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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2019 5:15am-5:31am CEST

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a new branch of our armed forces. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the battle over brights it about to begin members of parliament are valid to use next week to pass legislation to stop the country from crashing out of the european union on october 31st next week may be the only time they have yesterday prime minister boris johnson announced that he will suspend parliament for 5 weeks ending just before breaks it is scheduled to begin opposition in some conservative lawmakers call the move an abuse of power designed to prevent parliament from preventing a new deal breaks it next week m.p.'s could try to pass legislation requiring another breaks an extension there is also talk of a no confidence vote to bring down the prime minister and his government to allow a general election now none of this has a guaranteed outcome what is certain tonight is that online an online petition
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demanding that parliament debate its own suspension it now has more than 1500000 signatures enough requiring westminster to act protest against the suspension of parliament they are planned for the weekend they are expected to be bigger than the spontaneous protests we saw yesterday. he said. we'll get both terms and the option to turn and more bizarre wild interventions to prevent exercisers democratic wrongs it is really time that's my boy chosen for a component so that we try to deny at the time to how there's just enough if any peace to take that responsibility seriously and i was not supposed to as well but he's going to talk and for more on the legal aspects of this i'm joined tonight by dr grossman a senior lecturer in law at middlesex university is going to have you on the show let's let's talk about time is the clock working against parliament now does
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parliament have only next week to stop its own suspension. very simply yes so let's start with the legal facts on the 31st of october 29th seen unless something else happens and that something else has to be legislation from the british parliament the u.k. will withdraw without a deal that's the no deal breaks it on the 31st of october the parliament in order to avoid the situation has to legislate to do so but with this use of what is otherwise an ordinary power there's a correctness in saying it's an ordinary power but for using it to give 5 weeks of suspension 5 weeks for that debate 5 weeks without any means of creating that legislation and avoiding any kind of no deliberate said we're facing to a very simple question of there is little or no time so there's some very important points to think about that for days that was just mentioned that the parliament
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will resume it'll come back from its summer holidays summer recess and the start of a temper and it will probably be a program on the 10th of september if those few days are the very end of this parliamentary session any legislation which has not reached through both house of commons and has of the words and become law by that date is dead it will not continue into next session but now the important and you will it is if i could you know what. we're saying next week the parliament that's the only time you'd have to start the suspension but we're talking about a full week in correct me if i'm wrong but i mean the mother of all parliaments certainly could come up with legislation in a week to prevent its own suspension right. so we're going to be looking at is what's called standing order $24.00 it's bringing emergency debates bring emergency legislation now the problem and this is a problem that we face in the u.k. for essentially almost 3 years is consensus you can absolutely bring legislation
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but only if you have a majority in both the house comments and that has a lot it's now what opposition are going to be facing with for those few days is potentially filibustering and that's the house of commons and house of lords just done down that clock so that legislation will die in the house of commons or the house of lords at the point that parliament is suspended there's such little time we might see one of my favorite times parliamentary ping-pong where piece of legislation is going to bat very quickly between the 2 houses but again that is very little parliamentary time to get such important legislation through well. so if that is the case then. in your esteemed opinion is anything going to happen next we can stop this is mention or they can stop you know do bricks and. so right now we're discussing this 3 different legal ways in which
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program the suspension this stuff being a part of it the stopping of debate can happen the 1st is the courts the courts actually we have 3 challenges going on right now one of which is being spearheaded by gina miller but this is going to be a big constitutional question in and of itself because this power to prorogue is actually a royal power it's something that's exercised by the queen upon advice of the government upon advice of the prime minister we could have actually seen a constitutional crisis yesterday in the u.k. had the queen at refused the advice of governments now what gina miller and all the other litigants in these cases are going to try and do is challenge that advice say that that given by government to the queen was illegal that it was an unlawful use it was an abuse of a power of government we're also potentially and this is why the opposition are going we're going to try and see legislation legislation to either focused on
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a voiding and no deal breaks that now in order to avoid a no deal break that it's not enough to say we vote against a new deal breaks that you have to vote for an alternative you need legislation for an alternative and more than that and this is where time can send again if you want either an agreement with the e.u. the e.u. with joint agreements you'll need a qualified majority of the european council to meet and i agree with you you need legislation saying we want it well it's got agreement at the european council and the last european council meeting before brags that it's on the 17th and 18th of october now part comes back on the 14th but it's going to spend the 1st 5 days talking about the queen's each year not necessarily about it was just and this is i mean is that we don't it sounds very bleak dr grogan let me ask you about this suggestion that was made today there is what's known as a humble address to the queen where parliament can pass a motion asking the queen to stop this program this poor geisha why not do that
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she gives the solver. this this comes back to the crew are essential this is why we're talking about such fundamental questions of the u.k. constitution the queen politico in fact the queen is an institution the monarchy is an institution in the u.k. has not been political in hundreds of years the last time the queen a queen it was queen victoria stepped in and changed the prime minister it caused a crisis now your rights absolutely correct in saying that the prime minister the government are appointed by the queen do not vote and by people they're pointed by the queen and a humble address in my humble opinion will bring the queen into such extreme political and almost a crisis situation forcing an apolitical body to make one of the most important political decisions certainly in a century dr 0 gergen senior lecturer in law at middlesex university laying out
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tonight tell the clock is definitely working against westminster tonight dr we appreciate your insights thank you. for you know they really want to kick you out when they are willing to get into bed politically with people they have despised for years well that could be going through the mind of italy's far right interior minister silvio need tonight to form a political rivals the anti is now bushman 5 star movement and the center left democratic party well they're now attempting to join forces to create a new coalition government and to avoid a new election but what is really forcing these photos to become friends is their desire to leave my bails of being out of politics and out in the cold. he exudes call the gist of it conti has been on a wild ride 3 weeks ago he lost his job as prime minister when italy's governing
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coalition fell apart now he's been tasked with putting together a new government. the country is in a very delicate phase we must put the political uncertainty triggered by the government crisis behind us as soon as possible we're facing critical economic problems.


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