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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  September 12, 2019 1:30pm-2:00pm CEST

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explosive device these are topics that affect us through our climate change and the turn. i am being sent down to. hello and welcome to focus on europe i'm lara babilonia thanks for joining us the drama surrounding gregg's it is escalating and has plunged british politics into a deep crisis british prime minister boris johnson is determined to push his brags that plan through and he has suspended parliament a move that caused outrage even within his own party and further polarize british
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politics well it's a tug of war that is dividing the united kingdom and testing the nerves of those with a lot at stake like residents in northern ireland a small town of nuri is just a stone's throw away from the republic of ireland the majority of people there voted against briggs it our reporter went to the border town to see how the drama in london is affecting their lives. it's 9 30 am at a coffee shop at newbury where folks are once again scratching their heads about the latest developments in the bracket saga. people are following the political drama in london closely the majority of voters here voted remain and still want to stay in the e.u. some are enjoying the spectacle. watching the british just making fools of themselves in relation to that you know we're giving. this one
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fortunately for them not only just so. we have much enjoy it. i but others like the cafes owner are angry. graham finnegan has invested a lot of time and money in his new business but bricks it hangs like the sword of damocles over his head and has for a long while. yeah absolutely sick to death of record because i'm sick to death of the ineptitude and they are against hope that british governments. second david cameron trees in the. forest of the free johnson. particularly for people in the north of ireland. outside big trucks thunder by as near relies on a major transport route between dublin and belfast what will become of the free trade of goods will border checks be reintroduced there are many questions but no answers. yet some in the cafe support breck's it.
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joe we had an election that said look at us out like we're leaving and it sort of prolonged and that's one excuse after the other and when sam forced johnson's biggest fans thoughts he seems to be rocking a lot of those so it's lacey's if you can start on. these young bankers worried about the drop in the value of sterling the weakness of the british pound is also a problem for graham finnegan. he orders coffee beans from berlin in barcelona and pays in europe's foods like this fresh salmon. come from the republic of ireland. he's unsure whether his suppliers will deliver after breakfast. but that's not his biggest worry. for people living on the border think that the real threat here isn't more expensive gays in the supermarket actually tried to pace in this country
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. a task in a shared his concern. she experienced the bloody conflict in northern ireland known as the troubles firsthand in the 1980 s. . now she's tweeted excerpts of the diary she kept as a teenager. is making people anxious i think especially older people who through the troubles and you know what it's like. part of us maybe wants to feel it can never really go back to that create violence. going to make a task me want to show us what happened back then she says at one time nuri had the highest rate of bomb attacks during the troubles more than 50 people were killed here. today it's hard to believe that civil war like conditions plagued the city. all the shops are boarded up because you couldn't. touch the front of the shops there was shootings on a pretty regular basis army patrols army checkpoints. back
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at the cafe graham finnegan's young son comes by after school. graham hopes that his boy and other children in newry will grow up in a united europe not a deeply divided united kingdom. affordable housing is becoming increasingly scarce in european cities the places that are popular with tourists are especially hard hit like barcelona which is one of spain's top destinations while more and more apartments are being rented out to visitors and it's the residents who are paying the price $1.00 company has found a solution so called beehive apartments are booming in barcelona around the size of an office cubicle they were originally designed to accommodate tourists but the lack of social housing has made the cramped quarters home for some
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it took up on your lives in barcelona on just 4 square meters while with this city . this is a sleeping box it's pretty tight but it's basically almost a room with. but i think that all the essentials fit we both. get the coverage on me and no meaning for this box he pays $200.00 euros per month next door a small shared bathroom lounge and kitchen for $24.00 tenants. it's an emergency solution for after a year ago his relationship fell apart and he moved out. but he still has to maintain the apartment and support 2 children on an income of a 1000 euros. though because i'm no longer with my family and can't find a full time job i can't even afford a room. and we. have to take money from my savings every month for the.
