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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  September 1, 2019 2:15pm-3:00pm CEST

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very harshly criticized germany for not paying enough for its for its defense so does a call to stay up for or to promise promise to spend enough money and promise to help each other in case of danger but no promise today and in this address at least of 1st deployments of u.s. troops so if it takes being redeployed from germany to poland or being deployed from you know the greats of u.s. force to poland no promise of that's not something that we have been looking out for well this is actual part of the actual debate between poland and us poland is willing to have more american soldiers stationed in poland there are now about 4 and a half $5000.00 american soldiers poland wishes to have more days is of course not so easy because russia would not be very happy with more american or nato soldiers being in big bold and so there was no i think this was not radio caijing to talk about such detailed finks as sending 1000 troops more to this base or his base in
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poland but there was one important sentence for poland i believe coming from. usa will never give up on the independence of both and that's what oppose want to hear from from american president or vice president safe strong and free was the promise indeed language that a lot of poles they were applauding in the audience and we should say that u.s. president donald trump did speak in warsaw which the vice president referenced so many times he spoke there 2 years ago and touched upon some of the same points that the strength and resilience of polish people the special bond that the poles you merican people share our correspondence i mean young is on the ground and watch thought he has been following this for us as well let's see if we can bring simon in to this discussion simon we don't see yet but hopefully you can hear us give us your impression from being there on the ground there you are what you have seen and experienced there and the general atmosphere of this. i'm racing today.
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yes sumi i can just about hear you but so perhaps you can hear in the background the church bells we've had the ringing of the ceremonial bell here by all the representatives of the different nations. around the church bells of warsaw have been also ringing out to march in these cities as ceremonies. i was going to say it was it's a solo occasion of course but it's been a display of military pageantry you know head home for poland showing their sort of marching and drill technique because they had a rather frightening multi-cam and salute which nearly blew the foundation so off they said journalists podium where i'm standing and of course we've had those very interesting speeches which. i think peter and wojciech were
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saying had been more full of of content or at least hints of politics than where it was expected so angular medical's being here observing it all in her usual calm if not to say dispassionate way but since it is a solemn ceremony but also with lots of pageantry and lots of interest. indeed simon and we're seeing now i think the wreath laying ceremony just getting under way there in warsaw at the tomb of the unknown soldier let's listen to.
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shockey price those of contortions to have more. options shuffled to have the opponent not to come out over. the reef laying ceremony has now concluded. the heads of the delegations to return to the grandstand. the mob will begin thing. so this is essentially the conclusion of a job and that's part of the ceremonies that we've been seeing there and at this has since the square in warsaw as we just heard the announcer say the wreath laying ceremony and has a concluded there will be a military honorary escort leaving the square of course that the delegates representatives from more than 40 countries as well will leave the square and simon if you can still hear us there what is your sense from covering this in poland how important this ceremony has been to poland now in. marking 8 years since the start
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of the world world war 2. yes sumi i think it is very important to poles to remember. not just of course the start of world war 2 but the many years of suffering the followed age the suffering of the wrongs done to polish civilians and if you structure the wanton destruction you have to say a point i see germany of many polish cities. was i think supposed by the polish authorities to be the center. of attention but today of course there are military veterans here. who very proudly always turn out in poland on these occasions in their uniforms many of them. very old indeed now they're treated with huge respect there are several 100 members of the old republic you crowded around
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on this very hot day to stand in the sunshine. and gently listen to their speeches and see their share amenities. and of course beaches as we've been saying you know i've gone beyond the pure historical context they also talked about the threats to european security or indeed to democracy at and the cooperation of nations today so there have been lots of different aspects here but i think it's very important to poles to know that. all the nations involved at the time or perhaps with the exception of russia which doesn't has been invited to this event that they're remembering and showing gratitude to what poles did and the sacrifice that they. cheering at those many years of terror on. of the nazis and simon maybe you can ask as well about the
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significance of germany taking part in event like this of having had the german president time i as a guest of honor we did of course hear him earlier speak as well and we were talking here in the studio a bit earlier about this culture of remembrance and perhaps. paying more attention to what happened in poland itself that there is a sense that perhaps germany could have done more in that sense as well. yeah the. importance of germany being represented here at the highest level is great and it's always difficult of course for a german leader to come here to the center of the polish capital a city that was very largely laid waste by the nazis you know he pretty well they didn't needlessly. destroy the city of deportivo 18 habitudes
