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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 6, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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that that amounts to a coup i think the court is a curious props exaggerating it somewhat but nevertheless. not sitting for 5 weeks in the middle of a political crisis is an extremely worrying development and it's basically said boris johnson can avoid parliamentary scrutiny so essentially he's trying to push poland away because he knows the parliament aarons don't really support his brakes at plans now what we've seen this week and we'll see more next week at least is opponents fighting back is trying to use the little time it goes available to bind boris johnson's hands as much as possible but it's a very delicate situation and we're not yet certain whether paul meant what she win the battle against forest taylan let me ask you a devil's advocate question you know the british have been going in circles for the past 3 years essentially said they agreed on bracks that or since the referendum a devil's advocate might say look you know what it's time for strong leadership even if it is a bit unorthodox well it sounds fresh and no but it isn't because the.
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but your system doesn't know and that's announced what you said before coalitions any in war times political parties have united in a coalition government which is the normal procedure in practice in europe and around the world that maybe we have steering in this sort of a crisis situation but if you look back if it's not the leader of the labor not called inputs it's comes out of it out of the dark or of the right and forms this and that we need in this crisis situation a coalition government is specially if you look at the industrial economic consequences of what is happening after no deal bracks it all breaks it'll we'll see the country will suffer the common people will lose money and the money which is in the city the financial hotspots of europe is going to go away. we're going to
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take a closer look at that as well but let me stay with the point about unscrupulous politicians and what they mean within the kind of political system that britain does have serious referred i think in your very 1st answer to some of johnson's advisers in practitioners of the dark arts i assume you were referring to mr cummings and maybe you can tell us a bit about what you're bent yes so so dominic cummings is boris johnson special advisor and he has. become quite a big name amongst obviously in british politics for many years but also amongst the british public because a lot of finger pointing is going on at that coming saying that he's the man responsible for a lot of this he was the man behind the vote believe campaign back in 2016 for the referendum that campaign succeeded that is why the u.k. is leaving the you and everybody many people thought that that wouldn't be possible
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but he turned it round his way is to make bricks it happen and he has the man behind boris johnson making sure that breaks it happens using the phrase this is what the people voted for back in 2016 this is democracy so you talk about is boris johnson being on democratic well they will say no we are doing what the will of the people called for back in 2016 and this is democratic doesn't cummings i myself have had some some dealings with him the 1st time i met him i had i've not she even know who he was but i had been interviewing the cabinet minister michael gove's who he then what for i had offered him a couple of questions that michael gove didn't like and he told me he didn't like them he walked away and suddenly the 3 men came towards me one of them was dominic cummings who swore at me and told me i was a whatever journal. absolutely furious told me i couldn't use this interview. which
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was then used and so so then say saying you know everything is happening with him swearing at m.p.'s on the phone we're hearing about including the rebels marching out an advisor to the chancellor that's the finance minister because apparently she wasn't toeing the line. all the stories that we are now hearing is very much well well certainly i experience some of it but what we have known in westminster for many years and he has one aim and that is to get over the line so that cummings was part of the mystery to read that essentially created a red pro live campaign for the referendum that was based on lies we heard that in our report as well. certainly boris johnson has shown himself to be perfectly willing to resort to lies from time to time to get what he wants is he to be believed now john when he says that he can get
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a better deal out of brussels this is one of the things that he has been saying to sort of. swayed concerns that. britain could wind up in a no deal situation he's been saying look i'm on the right track i can get a deal there is no evidence whatsoever that he's on the right track this was a question that came from a labor leader corbin in all of the debates earlier in the week. could you show us some proof of how these negotiations are working out and crucially can you show us how you're going to solve the northern border question because boris johnson keeps on attacking the so-called northern parts that was basically the system to prevent there being a whole of border and island off the brakes it and that's been so the crucial point where boris johnson said we're not going to agree to anything with an open it says ok so if you're making progress show us just bluffed he had nothing to say there is no evidence whatsoever he's just trying to threaten the e.u. . you know he is not going to the e.u.
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with any sort of sensible and worked out proposals i mean you are sitting there going well what we make of this how do we possibly deal with someone like that who's essentially trying to threaten us rather than negotiate with for just him and now speaking as a german looking at this situation and also with an incoming head of the e.u. commission who is herself a former german politician what do you think how much leeway and how much political will is there in brussels to try to find a different solution for the so-called irish backstop i do think there still is. a portion of goodwill in brussels not to have the situation deteriorating and. voices in brussels saying maybe we were not totally corresponding to prime minister may at the time ever she wanted to get it through the house we could have been more generous and so i think even with dunson on the other side if there is something
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russian along the way we could just i mean is there any real opening if you look at the law here we have a very clear law that any change in ireland's border stoutest must be agreed by the irish people that is law how can brussels possibly offer anything different than what has been negotiated so that i mean there are always ok no question but so solutions which have been discussed in there because what everybody i don't know about mr johnson but the rest of the civilized world in but not once is a restart of the irish catholic and protestant northern ireland the troubles as it was cold and everybody is very happy we have the good friday agreement of the city years ago and stick to that i mean even johnson could be very very careful to check if that comes out out of his his proceedings that this piece is broken and remember
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it's free of all 5 months ago they were the 1st. killed somewhere in this context is that starts again this is the end and i mean having coming with $100.00 other of whatever they are they had no undue the peace between northern ireland and the republic i mean this is no way that he would disagree with you to a certain extent like i personally take that point of view and i think playing with with the peace process norman is a dangerous thing but ultimately london has not paid adequate attention to the problems of the northern ireland issue right since before the referendum and actually just kind of it just stays there. on the other divide and so ultimately it's not been adequately dealt with now for more than 3 years and so therefore the sticks the key questions of dealing with the new of the modern border issues still remain unresolved and so ultimately that's what boris johnson has not understood
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the cultural schools to brussels to say get rid of the bike stop until he's got a workable proposal to replace it with something that's not been forthcoming so now let's talk again about timing these new bills that have been passed by the parliament this week which essentially put off the deadline for the bracks it decision until the end of the year is there any chance that a different agreement no matter what political constellation we wound up with whether or not boris johnson stays that a new different agreement could be negotiated by then they just kicking the can down the road once more well this is the problem isn't it because if they are kicking the can down the road which i'm sure many i'm brussels will be looking at and thinking if we do give the u.k. another extension what is it full a key question what was quite interesting when this bill which was passed the house
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of commons the moment still has to as we're speaking still has to get through the house of lords though we're expecting that to happen and then there's the queen for that for roll a sense of to be signed off what was postes through an amendment to say a change to this little that was included within the last hour to reason may's withdrawal deal to be put back to parliament this is the deal that was voted down 3 times in parliament could possibly could we see it coming back and that being a way for parliament to behave to vote a lot to get an m.p.'s ok not those. who cannot vote for the backstop but for other m.p.'s to say this is better than a no detail there is. the possibility is can you tell me what the british people make of all of this what are you hearing from family and friends this week. there are 2 components to this 1st is the british population is generally sick of this
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argument right they want to solution there's this kind of how if we still won't solve this that's one component to it give us a solution and indeed politicians are playing with that boris johnson said like if you don't want to have to hit the brakes a tiny more than give me my deal will give you my majority but on the other side the population is also still very divided right the general population is a little bit more program main than it was at the referendum. in them pinion polls there's a small majority of remain these days but the population is still very divided into 2 camps there's no be much move since the since the referendum so this is a. summit up still splits and role of the joy of kind of had enough of this argument but just because they've had enough of the argument doesn't mean we should still to stop talking about it or stop trying to seek political solutions certainly for detail and what we do see from the polls is an enormous mistrust and actually discussed with the politicians in london so how do you think that would
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play out if snap elections do wind up being held because course of course labor has said if this bill goes through if it is passed by the house of lords then they might be prepared to agree to snap elections how would you expect that to play out in in an election this distrust of politicians in general is the 100000 pound question nobody knows what is going to come out of it and whether the public is so fed up with it and maybe even go to have a bit of participation in voting which is gunned down to 42 percent or something but as we just heard that they're fed up with it but. nobody knows what is in the heart of the voters what's going to come out and my optimistic believe coming back britain has gone through a lot of crises not seem so spectacular what happened when no t.v.
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was around 100 years ago or 200 years ago but i still believe that at the end of the day if the rubbish is choky on the street and that then someone comes up and that we need to read solution and i am the one who going to need it he could identify them and most someone out of the tory ranks someone else when that will set up with his boys dungeon. sorry i just want to bring in our last very short report here and then and then i'll come to you alex but certainly if a snap election is held the economic consequences of a bracks it with or without a deal are absolutely going to be at front and center of the debate in the past weeks we have seen a dramatic fall in the value of the pound and experts say that could just be the beginning of the economic problems that will result if forced johnson carries through on his policies let's take a look. the u.k. leaving the e.u.
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would damage the economies of both former partners but the british people would be most affected experts believe the u.k. could descend into chaos as food and medication prices spike and possibly become short in supply european businesses are likely to retreat and the london stock market and british pound could crash the ports along the china facing endless lines of trunks waiting to enter a huge blow to the economy but you companies and especially export heavy german industrial corporations also risk losing billions all the u.k. and the e.u. careering towards a recession. so alex remainders will undoubtedly be marshalling all of those arguments if in fact britain does wind up going to the polls where do you think we're going to be on say november 1st and i have to ask for a quick answer because we're almost at the itself. i think there was still
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a very high possibility that there was a note set on october the 31st that is not ruled out there are still many things in play that have to be played out before it stops but there still be a british prime minister johnson on october 31st. oh it's a difficult one i think so at the moment i think that there will be don't hold me to it if you tell anybody you think where we had it. i don't believe in the snap election i do think that brussels might offer another period of 3 months to negotiate if that is being discussed and we'll stick to what i've said before out of the muddled someone that well we're not going to run the country down someone has to take the banner and bring us back to sanity sounds like. a lot of optimism there how about you john worth on 1st in november that's the day of the brits miss
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due to have left britain will not yet have left and will have secured an extension from the european union to be in the european union at least until january 2020 movie in the middle of an election campaign which is incredibly fiercely fought probably to take place sometime in november so boris johnson will be fighting for his political life up against an opposition that is trying to unify against his predecessor clams and so 1st of november we don't know whether it will yet be end of or strong somebody might be on the way. i'd love to invite you all back for a 2nd round of the discussion after november 1st but if i did we'd be discussing under another name than quadriga because ladies and gentlemen quadriga now ends with this show but the debate here at g.w. will certainly go on we have a new exciting show coming up starting next week it's called to the point be sure to tune in thanks so much for joining us all these years long on quadriga and thanks to all of you for being here as well about.
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food. food. food. to.
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be in good shape from the moment of fertilization until the big day to day we're going to look nothing moms need to the birth of your child to proper nutrition prenatal screening and deciding how do i want to bring this child into the world more on these topics on. the ship in 30 minutes on w.
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d q you know that 77 percent. are younger than 60 ah. that's me and me and you. can still do what time all voices. on the 77 percent talk about the stuff. from the politics of classics from housing boom boom town this is where they are. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend on d w. illness and on the entire show the entire scream jurors are dealing with any and i killed many civilians i mean the irish come including my father wilding sometimes i was a student because i wanted to build
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a life for myself like this to totally sudden my life became knowledge kind of song . providing insights global news that matters w for mines. carefully. choose to do good. discover who. subscribe to the documentary to.
