tv DW News Deutsche Welle September 17, 2019 8:00am-8:31am CEST
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thank you. exposing and justice global news that matters to me for minds. this is deja vu news live from berlin the stakes are very high in israel's that country holds its 2nd election this year benjamin netanyahu is hoping to hold on to power that despite corruption allegations against him but he's facing a very strong challenge from former military chief benny gantz also coming up on the show just one last thing you see on the street. i don't see
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international honors the swedish environmental activist greater who calls for more mass protests in the fight against climate change. and a former u.s. intelligence agent edward snowden says the government surveillance and social media giants are shredding your right to privacy details are out in his new book. i'm brian thomas thanks so much for joining us well polls have opened in israel's 2nd general election this year it's expected to be a tight race both prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his main opponent wrapping up their campaigns with visits to the western wall in jerusalem is hope today's election will end the political crisis that began when netanyahu was unable to form
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a government after the last election that was just 5 months ago in april but he's facing a close challenge from the former army chief benny gantz who's running as a centrist. for the very latest bring indeed have used tanya kramer joining us from jerusalem good morning to you tanya polls opening behind you there but broadly in the region and not only in syria and around tanya but also very close to home in gaza we're looking at a very in stable region how much is security playing an issue for the voters right there where you are. certainly security in everything what you just had happening in syria iran lebanon but also in the south in israel and gaza is always on people's minds here and of course also for the coming days and prime minister netanyahu has always made his career on this image of mr security so
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he has pushed that forward also very very prominently in his campaign but also the main contenders spending guns and the blue and white party i mean he is has been the army chief under netanyahu and in the leadership of blue and white you have 3. generals so to speak and a former defense minister they also push this agenda of being very strong on issues of security but having said that i'm standing in front of the polling station and people i talked to said this is very much about also the. kind of referendum about benyamin netanyahu and you know it's more about personalities here and this 2nd round of elections in this year than about topics and some of the people here told me actually they would like the politicians to focus a bit more on issues that are really important to say like social issues the economy or education ok well benjamin netanyahu did raise one issue
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a new one he promised voters that he'd annex parts of the west bank if a real life did how did that play with the voters in israel. personally in israel this is not such a contentious issue as you know it is actually a broad i mean in the security establishment has always been a consensus that the jordan valley should say it with israel as a security barrier. having said that the way it is done you know whether unilaterally as mr netanyahu proposed in this election that's just a week before the elections or whether it will be done through negotiations that might be the difference and also clue in why the have very quickly said what's good that mr netanyahu said that we have always been on the stand that jordan the jordan valley should stay with israel but of course. it's a question all they're going to do but some people here i mean in the media
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especially the said this is morning lexan problem is we have to wait and see whether he will actually go ahead but he could be in a bind actually depending on what kind of government he will form if he will have to go into a government with the ultra right wing and they will push him to go for that ok time for now thanks very much we'll have much more from tanya kramer in israel for us today thanks very much tony. it's to the u.s. now where president donald trump says he believes iran was probably behind attacks on saudi arabian oil installations of the weekend but he also underscored he's waiting for definitive proof of who exactly exactly was responsible and would also consult america's allies before taking any further action from said all options are still on the table but that there was no rush to go to war. the crown prince of bahrain the fischel visit to the white house was planned long ago but it couldn't be more timely the biggest question was would president trump take military action
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against iran without preconditions the united states is we're prepared that any country in the history. of in any history where want war i don't want war with anybody i am somebody that would like got to have. these satellite images released by the u.s. military purportedly show the damage inflicted on the saudi oil plants and demonstrate how precise the attacks were carried out with drones or possibly cruise missiles. washington says the attacks were simply too complicated to be the work of who he read bill's in neighboring yemen saudi arabia claims iran was behind the strike. these weapons are iranian weapons our initial investigations show the terrorist attack did not come from yemen as the who it is claimed. white house representatives have also publicly blamed iran for the bombings but have yet to provide any definitive evidence on twitter u.s.