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you know and his franco just on ma the german president said you know it's so difficult to stand here speaking german and austrian for forgiveness but it's something that has been done before by german leaders and as he said they will go on doing that because they recognize the need to show poles as to other nations that suffered. certain dairies i strong saying see within germany of the moral continuity between the previous german studies and the germans have today differences they are and i think frank. struck a an excellent motive of reconciliation. as he said you know we call on joran long on during and he recognizes that the responsibility. it goes
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on and that's why german leaders i think will keep coming back on these occasions in spite of the difficulty in the plane to show that they know about the history and they care about the suffering it was cool. all right simon i thank you so much for that insight there from a war so where those ceremonies have been taking place today and i want to pick up the discussion with the both of you peter and wojciech perhaps you can just comment on what simon has been saying and also what you know your impressions were again of all 3 speeches which just before the speeches i would just like to go back a little bit to the beginning of the day and pick up one more song was saying we the day began to be alone the small town that was came under aerial bombardment so some particularly and earlier this week i was watching a piece on german t.v. where some of the survivors who still live in the city or live in the town about 20 people were being asked about you know how they see the germans today it was very interesting because there was a sort of
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a real equal divide between half of them were saying look these are different germans in a different germany and i'm prepared to talk on prepared to listen and i am prepared to forgive the other for how however saying these are germans and germans will always be germans and i am not prepared for gave no matter how hard i try i can't be real wounds that still exists today that is why i believe we shouldn't underestimate the dissembled a power and significance of this speech by president from closer star in my or in this symbolic place one piece of good scoring or so saying clearly. it was a german crime and we will never forget and say i ask for forgiveness i recognize our enduring responsibility i believe as the polish person you can really get enough of such words even 80 years after the outbreak of the war and we will never forget in polish that. he said as well. as
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a moving moment. very much we noticed moments from the history that they have been there before like. 9070 falling on here in nice in front of the monument for the ghetto uprising. so this is another part of this of this history of german leaders saying how sorry and how ashamed they are for what has happened just quickly insight from both of you does this usher in perhaps a new era in polish german relations and understanding of their relationship. i have to say i said earlier just my hunch is that observer was that the body language was very good and the spirits of of reconciliation was genuine and also one thing that we were looking out for today was what was the question of reparations going to be raised today which obviously would have been in a and it wasn't ok. i don't expect a new era but it was important what happened today that we've heard those voices
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all right thank you both our correspondents here in studio peter craven and wojciech thank you for joining us as well for our special coverage of the 8th anniversary of the start of world war 2. thank you for watching.
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the language courses. video. anytime anywhere. w.b. .
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welcome to the but is the game here for debian. we're trying to talk about of. coverage. through more. subtle i mean let's have a look at so many of them probably look you don't want to. be w. . you're watching tomorrow and should a the sun show on t w coming up. what's in a voice how pitch tempo and internation influence the success of the speech. it's all about cartlidge arthritis is one of the most common joint disorders women . the scientist who hopes to curate. and continuing our journey in one bold
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footsteps we look at the legacy of slavery in the 1st free town in the americas. many animals communicate via their voices and pitchin intonation play a key role in the process because those elements predate any kind of language or grammar in humans what you say is often less important than how you say it. u.s. president barack obama. finds this nation together is not the colors of last year apple's steve jobs. 3 separate device. this is one of my german politician great need of washed the all black. 3 charismatic speakers with something to say but if you think that content is the main aspect of speaking you're wrong how we say it is much more important. to our.
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it's because of what the quality of the voice and the internation play the biggest role in bringing across a statement to the listener and researchers say. this coalition will not only can i measure how well you speak i can also turn you into a better speaker. together with phonetics expert oliver neber we've devised an experiment we invited 12 volunteers to a recording studio half of them made up the jury and the other half for a test group they all had to read the same passage from good his classic play faust . haven't. feels a fee you are stuck i want me to seen one flight out to be our philosophy you know this stuff i. mean that's danish noonish on pinson before. the jury members couldn't see the speakers but only judge their voices.
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the modest eyes a doctor once a year shorn. this that sounded like a math professor writing on the board from your staccato pretty fast and yeah you know the jury could award between one and 10 points isin my guess that has the doctor and see a sure and saying yeah she was really into the role but yeah her through march received a much oliver need or has devised a formula to determine how the perfect charismatic voice sounds he analyzes voices according to various parameters including tempo rhythm melody volume and pauses by measuring 16 parameters he comes up with a value of what he calls acoustic charisma the highest possible scores 100 can his method predict the jury's results neber used it to pick the top 3.
