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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 23, 2019 8:30pm-8:46pm CEST

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every journey begins with the 1st step and every language with the 1st word heard from the group. he coaches in germany to learn german and why not come with him simple online on your mobile phone and free shop. learning course nikos free german for me to see. this is being is africa coming up in the next 15 minutes the zimbabweans who've been tortured a comedian is in hospital often lost to man up to upset and tortured him she saves her attacker has accused her off and on my being the government with his. she lay in search. detachment they told me to do what soldiers do in training. they shoved my face in the water then they said drink the water as if you will god . and the poison generation in 70 is the 2nd largest city
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rights groups say children in kabul they are exposed to high levels of toxins from mining waste. hello i'm christine want to welcome to africa it's good to have you along isn't bob and comedian is in hospital off to she was abducted from a hole in the last man. some of the korea joins the list of opposition and rights activists who have been kidnapped by and identified assailants at different locations in the past 2 weeks that's according to write scripts a very 2 year old popularly known as on yet has in sketches that poke fun at the authorities is a bad way and for economic and social problems facing the country she spoke to her in a hospital bed and had. 3 were me under the mask 3 masked men
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entered my room. and they took me out of bed to pee and i was swimming naked and was not given a chance to dress up i asked to dress up and they started slapping me. so they forced me out blinded. my assailants accused me of mocking the government and said they had been monitoring our comedy and we had no right to mock the government and it had up us. i was asked to lay down and roll in sewage water. this is when the torture started. they took turns to beat me up with whips or. do. they accuse me of forming a skit that advocated for the eviction of state security personnel and communities so they had come to take me out of my home 1st.
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time in months. some ethical speaking there from the hospital bit 1000 bogus information ministry says police have received a report of a kidnapping and investigations are underway but a spokesman for the government costs on the claims made by korea nick mungana tweeted the recent activities in sim have all the hallmarks of the quote black ops hence need to be analyzed dispassionately who stands to gain from a damage to innocent non-drug was local and international prestige why would mosque people object then or the victim not to criticize him and nicely stating things up . human rights watch say it's children living in the form of mining area of san diego austin exposed to high levels of it that's despite the closure of the main mines and smelting ponds in the region 25 he is
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a human rights watch report focuses on the town of that's north of the capital it say's children are exposed to high levels of lead ins in soil and just around their homes schools and areas they pay in the group say's that despite clean up if it's around $76000.00 people still live in heavily contaminated areas it's bring in joanna naples mitchell here she is the author off that human rights watch report welcome to to. joanna so your report puts an emphasis on children why is this made exposure particularly dangerous for children. so let exposure is dangerous for children more so than adults for some reasons 1st children's brains and bodies are still developing 2nd children absorb $4.00 to $5.00 times as much right as adults and finally children spend much more time in the soil which is where the
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light is in car where playing in the ground or putting their hands in their mouths into their mushroom margarita in just lowered. right joanna the government of sandia has said it doesn't have the money for decontaminating this area relocation perhaps is another option why has that not happened firstly she said the government says that it doesn't have enough resources to address the full scope of the problem they're making some efforts now and we hope that they will expand those upwards but in terms of relocation this is something we've asked different experts because this is also a question for us and what we were told was just physically moving some $76000.00 people is just an incredibly onerous undertaking and would be very challenging and also extremely expensive which seems like you know you know the project is already very expensive just cleaning out the lead but it seems like you'd be even more than that. so what are you calling for as human rights watch what proposals are you
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suggesting as an organization we're calling on the government to come up with a comprehensive and sustainable way to clean up the land so that they address the land in homes schools health centers and on roads and also at the mind that still there in convoy and also that they choose a method of clean up that actually will last but also calling for them to provide testing and treatment all affected community members particularly tension to children under 5 who are most vulnerable. joe and i know you've spent some time in that community will in the city of kabul and at the soldiers about what you experience interaction with with the people in the community are they a way off of the situation and perhaps what did you see 1st had as a result all of the implications as a because of this exposure to that people have. ok so convoy is a town that is full of contradictions it has a bustling city center and you know it is the capital of this province and at the same time about
