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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  August 29, 2019 10:45am-11:01am CEST

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the germans rachel is going to tell us all about small talk just this. if you know what i mean then small talk is easy really. we begin with the go to medal which is an annual award given by germany's international cultural organization the institute there are 3 prizes and they often own germans who have contributed to the cultural landscape of this country they're always awarded on his birthday the 28th environment and i'll be talking about this year's winners with my colleague melissa holroyd but 1st this report about one of them a turkish writer though i. finally. got the train arrives at the garden train station i'm already over the age of 40 had it still excited i know from the footnote in our history books. was murdered in cold blood by an armenian on a berlin street on march 15th 1921. born writer joanna conley
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is an historical and literary detective persecuted storyteller who news between banks and fiction between languages and countries to come is novels deal with historical violence state oppression and memory 4 of them have been translated into german the most recent one madonna's last dream is a literary search for trysts is from the mouth. i started writing in germany. my wife my child and i were all tortured in turkey and we came here as damaged people. writing is my weapon. is the only thing i can do. through writing i raise my voice against injustice. it's my instrument of resistance. ready ready connally was born in 19. in 57 an art scene in northeastern turkey as
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a member of the outlawed revolutionary communist party of turkey he was imprisoned several times in 1992 he received political asylum in germany although he's no longer a turkish citizen he's repeatedly targeted by the turkish state upon entering turkey and 2010 connally was arrested and detained for several months for his alleged role in a robbery in 1998 he was eventually acquitted due to lack of evidence in 2017 the long arm of the turkish state reached all the way to spain a common he was on holiday at the time and at the request of turkey the spanish police arrested the writer in his hotel room in an autobiographical short story a calmly tells of his experiences with prison torture and psychological terror is in the clear but there are big issues especially after the failed coup attempt human rights violations and the suppression of freedom of expression have increased enormously. when it's had the biggest effect this is on writers and
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journalists. it's in the forest archives $58.00 in the end it's turkey that loses the ability. of you know you're on my own you for so many intellectuals to leave the country will end up at a dead end. job on a camel is an exiled writer whose work plays out between germany and turkey through his commitment to civil society and his writing he has called for the genocides of the 20th century against the armenians and the jews to be examined repeatedly also says dealing with the past is the only way to prevent it from repeating itself. the whole roy my colleague is going to tell us more melissa as we've seen dawn rising as great a lot of tension between berlin and ankara but yet he's getting
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a prize for cultural understanding doesn't seem to add up. yes certainly. his arrest that did come as a result of his work and his and his writings did cause a strain in tensions between germany and ankara particularly his arrest in spain. you can see him here getting his medal but it is other writings that we heard about in the piece to do with the armenian genocide and also the holocaust also do contribute to cultural understanding and take a stand a very strong stand against discrimination and violence speaking and writing the truth even if they are uncomfortable truths still helps in addition to his writing a country is also involved in plenty of work that encourages dialogue between different cultural groups so in 2002 he started giving turkish german guided to is in a form of gestapo prison in cologne is also spoken to groups of turkish young people about the persecution of jews and the national socialism and is lectured on anti
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semitism in the immigrant society and he started his rising off to go into political exile yeah that's right most of his work yeah that's right he says that he says that being in exile in germany actually gave him the head space and time to produce most of his work to write and get through his own experiences he writes from his own experiences a lot of the time even something as unimaginable and awful as being tortured got him interested in violence and that by the state and ultimately led him to write judges of the last judgment about the armenian genocide ok what about the other 2 winners who are the case so there's mongolian nc that rose on he worked for several years as a photographer but today he's a publisher and a bookseller and a political journalist through his articles and interviews rosen campaigns for the modernization of the mongolian education system and for freedom of expression there and finally someone who lives in exile like don't want to come on this is the the
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artists. syrian national yes she's in rainy and born woman who she's a visual artist who lives in new york city she's been banned from even visiting iran for the past decades who work often has a melancholic feeling she says that this she said in interview that this is partly due to the fact that she is separated from her home country she works with film video and photography her artwork is highly stylized and minimal it centers on the contrasts between islam and the west the lives of muslim women in dictatorial regimes public life and private life her work also looks authentic witty and modernity and the borders between the say these subjects and how they affect each other how they bang up against each other she says herself that she doesn't want to make political obs bought over the years who work always seems to return to the political. she's better known internationally and the other 2 and she's actually won lots of big awards and as well as the ghost of metal that's right she's won
