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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2019 1:45am-2:01am CEST

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we've been reporting on the international literature festival in berlin writers from around the world ahead to give readings whole discussion panels workshops and generally meet and greet their fellow wolf as and of course their fans the writer under assman will be with me in a minute but 1st more about the festival. celebration literature the international literature festival is happening now in the german capital keven not only listen to those reading from their works but discussing manner of topics with literature fans from all over the world. there are 200 authors from 59 countries and someone from our team counted them when there are very many languages being spoken. there are also cross disciplinary events inspired by young adult literature. french author clementine birthday's coming of age story i did let's for example get some magical transformation courtesy of pupils from the been
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in ballet school. and to film i've never seen all the different chapters of the novel dance before brilliant she's. much travelled marcos martin is here with a very important work dissident thought for tryst 20 leading dissidents who offered resistance against dictatorships of the right hand of the left they told me about what happened without any sense of self-righteousness and they were also with these stories are not only stories but rather ones that continue on today in conflicts in which democracy is again under attack before strong messages and a lively stimulating atmosphere this is the international literature festival. one of the stars of the festival joins me now. thank you for coming in and most famous of course for the heartwarming story of love that is called me by your name
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i haven't seen the movie but i believe you recommend people see the movie before they see the book strange coming from an author well actually authors usually complain about the film that's made from their novels i think that people should see the film 1st so that they have a good idea what the plot is and then to go from there and read the book and get it delve deeper into the soul of a leo yeah. tell me about the book why was it why did why was it important for it to be a gay relationship and not a board meets go relationship i thought about that initially i was going to make it a boy girl relationship but then i said what's going to be so different about a boy and a girl who meet in the summer in italy and fall in love with each other i mean the only other would be that some disaster might happen and so i decided to go for the not obvious and make it to boy boy and once i decided that automatically i had
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within a week 30 pages written and as it was i was consumed by it and the movie which came out 2 years ago. it got an oscar for best adapted screenplay which you didn't adapt yourself now writers are very protective of their writing so why didn't you because the screenplay i wasn't sure i wasn't asked to 1st of all and 2nd of all i wasn't sure that i was competent enough to write a screenplay so and since james ivory was available for it i wasn't going to sort of quibble with that i mean i was going to ask how do i mean we're talking about much and driver yeah you know james ivory was at one point i believe going to direct it yes yes and then they decided to have look at what then you know directed and i think that's how it turned out which is wonderful because one did the screenplay and the other did the directing i cannot imagine 2 directing directing
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simultaneously the same film both with big egos you seem to be obviously quite happy with the very very i think of the only one the only author who's ever happy with the film brandishing of his novel because it was wonderful it moved me i was surprised by so many things that i had written in fact they took many words from the book and adapted it to the film and it still worked and i was still surprised and moved so very happy well if we may we'll just see just a short clip from the movie. some. so what do you do run or read books transcribe music from the river go out at night some fun ride later muscles and straight body in the stars choose their own careers sometimes impossible. and star ageless ambiguity and
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super daring you to design. things that matter wanting to run you know it thinks. they're going to future. years for you. there is revealed actually that the title of the book call me by your name and they called each other by that name in each other's name but i read i told you before we came i read the book a long time ago when it came but it's see if i remember rightly it seems sort of ambiguous in the book that the 2 lovers never actually say they love each other now because they never use the word love i avoid the word love it it's a name point word let's not forget but it closes many doors from the point of view of an author you have a character tells another character i love you and ok now it's obvious what's happening we know and that's the end of that if they don't say and this becomes
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vigorously to each other i think that 1st then you have an open field and there are so many interpretations it becomes a richer and of course when they say call me by your name and i'll call you by my what they're really saying is we are transferring identities back and forth and if you are capable of doing that you have a state of intimacy that's far superior to just oh i love you. you mention intimacy you said in another interview that writing call me by your name has to. you about intimacy in love and this intrigues me because you are you of the right so it's your experience so how is it teaching how is your writing teaching you about intimacy and love because as you're writing you not just putting words on the computer your actually discovering things in the world in yourself in the
