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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  August 25, 2019 9:15pm-10:00pm CEST

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how does thailand taste. from correspondent. and host amazingly to terrorism various flavors of the crazy our food. costs tasty taipei start september 1st on.
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the blue planet our world. we tend to describe its beauty in terms of what we see and treat our site as our primary sense. but in recent years new research has pointed toward the importance of hearing of the sounds of our world and how we process them. hearing it seems is more important than we thought. some even believe it's the key to our futures. music is inbuilt within our d.n.a. within our genes. our society becomes faster and faster and faster we have to get information out of the environment there it quickly the auditory channel is quicker and the visual channel. is big developments happening in technology at the moment and a lot of people sue not all about the visual but if you don't get the sound right
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then your sensor motion completely disappears. so i walked to the right way of going to how people react every day so if i go on about the normal day or kind of there's lots of sounds i'm not really paying
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attention to little and i will be taking my is my brain will be taking unconsciously but my conscious brain isn't aware of it. some aspects of auditory channel are faster than other senses and that's because we might think of his being as being something to do with speaking like i am now in communication but actually. it's an early warning system and that's what it's 1st evolutionary purpose. good to see you're welcome to the sound will commits a really noisy place isn't it what you would believe under these well wait is this a most amazing science which will lead you about this wonderful call coffin and follow me.
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most just as a listener around here just. one can hear. you know. something maternal longboard missing my. point you can see we hear. it as a slight back of the sofa for news on the 1950 s. rock n roll and musician hip and get taught it reads he is going to great sound
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effect but he just calls by the you know the brick is just keeping the sound here not in sound is probably skipping around in song of this curve but you have to be coming back and it's probably also going along the top of the water and coming back again and see it is amazing amazing contribution by signs the mystery is how is this. get across it skimming around the top with the great was it just going straight in bouncing off the wall and coming straight back to you. could even be both. i think so it can be both about listing and about vibration so from a purely so physical point a few you can think of it ways which a vibration is they don't need someone to listen to to actually exist but actually to be of interest really you could have some to be an animal whether it's a human or whatever listening to the.
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early ninety's i moved from a music listener to. explore i experimenters working on this topic you realized it is not really a 100 percent but the feeling of his reality existing outside us. brain it's all the delivering information to be needed in order to survive but you
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can very much money believe your brain by giving it attention to your constant listening to right. it's up to you how much of that to. itself can. really. change our behavior in a radical way this can create great physical reaction in the body history noise loss just this is this already a language which can communicate so much we never speech of actually hearing because every feet what is moving everything what is living as a frequency that's a risk even if deep before we are born we have to experience of self. the.
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one of the interesting things that i picked up on was how different the arches were i mean between them all because they all seem very similar in makeup and shape and size explains what are folks in point as compared to the ground is above the ground and it's not really a cliff but you don't hear it face right on the ground you get this reinforcement sign goes down and off and down and up and there's all kind of weird accused effects which you know we've all been listened to for millennia i mean it is this coast theories to rock is placed in places where the echoes are particularly interesting so you can paint a picture of a figure and he's done but by go out in the sun will come off and it will look like the person's to a sound of a person's. it's
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rather strange as an archaeologist to have an interest in music because the past is of course totally sonnet to us. we know that some of the most elaborate painting panels in the caves or similar case when you go. most dramatic acoustics. so we sped those paintings were susi to with singing dancing musicality. this is a typical train or tram noise and i wonder what your sponsors to. i won't be long enough i think i'm so yeah it's really been pleasant near how how
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calm and the theory has it is that there scraping sounds on pleasant because they sound a bit like a scream and in our brains with a very short response mechanism to deal with danger that's what hearing was 1st of evolution it was an early warning system so you'd find a lot of cities doing things like bringing fountains into squares because it gives you the sound of nature and you can do things the high traffic noise with it and of course we like the sound of nature is good for us you know in evolution returns we're used to living not in a city but out in the countryside and when there's water there's there's going to be food there's going to be water for us to drink so we not find a pleasant sound. and was quite curious about sound is actually sound waves a really weak from a physical point a few feet tiny little motions of air molecules but to us you know we can these big big emotional feelings was bonding to this week little force.
