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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2019 7:15pm-7:31pm CEST

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and this protest some political support coming from above alexandre from nomen in new york thank you so much you're watching the news live from berlin coming up my colleague got out else will have business news in africa i my ass waiter thank you so much for joining us. to. take food for somali us. with wonderful points to make and some special. truth. to come more than foot long mine. i'm not going to the
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gym i just sometimes am placed on nothing which is the german think stevens or german culture looking at the stereotype classics but interesting to see from countries that i no longer. needed to take for the scrum and there you go it's all about who. knew i'm rachel join me for me the german sunday w. . post. millions demonstrate around the world for climate action africa other questions are being asked why should african economies reduce c o 2 and sacrifies growth economies like the u.s. and europe produce so much more greenhouse gas per capita.
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climate canungra mining is a serious crime and culprits but so many african economies survive without. this is your business africa as well come it's a global day of action against global warming and cities from sydney to washington d.c. especially young people around the world are marching to demand more to be done against climate change they're also marching in africa and particularly in nairobi and cape town 2 of the continent's biggest and most economically important cities but one might ask why the emissions burden is nowhere near as high in africa elsewhere let's take a closer look here are some of the world's most developed economies and their carbon emissions per capita the u.s. and germany exhibit much more c o 2 per head than china for example but now look at africa its population is similar to china but emissions are a fraction of those other economies $1.00 tonnes per year and head
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let's bring in joy during. from nairobi joy what are people fed up in africa fair being asked. are they find that fath. that. is a strong word but yes you know a number of experts have actually i.q. that africa has actually had the least contribution to the footprint at just one percent and ackerman's is africa has been short changed but africa should not be short changed make climate change finance that is what the africa development bank actually about and they're saying that you know the fact that the rest of the world has shoot changed africa by contributing the mosque to the cabin footprint then it shouldn't be short changed in terms of financing to help it we need to get some of
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that climate change effects and saw that akamai and africa being fed up could actually play very well into the fact that most of the african leaders are accurate if this cabinet mission is being contributed by the developed countries they should be able to finance africa's. climate change effects of the all well and good for western activists a task for action on climate change isn't growth a priority a bigger priority in africa than climate change. it is indeed but if you look at the effects of climate change they're not sparing africa just because it contributes the least to. footprint climate change is affecting the entire planet and so all africa that entirely depends on a great culture magically depends an agriculture it contributes about it percent of the entire continents g.d.p. and employees 2 in 3 people so if climate change is anything to go by agriculture
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that largely dependent on rainfall is going to be affected and so the last 20 years or the last 2 decades we have seen very very drastic effects of climate changes in drought. in countries like south africa ethiopia as well as and even in kenya we have seen a lot of the country's budgets being committed to some of the facts of climate change wasn't just recently it was affected by cycling's that most of what actually accumulated in revenues for that in to happen once a year so we can see that africa is least capable dealing with the effects of climate change rather in vera thank you it's well protests are taking place across the world to demand
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that more is done to fight climate change while carbon emissions per person are more than 10 times lower and poorer countries than wealthier ones they economy is a highly dependent on mineral and fossil fuel for exports resource extraction like copper mining for example accounts for more than half of the world's carbon emissions according to one u.n. report and environmental effects can be catastrophic but the economic dependence on these resources is staggering in many countries across africa minerals and fossil fuels contribute more than a 10 percent of g.d.p. and nearly a 3rd of african countries last year that is a major problem especially for a country like the democratic republic of congo the country is rich in mineral resources spawn they are also a hazard for the environment. just 2 metals copper and cobalt account for more than half of exports from the democratic republic of congo and cobalt which is often
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a byproduct of copper mining has become more important in recent years that's because it's used in lithium batteries with cell phones and electric vehicles 70 percent of global cobalt production comes from congo. higher revenues from mineral extraction can be a good thing activists say that's not the case for the country n.g.o.s say miners like swiss giant glencore are responsible for environmental degradation and air pollution at the end of last year the charity bred for release a report which said glencore is not fully exercising its due diligence in the democratic republic of congo the scale and number of air and soil pollution incidents remain high in addition in some cases the group did not initially acknowledge its responsibility for environmental and human rights problems glencore says it has been working to reduce the damage to the environment but the swiss minor is just one of many players in congo where more than 90 percent of exports
