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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  September 9, 2019 11:45pm-12:01am CEST

11:45 pm
can so many journals have been summoned by the government officials where did you get from this information is against sort of against a threat and caution also. that all occasionally briefing like today when reporters are invited to hear from army and police officials as the focus of the briefing however is not on the situation in the media randi it is on pakistan and its alleged efforts at infiltration. officials insist that the past month has been the most peaceful and kashmir and shutting down communications has been a legitimate means to achieve that we have. this. is. one of the move. in the west and this is a blow. but it isn't just trouble makers for the government as why did about dogs on the media are evident when security forces don't count as
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a we reporters cannot argue i tell bob it is a place that maybe in the absence of communication networks and reliable knew was hearsay and conjecture on rampant if any to ask or to one dog by security forces for example the people is the one that while it has broken out that there's no way to ratify it. these unofficial channels are amplified because dress events do not trust little creepy was on national television news. they believe those journalists are doing the official line from the hindu nationalist government and refusing to portray the hardships on the ground. would be it was belittling really don't get any news media reports fake news these schools are open shops are open traffic is moving but look around you you are in the heart of srinagar shops are closed schools are closed people are distressed on the good news many of the news i've watched is totally fake which we can't trust the media anymore we can't trust what
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they are saying. and they spot is grateful that his editors do not dictate what he can and cannot write but he why he is that all journalists do not have that freedom . they don't even go to their duty is not a single comment on the street and what has happened to the people will come at their discretion and there are sometimes a precious little presence for the precious. right to speak freely one simply be the stored when the for one stop drinking again. ard for more on this now let's pull an aliyah if the car she is in delhi she works for the committee to protect journalists which is a u.s. based organization that promotes press freedom around the world believes good to see you you are in touch as i understand with journal is across the kashmir region in order to document any obstructions to a free press what are they telling well actually we haven't
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been able to get directly in touch with many of our sources and the region. our correspondent has been on the ground in kitchener and was able to speak to many of them but largely in the beginning we were we had to rely on journalists who had left the region and camera able to get elected and were able to tell us what they were seeing and it's not a pretty picture as you outlined earlier in your program we are seeing journalists facing restrictions not just in their will meant they're being blocked from shooting videos or photos by security forces at times but they're not even able to do the very basics of their reporting which is gathering eras and filing stories just the basics of having immense difficulty to you and your organization you verged indian authorities to seize any type of harassment or intimidation
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against journalists i'm trying to do their work in kashmir and has there been a response. we have not yet received a response we've reached out several times to the indian government and we have not gotten a formal response. and in this report we heard that officials are saying that by shutting down communications. they helped create a more peaceful situation in kashmir i mean what do you make of that well we're talking about a region of 70000000 people that have been cut off from the rest of the world or more than what's going on by weeks now and that is just completely unacceptable i mean internet mobile even landlines just a few came on last week so there's no 2 way communication and to point
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there wasn't even one way through an occasion they're not able to get news of what's happening you know just in the neighborhood next to them and it's you know it's difficult to know what the government is saying in terms of back to share as normal because we're not able to get a full picture of what exactly is going on in question here but everything that we are hearing shows that it is quite far from normal all right on the if the car with the committee to protect journalists joining us tonight from delhi thank you thank you so much. this is g w news these are our top stories the u.k. parliament is about to begin an unprecedented 5 week suspension lawmakers will be sent home regardless of how they vote on prime minister johnson's call for a snap general election queen elizabeth today formally approves
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a law forcing the government to delay breaks it unless it can strike a deal with the european union and the speaker of the commons john bercow announced today that he will be stepping down within weeks. and that its backing of president vladimir putin suffered heavy losses in this weekend's moscow city council elections many opposition candidate were barred from running the band sparked widespread unrest over the summer and voter turnout over the weekend in that election was look. in tennis rafia the doll has won the 4th u.s. open in new york beating a russia's. in 5 exhausting set the dog won the 1st 2 sets but. fought back and forced a decisive 5th the doll has now 1900 grand slam titles just one behind the all time leader roger federer. well this is e.w. news from berlin you can always find the latest headlines at d.w.
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dot com or you can follow us on twitter and d w. you're watching news live from berlin i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day to see that. boy. oh boy.
11:53 pm
how the wool is pulled over our eyes must train ranchers mistreat that land use brutal methods to maximize the investment. in seumas never see or hear about it profits come rolling in the money to get a constant animal well sad. song. on d w.
11:54 pm
natural riches something. precious resources. and a room ordering investment. farmland has been called a good deal cancer.


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