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play . this is due to be a news live from berlin at the end of an era one of africa's most polarizing leaders robert mugabe has died at the age of 95 percent the former president of zimbabwe was a freedom fighter for others a brutal dictator will look at his complex legacy and ask how people in zimbabwe are likely to remember him. also coming up on kong's freedoms must be guaranteed german chancellor angela merkel's message to chinese leaders on day one of her state visit she says dialogue is the only solution to the ongoing political crisis and life under lockdown in kashmir we have a special report on how the communications blackout is intact in medical services
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a life and death matter for patients indeed a 3rd. it can't. i'm serious i'm a scholar thank you for joining us zimbabwe's former president robert mugabe has died at the age of 95 nearly 2 years after being forced to resign mugabe was in 1st post independence leader and many remember him as the country's liberator but during almost 4 decades in office he ruled zimbabwe with an iron fist crushing dissent and laying waste to the economy in a moment we'll hear what life was like under mugabe's regime with our good of you africa news anchor christine one but 1st this look at his complex legacy. robert mugabe's political career began in the 1960 s. with the formation of
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a radical anti colonialist movement dedicated to fighting white minority rule. off to zimbabwe became independent $980.00 elections were held and robert mugabe's son apology formed by a landslide. gabi became the country's 1st black prime minister striking a turn to free conciliation and forgiveness despite his militant past. but hopes for a peaceful political transition one fulfilled. political tensions and violence between mccarthy supporters and political opponents persisted cameron government forces were responsible for killing thousands of civilians. from. the during the 1980 s. and early ninety's mugabe was a welcome guest around the world but by the mid 1990 s. the once venerated freedom fighter was attracting international criticism for his
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increasingly all to critique rural. white farmers were driven from their land by mugabe's support has already. dissent was violently quashed on opposition leaders when timid aged and beaten to the. nearby believing the he she hit it. there will always be the good people of the even savage in control. but the people of zimbabwe suffered under his rule when mugabe ordered a patch of zimbabwe's slums entire neighborhoods were raised to the ground and up to a 1000000 people made homeless. economically mugabe in ruins and bought with a country that had once been africa's breadbasket. while his people were starving
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mugabe has celebrated his 91st birthday with a lavish party costing a reported $1000000.00. he once said that only god could remove him from office but in the end robert mugabe's insatiable will to power proved his undoing. after firing his vice president amazon move to install his wife grace as his 2nd in command the military intervened good money involved. in a de facto coup they placed mcgarvey under house arrest. off the 37 years in power he was forced to step down sparking celebrations in the streets of her r.a. known for some especially africa will own a a mic obvious legacy in the fight against whites who oppression but many around the
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world will remember him as the continent's most in the tourist dictator and as we said we have did at the you news africa anchor christine wind what with us here in are certain your from zimbabwe nish we should say you were in harare to cover mugabe sow serve in 2017th so a lot to talk about their but 1st let's watch a clip from back then november 21st 2070 life kristie look at those images of the purest celebration there on the streets in 2017 what did that moment mean to you as a zimbabwean i was i was born in zimbabwe and when i was young and our family moved
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over the border to south africa a few years after that it became very clear that we were never going to go back to zimbabwe there was never going to be a life for us there i grew up hearing tales of how difficult life was you know cousins would call and tell us how hard things are my parents made the toss up of going to zimbabwe spending money on the trip versus giving the money to have relatives who just pretty needed it you know i was listening when we had the hiv epidemic break out way people died because of not being able to access medicine family members we lost our relatives so i'm standing there and i had never thought it had never occurred to me in my life even in my reporting life that there would be a day mugabe would resign that mugabe would be alive and not president of zimbabwe so that i shot seconds often been hearing the news that mugabe had resigned and i could remember just being in a state of shock not believing what i was saying and people around me celebrating the news that this this man had gone and for me it felt like this is it now for this country that this was the person who was standing in the way of this country
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being the prosperous nation that i had been told by my parents it used to be that that was the bread pasta that my you know that that there was no one hungry in zimbabwe that there was freedom and no oppression at least in the in the in the early years of mugabe so i thought well is this it now is this is just maybe i could live in the world and that really own my country so that was what was there of course we sit here today and you know that's a different story sumi but that was what that moment was like and certainly that's what those people who were around me felt like those people around you we should say were mostly young people and those perhaps generational divide on how people see robert mugabe in zimbabwe what can you say about that it is just that you know i was on the phone this morning with my uncle used he's in his late sixty's he said to me christine it's a set. dave we've lost our hero that's who he talks about when i see the dictator he doesn't know who i'm talking about when i say the mugabe the oppressor he disagrees with that narrative altogether because he sees the freedoms i have today
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the pride i have as of black men they gave to me so you do have the people who lived in rhodesia to see who was so mugabe come in and liberate them you know my mom was telling me this morning sure remembers people dying at a stampede in the stadium come back from was a beacon people just wanted a good of this man this is who these people remember that hero the person who liberated them then you have young people some of them who by the way i mean in these 34 years in power only knew that is the difficulty they didn't even know the baby is in the beginning when he came in so it is very much so it's also a bit of urban rural divide you go to zimbabwe in the rural areas and you talk about mugabe it's almost as if they're living in another generation as well as a different country that is mugabe country stronghold those are the people who will kill him because they believe in what he did and he was very sure to look after them in the rural areas you know people have a patch of land and they grow they tomatoes and they say this is because of mugabe in the urban areas young people struggling for jobs graduates who come out of
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university and there's no prospects that they are very much quickly a critical of this president so it is that it is it is a generation divide but it's also a rule urban decide what about actually looking at what his legacy was you know besides the generational divide we heard a sentence earlier this is the man who presided over in the decline of one of africa's most prosperous economies is that fair that's true that is the reality mugabe was president wins involve his economy free for all a currency that became a joke i mean in textbooks today economics students study what inflation is when you are holding a trillion dollar note in your hand that is what zimbabwe became and the you know depending on who you're talking to the narrative they offer you is different people will support mugabe are quick to forgive him and say look everything that happened is big. has the west reacted to how stood up to them so even across the continent he's revered as a great leader the one who stood up for africa against the west and they punished him for it and that's the narrative that they give but that's just the reality
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suneet people suffered and the mugabe that she was president and people were hungry and died and how are things been since he left office while this is a tsunami in 2017 when we heard he resigned people came out into the streets celebrating and they said things are going to be better now mugabe is gone today not so much not long ago people were back on the streets protesting against the president who's in office now the police came out they fired at people people died people injured it's almost as if nothing changed all right good of you know africa and procrustean were with us thank you so much for sharing your insights with us. let's get around now some other stories making news around the world pope francis has denounced corruption among political and business leaders in mozambique at a rain soaked mass in the capital the pontiff said it was paradoxical that great numbers of people in the east african country live in poverty despite mozambique's abundant natural resources sudan's newly appointed prime minister abdullah one doc has announced his cabinet it's the 1st since the military ousted president omar al
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bashir in april it includes 4 women and as part of a power sharing agreement between the military in the pro-democracy movement priorities include tackling the ailing economy and reaching peace with armed groups . in yemen thousands of taking to the streets of aden in support of the united arab emirates the u.a.e. launched air strikes on saudi backed government forces last week in support of separatists who have seized the city in a power struggle with the government there ali comes as saudi arabia hosts talks between both sides. it has now been over a month since india revoked kashmir special status and imposed a communications blackout in the region internet and cell phone services are still down and phone lines are only now being restored the restrictions have had an impact on medical care as well. while went to kashmir to find out more and all the people she spoke to have not been named at their request. a city
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under siege. and a hospital struggling to get a foot thousands despite it. sister was diagnosed with colon storms in february. she has been regularly suffering bouts of pin. in sister got my sister is supposed to have surgery they told us to come today. when we came here today the doctor told us that the operation theatre is a closed only emergency surgeries will be conducted as it is will be aware he will be buzz. has been asked to return in 2 weeks to check for a date he's waiting to request if she could be slotted in earlier but that looks impossible there are crowds of patients here we think in the hospital part of doors to schedule in if surgeries doctors here have told us off camera out that they cannot schedule these studies because certain papers are on standby for any
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emergencies that might pop up because of the tense situation on the ground. with many medical staff on result for emergencies doctors say that only half the usual amount of elective surgeries are taking place. malignant cancers take precedence. doctors say anyone else will have to keep coming back every fortnight to see if the situation has normalized enough pull regular operations to resume. a communication blackout imposed by indian authorities has meant that people cannot reach ambulances whatever the family about the health of hospitalized loved ones. i'm going to hurt and some people are angry that i may get the medicine but someone made a juiciest at the will of my sister is very sick we can't even call an ambulance because the phones aren't working i had to bring on a scooter for over 15 kilometers. on the economic and needed to keep going to
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communication there are no communication channels mobile services are down everything's cut off my brother had an accident and some kind people came to our home 25 kilometers away to tell us that's how we found out my. husband was writing his motorbike to his hometown in south kashmir's ahead winning district area to buy medicines for his uncle he had an accident. passes by found him barely conscious and brought him to the hospital the id card has pocket help them identify where his family is communication. has been thought to be better. how would help my family to go if over a son is dead or alive. no nation in the world knows they will as a nation in the world no civilized people out there were that. good i had no idea is that a proper destructions of. hossam has been put on the observation for internal
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bleeding he says his pain is not only physical it is the be an official meetings here inexplicably and suddenly cut off from the rest of the world and waiting for normalcy. that report from. she is now back in delhi and joins us for more on the story to see you we just saw there a new report the communications blackout has had serious consequences on everyday life in kashmir is there any sign that these restrictions will be lifted soon. soon we just yesterday while we were on our way out of the. we heard from little can the administration that 4 lines will be distorted by yesterday evening is what was being reported of course verifying this would take more time by connections has about a move by networks will be just stored in a couple of the according to the home minister of course there's no commitment on this front but the belief is that there's going to be. for the internet services to
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be restored because there is a belief that internet so this is actually allow for winds to break out we attended an army briefing by you but then army and security forces briefing to phish shows that said that this is the last 30 days have been the most peaceful in the valley and this is because of the communications side their own reports to the contrary have of course in march and people have to continue living under these restrictions on decisions are made otherwise this is a territory on lockdown tell us what else you experience while in kashmir. well something apart from the communications blackout there are also codes on it on movement now of course so heavily militarized like bushmeat has always seen the presence of security forces on the ground but thousands more will mobilize to the region a month ago when the special status was taken away from the region and the calls
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are pretty much arbitrary when you're actually trying to get around security forces can decide to start down an area which actually leads to more room on social eating because there's no news there's no we do better if i what exactly is happening you can look something up on the internet you can't even make a call to find out what exactly is happening in a certain areas of these restrictions and of course there are codes on press freedom as well because all the press all the press in the valley have to go to one deficit additions and there are 4 or 5 systems that one internet connection and also there are restrictions on what you can and cannot for them are often stopped from filming inside new us by the security forces just very quickly michelle what do people there tell you about how they see india's decision to remove this special status quo so many people on the ground and definitely angry they're also scared to be speaking to the media because they feel f a caution but they feel like they should have been involved in this decision and that is and the fact that this
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decision was taken unilaterally they're also frustrated by the communication shut down and want more autonomy they want to be heard by the indian government and they want actually for the special status to be reinstated but this of course would be a long shot he. was speaking to us from delhi thank you for your reporting. in the bahamas the government is warning that the death toll from hurricane dorian will be staggering at least 30 people are confirmed dead but thousands are missing while dorian is now threatening the u.s. states of north and south carolina an international humanitarian effort is underway to help those affected in the bahamas the u.n. estimates that 70000 people are in immediate need of aid. under this rubble lie holmes oh blistery to life's cut short the extent of hurricane dorian's havoc is slowly beginning to america and so 2 stories of survivors clinging on whatever
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what one joke to show well once for life well shit well once that's a sure sure. all those here are frantically trying to get out of the airport departure lounge is overwhelmed. they told us that the baby is the right name people and elderly people we're supposed to be 1st preference. these years you still have elderly people you're right so it's not. it's not they're not living up to there were. some 70000 people here need water food and medicine or gently they used to refer to as a slice of heaven. the people who call it home fear it's finished. all take and they get along. and then in the course of the running and they.