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characters you're learning and that is something that all writers do they learn from what they write they don't know exactly where they're going with things but they're learning and i learnt about intimacy in the state of the because of the descriptions of things that they do together it is there so intimate that i said oh my god i have invented this but obviously i'm learning it at the same time and i just got time to ask you there is a sequel yes called find me yes coming out in october can you tell me anymore no. but it is presumably the same characters the same characters with their father as well and things happen in their lives and they are sort of missing each other. as a thank you so much for coming in we always think for the sequel it comes not so over it's called find me thank you thank you eva has a day the british scout anthony gold me is one of the most important
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is working today his works are recognised all over the world perhaps his most famous is the angel of the north a 200 tonne monumental work negate fed in northern england that cannot be transported to the exhibition of course that starts this weekend in london's royal academy but so much more is that as the london financial times is said it is quote a symphonic store of a shop. in the beginning that we are very small tiny bodies in a future world you could almost stumble over the sculpture of corny 6 day old daughter the opening act of antony gormley show at the royal academy this massive show should not be seen as a retrospective the 69 year old artist insists it's a kind of the bar trade for experimentation and. it's about engaging with the total physical experience of moving through 12 rooms each of
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which is inviting you to be in that room. with those works in a very particular way the exhibition spans 40 years of artistic creation gormley found his subject early on the body in space the artist who was a fan of buddhist meditation has remained faithful to it ever since may take different form but those basic ideas about scale of space. the darkness of the inside of. growth natural processes they're all there in the work that he was making at school. antony gormley became famous with his sculptures by pop up in quite unexpected places and he picked both the artist himself and everyone else they encourage people to think about what it would be like if things were different on the head for example.
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the rooms of the royal academy are reinforced with steel plates to support gaullist legal works matrix for example weighs 6 tons it symbolizes the rapid urbanization of the world. i think sculpture in a digital age is critically important it's still it's trial and it doesn't need a roof it can exist on the street in the mountains on top of buildings and simply be there and be a kind of acupuncture of our daily experience. saying what is or asking that question what is a human life where are we going how do we engage with our time. and. maybe those questions over the never. works are timeless yet relevant to an age in which our lives are becoming increasingly disempowered more digital.
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the final installation of post a room submerged under sea water. a reminder that we are. whole bodies in a space that was there long before us and that will also. wow for downton abbey fans the wait is not another series but a movie so many of the costs made their name in the famous series it was difficult to get them all back together but finally it's happened i leave you with a taste of the film and the crawley family are awaiting a very special visitor to. buy. the king and queen coming to town to watch the. receptionist at. a parade i'm getting back to look up to
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a. concert there is going to damage control. tiny joe help coughing there in the morning my lady come to her.
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w.c. talk show strong opinions clear position is from international perspective some young people worldwide are gathering was expected to be the largest apartment protest in history will there strike joints politicians into action to address the climate crisis you can replace the change that's are tightly. shut the 3rd small cut. to take is never satisfied. by always have something can only achieve artistic quality if you. question and. the rest of the theme is international takes . 'd on knowing my aunt has been head of the undead ballet since 1973. devoted is nice to done. in 75 minutes on w. .
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hijacking the news. where i go from the news this being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show it's not just good versus evil us versus them why and why. in countries like russia china church people are told that if that's enough and if you're a journalist there and you try to get beyond it you are facing scare tactics intimidation and i wonder is that where we're headed as well. my responsibility as a journalist is to get beyond the smoke and mirrors it's not just about being clear and balanced or being neutral it's about being truthful. finding is part of gough and i were getting.
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every journey begins with the 1st step and every language but the 1st word published in the could. be coaches in germany to learn german why not come with them simple online on your mobile and free to sap d w z learning course nikos free german made easy. this is they w. news and these are our top stories. israel is facing a political impasse off the inconclusive elections on tuesday centrist benny gantz has rejected calls from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to form a unity government netanyahu had proposed to leading the coalition but kansas blue and white party says it will not form an alliance with the prime minister. the racism scandal surrounding canadian prime minister justin trudeau is intense.


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