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tv   Quadriga  Deutsche Welle  August 30, 2019 6:30am-7:00am CEST

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the president's commitment to nato her a i saw that as a great expression in washington of bipartisan support for nato and i saw it when we were there 10 days ago for the 70th anniversary nato is well supported across both sides of the aisle that's a great thing why why are you going off isaac and not by the president well i don't know about that because you know actions speak louder than words since the president has come into office the united states is spending $40000000000.00 more on the european reassurance initiative putting more cop capability and capacity into eastern europe to help in our deterrence and defense tests against russia so i see the reality and this is at the same time as senior administration officials told the new york times of several occasions last year that the president had said privately he wanted to withdraw from nato a move let's face it that would destroy the alliance wouldn't it do you think
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reports like that shedding doubt on america's america's commitment to damage the alliance they do that corrosive. well what i would say to you is that it's perfectly natural for all kinds of issues to be discussed and debated in the white house as elsewhere but what we see is the reality and the practicality of u.s. support to nato going to mark or said europe can no longer rely on the united states and must take destiny into its own hands so they're not convinced so that the whole idea is to spread confidence in nato and it's some so solidity it's not happening is it well you know uncle or merkel on the other european leaders step up and provide more funding and more capability for the alliance that's all too a good thing this gets at this debate about european defense capability and european spending on their own defense her a i say that's a. great idea it contributes to what nato needs to do it doesn't compete with that
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let's just talk about the funding issue because this round of defense spending is gone on and on who donald trump's endlessly repeated complaint that is nato allies haven't spent enough on defense and oh the us a lot of money for the shortfall which of course is false isn't it because they don't do the us any money do they that's clear that up now shall we say we're having a bit of truth about this as well from our perspective it's really good that sense we face that watershed year of 2014 every single ally turned around and stop the cuts in defense spending they don't do us any money do they let's look at exactly when we look at france was going to let's look at what the allies are doing which is spending in iran are there is truth. what i have to tell you is the way we look at this question is each ally should be spending 2 percent of g.d.p.
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on defense and 20 percent of that amount on acquiring new capability and capacity where you refuse to answer the question all the feds investment pledge you never correct these false words to you there are forces which donald trump has put on the record which they really that west european european allies over the u.s. a lot of money for the shortfall the fact is they don't evolved out of the former u.s. ambassador to nato said no one knows the u.s. any money nor is the u.s. spending more because allies are spending less u.s. defense spending is a national decision and is determined by u.s. national security and defense needs true or false well i think it's true for every country across the alliance that they need to spend what it is in their interests to spend and that is on adequate sufficient capability and capacity they need to get rid of obsolescent equipment they need to modernize they need to pay to train their troops. they need to do what is in their interest for their defense and
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that's the most important thing this is all truth is can pretty important thing and you would think that would be valued a little more in an alliance a military alliance which might take $29.00 countries to war sometime particularly when the commander in chief of the largest force says many country is in nato oh us a tremendous amount of money for many years back that simply is not true if we can't even acknowledge that then nato is seriously trouble isn't it i think we have perhaps different views of what the truth is the truth to me is when the allies are acquiring real capability and capacity to contribute to our mutual defense well on the subject of these contributions it was left to germany's defense minister there's a lot of underlying to rebuke trump i reminded him point in terms it's not just about cash decency and dependability are also valuable contributions the clear implication being that germany doesn't seen enough of those contributions elsewhere
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in utah has decency and dependability i would add on the state about what you've said since you're allowing so many false words to stay on the record here oh let's not be silly please but let me say that in fact the defense investment pledge is the knowledge to be made up of several different components cash yes indeed but also contributions and capabilities and those come in many many forms and in fact germany is a very good example of where they are putting new new facilities on the table we need to do a lot more on military mobility on our ability to reinforce and they are putting in place a new mobility command in ormonde germany great example of how they are contributing to the alliance yes so it's not the one way street that donald trump likes to claim it is europe contributes enormously to america's own war fighting capabilities doesn't it providing bases transport systems that allow it to project force in
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other regions where it wouldn't be able to without those nato facilities but that again is never acknowledged as a you never stand up for your. what of course we stand up for europe because europe is always out trumps false words to stay on the record well i think we have been clear about is my amends are clear restaurant telling really doesn't in telling it like it is. in the time we have left i'd like to talk to you about the values of this alliance into clean natives relations with the middle east and gulf countries you have been conducting dialogues with them for many years nato is out for providing assistance as to participating countries in the areas of security institution building civil military relations this is a very warm nato embrace for several brutal and autocratic countries isn't it i'm talking about egypt bahrain u.a.e. with very questionable human rights record do you ever discuss the clear evidence of human rights abuses in those countries are your dialogues human rights free.