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nino placed 1st features of fee you lose that i don't need to. second place went to fire your mr right on midi and lucas came in 3rd. for those who feel you was too high and did seem. so what were the jurors scores they also thought nina was the best but 2nd and 3rd place were switched. the other spots were the same for the computer calculation and the jury almost identical why. because the voice is an ancient means of communication much older than our word choice our words are centex and our grammar so it's directly linked to our perception and emotions and to our decisions every listener creates an image exactly like our system does. on this team and what makes certain voices convincing even seductive need for an alleged. recorded speeches by famous people like
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facebook head mark zuckerberg and apple founder steve jobs such. a revolutionary mobile phone and a breakthrough internet communications device and if this is one of the key parameters is the range of pitch and jobs is ranges more than 2 octaves or $24.00 halftones zuckerberg remains under one octave for slightly over 11 half tons. but what i guess what i can assure you is that we're hard at work making sure that people don't misuse this platform started playing so mark zuckerberg sounds much less melodic and somewhat more monotonous than steve jobs and he gets a score of 52 in our test. by contrast our steve jobs has a score of 93.5. above all the pronounced speech melodies who do since listeners and charismatic speakers tend to transition between loud and soft fast and slow and choose the right moments for pauses while. all of
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a need or is also examining how strongly a voice can influence us for example within that a geisha device he's chosen a route from the port in the danish town of zonder board to the university campus the drivers know the area well 2 different forces were used in the test. that one was similar to steve jobs. and this one was more like mark zuckerberg but the test drivers didn't know that both voices tried to lead them in the wrong direction. the detour became longer and longer so which voice did the locals follow longer. if you speak to our quiz much later with the one that was like steve jobs in fact 26.7 percent of them didn't quit at all so we had to end the test. with
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a voice similar to mark zuckerberg says almost half of the drivers quit after the 1st mistake. we believe that's because the drivers thought the wrong directions given by the steve jobs like voice were an alternate route to avoid road construction or traffic jams not a faulty programming of the navigation device was good at the saves. so a charismatic voice can lead us and also seduce us but people's voices aren't an alterable niebuhr is developing software to help everyone to train their voice to be more charismatic. pillars of feet you're best of i when we did see a lot of to keep doing all the studio to the place of the moon now he hopes to turn his training module into an app a year ago he had a charisma score of 43 percent since then his score has gone up to $85.00. with the latest. development is red white and even ok.
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do you have a science question that you've always wanted answered it we're happy to help out you send it to us as a video text ovoid smell if we answer it on the show we'll send you a little surprise as a thank you can i just ask. you this week a viewer from columbia asked about the threat from space. how great is the risk of a deadly asteroid strike day in day out our planet is bombarded with chunks of rock from space most are so small they hardly leave a trace. but in 2013 this meteorite was left by an asteroid that formed a fireball and exploded over the russian city of chelyabinsk was the biggest one to hit the earth in a century. most asteroids orbit the sun in a region between jupiter and mars known as the master. roy belt there debris left
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over from the early solar system. this animation shows the orbits of all 600000 known asteroids new ones are discovered every month the earth has been struck throughout its history and the moon shows how often and violently lunar impact craters aren't born away by wind and waves so the moon serves as a kind of archive over the last 290000000 years the frequency of impact on earth has risen because a large asteroids have collided producing many tiny fragments. some of these space rocks caused massive destruction when they hit the earth one that struck 66000000 years ago. an asteroid measuring 10 kilometers in diameter landed in mexico and the cataclysm that ensued wiped out the dinosaurs and many others fishies but even much smaller asteroids can cause deadly damage that's why
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telescopes constantly survey the sky to detect near earth asteroids and predict their trajectories more than $800.00 potentially hazardous objects are catalogued one of them is a path us at over 300 meters in diameter it would be big enough to wipe out a city like berlin. in 2029 it's expected to pass on earth even closer than some geostationary communications satellites. radio telescopes have revealed details of numerous asteroids like this several kilometer wide boulder it's also coming unnervingly close to earth. the data shows that the risk of impact in the next 200 years is negligible however asteroids coming from a direction close to the sun often hard for ground based telescopes to detect that was the case with the asteroid that became the chelyabinsk meteor when it exploded over the russian city it released. 3 times as much energy as the atomic bomb
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detonated at hiroshima injuring $1500.00 people and damaging thousands of buildings . in 201701 watt passed through the solar system it was the 1st interstellar object we've ever detected in space surprises are always just an observation away. in the early stages of development the fetus in a womb doesn't have its skeleton is mainly made of cartilage as a baby grows that gradually turns into bone everywhere except at the joints they remain cushioned by cutting edge for the rest of our lives in principle at least but as we grow older it begins to deteriorate let's find out why
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ready. professor thomas pup has a somewhat unusual passion these tiny cells cartilage so. popular his team keep a very close eye on them ready they're convinced that cartilage cells play a malign role in after isis. but why. last year also when we discovered that cartilage cells don't just simply begin degenerating the cells communicate with each other and receive external signals and we're trying to understand those signals coding decipher and spying on them so. ready that it's not easy to eavesdrop on the cells they live very isolated lives in tiny cavities in the carter latinists nature. ready but chemical messengers is still able to reach them and transmit information at 1st good information.
