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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2019 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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for me expresses why feeling it shows what i know i show it shows me off and especially my hearing loss. so. we've been instrument itself you get a feel for the whole body through it the vibrations different vibrations through the whole body. adam has a moderate hearing loss so it's very it's the varying levels of sound that he hears he does lip read a lot his personality started off quite shy but then he got into the drawing and
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his confidence started to build up because he's joined music in the death and goes to yorkshire musical he's also now helping all the children in the cloth because he feels that he's got more to offer. i think with music being able to communicate through music is a good way to challenge your energies through in order to. to to release the frustrations that you might have been out not being able to hear properly but the idea of music is to incorporate everybody you can be deaf you can be hearing you can be blind unequal you can still have the opportunity to play music and create something together as a whole. other has become a different person since you've been playing and it's to see him grow through music it is quite exciting as a parent to see. it gives him
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a good start in life to to be able to express himself i'm going to bring him back. with all this to do tomorrow night profit. on. the club of music list. the children at the club have varying degrees of hearing loss. they will be using
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the new technological device for the 1st time ever to see how it effects how they experience music. each vibrating backpack will be connected to every instrument in the room meaning it should allow its wearer to also feel the other instruments more intensely when everyone plays together. is a taco audio device that allows people to engage physically with music anything within the frequency range of $130.00 in the high end by the time the love will be able to feel. in effect bring you closer to music. a lot of people are getting benefit from using it you know not just from a creation standpoint but also performance and putting across your music in the best possible way so people are feeling. everything. on it. and
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it caused a. bit. oh do you still is going to be back. here for this. so you know. you can feel the big feel the rhythm feel different vibration coming on the stabbing so the get to it and get people got caught here kids catch oh
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big bear movie j.b. vibration on the enigma shops it was like oh my chick on your back is hard to describe and. i felt awkward to really hear myself. in the natural world every sound has an echo even if these are sometimes hardly perceptible. the echo is not without purpose and comforts us so what happens when
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it's removed the anechoic chamber is well known for being a place of the silence every bit as sound you make just disappears into the wall. the absence of echo in the anechoic chamber can feel unsettling 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2. and indeed if there were no sound and no echo our early warning system would not function but then you also have the a minute's silence if you shut up in that space you'll start hearing sounds of your
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own body your brain is continually tweaking the it to make it for better. could we survive on another planet. in space sound an echo function in a different way. you see on a coach a lot of space it depends what your condition is in space gosh if you're on a spacecraft it's quite noisy. so it's not a crowded place but yes i suppose if you went outside the spacecraft another moment trix fixation for you died i guess you would hear sol it's a bit like an echo chamber but i suspect the panic that is surrounding you might mean that's not the last thing you'll be thinking about. every sound in some places in space if you go to venus or mars now where the sound waves can travel now the properties are very different on those planets because they're not oxygen rich.
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sound the medium to trouble her so in the absence of a medium there is no sound however it's all relative to what you define as space and once within the space there's an entire spectrum of wave forms so you can use sonification techniques to represent audio in using any of these any of the state or any of these waveform i received these really wonderful sonification samples from these researchers at cern. the. sound of 2 black holes colliding.
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this page on collider in geneva switzerland they have this huge accelerators so they basically put protons inside crush them together so now i can play it over the scale of. the alchemy project was commissioned by a popular science face equally they contacted me like hey we want you to make a south song out of all of these really cool sounds that were collected by these researchers. but it. was. of. course. it's.
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music and the brain. it seems we may soon see many new technological devices that can enhance the quality of our lives through sound perception and that this could benefit not only individuals but also societies. the future of hearing is still on written. but we are ready for it thanks to our ability and propensity for sound and music. do you still in the very beginning to understand what softness i think you have no
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idea oh so yes but you can do for. becoming little bit more self-aware about us as a musical species has got to be opposed to fit in how we try to shape our own individual lives. i definitely feel like music will be in the future more into our bodies through the way that we listen to it so what happens when you can do. your emotional state by the cook of a mouse is probably a lot of good and also a lot of bread. and once we are able to really translate. all the knowledge that the we are gathering in tool real instruments real tools
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it would be a revolution. the culture caught it from myself a mission under one eye after conflict clearly show. the machine is a. policeman fights and he semitism in the wake of the rising hate crimes in paris elizabeth do we really have to flee to you to anti-semitism. just because we do so much for your out 3 strong and 30 minutes on d w.
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friends all working lives toiling at a mile an hour is 45 year old and penniless. i just overheard would just give the order in order to go here and concurrently one miner after another contract black lung disease. or see a more case as a lawyer have an end out in states. leaving the victims to fend for themselves. and all 3090 minutes on d w. i. really mean to me. not everyone who loves books has to go insane. d.w. literature list 100 you must reads.
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this is d.w. news live from berlin and some surprise comments from u.s. president donald trump at the g. 7 summit in france at an impromptu news conference he said he's had a conversation with china that could change the outlook for their trade dispute and he also appears to have changed his tone on iran we'll go live to be honest also coming up the fires in the amazon rain forest are still raging out of control critics of brazil's president also now saying he has done too little too late to contain the blizzards plus as the protests in hong kong become increasingly violent
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our correspondent talks to the volunteers who are helping demonstrators hurt in the . i'm sumi some of god it's good to have you with us g 7 leaders are heading into the final day of their summit in the french resort of b. of its today's meetings are expected to focus on climate change and the fires burning in the amazon in brazil now earlier u.s. president donald trump held an unscheduled news conference at the summit with the egyptian leader abdel fattah el-sisi then he held a press conference with german chancellor angela merkel ahead of bilateral german u.s. talks now there's been a flurry of activity with trump touching on a number of key issues including the middle east peace process and iran will have more on that in a moment now on the dispute with china the u.s. president had this to say there's a really good job that i think we're probably in
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a much better position to know that any time during the negotiation that's. i don't think it would have gotten here without having to go through this process and maybe i'm wrong but i think we're probably in a stronger position to do a deal a fair deal for busy everybody. so we have a very meaningful goal his immigration let's go straight to be. matters is standing by covering the g. 7 summit for us hi karen good to see you we've heard as we said the u.s. president talking about a number of topics today let's start with china it does appear that he might be opening the door for a number of possibilities tell us more about that. exactly that would be of course good use any a deescalation in the tit for tat tariff war between the 2 largest world economies would be good news for the other leaders here that is also what german chancellor angela merkel said in a press conference together was trump quite a relaxed atmosphere i have to say is it the good weather here in beer it's is it
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the great food is that the good company but it looks a little bit like that the american president is moving away from the go it alone mantra we'll still have to see whether that really will end the trade with china but some positive signs here for the other leaders all right garrett will come back to the little bit to talk about some of the other issues that they were charged upon there in the g. 7 summit but the trade dispute between the u.s. and china has been rattling investors asian shares took a beating across the board china as one hit its lowest value in 11 years on shore markets and a record low offshore hong kong's hang seng dropped more than 2 percent in its final hour of trading also following another weekend of protests in the city and japan's nikkei ended the day down more than 2 percent european markets have been less pessimistic with early rises on germany's dax.
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and let's get the latest on that panda is at the frankfurt stop.


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