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loads of big awards in 1990 was awarded the venice golden lion for her film turbulent she's also who women of all are from the 1990 s. was one of her 1st big works that was very well received and is still shown around the world here we see impressive large format black and white portraits of muslim women contrasts femininity violence and poetry some of the women there we saw wearing the should or others have firearms and their their hands and faces are all inscribed with persian calligraphy the theme of this year's good medal by the way is poetry and truth and i think she really hits the mark ok melissa thank you very much tony is right there she is recipients of the go to medal. we come to meet the germans were very investigates the cooks and. the locals today she's looking at something that is very prevalent in the english language but
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in. small talk yes there is a kind of small talk in german but. sometimes so is it really just small talk to explain the norris's of wausau joking about his rachael with well with more details . yet you know. the germans don't even have the right word for it a german english dictionary describes it as a. superficial conversation out. germans do get very public english speakers greet them in the street with a commentary and then walk on by without actually expecting it all of them but that doesn't mean the germans don't have their own version of the key difference is that when germans engage in chit chat they want facts they want numbers they want statistics so you arrive somewhere by car else where people might casually ask how
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the journey was i don't really care about the answer. but a german won't let you get away with that ask how long the drive took and how many roadworks you came across the last year which route you took and expected to answer with names and even motorway accidents. if your journey was long enough they might even wipe out one of their favorite questions how much did it cost to fill up your time it's just a thing here when germans return from holiday they'll be eager to tell you about 3 things the beaches the food prices. you should always do some basic research before entering the social situation in germany. people had to talk about news and politics should also have the numbers of. common inhabitants the same time i wouldn't go on to the topic of where you. german conversation on the measurements as in how big is your apartment in square meter the bet is probably to be ready with the average price per square meter living space in your area of the city.
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let's see how good the germans are germans mobile. i just described to you i'm still trying from the super. rich just trying to understand speech did you. meet people whom you hendrix's come as a little research into cinema and you can buy the 1st search cause i'm not so positive it was he was just you. and your company even invited you to call when you told her the. details on. another very important topic in order to smalltalk in germany as a brit i thought i had this topic down but it turns out that jevons can give us a run for our money i'm talking about. specifically complaining about the weather
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it's too hot too cold too way too snowy it's too. weather is the word for susceptibility to the weather is better. and the germans will blame the changing weather for all sorts of ailments and a final tip for german small talk practice your draft chapter whatever context the party or the office germans absolutely love to talk about drafts and the various stages of entering the room a classic scene one german walks into the room and says here's the sticky sticky and here they decide it's time to. get the room and. then someone else will invariably walk in and say oh seat that means there's a draft. going to be around that night grumble about getting ill close the windows . german windows even have a special air and position. the hinge technology must be really strong to cope with the opening and closing so you see german small talk is easy really drop the
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niceties know your numbers and have a strong opinion as a kid nation see you next time alfie does in. the old actors i was of meet the germs can be found on our website at v.w. dot com slash culture as are all sorts of stories all the arts and cultural things are around the well but that's all for this edition thanks for watching and joining us of the same time tomorrow if you can't for myself and all the crew here in berlin all bark and.
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once upon a time to come in a not too distant future. a man that has everything. moved by a kid who knows everything. welcome to the reality cometh attempt amazon. insistent d.w. . enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful of the north atlantic treaty organization nato has just started 70th birthday but it wasn't a happy one my guess this week here is nato headquarters is rose got so mux the organization is deputy secretary general who she now acknowledged the day choko
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serious splits in its unity conflicts so few minutes on the job. coming up on new day adventures of the famous naturalist and explorer. to celebrate comics on the from the books from 250. marking the 4 each of the discovery. expedition. to. how does time on taste to. w. correspondent susan hom and host mainly exploring the various flavors of lives on the crazy our food fusion and so i have
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a challenge for you. tasty tide to. start september 1st on d w. this is d w news coming to you live from berlin italy's new governing coalition gets the green light the 5 star movement is joining forces with former rivals democratic party in a bid to block the far right leader battaile salvini also coming up anger across the u.k. as promise or boris johnson suspends parliament ahead of the break that deadline
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the move has outraged both remainders and believers opposed to a no deal bragg's it's more than a 1000000 people have already signed a petition against the suspension.


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