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well by no means because in fact when we work with all of those countries they have . the opportunity if somewhat to pick and choose what we talk about but we always bring our values to the table whether we're talking about is i mean criticizing their building integrity fighting against corruption ensuring that everything they do in terms of women peace and security as on the highest standard we always bring our basic values to the table when we talk to any partner and when we work with any ally and does that mean criticizing their human rights records it means working with them effectively that's not the same thing is it i mean would you discuss with bahrain for instance their continued use of civilian and military courts to convict and imprison peaceful dissenters or from the usa which is accused of maintaining a sustained assault on freedom of expression association i ask because they're frequently here they frequently visit nato headquarters there wined and dined
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presumably but you don't ask any of these unpleasant questions while your cycle and the we're going to ization that purports to have value yours. a lot about what takes place for tell me i'm wrong for one thing i'm wrong that wining and dining is rather rare and how we interact with our partners but so much on tact what in fact does happen is that we portray the core values around which this alliance is built and everything we do with in a day in day out basis is meant to build build the recognition and the acceptance of those values in a kind of organic way so of course the discussion can take account of everything that is happening day in day out in those countries but it does focus on building integrity good to have you on the program i was crossing thank you very much.
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thanks. to our.
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mean good international talk show before journalists discuss the topic of the week shut up bracing for a clinical earthquake s 2 eastern states going to the polls just searching support for the right wing a.m.d. amount to a litmus test for the federal government and tribunal occasion 30 years later to find out the country. quadriga 90 minutes on d w.
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d o one to one official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans and even colombia neatly and illegally. already. returned a vast whaler. to visit friends is that i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. they're in witness global news that matters the stuff made for minds. how does time go on take. their. p.w. correspondent susan her if she. goes to be nakedly good. enough for the various flavors of the exotic crazy i have the challenge for you all very even and there are really good food confusion and fun.
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from street food the 5 star restaurant tasty taipei starts september 1st von d. w. . this is a 15 year old girl. being gang raped. his teacher is beating a boy for talking back and class. but the rest of the class watches. tira talk 1st being hit by his mother breaking up lots. of child sleeps in the streets because her family through her. fear. online bullying. pushes a teenager over the edge. just because you can see violence against children doesn't mean others and there are make them visible visible of us might violence
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against children disappear. britain's main opposition leader jeremy corbyn says he'll move swiftly to try to stop the prime minister from suspending parliament ahead of the brags that deadline banned from taking the u.k. out of the e.u. without a deal this of the leader of scotland's conservatives resigns a day after boris johnson the shock announcement. italy's prime minister just at be content has accepted a mandate to form a new coalition government he will head the newly formed alliance between the center left democratic party and anti establishment 5 star movement earlier this
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month far right leader vini put his lead party out of government. brazil's president also narrow has signed a decree to ban burning in the amazon forest for the next 60 days this comes after mounting international pressure to quell the high number of fires there many of them set by farmers in an attempt to clear land. a former leader of the demilitarized fock rebel group in colombia says he will once again take up arms against the government the militant leader known as it and mark has accused the government of violating a peace treaty signed with fuck in 2016 which ended decades of civil war. it has only been 24 hours since the queen approved the u.k. prime minister's request to suspend parliament next month in that time there been resignations court hearings a 1000000 petition signatures protests and
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a trending hash tag on twitter star the coup is prime minister boris johnson using the suspension to push through a no deal grex it can parliament stop him before he stops parle i'm bored golf and berlin this is the day. he is very very sure. to debate even legislation. part of. a deal is actually code for saying.