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get off. it's about a 100 i mean a 100 percent that one thing and all over. the neighboring grand bahama it is every bit as bleak the road to shelter here is littered with tales of hope. and of heartbreak. set up in the ceiling for all this body in the water in my house. right now i'm heading to the city of refuge so it was the girl he promised. everywhere reminders of those who couldn't escape recovery workers measure the cost in bodies a moment's rest interrupted by the discovery of yet another victim little wonder that officials here are preparing from mass casualties. on a state visit to china german chancellor angela merkel has said that the freedoms of
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the hong kong people must be guaranteed after an official welcome at the great hall of the people in beijing merkel met premier lake at likud chung and the to discuss the ongoing trade war between china and the u.s. back on the dispute is having global consequences and she hopes it can be resolved soon but it was her comments on hong kong that most resonated with merkel saying a peaceful solution to the territory's pro-democracy protests is needed let's hear what she had to say. on the one country 2 systems is the basic principle and based on that we have an agreement signed by china and the u.k. and $984.00 and the hong kong basic law guarantees the freedom and rights of hong kong citizens. during the meeting i pointed out that the freedom and rights of hong kong citizens should be guaranteed and the agreement in 1904 should still be valid
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under the current situation we should do the utmost to avoid violence. and i cannot get more on this story now we can speak to mali and vent a member of the german parliament for chancellor angela merkel c.d.u. party he joins us from leipsic mr of ed good to have you with us here on d w i know you have called on chancellor merkel to openly raise the issue of human rights abuses in hong kong and we just heard what she said about hong kong during this visit to china are you satisfied. hello sumi yes i'm very satisfied i think it's very important that she talks about the problems and issues who went on in hong kong and who are already going on in hong kong and so also is. your head off to petition committee to protect the rights of the people in regarding to a point to start to parliament and do rights against the government i'm very satisfied you might be satisfied but in an open letter to the pro-democracy
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activists in hong kong have warned her against dealing with quote authoritarian and on just regimes and she did not reply to bad what do you think of that stance from pro-democracy protesters in hong kong. i think and i'm angry merkel has to see all the holes you i mean she know how it's communist party did in the past she grew up in did in that g.d. are which was a dictatorship under the communist party and i thing she is not someone who made deals you know like mr trump do but she has to see the whole relation trip between germany and china she has to see also what happened in europe and we have to go on the way of dialogue and it is important and that's why i'm really glad with her that you fulfilled a trip that you go on with the program course the most important thing is what if we stay on the line and we need to stay in a dialogue with china and india speeches and in the conversations with the show needs government we have to crystal clear mark all points but we don't negotiate
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about values we do don't negotiate about human rights but we want to have the freedom of press the freedom of speech freedom of wrote in hong kong as it is written in the basic. i want to ask you about one aspect of this relationship between china and germany because china is also hugely important trading partner for germany there was $195000000000.00 in bilateral sales last year alone and now the german economy is on the brink of recession and china is also sensitive to any interference on the question of hong kong so is it possible that economic interests are being put ahead of taking a tougher line from the german government. i thing we have to find a way and i'm going to market is doing that when we come by our both economical interests and what we combine it with our interest to to fulfill the values of human rights our freedom of speech against the chinese government we are here in leipsic for example where free people moved on the streets 30 years ago who break
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down a communist party dictatorship system envious with his idea and beef with knowledge we have to go on and i don't want to live in a future europe which is occupied by shiny government by economical power or by our influence yeah like we see it now in the west parking area for example to chinese influence and the thing to go on dialogue to stop while and is the best way to have both interest of our 2 to protect our values and to negotiate with china and to handle shina and together is the best way like merkel that alright ma invent a member of parliament for chancellor merkel c.d.u. party thank you very much for joining us here in. you're welcome by the way and we have some sad news now they made headlines and ignited hope around the world for lin's gay penguins who adopted an egg skipper and pain have spent weeks taking
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turns to brood the egg which had been abandoned by a female penguin but now the zoo has announced that despite the couple's best efforts the egg has failed to hatch the zoo says it is optimistic that skipper and paying will get another shot at parenthood in the future. let's get a reminder now of our 2 top stories we're following for you at this hour robert mugabe zimbabwe's 1st post independence leader has died at the age of 95 who is being treated in singapore for an undisclosed ailment held power in zimbabwe from the end of white minority rule in 1900 until resigning under pressure from the military in 2017 and german chancellor angela merkel says she's hoping for a swift resolution to the china u.s. trade dispute she made the comments while holding talks with the chinese premier invasion and she also raised the issue of hong kong saying a peaceful solution is needed to the territories pro-democracy protests.
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coming up next our house show in good shape we're looking at pregnancy everything from prenatal scans to c sections stay tuned for that. i'm going. to.
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be in good shape from the moment of fertilization until the big day to day we're going to look. at needs could burst your child. proper nutrition prenatal screening and deciding how do i want to bring this child into the world more on these topics on. leadership next on d w.
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natural riches a precious resources. and a rewarding investment. farmland has been called ethiopia's bring home to the country has an abundant supply places it to international giants the government is after high export revenues and the corporations high profit margins but not everyone benefits from the booming business. would be rewarded when i saw the algos are clearing the land i was devastated giving up without could they bulldoze the land without my permission removed what i knew it belonged to i mean a woman. exploration environmental destruction starvation. price government to call.
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the selling out of the country. is fear no he. starts september 18th on d w. well come to me in good shape on t.w. here's your host dr constantly quote from the moment of fertilization until the big day today we're going to look at the 9 months that lead to the birth of a new orne child today in good shape it's all about pregnancy and therefore i'm going to meet dr a teetotum bosky who's the chief going to college just here at the even gillis of my country house in britain. welcome to.
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pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life it's not a disease but if there are complications today we can help. or was it when you realized that you're pregnant. or that very happy accident yeah. just happy and cannot wait is if. you up for a wonderful use for many couples and with the help of ultrasound doctors can follow the feat. housey but there might be diagnosis and certain conditions being detected . and then the couple has to decide what is the next step. no
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is an active and clever 4 year old. but it didn't look like things would turn out that way. when his mother sorry i was 6 months pregnant with him tests showed that the membrane between the left and right half of noah's brain was missing that can be a sign of a genetic disorder such as treme 13 or 18 doctor explained what that might mean in the kindle event we were helped of and we were told that when those babies survive to a birth they usually just live a few days that's what they sent us away with so at that point we believed he wouldn't survive the tour. and if he did he might be completely disabled. and even then so not being told that we would lose our child and at such a late stage in the pregnancy felt like the world was caving and. an amniocentesis soon proved that the baby did not have a tryst in a disorder but there was still the question of the missing membrane the doctors
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warn that the baby might be born blind or disabled suddenly sorrow and mark were being asked if they wanted to terminate the pregnancy. when you do you believe as having been we never considered it and certainly not for a disability if we thought he'd be in pain or would have been suffering the maybe i'd have thought about it a little more in life and. now as father mark has now quit his job as a laboratory assistant and he's studying to become a pediatrician. you know it's going to start soon and as we went through the various stages with the doctors they didn't really deal with us as human beings and they didn't seem very understanding and we said we didn't want all of that maybe that's why i thought medicine might mean someone who's more focused on the patient someone with real empathy who will approach things on that human level of management it's again when no one finally arrived it became clear it was
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a healthy child. so catarina has gone to the delivery room and we've got some time to talk and what do you think are doctors empathetic enough in such situations i hope so that they are. sometimes it may be that's not. usually we know about this situation of the couple and we tried to help them in this situation we just saw in the report that the couple decided to have the child despite of the poor diagnosis but i guess there's a lot of pressure going on for abortion so so what's your opinion how much pressure is there on this kind of prenatal diagnosis i think not a printer that i did notice and make this pressure the change in the social values in our society everybody wants to have a perfect product and i think the printer be agnostic is a result of this development and it's not the reason for this development is there
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some pressure on you as an o.b. g.y.n. in performing the fetal prenatal diagnosis i by myself don't feel this pressure i see it's my duty to live and why it's a couple what we can do today what possibilities of diagnosis exist and very important to do that before not idea of this is done and to think about the consequences before you have done this diagnosis and why are women encouraged to have those tests just or because of older age of the pregnant woman sometimes it's because of old age because. increasing. means increasing the risk of kinetic the moment is. more and more of the younger women do. for. most of they want to have. a perfect baby it's a goodish it's ok but they don't accept. anything else and how
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accurate are those tests the tests can only show you the probability of getting a baby. if there is. a question of the baby is healthy or not that it's necessary to do invasive tests like moves and to use this. to prove that how fetus develops depends largely on what it is spirit in the group take alcohol for instance especially if it's consumed in large amounts by the mother could be dangerous to the child in germany up to 5000 babies born and nearly damaged by alcohol and that can take a long time to diagnose. but don't. have enough is a very special connection with animals. when she's playing with her friend's dog she blossoms. but with people she has problems she often rubs them the wrong way.