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president trump hinted at the possibility of military action he said there's reason to believe that we know the culprit and a locked and loaded depending on verification so is this simply saber rattling from president trump or is he heading down the road to military strikes. the president's going to have to make some very hard calls. we've got his political base will be divided over whether there needs to be a direct u.s. military response or whether the u.s. we should ports should be supporting. countries in the region responding to attacks against. the iranian president hassan rouhani met with his allies in ankara and defended the he's campaign against saudi arabia. or to get him out of the way you many people are simply defending themselves these attacks a reciprocal and have to end the only solution for yemen has to be political down.
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white house officials announced said to be debating the best course of action communication or confrontation. use a washington correspondent all over salah has been following the story for us and says the u.s. is 20 twentieth's actions are playing a role and how the president's response to the attacks on saudi arabia are. this was a typical donald trump play lots of mixed signals spec and forth maximum pressure the president threatening retaliation but eventually walks everything back saying he does not want any military escalation and let's not forget we are nearing the 2020 election campaign and president trump knows very well the majority of the americans are tired of war and conflicts but president trump also needs to be care for them the more you threatens the more he will be forced to act and therefore even if unlikely america bumble into a war that nobody really wants. let's preview now on some
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of the other stories making the news at this hour in a letter to congress president trump has announced that the united states will enter a limited trade pact with japan in the coming weeks the initial trade deal is expected to cover tariff barriers and digital trade it's unclear whether the deal will include agricultural. protestors in haiti have burned tires and barricaded streets in the capital port au prince over the weekend angry over fuel shortages supplies of been scarce for more than 3 weeks because distributors are refusing to deliver any more fuel and told the government pays some $100000000.00 as overdue. leader carey lamb says she will engage in direct talks with community leaders that in efforts and 3 months of protests she said further discussions with and be opened up with the broader public being able to join in. yes. the 16 year old swedish
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environmentalist graded to berger's received an award from amnesty international for her work urging action to deal with climate change and ceremony in washington amnesty said she had shown unique courage and leadership. it was the moment the crowd had been waiting for was and hearing gratitude. for her message was activism works. the any thank you. so what i'm telling you to do now is to act because no one is too small to make a difference this award. it's for all of those millions of people young people around the world who together make up
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a movement called fridays for future was a movement to merge founded after missing school on fridays to protest against political an action on climate change it is called the attention of people both young and old including the secretary general of amnesty international community do he spoke to d w the award ceremony. i think is something powerful about young people speaking out in this way because the c.e.o.'s of the fossil fuel companies place and trump and all the other people that are holding us back from progress our parents and grandparents and so on and hopefully the penny will drop soon. the fridays for future activists have urged everybody to take part in global climate strikes on september 20th and 27th to coincide with the un climate summit in new york 2nd term bird said he hopes to see you on the streets.
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a whistleblower edward snowden's new book goes on sale today the former american intelligence analyst shocked the world when he leaked details of a massive american internet surveillance program spanning the globe he's living in exile in russia because he faces espionage charges and a likelihood of life in prison back in the u.s. some see him as a hero others condemn him as america's most wanted traitor as with snowden his recent permanent freckle to set the record straight himself told german television that he's concerned about the fates of future whistleblowers and i think that's one of the saddest lessons from this story what does it say to the next whistleblower and what does it say the world what to say ourselves when the only place that american this again can be heard is from places that we wouldn't expect. in 2013 snowden was working as a contractor for the national security agency or n.s.a.
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in interviews he'd said he'd become disillusioned and had ethical concerns about the massive government surveillance programs that were part of his assignment later that year snowden was accused of leaking classified information to the media that documents reveal the way governments are using online data from the devices of ordinary citizens to monitor their lives snowden also sees more immediate dangers on our virtual doorstep an internet giant you can look around the world today and go governments are not threat they're increasing more through with each passing year and you can say the same of these internet john or they have made an enemy of public privacy they make their money by selling our lives as a product snowden's adverse or is say he's sharing of classified files that disclosed military secrets to america's enemies and in danger to u.s. agents was a reckless act snowden has been living in exile in russia ever since the u.s.