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thank. to. move. out of the the.
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when our early ancestors going back to maybe 3000000 years communicated with musicality they did that to express emotions to manipulate emotions to build socialization ships because that was before language so we asked what was all this ability to be receptive to sounds what was all being used to have minutes ago writing has been used for making music rather than making conversation is limited.
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humans are social creatures it was our hearing that enabled us to build communities and to secure the survival of our species through evolution the importance of our audio functions can be discerned from the moment we are born. babies are like superman when babies are born they are musical so they can discriminate between the rhythm of their native language and rhythms of other languages but more interestingly and at age of 4 days after birth babies are already crying in the stress pattern of their mother tongue it's the genes had an influence on brain structure that made us at one point musical and also able to process language .
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so. i started playing piano when i was 3 i would just and the only sound that i would hear in the room. and just learning by ear. overgrown post-apocalyptic house.
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to. children are perfect musicians and where they have to superior hearing and superior pitch and then somewhere along the way if those skills are perfected if they're not worked on then you lose it but and it's infancy i feel like we're designed to be these perfectly pitched musical instrument. and there's a huge space for innovation within the integration of music and technology that is going to come entirely from the younger generations. i'm really interested in helping young girls young women get into. he said in the technological aspects of
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music making. computers is actually de monetizing the music industry you could actually create an entirely new form of music and your own right and way of listening and writing music and the traditional approach to learning music is not necessary for that process and i'm excited to see where it's going to go because it's limitless.
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we're using different methods to see where and when the brain processes music so there are those methods like functional magnetic resonance imaging where we put people into the scanner and see which brain areas consume more oxygen means they are active during listening to music playing music also we use methods like electroencephalography where we have little sensors electrodes on the scalp to record brain potentials with a millisecond resolution to really tell when things are happening and we have methods where we stimulate the brain to make one brain area more or less efficient to see which effects this has on music perception and production.
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i started to play piano at the age of 3 and my family couldn't imagine that i could be a professional pianists or professional musician. nobody of my family are musician i realize that music is so great means for me to have a conversation with a people. to get into the social like most child to things in a wall of musicians who use both hands while playing this is done by the 2 hemispheres that need to communicate more strongly than in a non musician the auditory areas are refined musicians are better able to discriminate between 2 pitches. we're fascinated by how
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musicians perform on stage with great speed and accuracy and how they are doing this. pianist when planning on the movements is always like 5 or 6 tones ahead in his or her mind. we were interested in whether we can influence this planning process maybe boost this planning process by brain stimulation. and i sat here. do you think you see. so today will do an experiment on music
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production. and why you're doing this we've asked him with a one area in your brain asked located about here and to find this area i'll do some near an education with you and what will happen us there so you won't see hands of a pianist on the screen playing the piano playing what sequences and your task will be to do exactly the same on the piano on your own piano just the meat acting as you see on the screen. ringback
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and what we hope to find is that the stimulation indeed boosts performance boosts the planning process. so one could take this as a doping for the pianist but personally i admit i would prefer natural pianists because they are already performing acts limply on stage. i feel like we're very very close with this whole reverse engineering brain research and if you can create this blueprint of all the neural connections in your brain and build a supercomputer that would map all of these functions out you can send very noninvasive a lot. circle stimulus to your brain and be able to manipulate the emotional state
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the mental state so essentially that's going to change the way that we listen to music because we won't necessarily need speakers to you hear and experience music. one of the power of music for yourself is that it can have an influence on you and you don't know why. the history of music has not only f.p.s. or. pain wall songs to manipulate and music has been used for torture and that's terrible has for me. in england it's been an interesting development marks and spencers a big stores decided to turn off music entirely and then the soylent switch is an
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interesting choice because most shops are using music to manipulate behavior and so on this will surely home that it was how is it that some external combination of musical sounds has like an emotional impact on human beings perhaps there are certain frequencies that are more harmonious with the way that our physical chemistry is taking my music and switching it from 440 hertz to 432 and like listening to the differences so on my record i definitely did that to certain tracks and some of the sounded and it just felt more warm and like more more brazen .