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the military to expand beyond earth's gravity with a new space force a major step in that direction takes place today. you know as the united states space command for the sake of our security both here on earth and in the heavens above president trumps direction we are working with congress as we speak to stand up a new branch of our armed forces. and to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin today with the battle over breaks it about to begin members of parliament are valid to use next week to pass legislation to stop the country from crashing out of the european union on october 31st next week may be the only time they have yesterday prime minister boris johnson announce that he will suspend parliament for 5 weeks ending just before breaks it is scheduled to begin opposition in some conservative
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lawmakers call the move an abuse of power designed to prevent parliament from preventing a new deal breaks it next week m.p.'s could try to pass legislation requiring another break that extension there is also talk of a no confidence vote to bring down the prime minister and his government to allow a general election now none of this has a guaranteed outcome what is certain tonight is that online an online petition demanding that parliament debate its own suspension it now has more than 1500000 signatures anough requiring westminster to act protests against the suspension of parliament they are planned for the weekend they are expected to be bigger than the spontaneous protests we saw yesterday. we'll get boris johnson and helped him to and more bizarre wild interventions to prevent pong exercisers democratic wrongs it is really time that's why i bought for
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a component so that we try to do not the time to have not there's just enough if peace to take that responsibility seriously and i was not supposed to as well but he's going to talk and for more on the legal aspects of this i'm joined tonight by dr joe well grover a senior lecturer in law at middlesex university like the bergen is going to have you on the show let's let's talk about time is the clock working against parliament now does parliament have only next week to stop its own suspension. very simply yes so let's start with the legal facts on the 31st of october 29th seen unless something else happens and that something else has to be legislation from the british parliament the u.k. will withdraw without a deal i see no deal gregg's it on the 31st of october the parliament in order to avoid the situation has to legislate to do so but with this use of what
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is otherwise an ordinary power there's a correctness in saying it's an ordinary power but for using it to give 5 weeks of suspension 5 weeks with activate 5 weeks without any means of creating that legislation and avoiding any kind of no deal break said we're facing to a very simple question of there is little or no time so there's some very important points to think about that for days it was just mentioned that the parliament will resume it'll come back from its summer holidays summer recess on the start of a temper and it will probably be a program on the 10th of september if those few days either very end of this parliamentary session any legislation which has not reached through both house of commons and has of the it and the come law by that day is dead it will not continue into next session but now the important and you would use if i could what they were saying next week then parliament that's the only time you'd have to start the
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suspension but we're talking about a full week and correct me if i'm wrong but i mean the mother of all parliaments certainly could come up with legislation in a week to prevent its own suspension right. so we're going to be looking at is what's called standing order $24.00 it's bringing emergency debates bring emergency legislation now the problem and this is a problem that we face in the u.k. for essentially almost 3 years is consensus you can absolutely bring legislation but only if you have a majority in both the house comments and that has a lloyds now what opposition are going to be facing with for those few days is potentially filibustering and that's the house of commons and house of lords just done down that clock so that legislation will die in the house of commons or the house of lords at the point that parliament is suspended there's such little time we might see one of my favorite times parliamentary ping-pong where piece of
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legislation is going to bat very quickly between that you have says but again that is very little parliamentary time to get such important legislation through well. so if that is the case then. in your esteemed opinion is anything going to happen next we can stop this is major they can start a new deal works in. so right now we're discussing this 3 different legal ways in which program and the suspension the stopping of part of this stopping of debate can happen the 1st is the courts the courts actually we have 3 challenges going on right now one of which is being spearheaded by jim miller but this is going to be a big constitutional question in and of itself because this power to prorogue is actually a royal power it's something that's exercised by the queen upon advice of the government upon advice of the prime minister we could have actually seen a constitutional crisis yesterday in the u.k.
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had the queen at refused the advice of governments now what gina miller and all the other litigants in these cases are going to try and do is challenge that advice say that that was given by government to the queen was illegal that it was an unlawful use it was an abuse of a power of government we're also potentially and this is why the opposition are going we're going to try and see legislation legislation try to focus on of voiding and no deal breaks that now in order to avoid a no deal break that it's not to say we vote against a new deal breaks that you have to vote for an alternative you need legislation for an alternative and more than that and this is where time comes and again if you want either an agreement with the e.u. the e.u. with joint agreements you'll need a qualified majority of the european council to meet and i agree with you you need legislation saying we want it well it's got agreement at the european council and the last european council meeting before brags that it's on the 17th and 18th of
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october now part comes back on the 14th but it's going to spend the 1st 5 days talking about the queen's you know not necessarily about a withdraw and this is i mean is that we don't it sounds very bleak dr grogan let me ask you about this suggestion that was made today there is what's known as a humble address to the queen where parliament can pass a motion asking the queen to stop this program this purgation why not do that she gives the solver. this this comes back to the crew are essential this is why we're talking about such fundamental questions of the u.k. constitution the queen is not politico in fact the queen is an institution the monarchy is an institution in the u.k. has not been political in hundreds of years the last time the queen a queen it was queen victoria stepped in and change the prime minister caused a crisis now your rights absolutely correct in saying that the prime minister the
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government are appointed by the queen do not vote and by people they're pointed by the queen and a humble address in my humble opinion will bring the queen into such an extreme political and almost a crisis situation forcing an apolitical body to make one of the most important political decisions certainly in a century dr 0 gergen senior lecturer in law at middlesex university laying out tonight tell the clock is definitely working against westminster tonight dr we appreciate your insights thank you. for you know they really want to kick you out when they are willing to get into bed politically with people they have despised for years well that could be going through the mind of italy's far right interior minister salvini tonight 2 former
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political rivals the antiestablishment 5 star movement and the center left democratic party well they're now attempting to join forces to create a new coalition government and to avoid a new election but what is really forcing these photos to become friends is their desire to leave my bails of any out of politics and out in the cold he exudes calm but just as he conti has been on a wild ride.


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