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i guess i'm a bit more aggressive than other people. i feel bad about it and it hurts even though i want to be friendly it doesn't always work. cut alina has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder her mother drank during her pregnancy catalinas condition isn't immediately apparent for a long time her foster mother susannah had no idea what was wrong she worried and doubted her parenting skills and often felt guilty. and it was so hard to understand. why doesn't she understand something she's already learned why is she forgotten something again why can't she grasp a situation in many respects she seems very intelligent and empathetic in others it just doesn't work. we know lived with susanna her husband and their biological
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daughter deborah from the age of 3 months she was very active from the start and made a lot of demands on her foster parents. and a quiet whenever we had to cross the road she would just refuse and throw herself on the ground i'd have to pick her up and carry her but she's also very affectionate he might just have. things got harder at school catalina couldn't concentrate and was always trying to be the center of attention. she would talk a lot. and then she'd start interrupting people during conversation. she'd interrupt get even louder and maybe start banging around and. even turn someone's face toward her when they wouldn't listen things like that. now doesn't. mean i kept making the same mistakes. she either didn't understand rules or forgot
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them just like her times tables her teachers didn't believe she was trying to learn them they thought she was stubborn and lazy. it helps him and i told the teacher many times that some days i'd remember them but on others not. and he said fine. the next day he'd forgotten how it is yes it was really dumb of him to pick on me. with the. unfasten mines what did he do that seems like he was picking on you. the one who said that you can do it even though i told him so many times i couldn't even though i was trying. but he kept going on at me. and then i'd lose my temper with. terms of you know was frustrated and her teachers were too even
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though they were all giving their best cuts of you know ended up changing schools several times then when catalina was 13 susanna read an article about fetal alcohol syndrome and realised that the description was a match. she was sent to a clinic for tests which showed that she had brain damage due to prenatal exposure to alcohol. i was shocked that she has a disability and it's permanent no matter how many fantastic therapies i can find or how brilliant a parent i am. certain things won't change. the hearts and that's one more time in the exact opposite when my mother told me i have fetal alcohol syndrome i gradually began to understand why i'm so. and so different from the others. the diagnosis helped
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catch a reno wasn't to blame nor was her family going to colleges like tom no good options university clinic warn against even the our glass of wine during pregnancy. in the 1980 s. and ninety's it was common to hear that it's ok and that a little alcohol will help raise blood pressure again after the baby's born things you can still hear some gun ecologist say but women shouldn't drink at all during pregnancy because we just don't know how much if any alcohol is saved. but the experts know that many women drink alcohol when they don't even know they're pregnant. dr cooper says that's no reason to panic. when it comes to alcohol doing serious damage very early in pregnancy it's an all or nothing affair. the fertilized egg makes it or it doesn't if you're trying for a baby then it would be better to stop drinking. as soon as you know you're
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pregnant then you should definitely stop altogether. fetal alcohol syndrome happens in the womb but the effects are felt for a lifetime today caterina lives in a home for people with developmental disabilities and visits her foster parents on the weekends. and her husband knew they wouldn't be able to parent or alone in the long term. and like every young person catalina wanted to spread her wings she has plans for the future. woman i'd like to find my own apartment with someone who maybe comes by once in the morning and in the evening to check the time make a. good. time to also look to find a job i enjoy doing. i like working with animals that's why i'd like to do
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something with animals sirus my home. many adults with fetal alcohol syndrome struggle with the challenges of adult. life my touch of the misfortunate that she has support and her special connection with animals. but the number of see what do you think are patients and pregnant women informed enough about the risks of our call and they're even got a clue just to say this occasional glass of wine doesn't hurt i think the couples today very good informed they do it usually they do it by internet. they can find all the information important but surely it depends on the social status of the couple so we have still those problems. and next to a whole there are a lot of things a pregnant woman can do to harm their child because it's nicotine that's a big problem with its abuse of drugs much as
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a problem and if you are exposed to radiation that's also a very very odd thing but there are a lot of things pregnant women can do right yes. they should live their lives before because pregnancy is not a disease so you can do all the things you have done before exercise and be fit each whole see this much which means. vegetarians foods all these things if the mother feels good the baby fields. so this is a hospital but not let's take a look at how our birth takes place. in a birthing center. you know what it will be. a girl a girl ok she's in the right position pose it to an expectant mother is being examined by a midwife at a birthing center in berlin yet here she is in the baby moved over into the pelvis
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to get into a good starting position that this will be child number 2 for the mother and tania . 105 centimeters. i feel comfortable here and i have a lot of faith in the midwives. most pregnant women don't get to enjoy an experience like. the midwife uses a wooden stethoscope to monitor the child's heartbeat christina shopper has hoped to deliver around a 1000 babies enough 30 years in the profession spending the 1st 5 in the maternity unit at the hospital. there is a difference to a hospital where there might be 3 or 4 women giving birth. you don't have as much time to attend to them. and sometimes they get a hormone trip to speed the labor up. birthing center the midwife provides even before the buff they have plenty of time to get to know the mothers starting with the prenatal classes.
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or here it's sort of like grit your teeth and let's get this done. if things get bad there is no option here for an anaesthetic or morphine based medication. as a midwife i believe that the best pain killer is a caring and attentive midwife. time for you praises and encourages you and keeps telling you we'll do this together. a. little polish 3 years old today he's accompanying his mother and his little sister she was also born here at the center in a relatively speedy delivery unlike her brother. miami martin's or. about 11 and a half hours into things i spent a while in the past and then later just stalled. somehow failed to find the exit. most netted my brother not imagine what might have happened if i'd been out of
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hospital as kinds of unnecessary interventions i might have had you can see wouldn't have been necessary. but for midwives questions of liability are a growing burden. midwives can't do their jobs if they're constantly afraid they might get sued. that's no way to work of course you do have to be aware and attentive but you can't constantly be afraid. more than 7000 children have been born in this birthing center but a growing number of women prefer doctors to midwives. when you go to the doctor and you prescribe a ton of vitamins as soon as you're pregnant you get the sense that without them the baby wouldn't grow and be healthy unfixed. and then there's all the examinations during pregnancy it can be really stressful and make women more and more anxious. we get women here in the birthing center who say this is the 1st time
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that someone's ever touched their belly. says some of our new fast had that natural touch is what antone appreciates is that she gets to hear her baby's heartbeat without high end technology. great is the world i think it's pretty good if you smile every. day i think this is . pretty. and i think it's because of the haitian has spent as much time as possible with the baby afterwards and. in this close contact you just. want a relationship with the woman and a baby and a father of course. as you depend on each other so what's 6. i think
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it's to be a part of america every time the baby cries for the 1st time i like to see that parent smiling at the baby after giving birth to it i think. for yeah. and i think it's always good to see kids. it's you you see. the heartbeat of an unborn child half an hour before she enters the world but says very inception. you're pretty easy i'll be doing the c. section is going to be a screen between us but you'll be able to talk to me commutes you just you know the mother has so opted for the c. section and the birth of her 1st child was a traumatic experience involving complications. once in the operating room she's given an epidural an anesthetic injection to numb her lower abdomen and legs during
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a non emergency c. section the mother remains fully conscious. of the growing number of parents ask for a c. section even when the surgery is not a medical necessity. many say it's because they want the safest possible. but this would. we see pregnancy and birth as a special event because one month when people had 6 or 7 children it was something that didn't get much attention but today every perth is a major event a lot of people see a c section as the safer option easier to plan for than a spontaneous delivery but. that c sections have risks too it's major surgery so there can be complications some mothers also wound up with artesian a kind of internal scar tissue. damage because labor helps clear the baby's lungs of fluid the newborn is more likely to have breathing problems. if you.
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feel. if. not every section is planned often the decision is made when labor is already underway. but there are ways to safely reduce the number of c sections. there are 3 important areas where we can help reduce the c section rate is 1st of all when there are changes to the fetal heart rate during birth. it's knowing which changes mean an intervention is necessary and which don't can help lower the c section rate . in these the next point is knowing that after a woman has had one c section it doesn't automatically mean all future births will have to be c. sections to. another very frequent reason for c. sections as when a normal labor appears to have stalled there are new studies that provide insights into labors that fail to progress. so these 3 year ias and those insights can help
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us lower the c section rate without increasing the risk to mother or child. in 2014 almost 37 percent of the paths that this hospital by c section 3 years later updated standards help reduce the rate to 29 percent putting the hospital below the average rate for germany. this mother and her new born daughter doing well after the c. section. how is caterina fairing whose baby was delivered by dr dombrowski . just performed a c section on katrina and how did it was the fine everything was fine and the baby's fine it's another child ok yes mother child and the fossil to the father too is very very hard for a letter so what does a c section mother and baby i mean it's not the natural way of kids no it's not the
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natural way it's. done no surgery and with all the possible complications of an afternoon surgery but sometimes if you have a medical indication for you. then it's a better rate but most of the time it's not the better way so there are medical causes for performing a severe inspection and there are non-medical indications as well we do sometimes see sections on demand of women of the couple wants to have a baby person section if you're in brazil the road at the top of the babies born in the country by syrians. yes that's true brazil is a country of of the highest rate of c. section in the world i think one of the reasons is that the health system has change. now it's necessary to have a presence of a doctor element my wife during the whole verse and that need sometimes 10 hours 20
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hours and it's very difficult to plan so they do the deliveries by c sections cause faster it's faster you can plan it you can do it in the morning and not during of the night so that's one of the reasons but what is your opinion as an overage weighing about this there are some reasons to do worse the section that that's clear the better way if possible the badge of not me and there might be even some problems with the microbiome of the baby after a c section this is what all of you are from brazil wrote to us yes that's why it's important for the baby to be colonized by the bacteria's of the bedridden smear of the mother. they'd need this to develop. this system. needs to be colonized by his intestine and all the things
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necessary for the baby. there's no care for us to resist the newborn i think so i think so before we go if you've got questions about me to ask our expert. sure but to me it's the not coming show we'll be looking at all timers disease the human brain is an immensely complex organic brain disorders can affect memory language and the entire personality what do we know about the causes of all timers and can it be cured send your questions to shape at d w dot com the keyword is all timers we look forward to hearing from you know the movie you know the answer to the c section and it is fine because of his behavior ok. and. just for you. to. see. me.
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it's time. to take one step further. and face the council. the moment you're on this side of love religion time to search the young come up and fight for the troops out of the book time to overcome boundaries. and connect the world. it's time for the t w a d w d is coming up ahead. minds.
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your family scattered across the globe. to. return to the roots of my. family from somalia live around the world to the. urgent assistance. family starts oct 8th on d w.
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this is deja vu news live from berlin the end of an era one of africa's most polarizing leaders robert mugabe has died at the age of 95 for song the former president of zimbabwe was a freedom fighter for others a brutal dictator will look at his complex legacy and ask how people in zimbabwe are likely to remember him. also coming up the death toll from hurricane doreen in the bahamas will be staggering the country born as search and rescue efforts continue thousands of people are missing tens of thousands more in desperate need of. class 2 long time dr phil's battle it out and the euro qualifying rounds
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tonight germany take on the level. i'm sumi so much going to thank you for joining us zimbabwe's former president robert mugabe has died at the age of 95 nearly 2 years after being forced to resign mugabe was about voice 1st post independence leader and many remember him as the country's liberator but during almost 4 decades in office he ruled zimbabwe with an iron fist crushing dissent and laying waste to the economy in a moment we'll hear what life was like under mugabe's regime but 1st this look at his complex legacy. robert mugabe's political career began in the 1960 s. with the formation of a radical anti colonialist movement dedicated to fighting white minority rule.
