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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  August 27, 2019 8:15pm-8:31pm CEST

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com after a short break a major ruling on america's opioid crisis a quarter in oklahoma borders drug maker johnson and johnson to pay back more than $5500000000.00 for fueling the affidavit that kills thousands in the united states every year all that more coming up in business africa i'm sara kelly in berlin thank you so much for joining us here and you have a great day. and on demand. hardcastle language course that. video and audio. anytime anywhere. d.w. media center. the quiet melody resumes michael white who. ready
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resonate with and it's. the mind and the music. going to open 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. a kingpin company motivated by. the judge's description of johnson and johnson and blaming the policy to help fuel america's opioid crisis. facebook steps up the fight against fake news in africa but what are its chances of winning. and he transform struggling b.w. in 12 global powerhouse ted non-theists aged 18 to. 40. i've been physical and let's do business
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a case of corporate greed over human lives a us court has ordered from a judge johnson and johnson to pay over half a $1000000000.00 for an opioid crisis that's ravaged the state of oklahoma the judge blamed aggressive and misleading marketing the company's share price rose investors were expecting a high of fine. gael boxes some austin is one of 6000 oklahomans believed to have died from an opioid overdose since the start of the millennium a promising american footballer he died in his prime. was living near the nightmare at prescription drug abuse. now the 1st of thousands of lawsuits aimed at holding manufacturers and distributors to account has made it through trial cleveland county district judge thought bald man said prosecutors had proven johnson and johnson helped create a public nuisance that would take decades to repair. just walkmen
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affirmed our position that johnson and johnson motivated by greed and avarice is responsible for the opioid epidemic in our. johnson and johnson will finally be held accountable for thousands of deaths and addiction caused by their activities. prosecutors in oklahoma and italy hope to secure a $17000000000.00 in 3 companies however one of them to have a pharmaceuticals settled out of court for $85000000.00 a 2nd part to pharma which produces oxycontin also settled this time for $270000000.00 now after the johnson johnson ruling the state says it'll have to be satisfied with the almost $1000000000.00 raised johnson and johnson was accused of flooding the market with painkillers and deceptively marketing them the firm denies wrongdoing saying its claims are backed by science it plans to appeal against the
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oklahoma court's decision. we have sympathy. for all who suffer. from substance abuse. but johnson and johnson. did not cause the opioid abuse crisis here in oklahoma. or anywhere in this country. for thousands of more claimants around the united states disagree. africa is one of the fastest growing regions for facebook but as internet penetration increases so does fake news to help verify content the world's biggest social media platform has turned to africa check and independent fact checking group and they're now expanding their fact checking program in sub-saharan africa beyond english french and hauser to include another 10 african languages spoken in 4 countries
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which they're targeting senate go nigeria kenya and south africa where the tech giant also plans to add more local languages but it's unclear just how much news is on facebook or its other platforms instagram and whatsapp in the 1st quarter of the year facebook removed over $2000000000.00 fake accounts that could be and mischel indicator of the scale of this problem or to talk about the problem to point to convey the is in the studio for us. in the u.s. authorities investigated facebook over russian trolls influence in the presidential elections the un just last year also looked into the slaughter of the hinge of muslims citing facebook's role in me and what of facebook's problems in africa well i mean they aren't that different from other parts of the world in some ways and in some ways of course they can be quite different in terms of like news of some some somewhat related to like they were in your case in myanmar we had a case this month in south africa whereby hotel fire was blamed on foreigners where
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they've had a lot of notice in a while because tax. against you know people from other african countries so that's something that of course is sort of problematic elections there was a release by facebook saying that they had deleted a couple of accounts which were linked to promoting misinformation during elections and a couple of african countries including nigeria and the democratic republic of congo and that was in may so it's obviously happening in africa as well there's definite those issues but in general there's other things like hawks is for medical cures and fake jobs as well as african stack up in terms of facebook users around the globe or in terms of facebook uses africa is you know low down there because it has the lowest internet penetration. the highest country in terms of ranking is egypt with around 3938000000 users number 9 in the world and then together as a continent africa is actually behind india and the united states with only 140000000 users so it doesn't have that much in terms of users compared to some