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cartilage cells constantly receive reassuring signals from their surroundings that tell them everything's alright stay where you are rebuild the cartilage in a controlled manner without the signals the cartilage cells face a lot of stress and a spot of their reaction to the stress they switch to a dismantling program and begin to destroy the cartilage and sort of go but what exactly puts the cells under stress. which signals cause the cartilage tissue to begin to self-destruct. the researches know the cartilage and joints suffer due to bad posture but other factors can also contribute to the stress reaction. to being overweight is certainly at the top of the list of stress factors for cartilage and it's a trigger for arthritis the excess weight acts in 2 ways 1st it puts additional
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strain on the joints and the cartilage. in addition to fatty tissue produces problem from a tree substances that can exacerbate the disease process in one. not everybody who is overweight will develop off writers a number of other parties are all for involved my genetic use use or injuries you need to show for poor. pups team looking for chemical messages in the joint fluids and other substances that are emitted by stress cancellation cells. they've already identified one of them approaching called sin they can form. following an injury the cartilage cells start producing it but what role does the person play. on the safaga for initially planning to find the answer to this problem that we decided to examine it in mind when we identified the syndic on 4 we already knew that there are mice that are unable to produce it so they were very suitable for our study.
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the surprising result was that mice without us in the can for protein did not develop arthritis following cartilage damage the only mice that did produce the protein it appears to be one of the substances that can initiate the destruction of the joint cartilage. sendek and 4 is embedded in the cell membrane of cartilage cells but how exactly does it transmit the destructive signals and can the researches hinder it soon becomes a cinder can for is integrated into the cellular surface and functions like an antenna. different proteins can talk on to that antenna on the one hand chemical messengers but also enzymes that can ultimately destroy the cartilage ready. pups team has identified one of those enzymes. ready the discovery is
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a milestone one that helped the researches understand how the enzyme triggers destruction ready. but if the enzyme is activated on the cell surface it begins cutting up college and fibers in the surrounding tissue. as if it was for us and it was a key discovery for us because we could then start searching for an antibody that can prevent the enzyme from triggering the degradation process that. in turn enabled us to stop the joint degradation in the mice. to prevent the mice from developing arthritis at all it was a major success for us. so the scientists have already unlocked one of the secrets behind cartilage cells improving their understanding of the cells in the future will conceivably allow them to treat this crippling condition. now we have to find antibodies for people to get emissions. that would be a 1st real step towards developing an effective therapy for off writers. but it's
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a step that will take decades rather than years. they are child soldiers. and sex slaves and. forced laborers. to global slavery in texas there are currently 45000000 modern slaves more than at any other time in human history close to 2 centuries ago during his journey through spain south american colonies alexander for whom was a vocal critic of the interim and treatment of slides power reporter christian roman followed from both stresses in colombia where slavery is cruel legacy is still tangible. 180 meters below ground nothing but soft all around us. the
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mono security in modern day colombia. for centuries that one so precious substance was extracted here under appalling working conditions. every day narrows faced the threat of floods struck sick ounces and collapsing tunnels at a time when alexander phone on board visited the tunnels in 1801 countless indigenous people lost their lives toiling away down here. yes in the heroes dot com but if you look at the spanish forests the indigenous inhabitants to work in the mines and the eyes of the catholic church they didn't have a soul and were therefore seen as dispensable labor for working in the tunnels in it and nobody had to report their deaths at all but in the world this is why there
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are no real statistics on how many people died working in the mines in the 1900 centuries forty's. by the time home to reach the so-called new world slavery had been a pillar of the spanish colonial economy for centuries and when they could no longer find enough indigenous people to cover their labor needs the spanish had millions of africans abducted and torn from their own lands and shipped across the atlantic to the caribbean. the immediate destination after the brutal sea journey was the port city of kut to hana to india us or the slaves or auctioned off on cross or do you do wanna.