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a 3rd of the population was not affected areas when i spoke to parents about whether their children had been tested you know some parents that their children had been tested for lead and they were very worried about that and they were told us about different symptoms their children had that may or may not be from lead poisoning they spoke of headaches and stomach pain memory and concentration issues all of which could be from lead poisoning since we're not doctors you know we don't have the ability to say that and actually it's very hard to say for sure if something is from lead poisoning but regardless you know the families we spoke with their children had extremely high blood levels you know they were told that their children had these large bubbles orally they were never given anything in writing what they were told was very worrying all right joe and then naples mitchell from human rights watch thank you. thank you so much. the focus of this is g. 7 summit in france inequality and according to the world bank's of africa is the wolves most unequal society the richest 10 percent of the population earn 70 percent of the country's wealth 25 years off to the end of apostate poverty is
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widespread among south africa's black majority in the country particularly stop responding to adrian krishna of course. when elizabeth needs water to cook with she has to go outside to get it the geriatric nurse has been living in this block of flats for 3 years together was more than 400 other squatters they have neither electricity no water but elizabeth says she likes living here specially because of its location inside this city close to my well place and a very good environment close to a pretty close to the hospital the shopping mall in. the local government has put this for michael wood ation for nurses working in the neighborhood hospital for sale but before investors could buy it up the squatters moved in. it's in the
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center of one of cape town's most expensive and popular districts the water for. those dresden are wealthy and whites. and there needs to change says she wants domestic workers gardeners and geriatric nurses to also have a right to live here. for me to say to me because i think especially after we've held to account for all the thought flashed. across the. piece tonight because. we feel that we don't see the light at the end of the town and there it is continually to the police came to in recent years property prices in cape town central districts have risen dramatically they're out of most people's free choice instead hundreds of thousands of people live in
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townships on the other side of table mountain cape town is still effectively divided into black and white areas. apartheid and the 25 years ago. times of racial segregation still have a strong impact on the society here today back then the regime spent much more money on the education of white children compared to black children also only white people were allowed to live in fancy areas or others were forcibly relocated to places like this one here which are nowadays hotspots of crime and poverty in cape town south africa's leaders who has made fighting inequality a central focus of his presidency but unemployment is rising along with discontent and crime dispossession and reallocation are ever recurring themes. that's why a bit organisation reclaim the city aim to take over more into buildings they want to give low income earners a home and
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a voice it's about time we need to bring that transformation into our country for people from different places he respects the feel crass. to get turnt but i feel that we need to bring the rainbow nation into debt and people should left she would love to continue living here at the waterfront but it's not clear whether that will be possible so far the city may be tolerating the squatters but the ultimate decision will be made by the courts religious leaders from around the world have been meeting in germany at a conference called religions for peace. for him with the wealthy off uganda she began by asking him what was behind the relative interreligious harmony in uganda. we hope you make it. as a minority and then we turn to our counterparts the entirely just who formed the intelligence council because and about 2 decades ago we felt that what brings us
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together is more than what divides us what separates us there are some minor incidents of violence in uganda that are happening who's behind them they're mostly a political note not religious there's a little of that was there before now it has been a minute because welcome to the us was a mutual working together to discuss with uganda. an extra mile to engage the government for support. instead of music a virus no this is changing apart from sort of thuggery. a lawless missive from a field of videos that is common in a set but generally as really just as well if you could help on an island between the 3 just doesn't the government living in one of the government is also listening to us and also advising the government undertaking that for us that's why we're
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looking at this in uganda as muslims i think we discussed of uganda faith if he does that the government will. that was the most you know that's what happened he doesn't use africa you can catch what a story is now if such a facebook page the next time i think. s.o.s. europe. is in crisis. if it's to have a future it will meet champions young champions. for activists who are country. or solution for the. euro. do they stand
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a chance. can they save the good idea. that i'm here to stand up for european values and contribute to something important coming up see a. future of europe start september 2nd on d w. the crystalline surety of the voice of soprano and arise she will be my guest just a few minutes. and welcome to news from the world of arts and culture also coming up on the show. in our occasional series on european visit red square in moscow. bus we begin in paris and
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a brand new museum that will open to the public next week the music live by asio and a policy the museum of the liberation of paris is dedicated to the 2nd world war more specifically to the resistance of the french people to the nazis it opens this weekend in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the liberation of paris in 944 which is that list that just cutting great parishes now free and get a free pass. 25th of august 944 a day the french will never forget after 4 years of planning and 20000000 euro a new museum in the heart of paris is finally ready to open its doors to the public . private $7000.00 artifacts from world war 2 will be on display.


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