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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2019 11:00am-11:16am CEST

11:00 am
yeah ban is so popular at leipzig it must be a real boost for the top club yeah definitely i mean he's been such an important player for them over the past few years it's great for them to have their signature to have his signature on paper however far think is possibly also reason for a little bit of frustration on the part of the club now the offer that team of an assigned yesterday is about even on the table just waiting for his signature since march. by not putting pen to paper big quickly a bit more quickly he's allowed rumors to kind of you know persist they he's been waiting to force through a move to buy munich that would have happened on a free basis at the end of this season that won't happen anymore but still with a vile close only $30000000.00 euros potentially really in undervaluation of team of ana it's not certain that it's going to be completely off the table ok so that's still out there for life that still could be coming to meet in full spirit had a great day sunday was a terrible day for berlin was a mess yeah it was a tragedy for the city that's true yet now we're really spoiled had this party was
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of course and the judges 1st home game in charge of had to buy lin but unfortunately for him it was who produced all of the goals the 1st one came from a penalty quite early on which was. dispatched after this foul by strike of the break. then in a 2nd minute much they were in the game breckon 0 put the homes hearts hopes to bed with a strike and shortly afterwards it was stoppage time as the road was young added another for good measure so disappointing holmes not for hatter but now that's 2 wins in 2 for most and then you coach all of a classic so great start to the season for him yet are some people after the game after they came out of the game here in berlin really disappointed you know yes it was and i think they had a good start berlin but what about the rest of the weekend's action but what caught your eye there yeah well of course by munich got their 1st victory now you mention they had to have a great start that was of course because they held by munich to a 22 draw in munich last week a. and brilliant hattrick from robert levin though speak of buying
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a 3 mil victory over labor accusing way in great shape against fortunatus with golf when your own buddy in their 1st ever been as leader point with an away draw opt out book and don't win of course produce a comeback win against cologne to guarantee themselves 6 points for a possible 6 perfect start to the season for received women as well ok tom thanks very much tom get away for us from the sports just well this year germany is marking 30 years since the fall of the notorious berlin wall now 3 decades on it's often no longer easy to distinguish where the west ended and the wall and the east began that's where technology today is stepping it. this tour group is traveling through time from the outside they're not moving at all but with their virtual reality goggles they're headed on a tour bus into the east berlin of the early 1980 s. so. that she. is dead nights as a city tour as
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a 3 dimensional panoramic experience courtesy of a computer set that's. based seats in transit to. come back to the present what's the verdict on top of that you really get immersed in it there were times when i forgot i was wearing the cockles let's look at mine mine shaft you really get to see the way it was in 3 d. my focus my mind you forget where east and west are because the 2 just melt into one another and there it was clear you see buildings that you just walk past and say so that's what it was like to misquote. the man behind this virtual journey through time as you want us all to born just before the berlin wall came down his company has discovered a nice market. as in kind of we're not a museum and we don't try to be we want to touch people through history to see it
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and think about it where's the wall millions of tourists asked the city answers it's gone this mission and you can tell so clearly unfortunately not whereas the wall here. i don't see it i'll probably would expect especially here where it's somewhat busy you probably expect to see more of it. maybe not partly. when the city was reunited the wall was removed as fast as possible now 30 years later v.a.r. technology fills the gaps in memory. oh you see. peter called ski has made his own time warp a free app for small. phones and tablets wherever the wall once stood he's built it back up the devices camera blends the world of today with the virtual berlin wall all things to the technology of augmented reality that's not all we know was it's
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you can see where the wall stood reborn as it were the history concealed in these places argumentative reality is perfect for that to make something visible that's no longer there fortunately no longer to look. the few original sections of the wall still standing can only tell part of the story technology takes care of the rest. and get through to seeing what a terrible time in our history that was with germany divided by the wall and so many people killed trying to escape using today's media to get a sense of those times is a good thing is to find them travelling through time with an app than seeing how good it is that the real wall is long gone. well a new record was set over the weekend the biggest folk dance in the world it all went down in the mexican city of quality. a total of $882.00 men and women
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their traditional guadalajara costumes braving some searing temperatures to dance stamp their feet to mariachi music. to nearly double the previous record which was set in the same city of guadalajara years ago. states are modern our top story at this hour u.s. president dog from says there's been a breakthrough in his trade dispute with china after beijing asked to restart negotiations trump made the remarks at an impromptu news conference at the g. 7 summit in the french resort city of europe's he also said he'd approved an unscheduled visit to the summit by the iranian foreign minister. ok mark jones from our business desk is here to talk about these new a comment some upbeat comments by the u.s. president in b.r.s.
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monica good morning brian did the comments make themselves felt this morning on the european markets i just checked over the last couple of minutes and i know that you covered it this morning that stock markets also here in frankfurt the dax really opening in negative territory and plunging even further and you can see this rising opera. ok assume of those those are the latest developments going down well there but i will also later in my show have a live cross of the frankfurt stock exchange because what i'm interested in is can investors actually keep up with that let's remember all remind ourselves that only over the weekend on the trumpet the g. 7 said that he regrets not racing high a terrorist on china and the other 5 percent you can exempt lee and things just seem to get tougher and tougher and now he's coming out saying i had a chill cold last night and we will talk shortly a game so it was all trump you just never know where you're out just by saying exciting doesn't it for the business this monica thanks very much. monica will have much more on that coming up yet in just
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a little bit i'm brian thomas for the entire news team thanks for joining us don't forget there's always more at our website that's good of you dot com goodbye for now monica will be right back don't go away.


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