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barcelona is booming the cost of living is rising. a room costs an average of $500.00 euros rental apartments are now an affordable for many. mark only they wants to profit from his business idea called collina or beehive his project living in boxes but as the graffiti at the entrance to his exhibition space shows there's a lot of opposition to it his explanation sounds like an apology if this is the man we're going to have thought info about on this system was never intended for the inhabitants of the city's reported thank you only for travellers for tourists but a few but not for people who live and work in the city people who at the moment are in misery you know pulling about everything of. people like santiago or take the colombian has lived in barcelona for 2 years he can't even afford a room from sales of his handmade wooden figures so he sleeps in the call main a prototype on exactly 2 point $64.00 square metres in
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a room only $1.00 metres high no visitors allowed. when i price was the deciding factor but if i can save but it's not ideal for living. the project is just beginning says mark only bay he wants to expand together with investors he wants to build a complex with up to $650.00 sleeping boxes here. he doesn't feel sorry for the residents. men or this is the lesser evil after all you sleep in a normal bed with normal dimensions but you share the place with other people temporarily maybe 2 years unless you can hold out longer so i was going to end up without one. ingrid leone thinks it's outrageous for days the ecuadorian woman has been camping in the outskirts of barcelona she was kicked out of her apartment because she lost her job and couldn't pay the rent. she's hoping for
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state assistance living in a sleeping box is out of the question for her. by then you mean by we don't even live like this in my country you know that is inhuman. i can't imagine living like this i don't know that's so depressing you know but that's a military one is that they don't they're. in the meantime an entire organization is fighting along with ingrid against the decline of affordable housing. sees a new threat in the coalmine us from their form though this basically undermines dignified living if they can't call it living. packed into a box. with their living spaces reduced to a minimum i get that how can one live like that. one head where they really think. barcelona city council is also concerned about the coal miners and wants to ban them we don't get an interview but we do get
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a mail that says the boxes don't meet the minimum required dimensions of living space. market leave it doesn't agree he says the definitions are not clear cut the communists are a legal gray area in demand is great. he has already received more than $3000.00 applications but the other more order of the of basically we're offering 10 square meters per person. but only $2.00 in a sleeping box. but all the rest is for every day life in the common room of someone if but i thought so the. big to come in your has now become used to it living in the cold manner for more than 6 months now he never thought he'd stay this long but until he finds a better job his life has to fit into a box. the recent fires in the amazon have drawn attention to just how crucial forests are for absorbing c o 2 emissions and reducing global warming but brazil isn't the only
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place where forests are under threat the northern european country of finland is the most forest rich nation in europe finns call it green gold and it covers the vast majority of land where the country aims to be carbon neutral by 2035 and the forests are a natural defense system against global warming so why then is tree logging in finland at an all time high and viral mental activists paloma have known and is fighting to preserve the country's forests but the revenue they generate makes the issue less clear cut on her days off polo manone and loves heading into the woods the environmental activist is glad that 2 thirds of her native finland is covered in forest although most of it are commercial forests and not wild ones like in this national park near helsinki for 3 forest would be pretty harvested for the trees to go faster bigger and they would be. like fertilizers
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might be used for to create more growth in a shorter period of time. in the lumber industry it seems is out to harvest and process more trees than ever last year a record number of trees were cut down to make wood and paper products. but environmentalists like paloma known and are sounding the alarm. watch at the moment where we're burning all forest and we're using them for the short short lasting products and also the young forest. they don't do a so well carbon as efficiently as the little bit older ones. finland's forests play a key role as c o 2 sinks after all global warming is having a very strong effect especially on northern europe. the country's center left government has therefore decided that finland's lumber industry must change. it
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wants to make the country carbon neutral by 2035. but mass logging certainly won't help achieve this goal. in finland have a majority of the forest this privately owned so we will have to find incentives for forests owners to to grow their forest older perhaps harvest more selectively older. so those specific tools and policy or financial incentives need to be developed but the direction of travel is clear and that's also clear. to the industry. but the countries timber industry which forms the backbone of finland's economy wants to keep operating as before after all one out of 5 finished export goods is made of wood and industry representatives say they're looking into making sustainable products like textiles from cellulose
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fibers. you need to do so would otherwise it it becomes again. meter of c o 2 so if you want to be part of the solution using 3. way of capture of c o 2 at the latest you need to also use that would plant new trees that's the way you have you keep it seemed for for many decades. but paloma had known and doesn't buy this argument she says logging always harms the environment. and the numbers of threatened species for example in forest. is growing so carbon seeing are decreasing so obviously we're not doing enough so people are now starting to see what what does it mean on the ground level to increase the logging so that kiya cuts are are in people's backyards they are they are. they're affecting the waters that people use