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after zimbabwe became independent in 1908 elections were held and robert mugabe's zanu party won by a landslide. gobby became the country's 1st black prime minister striking a turn a free conciliation and forgiveness despite his militant past. but hopes for a peaceful political transition and fulfilled. political tensions and violence between mccartney supporters and political opponents persisted about government forces were responsible for killing thousands of civilians. from. during the 1980 s. and early ninety's mugabe was a welcome guest around the world but by the mid 1990 s. the once venerated freedom fighter was attracting international criticism for his increasingly tragic rule. that the white farmers were
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driven from their land by mugabe's supporters. that. dissent was violently quashed and opposition leaders went imitated and beaten. they will never believe the teaching if. there were always the 2 of us even in court rule. but the people of zimbabwe suffered under his rule when mugabe ordered a purge of zimbabwe's slums entire neighborhoods were raised to the ground and up to a 1000000 people made homeless. economically mugabe in ruins and bob with a country that had once been africa's breadbasket. while his people were starving mugabe a celebrated his 91st birthday with a lavish party costing a reported $1000000.00. a year he once said that only
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god could remove him from office but in the end robert mugabe's insatiable will to power proved his undoing. after firing his vice president amazon. to install his wife grace as his 2nd in command the military intervened good money in the finity if. they placed mcgarvey under house arrest after 37 years in power he was forced to step down. sparking celebrations in the streets of harare. some especially in africa will look obvious legacy in the fight against white oppression but many around the world will remember him as the continent's most
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notorious dictator. and joining us from zimbabwe's capital had out is tendai biti he is the vice president of zimbabwe's opposition party m.d.c. and he served as the country's finance minister from 2009 to 2013 mr beattie thank you for joining us here on d w 1st of all what is the moment of robert mugabe's passing mean for zimbabwe. well it's it might get if it is quite clearly the closure of it off the charts that. it is no question that he was a child of the good but it's stuck and it is no question that he was and i couldn't for that as space or never that's about it it's only because troops but there's also no question that he was already set of contradictions there's no question that cd single did was a sponsible for myself the destruction that we've seen in the 22 years up to 2070 the. muster right genocide of people between
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92 to it it is even when put in 2000 people in cute the torch out of some of us i was tortured in 2008 so for the destruction of our economy in the case of contradiction that only can be moved to from wilson's severities to tease right now that that broke in the famous did things that need to open carry is who put this in person it's that he presided over so is today's it there was money there but we have no illusions about it and then we just add in singapore mr big after asking about his your role and his legacy because from 2009 until 2013 you were robert mugabe's finance minister and we have a picture here showing us that we're looking at right now with mr mugabe do you feel in any way responsible for failing to clean up the corruption that you say is still plaguing the country after serving as finance minister. well i think that
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police unit to put it that's it. that's it that government was it was a coalition government so maybe there was was more controlled the right so it was a coalition between mugabe that stops it and morgan trying to pass it so i sit in government with him and it will get turned away there into the abyss we started as i mean where we really could economy. where we are quickly short of balance what it would mean to end the economy. so it's not a good tool working with the one thing i want to draw your attention is that truly our decent government that was it was a contradiction between capital and god we had to check this and look at it the share of that kind of it is unbelievable in general. joke to all that good cause it was a contradiction in character in. some i just illustrated kids as the contradiction
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that there was no one is soft and i have to get in there you got into it with the other it's huge prices. symptoms that really take trees there ok tendai biti the vice president of the opposition and d c party served as the country's finance minister under robert mugabe from 2009 to 2013 i thank you very much for sharing your insights with us. let's take a look now at some other stories making news around the world opposition parties in the u.k. have agreed not to back prime minister boris johnson's plans for early elections johnson wanted to send voters to the polls just before britain is due to leave the european union on october 31st the move sets up a showdown over whether reds it goes ahead on that day. pope francis has denounced corruption among political and business leaders in mozambique at
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a rain soaked mass in the capital the pontiff said it was paradoxical that great numbers of people in the east african country live in poverty despite mozambique's abundant natural resources. sudan's newly appointed prime minister abdullah hand-off has announced his cabinet it is the 1st since the military ousted president omar al bashir in april it includes 4 women and as part of a power sharing agreement between the military in the pro-democracy movement priorities include tackling the ailing economy and reaching peace with armed groups . and in yemen thousands of taking to the streets of aden in support of the united arab emirates the u.a.e. launched air strikes on saudi backed government forces last week in support of separatists who have seized the city in a power struggle with the government the rally comes as saudi arabia hosts talks between both sides. in the bahamas the government is warning that the death toll from hurricane dorian will be staggering at least 30 people are confirmed dead the
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thousands are missing well dorian is now threatening the u.s. states of north and south carolina and international humanitarian effort is underway to help those affected in the bahamas the u.n. estimates that 70000 people are in immediate need of aid. under this rubble lie holmes oh blistery to life cut short the extent of hurricane dorian's havoc is slowly beginning to america here and so 2 stories of survivors splitting up what about what one joke to show well one school rice when she was once going to show how sure. all those here are frantically trying to get out the airport departure lounge is overwhelmed. they told us that the baby was the frightening people and the elderly people were supposed to be 1st preference. we have to be here we still have elderly people here right so it's not
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. it's not they're not living up to there were. some 70000 people here need water food and medicine or gently they used to rip. fetter abaco as a slice of heaven know the people who call it home fear it's finished. all take a good day with a long long night many of them more than 100 and they go on the record of the last years there with about a 100 i mean a 100 offend them if they don't all over. a neighboring grand bahama it is every bit as bleak the road to shelter here is littered with tales of hope. and of heartbreak. so i happen to see them for. 2 days but you are in my house by right now
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madam in the city of your grip your so it wasn't the abominable. everywhere remainders of those who couldn't escape recovery workers measure the cost in bodies a moment's rest interrupted by the discovery of yet another victim led to wonder that officials here are preparing from mass casualties be. in last weekend's 2 regional elections in eastern germany the country's mainstream parties managed to hold on to power but only just the far right a.f.d. made large gains emerging as the 2nd most powerful party in both plunder the book and saxony observers say this underscores an increasing political polarization in the 1st opinion polls since those elections germans were asked what issues they are most worried about and number one is the concern that german society is drifting apart 83 percent say they're worried about a divided society 2nd place here is climate change 76 percent saying they're
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concerned that climate change will destroy their livelihoods and 52 percent are worried about a growing influence of islam in germany let's speak to think that he is the head of the polling institute and for test the map and he's with us to shed some light on these numbers so 83 percent are worried about social cohesion what is behind those fears. quite interesting since everybody seems to be unhappy in germany concerning the financial and overall economical situation but when it comes to their fears they think about integration education and you find that it all age groups and various modes that the differences between cities and the playing countries. are getting bigger and bigger and bigger and especially in education more and more private schools are created and in germany since many people are very
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unhappy with the educational system run by the state all right let's take a look at some more numbers in for testing up also asked germans about chancellor angela merkel's coalition between are conservative c.d.u. c.s.u. bloc and the social democrats and 3 quarters agree that the government promises a lot but doesn't deliver much and satisfaction with the government definitely looks different but nevertheless 61 percent of respondents want the coalition between the conservatives and the social democrats to continue governing until the next regular elections in 2021 chance on american remains highly respected in germany 58 percent of respondents agree that she is the main reason that germany's are in pretty well despite all the crises in the world but a significantly large number we should say 40 percent disagree so many germans trust the chancellor as a chance. to be chancellor but 40 percent are not satisfied with her government on the whole so what does that mean. well living in germany every every week every
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month you have a new headline the surplus in the budget she 5xb4xb6xb all countries and all cities have a surplus and people think ok that's great what is the money used for we don't get it we don't have any any own financial aid and they're eagerly waiting with these so-called study varity extra tax which was created to help these germany to rebuild . the government announces that this will be abolished within the next year from 90 percent of the population and i think then people will feel that that money from these high tax incomes will also arrive at their own bank accounts well let's take a look now at another set of numbers every month germans are asked which party they would vote for if a general election were to take place the following sunday we can take
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a look at that now the governing a city you see as you block is at 27 percent their current coalition partner the social democrats at 14 of the far right a.f.d. is 15 percent here the business friendly f.t.p. a coming in at 7 percent as is the left party the greens are on 23 percent down 3 points compared to last month so the greens popularity has been following falling down 3 percentage points from august is it safe to say that they have peaked. idea of the absolutely hype for the green party took place in summer in july and august when temperatures in germany reached up to 42 degrees so everybody could feel that there is a climate change and it was the green party only who said we have to take measures now since it's getting cooler again and since the results of the green party is essential in many ways ok 10111 percent and so not sensationally high the
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hype about the green party in germany has decreased and let's wait for the winter all right frank had to shrink that head of the polling institute in for test dream act thank you for joining us pleasure. now president vladimir putin of russia is seeking to boost his country's in investment in his country as he meets the leaders of japan and india today at an economic forum in bloody vos stuck economic sanctions imposed by the e.u. and the u.s. after the russian annexation of crimea mean that moscow is looking to the east to find new friends. russia india and japan at the eastern economic forum. this judo tournament is entertainment for the world leaders here but one of the key discussions at the summit is how to end a territorial dispute between japan and russia which began in 1905 there were a couple 3 letters conclude
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a peace treaty and unleashed in one fell swoop the limited potential that the people of how to control is holding on but with an order to link between japan and russia would transform the entire region a guy or it would change the world significantly. putin himself a well known practitioner of judo refused to commit to that. but with india's new render modi offering to invest $1000000000.00 in russia that search for new friends is going well. look michael instance of your president recently said the leadership of the west is ending. you know mark cannot imagine an effective international organization that works without india or china you'd be skew to hit certainly a narrative that russia wants to push and despite historic disputes with japan to 2 countries a strengthening that economic time his while they may have their disagreements behind close doors in public tech currently on this same side
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meanwhile russians will vote in regional elections across the country this weekend but critics are already saying the vote won't be free or fair they accuse local governments of keeping opposition candidates off the ballots opposition supporters have held a wave of protests in the run up a to the vote much as the focus has been on elections in the capital moscow which has seen the biggest police crackdown on protesters in nearly a decade did yuri rachet oh reports this is the most moscow city parliament elections are just around the collar and if we follow it for a seat in parliament has been the fiercest moscow has ever seen. it all began in july when practically no opposition candidates were not to run for election. not
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even the usually young galliani now of the local party allegedly due to a technicality dozens of other candidates experienced similar problems but this has outraged their supporters. for weeks of the war protests like here with 20000 taking part at the beginning of august. the new push the new car or the fact that not a single opposition candidate got through something we really didn't expect. that's quite a foolish political. fire on the other side i would never have allowed a development like that yeah but snow says about the. budget she was allowed to run for office with no problems. because some are a position to herself from the very outset as a loyal supporter of incumbent mayor cyril gay so beyond him and as someone who knows how to score points with photos of all mood there's a civil war the people are concerned about their daily lives running smoothly about
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the replacing of trees they have been cut down in their yards about their neighborhood staying safe about improvements in their standard of living and would end they want relations little farty used to be trustworthy you would leave easily of gnashing years. but that's a reliable relationship with the public or so it is only benefited candidates loyal to the government the opposition turns to protest even when the city refused to issue them the permits the result more than 2000 arrests. many of which took place here on pushkin square in downtown moscow. police acted rigorously and at times brutally among the arrested were innocent passers by my nurse and john honest . most who were released after several hours but some remained behind bars for weeks such as you know she was in custody for 33 days that they
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were the uprising was suing them where to stuff me to go but i'm not a system forces us to take to the streets but the our media is controlled you were not allowed to take part in the elections we have left is the streets in order to make our ideas public even that's restricted of who are the coolest soldiers starters of the. uprising it's image that i'm categorically against the opposition provoking the old dorothy's remaining close to dialogue but instead organizing demonstrations that are not approved and during which innocent people have to suffer. just like the candidates a rift has forum to between moscow fights who supported the current system and there's those who want change but their conflict is unlikely to influence the outcome of this weekend's election. the next results are basically already clear of
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the exclusion of most of the independent candidates. football now and it is the standout match of the euro qualifiers tonight 2 of europe's most talented football teams and longtime rivals face off germany's hosting the netherlands in her book. germany coach jeff comerford played up his young team's closeness ahead of their match for the neverland's who is byron's new york gorecki are out injured has been a break in the chain. this is shoddy but by the human it's a real shame. i know from experience that there was a bit of a break of a team in 2010 that they need to play with more or less with same starting line up . over $810.00 or 12 matches. without too many changes that he feared for end the own given dutch courage ronald koeman seems to have no problem switching up his young side and his 10 matches in charge he's never
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named the same line up in 2 consecutive games like germany the netherlands are also emerging from a difficult patch. and germany are sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker and that also has to do with the quality of the rival that little going to call it guys from . these 2 great rivals should fight it out for top spot in group c. germany have the upper hand thanks to a 32 win earlier this year in amsterdam the last time they lost at home to the dutch was on the way back in 2000 and. now this weekend marks the 90th anniversary of the italian grand prix at months of this year's race has received a welcome boost organizers have confirmed months i will stay on the formula one calendar until at least 2024 and for one of the sport's most famous teams 90 is also a special number this week. such a sea of red is usually only reserved for the racetrack was on ferrari's 90th
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birthday fans crammed into milan's cathedral square they'd come to catch a glimpse of some ferrari legends past and present of course these drivers would have been nothing without the machinery behind them so some classic ferrari's around showed to. these fans will be heading 30 kilometers up the road this weekend to monza to see if charlotte clare can follow up his maiden f one win in belgium last sunday looking back obviously very happy that this 1st win is done it's always difficult to do this this 1st day but once you you do it it takes quite a bit of weight off your shoulders you claire has out shown his more senior teammate sebastian factor at times this season picking up the team's only win so far some have touted him as ferrari's future number one driver it was clear to see that he has a lot of potential i think he had a very strong rookie season without. so you know i think it's good to see that.
