of course what we've become homeowners here but at the same time we've lost our rights. when one. has some cave on the tigris river is located in an area with some of humankind's oldest settlements the valley has been inhabited since the 3rd century the assyrians romans and still jews all left their mark historically significant mosques and tombs have been moved to
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an archeological park. so far has been caves $3000.00 inhabitants had made a living from tourism you did a man offers guided tours and sells bush shores but he says once the valley is flooded he'll be out of a job and there's no work for him in a new house and cave. even before moving in and we had to pay 5000 euros for repairs of the house at the same time tourist numbers are already declining there used to be 20 people selling brochures you know there's just 6 lot of. environmentalists and archaeologists the world over have spoken out in a bid to save his son cave and european finance or is withdrew from the dam project to no avail. the police forcefully crushes local protests like this year in july. after. the locals know that has sent case cannot be saved but what does the future hold for them
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politicians promise all will be well once the project is completed good bushman you know this will be europe's largest reservoir with new towns along its 170 kilometers inland site and they will be fishing and boat tourists who want to get to know. the tourists don't see. i'm too keen on returning to his son cave to go fishing in a reservoir. i think that this is a word to have it touch is so worth a car charger and to no electricity this water to do it all in and destroy the water at that. restaurant owner bill and massa and doubts that tourists will keep coming instead of the cooling tigris river bank his new shop is supposed to be here in new house and cave but so far there is neither electricity nor water. and that's not dylan's only concern. where you are just. for the more
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she does she was a unit here will start from scratch again for the wait and see if anyone comes. and then we'll make our final decision as it were of chechen year that a man would love to continue showing the local limestone caves to visitors the oldest ones are said to be 3000 years old and served as tombs. later they were inhabited even up until the 1970 s. but only a few caves will remain above the water level. children wonders why this hasn't led to more global outrage. but now scientific in that this doesn't belong to the people of pozen cave to the us or turkey or thank me to the journey is only conjecture for it belongs to all people after all this is the cradle of humanity and was
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a lot of it. but for now it's a new housing development instead of limestone caves for chatting here that a man he's brought to saplings from the valley and planted them in front of his new house. it might well be all he'll have left from his old home town one's house and cave disappears forever. nowhere is the climate crisis more evident than in svalbard norway it's heating faster than anywhere on the planet well that's according to a report by the country's environment agency and as the arctic ice melts travel agencies are offering tourist one last glimpse of the winter wonderland but the cruise ships they come in on are only exacerbating the problem. another cruise ship arrives at midday. and the tourists come pouring in to long
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desired by archipelagos largest settlement they come looking for a little adventure for their photo albums and souvenirs from the arctic. but local resident and editor in chief of the local paper hilda who speak is anything but happy to see so many tourists they can be a nuisance. people get annoyed when they come up to the houses and look into their windows or the windows or if they take pictures too close or don't like the feeling of being curiosities in their own city we live there. still the locals are willing to put up with quite a lot from the solvent tourists arctic holidays are a business prospect for the future there is room for growth but not necessarily in the summer season so we try to spread it throughout the air and also to make at the vessels especially the christmas will stay longer when they come. along you know
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a boon has had to reinvent itself it was built on coalmining but those days are almost over. and the people sense climate change is a threat here there is more rainfall and less snow the ground soaks up the rain like a sponge and eventually the steep slopes give way. houses once stood here at the edge of town in 2015 they were buried in an avalanche 2 people lost their lives. now there are plans to move the little cemetery west along you know boone the most recent landslide in june 28th just barely missed it. the church has to be really founded the foundation has to be made so. the real sense of insecurity is we don't know what it's going to look like to live here. and i suppose it's what makes it really difficult. christiane and her family used to
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live right by the water's edge but they had to move the fjord hardly carries any ice anymore in the winter so the wind drives the waves against the shore. that children learn from on the fjord hasn't been frozen over for some time we used to be able to drive across it on the snowmobile but not anymore you can see how radically the glaciers have retreated. christiana who is concerned about the future . her concerns are shared by a group of international researchers on an excursion into the barren wilderness of the dixon fjord 60 kilometers north of long. expect the species. to form a conditions have a higher chance of established and the favor better so i think those that are really suffering will be those really high arctic specialists. from power knew
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where to go now. scientists are unable to predict exactly how rapidly climate change will affect the arctic sensible because system but the winter wonderland that was supposed to attract numerous tourists to small in the future could gradually be disappearing. about johansson is also worried he needs paying guests. he makes beer. pubs and hotels in the world's northernmost brewery he thinks the climate crisis to be to. exaggerated he says in the end they always find a way. it's 90 percent yes you are right near the end that kind of story is still good for us to talk to hopeful that. we are surviving survivors human please cite
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the morse chuckle. or. get into these. but what looked like that and how life in the archipelago changed. in those who speak thinks new opportunities will open for a long yahoo in the future. also they said this is a small city where you get to experience things very easily it's a small area and think so is it to decide there are a lot of possibilities to. this it that. the cruise ship sets out to see again the tourists take their impressions of with them and the locals are left to wonder about the best path out of the past into the future and what new challenges lie ahead.
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30 years ago the iron curtain fell in europe and the cold war between the and the west ended so what is life been like for people in the former communist countries since then the last part of our series takes us to romania where the wave of peaceful revolutions in 1909 took a violent turn hopes were high when the regime of dictator ceausescu was brought down down lonny it was part of the uprising but now he feels let down by the lack of progress. when the revolution broke out in december $989.00 down voiding out was in the thick of it at this barracks in toggle vish to romania's hated dictator nicolae ceausescu and his wife elin out were on trial
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borneo a young prosecutor at the time cross-examined the couple. dictate to the couple which osha's cheska was a dictator if you consider all the atrocities he committed i'd say only one charge was possible for the crimes against humanity. and there's only one punishment for that you hope for the 1st record from one hit to. the churches whose were executed immediately after the trial they had no chance to appeal which had little to do with the rule of law but after the short trial broadcast live the shooting in the streets stopped the death toll had already reached 1000. prosecutor dan voice insists the summary execution was justified. he points out the bullet holes where the ceausescu's were shot against the wall but 30 years on he's still way to.


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