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wants him extradited on espionage charges he could face decades in prison in his memoir snowden complains that countries around the world had refused to grant him asylum it became evidence that even the most advanced democracies were afraid of incurring the wrath of the u.s. government snowden regards germany as among those countries but the german foreign minister stands firm on his commitments to legal procedure. i consider it to be fundamentally wrong for ministers to comment on how they think asylum procedures should turn out. these are processed according to the law by to snowden denies any collaboration with the russian government his russian invested in comics fans out next year he's living as an undisclosed address in moscow. where european union officials have criticised british prime minister of boris johnson after talks on the u.k.'s departure from the bloc mission present or
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younger saying it was britain's responsibility to come up with proposals to break the deadlock but that it has failed to do so johnson for his part decided to skip a final news conference. it was not quite the welcome he had been hoping for course johnson on his way to meet luxembourg's prime minister. johnson met with e.u. commission president john clarke to discuss brecht's it over lunch. the prime minister expressed optimism that a so-called heartbreaks it could be avoided. yes there is a good chance of a deal yes i can see the shape of it. everybody can see buffy what could be done but it will require. movement and the us system by which the e.u. can control the u.k. after we leave. the so-called backstop. to go from that treaty but
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you officials cautioned that johnson had so far failed to come up with an alternative to the backstop. the british prime minister has said he does not seek to delay brax it beyond the current october 31st deadline. he also seemed to be in a rush to depart from the meeting with his luxembourg counterpart and jovial but tell was left to hold a joint press conference alone. and tell her not to hold back his frustration. you can't hold the future hostage for party political case. so now it's. it's. mr johnson he holds the future of all u.k. citizens and every you citizens live in the u.k. he sense if he's responsible it to your people our people count on you but the clock is ticking use your time wisely doc's most prime minister also
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accused johnson of playing the blame game i repeat he spreads it's not my choice it's been a decision from the party it was a decision from david cameron to do it they decide they decide and i deeply regret it but don't put the blame on us because now they don't know how to get out of this . situation they put themselves. it's not my choice. talks will continue but the e.u.'s confidence in johnson's of political or willingness to achieve it deal is fading fast. as did every news live from berlin still to come on the show it is the most fine tingling experience in football will tell you which superstar was afraid of missing out on the night's champions. but 1st france's agriculture ministry is on high alert that after detected signs of
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a notorious disease that destroys all of trees the bacteria which causes what's called all of leprosy has devastated grows across neighboring italy news that it has crossed the border as growers in southern france very worried. the tool trees infected with the feared plant as he's in southern france were discovered in private gardens not far from the mediterranean coast they had to be called but wouldn't have survived much longer anyway i seen a back to. back syrian that enters the sap that is carried by the staff of the plants and it causes the plant to dry out like it's running out of water. zillo 1st idio affects many different plants it's native to costa rica but has spread to other places through trade and agricultural products in california in the late 1990 s. it almost wiped out an entire one producing region it's found equally attractive conditions
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in italy where it 1st appeared in 2013 transmitted by insects like this one particular strain of the bacteria has ravaged olive groves across the country killing many trees that were centuries old especially in the southern region of up . in tip you want to be much think it's like it was before with the few remaining trees. production is going to fall a lot this year 80 percent in our region. and that has had dramatic consequences in an area that relies heavily on the industry there's a quote that even then i went from 50 employees to 0 and even had to fire my secretary who had been working here for 16 years. growers in italy like antonia de lorenzo's have fought a losing battle against the pathogen for years the damage caused by the blight is irreparable because all of trees grow slowly. but only they can take 10 to 15
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years before a tree bears fruit but that isn't the only problem. if you put in new trees in a great diseased again then the economic impact hits you twice as hard. experts say the disease can spread by up to 2 kilometers a month if an infected plant is detected the only response authorities currently have is to kill every other potential carrier plant within 100 meter radius in france the authorities still hope they can keep celera at bay. you don't cut down century old trees like this with pleasure it hurts but you have to do it is to preserve all the rest of our heritage but. all of farmers and southern friends can only hope the authorities were quick enough to stop the further transmission of the letter fastidious this time and they know it probably won't be the last.