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he's right on the pace straightaway and obviously for the team point of view i think the most important is that we work together not against each other monsters quick straights will suit the ferrari's of fatso in the crowd capturing a win on home soil would certainly be a dream birthday present for these fans. coming up next on news asia german chancellor merkel is in china on her 12th visited. as leader will look at how she's balancing trade expectations with human rights concerns. and the impact on the security lockdown in kashmir medical services have been hit hard since the indian government stripped the region off its special status. bonnet you has those stories coming up on d w news asia and much more don't forget to get the latest headlines follow us on twitter our handle
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their attitude of units for all of us here in berlin thank you for watching. law.
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grappling. express my feelings. i am not very creative yet but i would love to be considered an artist one day looking for new perspectives. to henk not would replace fake rubio coming back and doing things differently. come to the place where we reflect on society. march 21 to talk to w. . welcome to the girl max new to channel. a good line of stories.
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with exclusive. and a must see concerning parts culture in europe. the place to be curious minds. do it yourself networkers. so subscribers and don't miss out. i'm scared that if i work that's hard and in the end it's a me you're not allowed to stay here anymore he was into that. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers with bias and. what's your story ready. i'm with i was women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture.
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you are not a visitor not a guest you want to become citizens. in full migrants your platform for reliable information. this is deja news asia coming up is germany choosing trade or what human rights in its relations with china that's the 200000000000 dollar question that's not i'm going to buckle is visiting germany's largest trading fogged up and she says dialogue. and resolve the deadlock in hong kong we last protest organizers what do you think culture coming up to life and death in the shadow of a lockdown indian controlled kashmir on the impact the security situation is having on medical services.
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i'm going to welcome to news asia it's good to have you with us german chancellor angela merkel began her trying not visit with the weight of expectation on her. pro-democracy activists had hoped that she would raise the issue of hong kong she did but was it enough here's what she said. over the of. pointed out that hong kong's freedoms and rights must be guaranteed the $984.00 agreement is still valid and addresses a whole series of civil rights that must be respected economists in the it signals it to us in the current situation everything should be done to avoid violence the solution can only be found through political dialogue. hong kong's leader has already shown signs of being willing to engage in dialogue on call i hope that can
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be realized. and cons i need to better mind the chancellor merkel is traveling with a big business delegation to a country that's germany's largest trading partner at stake is nearly 200000000000 euros in trade between both countries for comparison said the german government's entire budget last year was 343000000000 euros. so is trade overshadowing angela merkel's dealings with china one more from the civil human rights front which is organized the number of protests in hong kong in the last 3 months more welcome firstly has angular merkel raised the issue of hong kong strong enough well i think 1st of all i think a america for at least mentioning hong kong but then we think well. of course very important but it's should be addressed to the home complete because so far in the
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past 3 months. has been this before senate so. she should at least address that the violence used by police should be stopped do you think that the german government is not aware of what is happening in hong kong well i think. because she herself. now in germany she should be aware of that and this is exactly why she even speaks up more phone call because you know what it's like in hong kong now do you think germany has been demeaned in its response to what's happening in hong kong has germany been timid and shy about what's happening in hong kong and should have been more forceful well i think every country including germany who. promotes human rights as. a value. speak up for hong kong and put more pressure on the hong about what do you think is holding germany back. what everyone is afraid of china they have to do business with china and germany as you just
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mentioned has a trade of up to do nearly 200000000000 euros with china you think that is overshadowing. the hong kong democracy protests and germany because you can voice against that well i hope that's not the case you know trading is of course very important everyone should trading they should not stop this relationship just because of him right situation but then you know germany also has an obligation to make sure its trade partners including china to uphold the value of human rights and to make china a better place for trading humans to live there just one question for you what would you like to see the german government do if you could say something to. what would be well i hope. chancellor merkel. would address directly to the home and share with them the experience of.
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germany and tell them this is not the way forward we live in 2000 and i'd say in face no way out if they keep using violence chief executive has over the prospect of a dialogue and she is also saying we should look for solutions but protest of say that it is too little too late what is the next move you're one of the main protest organizers of hong kong right. we don't trust the dialogue mentioned we don't trust that. we have 5 a month and it's very clear we need independent inquiry of commission of inquiry to look at what the police have done in the past and we've thout this fulfilled we will keep. protesting but peacefully of course the organization and the people actually we. protests peacefully but that was the police and the government who banned our peaceful protests so that they can provoke violence and
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then to legitimize to they they have islands and of course this is something that we don't want to to see leave it there for the time being one you more thank so much for coming into very much hometown has been dominating the news recently but what should john up to a 1000000 weaker muslims have been detained here in so-called reeducation centers the united states has called them concentration camps but is it on germany's priority list the only size a we good activist and president of the world we go to congress he joins me now from munich mr isa that to have you on the program has germany given enough attention to what's happening in japan. what gentlemen has given some attention to each show but not yet what is it your it has been a strong supporter of human rights my view buses and no more can be done. you know want to assume that you know you were 21st century concentration camp for this
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case i would be here germany has not given that you not the chances is good today i'm sure that america will. the nation on the one. company is a home grown is directly connected to walk in and 2 that we were in my hometown in history the stock why do you think germany is not giving it enough attention. well gentlemen the end china is on us of being used to treat. a partner maybe it's not so much today it is a business trip the money is the most important things and the man was not a right student maybe this is the one of the big. reason couldn't. you know occasion but i. try germany the moment cannot maintain our business as usual approach is it china a constitution they say it is muslim medium people are suffering as all german go
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in it should have some response would it be to stand his a human rights sign right i'd like to talk to talk realistically i mean we're talking about a trade relationship but is what 200000000000 euros do you really think that the german government will change how it's doing with china because of human rights concerns when it's 200000000000 euros of state yes i know it is that big a moment is that the sake is a big trade partner china and germany but i thought already business as usual this is a poison is not there all because it is a democracy little law and you know i do have basic value of the german society and this in the west if just to see comparable to treat it some call them money and
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you know to. kind of the money if it. is to stand by china then it is a deep mistake it is a big shame yes it is a whole germany should be do the best should not be easy noted there what are going on for who has. the world will go to congress thank you very much for speaking to us. it's been more than a month since india scrapped a special status and imposed a security crackdown across the disputed region locals say the restrictions are jeopardizing life saving medical treatments though indian authorities deny this did . in india administered kashmir to gauge the situation at hospitals 1st hand. a city under siege. and a hospital struggling to care for thousands despite it. she
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has been regularly suffering bouts of pain. my sister is supposed to have surgery they told us to come today. when we came here today the doctor told us that the operation theatre is a closed. only emergency surgeries will be conducted so as it is it will be a when he will be a bus iconic has been asked to return in 2 weeks to check for a date he's waiting to request if she could miss not a little earlier. but that looks impossible there are crowds of patients here we think in the most but it's part of those to scheduling in day of surgeries doctors here have told us off camera that they cannot schedule these toji is because certain papers are on standby for any emergencies that might pop up because of the tense situation on the ground. with many medical staff one designed for emergencies
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doctors say that only house the usual amount of elective surgeries are taking place . malignant cancers take precedence. doctors say anyone else will have to keep coming back every fortnight to see if the situation has normalized enough for regular operations to resume. a communication blackout imposed by indian authorities has meant that people cannot reach ambulances whatever their family about the health of hospitalized loved ones. and some people are angry that you may get the medicine but so many they do stick it will my sister is very sick we can even call an ambulance because the ferns aren't working i had to bring her on a scooter for over 15 kilometers. to pull into communication there are no communication channels mobile services are down everything's cut off my brother had an accident and some kind people came to our home 25 kilometers away to tell us that's how we found out about
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a. dozen was writing his motorbike to his hometown in south kashmir's a heavily restricted area to buy medicines for his uncle he had an accident. passers by found him barely conscious and brought him to the hospital. the id card in his pocket help them identify where his family is communication. has been thought to be better. how could help my family in the world if over a son is dead or alive. no nation in the world no civilized nation in the world no civilized people of the word it. good have no ideas that a proper destructions of. hossam has been put on the observation put into a new pleading. he says his pain is not only physical it is the being midis he'll inexplicably and suddenly cut off from the rest of the wood waiting for normalcy.