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a mineral extractions all fossil fuels. our reporter. who filed this report has dug a little deeper into the subject for us is there's been no talk about carbon emissions from flying and driving while emissions from mining more prevalent in the news well i mean of course we've seen a bit about coal mining in the news when we're speaking of copper mining or mining like was measured in the report or diamond mining which takes place you know in several parts of africa we don't hear a lot about that and that's because of course it's far away and people focus on what's closest to them and a lot about the climate movement is of course about changing people's behaviors so that's what the focus has been on what's happening in your old boy in a lot of places where those movements tend to be much bigger a change of behavior kobold know not everybody knows that cobalt is very important in batteries i think and for electric cars and also for mobile phones so what's the
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change of behavior that needs to happen that if we want to sort of reduce what money exactly when we speak of cobol we're talking about 60 percent of global production production goes to battery production so that's a huge amount that's more than half and basically if we want to change you know how things are done in places like the democratic republic of congo which accounts for 70 percent of global production would have to rethink whether we use our cell phones and laptops and so that's a huge ask for a lot of people and of course buying in the electric vehicle in itself is not going to change things if there is going to change things here perhaps fewer emissions but doesn't change the mining practices in those places and that's part of the problem you have to look at the whole the plight chain and a lot of people have been focusing on their personal and individual choices and rather looking rather than looking at the big picture and the activists put his theories and individuals of course need to see how they fit in within the supply
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chain a lot of pro. so we're exporting to africa with with all that but what can we actually do i mean can we can we avoid all things with batteries now we cobb county i mean i grew up in a country that produces kobolds one of the biggest places for co-production neighboring country to the democratic republic of congo zambia of course and i'm going to give up my phone or my laptop what we need to do is of course be more aware of our choices and the pressure should be put on the companies the companies that are sourcing those materials from those countries to make their supply chains as transparent as possible and that's something i also you know learned about when i spoke with an activist in the democratic republic of congo he talked about government inspectors who do actually do inspect these you know mines you know owned by glencore or even chinese companies or you know other mining groups but the problem is that they don't release those reports to the public and those are things that are not made you know open for everyone to see and that's part of the problem
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now we just don't have enough information for us to engage in a proper conversation that includes everyone and that's probably what activists would like to see change and of course in these african countries a lot of people focus on the fact they have a job rather than perhaps what the long term environmental degradation might be willing to build thank you very much i'm not in some of the other global business stories making headlines today the new york federal reserve bank says it will inject $75000000000.00 a day into the u.s. financial system for the next 3 weeks as it tries to prevent a spike in short term interest rates u.s. banks have struggled in recent days to find the cash needed to meet cool capital requirements that us pushed up short term borrowing rates sharply. japan and the u.k. have signed an agreement in show business continuity after break that the british
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international trade secretary has been meeting with the japanese foreign minister in tokyo the 2 countries closing closing in on a trade deal when the u.k. is outside of the e.u. . it's official cooperation as revealed at a trader and its singapore based unit lost $320000000.00 through unauthorized transactions japan's biggest trading house by revenue says the matter has been reported to the police the trade trader was dealing in crude all derivatives. now some of the world's biggest companies have announced they will also do their bit to help limit global warming amazon founder jeff bezos has unveiled a commitment by the company to become a neutral by 2040 meanwhile google claims the bull make the biggest corporate purchase of renewable energy in history. for probably
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because everyone points. and others also put other polluting the environment but the those include uses of social media because the internet isn't emission free for example a search query query on google causes about 0.2 grams of c o 2 an e-mail about one gram and an hour of video streaming or downloading pollutes the environment with 200 grams of c o 2 it doesn't really sound like very much at 1st but it really adds up because billions of people use the internet each day. and that's it from me on the business africa team here in berlin for all business news outlets background story. check out our website that's called.
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earth. for saving global moodiness tells stories of creative people and the latest projects around the world ideas to protect the climate and boost green energy solutions by global ideas be implemented series of global $3000.00 on g.w. and online. class.
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and i'm james brown news w books it's personal device it's about topics that affect us hold water pollution climate change and the return to. shut out. this is state of the news that. coming up in the next 15 minutes the ones calling for action today's call the largest global kind of protest in history to meet some of the africa's good for the poor. and the missing zimbabwean doctor we told you about on monday has been found a correspondence in how to have a filesystem on the divan. then 2 years after its release the wedding
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party is still the highest grossing locally produced film in nigeria always hoping to the die.


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