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2 yeah experienced with the mafia a group of people who had never before listened to weston type of music they hear musical piece and the music really realize this is sad something that
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seems to be partly universal in this rituals experience a creative musical euphoria so we came up with this technology where we create music in a way that is physically very challenging. fitness. i mean you already have the number off effects just specify listening to music but when you actively do it. i think effects are approximately. double the strong. in decreased enzyme. which in chronic pain is huge
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furthermore we found some in our launch vehicle effects when we find them on all sides concentration so the 1st barrier against infections and is increased off to the gym. we are basically rediscovering all these effects enough played a huge role in the development of human civilization. when we make music together we are truly and harmony. each player becomes part of a bigger whole. we feel good when we enjoy music and whether it's being played by an orchestra a rock band a samba class an ancient ritual or even a fitness machine the music we make also leads us back to ourselves to our bodies.
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studies indicate we have a sense of music even before we begin to use words. one could almost say the human brain is wired for music. and music was a 1st cause or language problem but also in our development thurston's were 1st as sensitive to music and we 1st that doing music or music of sounds before understanding or speaking like more structured thames. so brantley for me is a project in which we are translating by. activity in the brain into sound
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we create music where motions so the emotions of the brain are translated into our musical language part of this project is to provide people with different disabilities like cerebral palsy the opportunity to create music through the activity of their brain. say i just want to hear we can see the signals from a friend's brain in real time. this information gets analyzed which indicates if the emotion is positive or negative strong or neutral we can basically watch as it changes yes for that there was no or the most. can be of no use to us you know it
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and then you'll send this to me and we'll make music with the software. how do you decide what music to play at each moment you know. some how we experience sounds is cultural. but there is also internet component down there. you know when we play notes that create a harmony it's almost as if you gives us a sense of pleasure in this but if we play notes that have nothing to do with each other then it feels like this. since i've been there but spend it on the code you generate depends on the activity since i feel good to get i started with the question is. we have now started to. starting to use sounds in different aspects in music in music out of technology that's a bad there is still a lot of potential there and we're not using it. in
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the field of music neuroscience is a relatively new research area. and yet we already have technology which can have a positive impact on people's lives now and new tools are constantly being developed. for music when i was 9 years old i chose the drums because i can i do spirit. i start church of the song and as a feel song there's a celebration. and the. and the.
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thing. useful means expresses what i feel it sure is what i know i show it shows me off and especially my hearing loss. with the instrument itself you get a feel for the whole body through it the vibrations different vibrations through the whole body. adam has a moderate hearing loss so it's very it's the varying levels of sound that he hears he does lip read a lot his personality started off quite shy but then he got into the drone and his
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confidence started to build up because he's joined music in the death and goes to yorkshire musical and he's also now helping all the children in the cloth because he feels that he's got more to offer. i think with music being able to communicate through music is a good way to challenge your energies through in order to. to to release the frustrations that you might have been at not being able to hear properly but the idea of music is to incorporate everybody you can be deaf you can be hearing you can be blind and you can still have the opportunity to play music and create something together as a whole. other man is become a different person since he's been playing and. to see him grow through music it is quite exciting as a parent to see. all the kids in
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a good starting line to to be able to express himself not i'm going to bring about a. 3rd. with all this to do tomorrow profit. on. the club music list. the children at the club have varying degrees of hearing loss. they will be using
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the new technological device for the 1st time ever to see how it effects how they experience music. each vibrating backpack will be connected to every instrument in the room meaning it should allow its wearer to also feel the other instruments more intensely when everyone plays together. but it's up to the time or go to bots that allows people to engage physically with music anything within the frequency range or $130.00 in the high end by the time the love will be able to feel. in effect bring you closer to music. a lot of people are getting benefit from using it you know not just from a creation standpoint but also performance and putting across your music in the best possible way so people are feeling everything. they have. to