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that's often all thanks. but i don't need to keep. people for over a mention home the force i'm coming. to see me that we can about. the bottom of the family. was one of. the books on. the big i'm not laughing at them well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up in which you. haven't think stephen turgenev culture of looking at the stereotype the question that anyone think the future of the country that i'm not. yet needed to predict is grandma day
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after you tell us it's all about ok. i'm right joe join me from the gentleman from v.w. . post. german chancellor i got my call puts pressure on china and the united states to resolve their trade war the us presidents threats include pulling american business out ms merkel is calling for closer ties between berlin and beijing is that the right approach also coming up risking your social credit rating in china by not recycling the communist governments most ambitious social engineering project since the cultural revolution. welcome to the program germany's leader wants the bark on a new phase in the european union's relations with china. while washington
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continues to hike tariffs on chinese products on the mantle is pushing for a european investment deal with beijing not only that she's banging the heads together reprimanding the unit u.s. and chinese for their trade war in 1st meeting with chinese premier li keqiang at beijing's great hall of the people whose mega said the dispute is affecting the whole world and hopes that both sides will resolve it soon mr lee didn't seem to focus on his country's problems with the u.s. but rather with germany telling the chancellor he hopes germany will accept more chinese companies and loosen export rules for certain goods he went on to say once again that china promises to open up its economy even more. china is becoming an ever more important trading partner for the european union since 2002 a trade has almost tripled according to data from the europeans to to 6 office last year the total trade volume between the european union and china was 605000000000
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euros now the bloc exported products worth more than 200000000000 euros to china and imported nearly 400000000000 euros worth of goods. the german business view with regards to china could be summed up as one of huge opportunities coupled with huge challenges one of the main worries is china's new social credit system as well as its own citizens the chinese government also evaluates companies using a point system and penalizes things it doesn't like german companies fear it's becoming a method of blanket surveillance and they say the system is neither clearly nor transparent deregulated. the internet is also a bone of contention foreign companies in china still have complete access to the worldwide web but beijing plans to introduce laws to curtail that potentially shutting down google or twitter in china turned the old problems with fair play and market access
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a still prevalent despite repeated promises of improvement german companies say they are still discriminated against in china the chances for major concessions in these areas have never been as good a trade war with the u.s. has china under pressure economic growth there was a direct order low in the 2nd quarter so there's a serious need for foreign investment. steve chang joins me now is the director of the china institute at the year university of london welcome to the program steve with iran is in need of foreign investment do you think china will be more open to calls from german companies for better market access where the chinese government who opened china know why germany companies will buy the technology and industrial products to china particularly when he's dealing with the train with the united states it may be rather less receptive to german companies for exporting
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goods that the german companies want to export. now when we look at the tensions in hong kong how much do business concerns play a role when it comes to beijing's ways of addressing this crisis. well the chinese command does care about hong kong. utilities to china and they are not so much about industrial side of it but the find then so signs of it because hong kong can raise capital in ways that for example shanghai or shouldn't judge cannot do so they do care about it but ultimately they care more about the communist party who you know kong than about. given a show by ability of hong kong do you think beijing is worried about at all about trustworthiness in all of this particularly ones when it comes to business relations well from the chinese government's perspective trust within this is a metal whether western companies can't burned the trust of the chinese government
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and not the other way round they assume that the chinese government must command the trust of any western companies for china to operate in china we have already seen to pull the hong kong how the chinese government with cathay pacific and in the end of the pacific or any other major western companies in that situation will have to bow to the chinese government or so they believe and steve is it even sensible to talk about open market access when the government does everything it can to supervise its people and companies in the country. what the chinese perhaps would say to east they will write free open access with chinese crude touristic sed it means that in areas where they really found it very useful to have particular western companies or german companies in particular to have free access
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they would provide that for those not so beneficial to them the access will be much more restricted steve saying of the china institute at the university of london steve thank you for your insight. and let's close over now to frankford with only bartz standing by at the frankfurt stock exchange early optimism that china and the united states are able or would be able to resolve their trade dispute have been ball string stocks in recent days is this optimism sustainable. well it wasn't quite sustainable yet now this friday because there was some little bit disappointing economic news coming in from the united states the job market not adding as many new jobs as expected but all in all i think that optimism still stands because the dax and other european markets made a lot of ground good this week and basically that that ground was defended today if
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you will that's a little bit battle talk but let's just put it this way the optimism is still there but of course it has to be proven by perhaps news that are leaking out when the staff are talking sometime later this month and then when the negotiations actually actually take place in october but there's a lot of optimism the market also fueled by the developments in london and parliament the threat of a no deal bret's it moving away maybe even the threat of a breakfast moving away that's also pleasing investors now and only it is friday let's take a look ahead next week could be a decisive one when it comes to addressing the economic downturn here in europe. that's right the newest economic data shows downward so for germany and the eurozone is also losing speed and it's now maybe and the court of the e.c.b. the european central bank to do something a lot of people expect to do something when it meets at its policy meeting next
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thursday or here in frankfurt and the betting is that the deposit rate will go down that is banks will have to pay an even steeper fine to park money at the e.c.b. whether that really does anything to address economic woes you won't know but the market will be looking forward to that and reacting if it doesn't happen all the bars in frankfurt thank you. and now to some of the other business stories making the news chinese internet conglomerate alibaba is to buy the e-commerce business cola from the chinese company net ease for $2000000000.00 the platform specializes in the sale of luxury foreign goods to purchase is part of alabama's attempts to secure a niche segments of the online retail market china's central bank has loosened its reserve requirements for commercial lenders across the country freeing up 126 $1000000000.00 for lending species their latest effort to stimulate a slowing economy that has been hard hit by a dispute between china and the united states and the european union has responded
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to pressure from the european steel industry by reducing iran is in the quota of foreign steel allowed into the block from 5 to 3 percent the sector has called for increased protection due to u.s. terrors. and back to china where a social credit system has not only businesses on the edge but also regular citizens they have to abide by strict rules set by the government and they affect every aspect of daily life including recycling. several 1000 people live in this shanghai district and recently they started separating their waste communist party authorities brought in the new regulations as part of the country's environmental protection policies. and. the party's district committee is eager to show us how painstaking and enthusiastic everyone is
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about the new program detail diagrams at the disposal center show people what is allowed in which contain a and what not follow it's very difficult to follow the new rules to the letter. i was always wondering which b. and i should put my egg shells into driveway store which i decided on dry but the white containers would have been correct because egg shells decompose and roach it takes me a while to get used to new rules impossible for me to master them all at once. regulate 3 patrols roam shanghai the suit 600 coalitions within the 1st 2 days of the new regulations citizens face fines of 25 euros for not separating my trash correctly companies face penalties of up to 6400 euros. 69 year old weeping is a party member it's her job to watch over her local housing estate her ensure no
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one makes any mistakes. dancing and singing she's now developed a passion for separating waste she checks everything with an eagle eye there are thousands of volunteers like her vying to fulfill their patriotic duty know what someone isn't sure what goes into which we help them out that so embarrassing for them that they really aim to get it right the next time you have someone spat man out and. report them to the citizens committee they then visit him at home to talk with him. so. there are incentives for the local eager beavers who are given points for separating correctly making the effort worthwhile. for it in the when you've collected enough points the government rewards you. just you can use them in exchange for the basics of life like fred. thank you
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keisha no videos about waste separation or even running an underground car parks. not to forget the obligatory. after years of environmental mayhem china is trying at last to get on top of the problem. and that's it for me in the business to méribel and for more news and features you can always go to europe com slash business or follow us on facebook or for watching and have yourself a successful. eco
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. how can
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a country's economy grow harmony its people and that when there are doers look at the bigger picture india a country that faces many challenges. and those people who are striving to create a sustainable future clever projects from europe and india. even us on d w. a quiet melody resounds by the weight of the mood. ready and it soon repeat resonate within its soul. the mind and the music. beethoven fest want 2019 from september 6th to september 29th. this is a 15 year old girl. being gang raped. his teacher is beating
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a boy for talking back and class for the rest of the class points of interest toddlers being hit by his mother and breaking up last. just because you can see violence against children doesn't mean i wasn't there make them visible visible of us might violence against children. our 1st day of school in the jungle. the gloominess of. the. then doris crane moment arrives. join the ring a tank on our journey back to freedom. in our interest in documentary. toronto running 10 returns home on d w dot com honoring its hangs. on a. this
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is deja vu news live from berlin the end of an era one of africa's most polarizing leaders robert mugabe has died at the age of 95 for some the former president of zimbabwe was a freedom fighter for others of brutal dictator we'll look at his complex legacy and ask how people in zimbabwe are likely to remember him also coming up the death toll from hurricane dorian in the bahamas will be staggering the country warns as search and ask you a rescue efforts gather pace thousands of people are missing with tens of thousands more intense scrutiny of 8. plus 2 long time rivals battle it out in the general
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qualifying rounds tonight to germany take on the level of. time sumi so much god it's good to have you with us zimbabwe's former president robert mugabe has died at the age of $95.00 nearly 2 years after being forced to resign mugabe was in bad ways 1st post independence leader and many were member him as the country's liberator but during almost 4 decades in office he ruled zimbabwe with an iron fist crushing dissent in land ways to the economy in a moment we'll hear what life was like under mugabe's regime with our africa news anchor christine one weapon 1st this look at his complex legacy. robert mugabe's political career began in the 1960 s. with the formation of a radical anti colonialist movement dedicated to fighting white minority rule.
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off to zimbabwe became independent 988 elections were held and robert mugabe's son paunchy born by a landslide mugabe became the country's 1st black prime minister striking a china free conciliation and forgiveness despite his militant past. but hopes for a peaceful political transition and fulfilled. political tensions and violence between mcabee supporters and political opponents persisted now that government forces were responsible for killing thousands of civilians. during the 1980 s. and early ninety's he was a welcome guest around the world but by the mid 1990 s. the once venerated freedom fighter was attracting international criticism for his increasingly into tragic rural. white farmers were
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driven from their land by mugabe's support as. dissent was violently quashed opposition leaders when timid aged and beaten. they were never believing the heating here. there were always the good people of even about the important role. but the people of zimbabwe suffered under his rule when mugabe ordered a purge of zimbabwe's slums entire neighborhoods were raised to the ground and up to a 1000000 people made homeless. economically mugabe in ruins and bob with a country that had once been africa's breadbasket. while his people were starving mugabe has celebrated his 91st birthday with a lavish party costing
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a reported $1000000.00. he once said that only god could remove him from office but in the end robert mugabe's insatiable will to power proved his undoing. office firing his vice president and listened to install his wife grace as his 2nd in command the military intervened good money in the field in a defacto coup they placed mcgarvey under house arrest after 37 years in power he was forced to step down. sparking celebrations in the streets of her are a. lot for. some especially africa well on and look obvious legacy in the fight against white oppression. but many around the world will remember him as the continent's most
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notorious dictator. and as we said we have the news africa anchor christine manuel with us here in our studio you're from zimbabwe and we should say you were in harare to cover mugabe são serve in 2017 so a lot to talk about there but 1st let's watch a clip from back then november 21st 2070. 5. kristie look at those images of pure celebration there on the streets in 2017 what did that moment mean to you as a zimbabwean i was i was born in zimbabwe and when i was young and our family moved over the border to south africa a few years after that it became very clear that we were never going to go back to
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where there was never going to be a life for us there i grew up hearing tales of how difficult life was you know cousins would call and tell us how hard things are my parents made the toss up off going to zimbabwe spending money on the trip versus giving the money to bring the tips are desperately needed it you know i was listening when we had the hiv epidemic break out way people died because of not being able to access medicine family members we lost all our relatives so i'm standing there and i had never thought it had never occurred to me in my life even in my reporting life that there would be a day mugabe would resign that mugabe would be alive and not president of zimbabwe so that i shot seconds off to the to hearing the news that mugabe had resigned and i could remember just being in a state of shock not believing what i was saying and people around me celebrating the news that this this man had gone and for me it felt like this is it now for this country that this was the person who was standing in the way of this country being the prosperous nation that i had been told by my parents it used to be that
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that was the bread pasta that my you know that that there was no one hungry in zimbabwe that there was freedom and no oppression at least in the in the in the early years of mugabe so i thought well is this it now is this is just maybe i could live in the world and that really own my country so that was what was there of course we sit here today and you know that's a different story sumi but that was what that moment was like and certainly that's what those people who were around me felt like those people around you we should say were mostly young people and close perhaps generational divide on how people see robert mugabe in zimbabwe what can you say about that it's it is just that you know i was on the phone this morning with my uncle used he's in his late sixty's he said to me christine it's a set. dave we've lost our hero that's who he talks about when i say the dictator he doesn't know who i'm talking about when i say mugabe the oppressor he disagrees with that narrative altogether because he sees the freedoms i have today the pride i have as a black man they gave to me so you do have the people who lived in rhodesia to see