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ok we have some football now in the champions league is back with the 1st group games kicking off tonight 2 german teams actually knackered sells more hockey from the. words oh good good morning when you know we have an incredible game tonight what a line up dortmund and benefit i mean look this is going to be so fascinating here we have 2 cups with 2 of the greatest. stadiums with 2 of the greatest atmospheres but yet get never played in the tank and sneak so there's a lot of buzz around this match it even has. one of the best players in the even he's excited but of course he might not play and let's find out exactly why he might not play. the iconic yellow warlick dortmund's acknowledged una park is a found favorite across the continent the players are also keen to drink in the atmosphere even superstar of the n.l. messi who after the group stage draw all said he looked forward to finally playing
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there but a niggling cough injury may keep him out of the match well if it was my nana they will decide tomorrow it's true a few days ago we weren't so sure he'd play. in our last training sessions he trained with the team he competed well and maybe was able to get some of the pain he was feeling out of his head i don't think it's a team on fire having bounced back from defeat in the bundesliga by pushing through the pa spiral they've accused on saturday was kept in the i'm score of this goal marco voice is confident they can beat barcelona obviously dustbins who is i think it's important we concentrate on ourselves and don't talk too much about the opponent and about messi as opposed to everyone knows he's the best but that's that we're playing at home and we also have a good team so we want to get a home win. i don't want to face an uphill task with
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a messy plays or not the group also contains a rejuvenated interland side so 3 points would certainly go a long way. ok we have to ask the messy question really if he's out tonight we should know in the next few hours. does that mean have a chance in football you always have a chance and you know credit to dortmund they have a very decent record against spanish opposition but we also know that they have some trouble spots we saw that against when you won but also know not to they've had some hick ups in their domestic league they also have trop point to follow teams but i think this match perhaps will come down to individual quality and form of the day and if messi place of course you also have the quality of entente griese man you have lewis far as who can basically decide a game on their own judgment of course will have the advantage of mess he doesn't play because then it becomes a question can boston on a management without in a messy and they do often struggle without him ok another game tonight leipzig
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german team facing benefit yes obey face put to gays chant the portuguese champions and both of them have had a stent task start to their domestic leagues but say they are the far more inexperienced site when it comes to european competition and this is also the only day 2nd appearance in the champions league but i think for leipsic of course i think they know the realistic goal is not about winning this competition but doing one better than last time and that is making it finally out of the group stages ok we'll see how that goes and i believe we'll be watching the games will know more about lionel messi in the next few hours as well thanks very much limit. this deed of yours live from berlin let's catch you up on our top stories right now polls of open in israel's section the 2nd election this year has won just a few months ago in pro following an inconclusive vote back then a right wing prime minister benjamin netanyahu ended campaigning at jerusalem's
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western wall his main challengers benny gantz a former army chief who's running as a centrist. u.s. president donald trump says he believes iran was behind drone attacks on saudi arabian oil facilities but has provided no evidence so far after hinting at the possibility of a military response from says he's in no rush to go to war around has denied it was behind destroyed. climate activists a greater turn bird has been presented with amnesty international's highest honor the ambassador of conscious award except in the prize washington a 6 year old urged everyone to join the global climate strike on friday saying she'd like to see you on the streets. well this is the news from berlin don't forget you can always get the latest headlines at the dot com or follow us at
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twitter and you can always get the news on the goes well download our app from google player from the apple store that gives you access to all the latest news from around the world as walls push notifications for breaking news you can also use that app to send us photos and videos. well straight ahead one of the latest in the world of business including how those a strikes on the saudi oil facilities are affecting the price of oil all that much more from business with market jones that's coming up in just the best.
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spectacular go up plenty of emotion. the best came to a pick up in 60 minutes on d w class. a world unto itself. with its own gravitational power. the finest musical compositions. with some mysteries terrific. don't believe if you listen to them don't tell me that that's enough. for you and the joint should come off in the morning blame. me feel the symphonies
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of johnny's palms. how did the romantic master come up with such a piece of. the secrets of symphonic magic. starts oct 11th to. talk to our. oil prices remain high amid fears of a new middle east conflict after soaring aka nearly 20 percent brant crude is starting to stabilize but possible military action keeps the markets vona todd. also coming up brazil is a huge market for the chemicals industry and german companies are there to shape
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