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they are affecting the forest the people you for picking perry's and mushrooms on that for recreational purposes so in the local level people are waking up now and resisting big investments. finland is still largely covered in forest but known and is very worried that it still won't be enough to weaken the effects of climate change. it's an event that promotes love and tolerance but also triggers anger in the hearts of some in the bosnian capital of serry a vote the rainbow flag was proudly on display during the country's 1st ever gay pride parade with sniper units watching from above members of the community marched for an open and tolerant society well the conservative country has long been hostile towards queer people like adnan by ram ovitz the parade was seen as a test for bosnia which has hopes of joining the european union. this is syria
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votes 1st ever gay pride parade and over a 1000 police officers are on the streets to keep the protesters safe after all being openly gay lesbian or a member of a sexual minority is still a big taboo in bosnia. 20 year old is among the protesters he's bisexual his coming out was a long difficult struggle but at this year's gay pride parade he can finally be open about his sexuality without fear. i've been to many gay pride parades before but it's something really special to have this sense of freedom in my home city. i'm overwhelmed. this is the new sorry eva. the syria boat he is known so far is very different.
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i've known doesn't want to show us his neighborhood out of fear of running into people who know his sexual orientation. you know i was alone for many years i was lonely i pretended to be someone else well congress will claim i adopted an identity that was not really mine to hide my true self. he shows us where he went to school and where he 1st spoke out for days after which he was beaten up by some of his fellow schoolmates. the funny thing is they didn't even know my sexual orientation of a couple that i thought i'm a straight guy supporting the gay movement. is giving up and that's why they attack me after school. i guess you learn to deal with them for existing. adnan says none of the teachers bothered to react to the incident that he says is
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just how things are here. ever since the bosnian war conservative saudi wahhabi islam has begun spreading in the country it's gradually displacing bosnia's more liberal islam it regards homosexuality as unacceptable. business where it's going to get little the family is a fundamental unit in the society of bosnia and herzegovina we want this message to be hurt and we almost. several 100 fundamentalists have turned out to stand up for what they deem traditional bosnian values. what a duty to this is how things are supposed to be if god had created only in men's own you women humanity would die over time to create us to procreate and this is only possible within the family. and these counter protesters are worlds apart even though some people he knows could be here some which i can call out yet and
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i'm kind of afraid i might see one of my neighbors or relatives. so it's not to me you can get used to the hatred in the country and i think he is but it is different when you're hated by someone who you know so well but you know it's the. news talk a nickel goes out that you're the boss. by law nobody may be discriminated against because of their sexual orientation but bosnians are divided over gays and lesbians are not the dollar does all the every person has the right to love whoever they want that's their free choice. i am against people publicly demonstrating for something that should be a private matter. recently and so publicly expressing your sexual orientation is an acceptable. sorry yeah those 1st ever gay pride parade is in the media spotlight more than 2000 people. taken to the streets to call for tolerance and to protest against discrimination there are even several western ambassadors among the
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crowd. the large police force keeps hecklers and counter protesters at a distance they want to stop the march going ahead. but today is not bothered by them he just enjoys the atmosphere. yesterday was all about hate and traditional values but today it's all about love. even if it's love that is protected by a huge police presence. finally we would like to introduce you to a frenchman famous for his powerful and controversial voice i'm talking of course about more raised their rooster who's crowing landed his owner in court well the
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squabble on the island of all our all has ruffled many feathers and pitted city dwellers against country folk marius's on a covering fest saw is using her voice to gain support for her rooster as the does it with her neighbors becomes the subject of a larger debate. 6 6 am on the french island of all eyes on maurice the fisherman's rooster crows as loud as he can he's just doing his job no problem until tourists bought a neighboring holiday home and wanted to sleep there undisturbed without the crowing of maurice. plenty of police were. for me you know if they asked me if i could give the rooster away you know i politely answered that i couldn't go in that i wanted to keep my rooster like people with you and either they could live with it if we were they could go on vacation somewhere else he said gift to. the new neighbors are putting pressure on her with calls and
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letters they hire an expert to prove that the roosters crowing is unbearable 3 days in a row he records maurice's crows. have chemical thank you. my lawyer told me they spent a lot of money on the experts 1500 euros for 3 days the rooster only crowed on 2 of the days from think. the expert's report on the rooster sounds very professional new home we went into my client's bedroom and opened the window at 641 the rooster began to crow shall in fact maria's crows normally as any rooster does but still too loud for the neighbors who want to silence him by law they don't want to be identified and reject our interview request. as absurd as the case may seem the mayor of sap tells us more and more 2nd home owners are complaining to him about local customs. the new well you.