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buyers' continually appeared and examined the condition of the sluice teeth their age and state of else critical on both reported on the inhumane events seen at a slave auction ends they forcibly wrenched their mouths open just as we see a horse market. got ahead i know plenty of america they know was a kind of marketplace where slaves were bargained over just like any other goods whether indigenous or african here they were no longer viewed as human beings but as a commodity with the. tensional to earn their owners a lot of money but major landowners came here from all over the colonies looking for labor. by the for agricultural production in the house the endos or as domestic servants in the cities. what up out of the slave trade to him it
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became an important commercial hub of the colonial era. anybody. got a. kilometers
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from car to hang on his son buzzy leo depart linking a village founded by escaped slaves today it has a population of 3500 people nearly all of them not for a problem billions they're the descendants of the scimitar on a sinister spanish called their runaway slaves as was common practice they had all been marked by their owners with branding irons as from boat himself witnessed the scars would remain forever but not the chains from which the slaves freed themselves to escape sunbow c.d.o. departed was the 1st free slave town in the america us. living in freedom and didn't seclusion the slaves and their descendants preserved and fostered their own culture. today the community is above all connected by punk hero the only creole language in latin america with spanish portuguese and african
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influences in the 1990 s. it was reintroduced to the curriculum for schoolchildren and also paul's blobby that was. all our lives we heard and spoke the language in our homes but eventually it almost died out. in the community face discrimination because of its language firstly it's never been easy being black in colombia and secondly especially if you're from. there by linking 3rd we speak spanish differently from other colombian os it's melodic almost like singing and 4th spanish might have always been the official national language but it's never been our native tongue. for linguistics experts the fact that such a small community has managed to preserve its own creole language over for centuries is practically a miracle. yeah.
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the long bond movie is a traditional value old ritual where the entire community gathers in the village center for 9 days and nights it's this kind of cohesion and solidarity that helps send brasil you know depending survive as a community despite centuries of persecution poverty and discrimination. today the pub and care of us are officially recognized minority in colombia. but the trauma of slavery as a lasting legacy. i look for more than meat out of it because there are 2 ways of looking at slavery
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there's the physical manifestation where slaves feel the chains and shackles on their arms and ankles to yet this form of slavery has disappeared. i thought i think you. but not the psychological slavery our minds are still subject to an installation process we still haven't overcome it which is why a lot of descendants of african slaves still tend to deny their roots when the thing means they've got a beginning i mean god of. alexander phone home board referred to slavery as the greatest of all evils which of afflicted mankind. the explorer repeatedly wrote of his disgust at the injustices he saw in the colonies to the extent that some of his works ended up being banned there but to the last number was stayed true to his conviction that all
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humans are equally designed to live in freedom. and his famous expedition to the americas alexander from some explore the arno river today a biologist there is struggling to preserve the region's bio diversity shown in for the final part of our journey in the footsteps of home bolt next time i'm tamara today see you then.
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i am not very creative yet but i would love to be considered an artist one day. everyone's talking about artificial intelligence and we are to. put computers and algorithms one to surpass human creativity. art on the edge. or talk the global media forward from book. that
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30 minutes. might be a terrible idea like write. gemini which. any time any place. the news video novellas. have the benefit of. songs to sing along to download speed is a good combo hooky from super looks. to be doing the type i. have there each course is kind of into active exercise is the hard thing about that deep down you don't come slashdot atlanta on facebook and the app store. jam and so free with deafening. natural richardson. precious resources it's. time to really morning investment. farmland has been called
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a sale because green gold. the country has an abundant supply of leases it to international trials the government has to hire export revenues for corporations. higher profit margin. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. would be rewarded when i saw the algos are clearing the land i was devastated to give you could they bulldoze the land without my permission to move new it belongs i mean would. explain a. fundamental destruction of starvation. the price for government and. selling out the country. don't use fear no he knows. start september 18th on d. w. the.
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place. play. this is deja news live from berlin all of them are 18 years since the 2nd world war began representatives from dozens of countries joined ceremonies in warsaw germans president bush and my overcalls the cold war as a german crime that his nation will never forget also coming up after a night of clashes with police in hong kong protesters.


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