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who was so mugabe come in and liberate them you know my mom was telling me this morning she remembers people dying at a stampede in the stadium come back from was a beacon people just wanted a glance of this man this is who these people remember that hero the person who liberated them then you have young people some of them who by the way i mean in these 34 years in power only knew the let off easy is the difficulty they didn't even know the bitter years in the beginning when he came in so it is very much so it's also a bit of the urban rural divide you go to the rule areas and you talk about mugabe it's almost as if they're living in another generation as well as a different country that is mugabe country stronghold those of the people will kill because they believe in what he did and he was very sure to look after them in the rural areas you know people have a patch of land and they grow they tomatoes and they say this is because of mugabe in the urban areas young people struggling for jobs graduates who come out of university and there's no prospects that they are very much quickly a critical of this president so it is that it is it is
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a generation divide but it's also a rule urban divide what about actually looking at what his legacy was besides the generational divide we heard a sentence earlier this is the man who presided over the decline of one of africa's most prosperous economies is that fair that's true that is the reality mugabe was president wins involve his economy free for all a currency that became a joke i mean in textbooks today economics students study what inflation is when you are holding a trillion dollar note in your hand that is what zimbabwe became and. you know depending on who you're talking to the narrative they offer you is different people will support quick to forgive him and say look everything that happened is big. has the west reacted to how he stood up to them so even across the continent he's revered as a great leader the one who stood up for africa against the list and they punished him for it and that's the narrative that they give but that's just the reality so many people suffered and the mugabe key was president and people were hungry and
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died and how if things been since he left office well this is a tsunami in 2017 madrid had resigned people came out into the streets celebrating and they said things are going to be a bit and now mugabe is gone today not so much not long ago people were back on the streets protesting against the president was in office now the police came out they fired at people people died people injured it's almost as if nothing changed all right good of you know africa and procrustean when were with us thank you so much for sharing your insights was and. now in the bahamas the government is warning that the death toll from hurricane dorian will be staggering at least 30 people are confirmed dead but thousands are missing all dorrian has now made landfall in the u.s. and international humanitarian effort is underway to help those affected in the bahamas the u.n. estimates that 70000 people are in immediate need of aid. under this rubble lie holmes oh blistery today life's cut short the extent of hurricane dorian's
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havoc is slowly beginning to america and so 2 stories of survivors clinging on whatever what one joke to show well once for life well shit what once got to show. its. all those here are frantically trying to get out of the airport departure lounge is overwhelmed. they told us that the d.v.d.'s the frightening people and the elderly people who were supposed to be 1st preference. we have a v.c.r. you still have elderly people you're right so it's not. it's not they're not living up to there were. some 70000 people here need water food and medicine or gently they used to refer to as a slice of heaven not the people who call it home fear it's finished they. all take it they get along. none of
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them or the running and make. a bit off. if they'll buy 100 i mean a 100 offend them if they don't all over. the neighboring grand bahama it is every bit as bleak the road to shelter here is littered with tales of hope. and of heartbreak. so have been to see them for all this money going toward my house. right now i'm heading to the city of refuge so keep us in the palm of my bro. everywhere reminders of those who couldn't escape recovery workers measure the cost in bodies a moment's rest interrupted by the discovery of yet another victim little wonder that officials here are preparing from moscow. let's get
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a roundup of some other stories making headlines around the world opposition parties in the u.k. have agreed not to back prime minister boris johnson's plans for early elections johnson wanted to send voters to the polls just before britain is due to leave the european union on october 31st the move sets up a showdown over whether bragg's it goes ahead on that date and sudan's newly appointed prime minister abdullah has announced his cabinet it is the 1st since the military ousted president omar al bashir in april it includes 4 women and as part of a power sharing agreement between the military and the pro-democracy movement priorities include tackling the ailing economy and reaching peace with armed groups. a senior opposition figure in turkey has been sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison for insulting state institutions and the president and spreading terrorist propaganda now the charges against john uncuffed until stem mainly from twitter posts are
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critical of president to one. has called the trial political and she will remain free pending appeals. and let's get the latest on that story data is really a honda standing by for us in istanbul hialeah tell us who exactly to on the cuff to cut down all is and why she's important. well she is a very prominent political figure here in istanbul the city of 60000000 people active for many years she is the local chairperson of the c.h.p. here in istanbul that's turkey's largest opposition party and is she is also known as someone who has been trying to reach out to the country's kurdish minority and this is the reason why many see her as a key figure in the election success of the opposition here in istanbul in june let's remember for the 1st time in 25 years and opposition politician won the
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mayor's ship off istanbul its defender and everything she wrote and posted falls within the scope of freedom of expression and this is why she's basically calling this trial a political trial saying this is revenge for the opposition's election victory here in istanbul and you have just quickly if you can what happens next could this verdict be reversed in a higher court well that's possible it will go to a higher court now court of appeals mr mom with a new mayor was present at court today with a lot of other supporters and he said he hopes the higher court will drop the charges but then again we have seen similar cases here in turkey people going to jail for social media postings for criticism of the government and john uncuffed on july herself said after the word it have been announced and i quote her here in this country judicial decisions are not made in the courtrooms anymore they are made in the rooms of the presidential palace. with the latest there from istanbul
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thank you. russians are voting in regional elections across the country this weekend but critics are already saying the vote won't be free or fair they accuse local governments of keeping opposition candidates off the ballots opposition supporters have held a wave of protests in the run up to the vote much of the focus has been on elections in the capital moscow which has seen the biggest police crackdown on protesters in nearly a decade get up to reports. this is the most moscow city parliament elections are just around to the caller and to follow it for seats in parliament has been the fiercest moscow has ever seen. it all began in july when practically no opposition candidates went out to run for election. not even huli. of the party allegedly due
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to a technicality dozens of other candidates experienced similar problems this has outraged their supporters. for weeks and there were protests like here with $20000.00 taking part at the beginning of august. the new push to new card war the fact that not a single opposition candidate got through something we really didn't expect. that's quite foolish politically. if i were on the other side i would never have allowed a development like that just yet but soon a says about the oh. she was allowed to run for office with no problems. because some are a position to herself from the very outset as a loyal supporter of incumbent mayor cyril gay so beyond him and as someone who knows how to score points with photos of only with peers the civil war the people are concerned about their daily lives running smoothly about the replacing of trees
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that have been cut down in their yards about their neighborhoods staying safe about improved. it's in their standard of living above all and they want relations little farty used to be trustworthy and you will be ve to lay a flashing years. but is that a reliable relationship with the public or so it is only a benefit to candidates loyal to the government and the opposition turned to protest even when the city refused to issue them the permits the result more than 2000 arrests many of which took place here on pushkin square in downtown moscow. police acted rigorously and at times brutally among the arrested were innocent passers by my nurse and john honest. most who were released after several hours but some remained behind bars for weeks such as humanly are going to yanina she was in custody for $33.00 days but the thought in the uprising was syrian them
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where to stuff need to go bust or another system forces us to take to the streets but the our media is controlled you were not allowed to take part in the elections all we have left is the streets in order to make our ideas public even that's restricted to guess of who are the coolest solar stores or the car they have used to operate its image that i'm categorically against the opposition provoking the old artie's all remaining closed to dialogue that is that instead organizing demonstrations that are not approved and during which innocent people have to suffer. just like the candidates a rift has forum to between moscow vides who supported the current system and if those who want change but their conflict is unlikely to influence the outcome of this weekend's election. if even actual results are basically already clear of the exclusion of most of the independent candidates. while russians are getting
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set to vote up president vladimir putin is seeking to boost investment in the country at an economic forum and saudis are stuck with the leaders of japan and india sanctions imposed by the e.u. and the us after the russian annexation of crimea mean that moscow is looking to the east to find new friends. russia india and japan at the eastern economic forum. this judo tournament is entertainment for the world leaders here but one of the key discussions at this summit is how to end a territorial dispute between japan and russia which began in 1905 there were a couple 3 letters concluded a peace treaty and unleashed in one fell swoop the limited potential that the people about to contribute hold on but with an order in a link between japan and russia would transform the entire region a guy or it would change the world significantly. putin himself
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a well known practitioner of judo refused to commit to that. but with india's new render modi offering to invest $1000000000.00 in russia that search for new friends is going well. look michael. president recently said the leadership of the west is ending. and i cannot imagine an effective international organization that works without india or china you skitter it's certainly a narrative that russia wants to push and despite historic disputes with japan the 2 countries a strengthening their economic ties while they may have their disagreements behind closed doors. in public they're currently on the same side. on a state visit to china german chancellor angela merkel has said that the freedoms of the hong kong people must be guaranteed after an official welcome at the great hall
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of the people in beijing merkel premier league and the to discuss the ongoing trade war between china and the us michael said the dispute is having global consequences and she added that she hopes it can be resolved soon. while i'm going michael is in china walking a diplomatic tightrope here in germany berlin's newborn panda twins have been caught up in a not so diplomatic spat over hong kong and. here with us to tell us more about this all of these panda cubs they're barely a week old right and house has become politicized so this week the berlin newspaper tiger spiegel they polled their readers all sitting for name suggestions for these 2 newborn pandas. and it turned out that the lynas wanted to call them hong kong city in recognition of the pro-democracy movements that is happening there now it's important to say that these the berlin pandas are actually owned by the
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chinese government they're on loan to berlin as part of so 100 diplomacy so this story was then picked up by the tabloid billed they wrote an editorial asking the german government to use the to use the name of these pandas to pressure to send a message to to beijing basically of course it's not very likely that the german government will do that but this naming coinciding with angela merkel's visit to beijing has put the spotlight on these 2 cubs that sounds like panda diplomacy gone wrong yeah you might say that's like i said or most pandas around the world in zoos they're actually all on loan from beijing the german government for example pays a $1000000.00 a year to keep to keep these pandas here. they will be to return in 15 years and the offspring that they have like these 2 cubs they belong to china and they will go back in a few years when they don't need their mother anymore as of this is the pound of the primacy is it's basically beijing's way to maybe try and you know sway hearts
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and minds in countries like germany where there might be voices critical of beijing critical of human rights abuses or now critical of you know the crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in hong kong as you might say the panda diplomacy in. case has backfired now as a board to say this call was not official it's not up to this newspaper to actually decide what to name these 2 adorable diplomats very interesting story. with us here in a studio thank you very much and we'll have more on i'm going ackles visit to china coming up on news asia a little bit later now to some sports it is the standout match of the euro qualifiers tonight 2 of europe's most talented football teams and long time rivals face off germany is hosting the netherlands and how book germany coach has played up his young teams closeness ahead of their match with the netherlands who
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is byron's leon gorecki are out injured has been a break in the chain is shoddy but by the human mind it's a real shame and i know from experience that there was a bit of a break from the team in 2010 that they need to play with more or less with same starting line up. over $810.00 or 12 matches. without too many changes that he freely for in the wont give dutch courage ronald koeman seems to have no problem switching up his young side and his 10 matches in charge he's never named the same line up in 2 consecutive games like germany the netherlands also emerging from a difficult patch. in germany are sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker and that also has to do with the quality of the rival that little going to call the guys from dictators some of these 2 great rivals should fight it out for top spot in
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group c. germany have the upper hand thanks to a 32 win earlier this year in amsterdam the last time they lost at home to the dutch was on the way back in 2002. all right coming up next on news asia we're looking at the impact of the security lockdown in kashmir medical services how to hit hardest and see indian government stripped the region off its special status. to respond she has that story and much more coming up on your news asia and ok you can follow us on twitter for all the latest headlines our handle there is out to d.w. news thank you for watching.
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india. how can a country's economy grow harmony its people. when there are do workers who look at the bigger picture india a country that faces many challenges engines people are striving to create a sustainable future clever projects from europe and india. 16 d.w. . first home to millions of species among more saving. those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use the took the climate boost green energy solutions and reforestation. to create interactive content teaching the next generation about
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environmental protection and more determined to build something here for the next generation of global ideas a multimedia environment series on t.w. . play a mill and i'm getting close to a brand new w from biological it's personal device it's about topics that affect us all pollution from climate change and the turn. colin said that. this is the good news a shot coming up is germany choosing trade or human rights in its relations with china that's the 200000000000 dollar question that's not i'm going to buckle is
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visiting germany's knowledge just reading popped up and she says dialogue result the deadlock in hong kong we lost protest organizers what they think also coming up .


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