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larger markets but it is obviously going much faster for that reason and facebook is obviously scrambling to keep up with the growing amount of fake news after the after leaving the floodgates open for so long it's really left with an optical battle. what are its chances of even winning this or or even getting anywhere really i'm very skeptical there because i i mean of course i mean i have what's out for instance which i get news off groups with people in zambia for instance where i grew up and i see the news that i see sometimes which i'm unsure of the vits fake or real someone spreading it in what's up facebook is the same thing and because these things can also be in you know local languages there as well and you when you see the scale of the problem you kind of wonder how facebook can keep up i spoke with the folks at africa check and they also mention that they have to prioritize in terms of which of this is likely to cause the most harm and so of course when
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people for your ties on that basis then. you know definition they say they contradict up on the main problem and what's also problematic is that you're receiving this these messages through groups which you trust often from say christian communities families relatives friends just somebody really really briefly in a sentence adding a bunch of new languages is that really going to help because there are so many more languages and so many more countries for me it was just you know the great space in that map we so for country the african countries are way behind to ponder today we thank you very much for coming and explaining that's for a fair phone is a minnow on the smartphone market apple sells more i phones in a day than fair phone has managed in the past 6 years but the dutch company continues to hang in there and is convinced that sustainability issues are finally becoming an issue with mainstream consumers you can take nice photos with it check
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your emails and of course make a phone call but there's one thing you can do with the fair phone 3 that you just can't with smartphones from apple huawei or google take it apart disassemble its components and swap them out a new battery for example when the old one is too weak or a better camera the fair phone's modular construction means users don't need to get rid of it when parts become obsolete and it means they don't need to buy a completely new phone. when we added screws for example to make it more stable it contains more fair materials so we added a new responsibly source supply chains to to our product and also under recyclability we built further on our recycling program so it becomes more and more sustainable and fair over time the fair phone $3.00 cost $450.00 euros and has an 8 core processor 12 megapixel camera and $64.00 gigabytes of space not exactly
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a bargain but the customer is also paying for peace of mind including an assurance that the raw materials in the phone the 10 tungsten and gold don't stem from dangerous mines with extreme working conditions but from transparent supply chains with worker protections or from recycled materials. the phones modular construction means the devices lifespan should be longer and that its components will be easier to reprocess into the raw materials that in turn lowers the odds it will end up in some trash heap in africa for example often the case with such devices so far fair phone has found only a small niche in the mass of smartphone market selling 175000 models since 2013 there's hope the newest model will broaden the appeal. many of you guys i'm off the air for one it's possible that fair phone was a little early with the 1st and 2nd generations but now there's the sustainability mindset that's really enter the mainstream and that's why they could have a success here the appeal for the phone has gone beyond environment minded
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consumers and into the wider masses and so on and all these near court. growth is now the focus for a fair phone and with it the hope of greater sway over suppliers. he was one of the most powerful men in the international car industry fair and has died aged 82 as head of v.w. he is credited with reviving the german firm's fortunes and putting it on the road to becoming the world's biggest auto manufacturer. to those who knew him ferdinand ph was a difficult man he was a doer who was more interested in being respected as them well liked. one of the most influential car executives of the last century p.s. chose his words carefully. he was born in vienna in 1937 and his grandfather was ferdinand porsche designer of the legendary v.w. beetle. p.s. 1st join portia and then the votes are going unit audi ph rose to become head of
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audi joining his time in english in 1903 he became the boss of volkswagen involves book ph never made any secret of his thirst for power or his ambition. up see. meet. with our partners which v.w. has across the whole world i intend to be the winner see. b.w. was mired in crisis in the early 1990 s. ph managed to bring both so i can back to profitability that in a. road automotive history as a passion of manager a brilliant engineer and does a visionary entrepreneur. and it's just his name is inextricably linked evokes wagons rise into a global company here in lower saxony he is known for creating thousands of secure and well paid jobs but it's plates not. grew into a company with many marks on there but he always gave the orders. 3 in any team
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work is one everyone does what he wants also applies to the supervisory board after falling out with c.e.o. mark winterkorn ph resigned as b.w. chairman in april 2015 the emissions cheating scandal erupted months later p.s. was 82 years old when he died. nice to business or to.
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kick off just scream is the magic number symbolism become secure owns 3 coins with a trio of goals dominating come on come on the game's frame and major clues in the end come back in mind try to kind of on both in the mean time by 11 dusty movies create a game shall 6 x. 16 it costs. to.
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make the game so special. for all true for. more than football. this is the news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes the cameroonians. people in the english speaking region are leaving their homes in the thousands off to sit . down. and we'll introduce you to men's african taxi driver who's become an opera singing sensation.


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