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know the last 3 or 4 years it's been getting worse the poor old i've been getting more and more complaints it was easy people tell me that the bells are ringing too loudly. they count exactly how many times the bell has been struck and how many seconds they have been disturbed during that night to believe that it will be division even received a complaint that our fishing marina smells too fishy. steamers and what really bothers me is what is behind it that these people want to change our lives. not for rooster owner kerryn she created an organization to defend maurice she and the other islanders sell t. shirts to pay for the legal fees. after all they believe the rooster is the national symbol of france and must be allowed to crow. since he did this maybe they're bothered by the crowing but they should have solved it peacefully i'm
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shocked by the way it was handled. the men didn't show you wasn't it's a shame that people go to court over something like this. you only doing that as we come from a place where people from the city have complained about farmers with callous. this isn't that what the cows were here long before they were injured i find something like this ridiculous we don't want them they should stay in their cities period. cohen is also putting up all her resistance and the name of all those who had to give up their animals. to jump and i've heard that other rooster owners in france gave up and killed their animals easily recipes. it's the same with cows they took their bells or drove them somewhere else. and i do not like that and i don't think it's ok and. that's why i want to do it differently the pool really confident for now i want to show that rule life in
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france has always existed and simply belongs here. well if you get this kitty there . are no little. korean passionately rehearses songs in the garden for concerts she gives on the islands. she says that rooster maurice has been very upset by the whole thing the way he grows less now he's upset i think he sensed everything that's been going on. the surface of this. already should feel better soon the court has ruled in favor of corrine but the plaintiffs are checking if they can appeal the ruling. looks like 2019 is shaping up to be the year of the rooster i thank you for watching focus on europe if you have any questions or comments about our show you can get in touch with me on twitter don't forget you
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can also watch our program on life. i'll see you next week.
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i'm going. to. come out. into the conflict zone with jim sebastian. here in london it's still all about breakfast 1st johnson the shutdown a fractious and i agree column of my guest here this week you sound you bridget conservative m.p. and leading critics it supports the flu virus john so mount up a below the column and was put in front of him like so for.
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india. how can a country's economy grow harmony its people find it odd when there are dupers look at the bigger picture. india a country that faces many challenges lists and people are striving to please a sustainable future. clever projects from europe and. eco india on d w. i'm not nothing out of the gym i just sometimes i am but i stand up in the winter that the german thinks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotype clad that is think is new for the country that i now know the time. needed to be taken as grandma day out
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to me it's all about hey look i'm rachel join me for me to devon bundy w. . post. natural richardson a precious resources. and a room warning investment. farmland that's because the ethiopians gringo in the country has an abundant supply of leases to international her from trying. the government jobs after next month the corporation some high profit margin. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. objects of creation the bar mental destruction starvation the best selling out of the country. donkeys for. a start september takes on d w. the but.
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the but . this is live from berlin that disputes between germany and china escalates over the sea activists visit to berlin beijing summons the german ambassador after meeting between joshua long and germany's foreign minister in the german capital chinese now he's in germany and meddling in its affairs. also coming up to hundreds of nigerians back at home.


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