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do it. bit. oh do you believe he is going to be back. here for this. so you know. you can feel the beat feel the rhythm feel the different vibration coming on the static pad so the get to it and get people got caught here can't catch oh
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big movie j.b. vibration on the enigma. it was like oh my chick on your back is hard to describe and. i felt i could really hear myself. in the natural world every sound has an echo even if these are sometimes hardly perceptible. the echo is not without purpose and comforts us so what happens when
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it's removed the anechoic chamber is well known for being a place just because of the silence every sound you make just disappears into the wall. the absence of tackle and the anechoic chamber can feel unsettling 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2. and indeed if there were no sound and no echo our early warning system would not function but then you also have the immense silence if you shut up in that space
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you'll start hearing sounds of your own body your brain is continually tweaking the id to make it for better. could we survive on another planet. in space sound an echo function in a different way. is the anechoic chamber space it depends what your condition is in space gosh if you're on a spacecraft it's quite noisy. so it's not a quiet place of ice i suppose if you went outside the spacecraft and not many tricks fixation for you died i guess you would hear sol it's a bit like an echo chamber but i suspect the panic space surrounding you might mean that's not the last thing you'll be thinking about. every sound in some places in space if you go to venus or mars now where sound waves can travel now the properties are very different on those planets because they're not oxygen rich.
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sound as a medium to travel. in the absence of a medium there is no sound however it's all relative to what you define as space and what's within the space there's an entire spectrum of wave forms so you can use sonification techniques to represent audio in using any of these any of the state or any of these waveform i received these really wonderful sonification samples from these researchers at cern the. that was the sound of 2 black holes collating.
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this page on collider in geneva switzerland they have this huge accelerators so they basically put the protons inside crushed them together so now i can play it over the the scale of. the alchemy project was commissioned by a popular science face equally they contacted me like hey we want you to make a sound song out of all of these really cool sounds that were collected by these researchers. but. of. course. it's.
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just. a. little. music and the brain. it seems we may soon see many new technological devices that can enhance the quality of our lives through sound perception and that this could benefit not only individuals but also societies. the future of hearing is still under written. but we are ready for it thanks to our ability and propensity for sound and music. to. be still in the very beginning to understand what softness i think we have no idea
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oh so yes what you can do of song. becoming a little bit more self-aware about us as a musical species has got to be a positive thing in how we're trying to show you i'm an individual lives. i definitely feel like music will be in the future more into our bodies through the way that we listen to it so what happens when you can. your emotional state by the click of a mouse is probably a lot of good and also a lot of bad. i mean once we are able to really translate. all the knowledge that the we are gathering in tool real instruments real tools
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it would be erroneous for. the culture cause i found myself a mission under one i have to complete here in the show. you need a. policeman fights any semitism in the wake of rising hate crimes in paris. is a good thing do we really have to flee to anti-semitism. just because we jews for fear of me strong as you and 39 s. on d w.
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t w. g 7 meeting. up of the agenda global inequality the crisis with iran and international trade. but donald trump spent with his host french president much of the trade war with china can derail everything. the british prime minister might use the occasion 5 great press and show. reporting from the g. 7 meeting in p.r. its life for d.w.i. news i mean it was a nice out of a long it's not easy to go to another country and know nothing about the wife of a on do this because we can't stay on venezuela i'm not disappointed that. closely global news that matters d.w. made for mines.
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love. this is deja news live from g 7 leaders meeting any french town of spirit splits on how to deal with iran the leaders of the g. 7 nations have had a full day all bilateral meetings in talks with african leaders but a surprise visit by iran's foreign minister overshadowed the proceedings also coming up. by.


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