tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle September 24, 2019 7:15am-8:01am CEST
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from vote very cost set up admin met mehdi. the forward rounded off a smart move from the hosts hammering the ball past all of a bauman and the hoffenheim go the size went into half time level after the break both teams pushed for a winner with half an ongoing closeness through christophe. a flying say from power pavel and kept it a $11.00 and that's how it stayed both sides taking it is served point from the encounter. coming up next documentary after the ice what will happen to the arctic that's just after this short break stay to. reform the book you are no one i'm. going to milk only for. exposing injustice global news that matters to me 4 times story that people of the world for g.w. on facebook and twitter to date and in touch.
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the arctic is often described as a vast expanse of eternal ice but in some parts of the region that's no longer the case. this is alice muir island in the canadian arctic. this strip of coastline was once covered with ice but the nearby glaciers are melting so we can see more and more of the land that lies beneath them. some researchers predict starting in 2050 the arctic will be ice free in summer so what will happen to the region is all that ice melts. this will be almost need to rise and she loves. the arctic helps
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to determine the climate for a much wider area including parts of the us future climate change to true the ice free feeding. the wall maps the retreat to the arctic in the center. that will cause massive changes here and in other parts of the world. i think is the biggest challenge facing the whole in the future. a challenge or an opportunity during the summer after the ice has melted much attention blooms along the coastline animal bones indicate that wildlife has returned. more and more scientists are coming to the region and several countries have claimed mining rights how will those rights be allocated. to.
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geologists can now study land that used to be covered in ice land that is rich in natural resources. the competition for this arctic treasure is fierce. these resources including oil natural gas and rare earth elements. taken together they're worth trillions of dollars. the indigenous peoples who live in the arctic region say they deserve a share of these riches new sources of income would help them improve their lives and have more of a say in government policies that affect them. all .
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these scientists will be the 1st to study a particularly remote part of our to canada. feels great you know our days are waiting in the new gary to go on the field. we got calls twice and now we get none that's actually right. see what awaits. you spot just tuck your bag underneath your seat it'll probably be a bumpy ride because of bad weather. more than a century ago arctic expeditions led by below and alfred vega made headlines around the world today research trips to the region are not nearly as demanding as they
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used to be but they are expensive about 15000 euros per person. resolute bay is often used as a starting point for scientific expeditions in the 1950 s. the canadian government forced indigenous people from northern quebec to settle in this remote but strategically important region. susan sullivan it was a child at the time. there has been a lot of things that. come up here. i guess there are more now i'm expecting that they'll be more. people coming up north
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to find out more. details. things that were. not out. july 1st is canada day the country's national holiday but the local any with residents don't have much to celebrate. the village of resolute bay needs more jobs schools and hospitals the in you would want more financial support from the canadian government they also demand more autonomy so that they can live according to their traditional values. susan sullivan ik hopes that her grandchildren will be able to lead better lives than she and her parents did she says that the canadian government should formally apologized for the forced resettlement of the innuit people and provide better jobs
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and job training programs. for young people they are today there's so many more possibilities for them to get proper education. and we hope that. wealthy within that 1020 years that they'll be a doctor. we now have. lawyers we now have well nurses. but we need more. in a way. in the proper. system. in . the arctic region includes parts of 5 countries.
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denmark. norway. russia. the usa. and canada. in 1909 the canadian government created a new northern territory called nunavut which means our land. summer has arrived and none of it but it's still cold just 3 degrees centigrade. the researchers are right from resolute bay. spent 2 months on the territories north coast there are no settlements here and no roads either there's not a lot of vegetation because the tundra subsoil is permanently frozen. the scientists set up their camp and it's anything but luxurious their only connection to the outside world are the transport helicopters this expedition is financed by the governments of canada and germany.
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germany has invested a lot of money in out the research and will continue to do so i think is very important as we continue to study the effects of global warming. we need to find out more about how the entire climate system functions and. the. cost is a geologist who works for germany's institute for geosciences and natural resources which is part of the federal ministry of economics and technology. there are scientists here from several other countries as you can see from these flags. stephen grasp is a geo chemist who works for canada's department of energy and environment his work
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here will focus on the composition of rocks. american biologist john spear will study microbes that could be used in research on antibiotic resistant bacteria . these are. little green top tubes is $15.00 each and they. are. are for extracting d.n.a. out of samples all collect like a little bit of a pencil eraser size amount of material and i'll insert it into these tubes and it will shake it around i'll take it home or will extract d.n.a. out of it at home. the weather is good today so the scientists head out to do some work. when these mountains were formed millions of years ago the local environment looked
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much different there was no ice cover on the land was covered with plants and trees . geologists take a long term view of life on earth they think in terms of millennia not centuries and many scientists believe that today we are living in the final stages of the most recent ice age. stephen grass be discovered some unusual vegetation on a mountainside recently and now he's come back to take a closer look. there's a freshwater spring here a rare occurrence in this part of the arctic. the topsoil follows only in the
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summer time. crespi speculates on the origins of spring. we're finding more and more different areas of springs and we're able to record temperatures be data longer than the springs through the winter and we can see that they flow all winter long so it turns out that these very high latitude art. regions are sheets of areas of very active groundwater flow and challenges or conception goes through what's happening and it really tells us we don't know as much as we thought we did those exciting opposed to things to learn. the researchers have dug this the ice spring it continues to flow even in winter when the temperature is minus 4 degrees centigrade. the water temperature at that time is 6 degrees. speer captures a thermal image of the spring before the team heads back to camp.
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college just victoria peace specializes in the study of plate tectonics the movement of parts of the earth's crust. she's been doing research in the arctic for 20 years and also teaches at the university of stockholm today she's working with a colleague from canada. and the arctic is a hole in the global warming the icing framework of climate today industry not just petroleum but other economic resources fishing shipping transportation mining oil and gas are all interested in accessing what they perceive to be
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a new. reservoir a new region right and i would say that the industry side of things are very interested in the arctic what's going on here and how they may be able to capitalize on ice free conditions in the arctic. some experts speculate that the melting of the arctic open up to shipping routes between asia and europe. could have substantial strategic and economic benefits for several countries including china. believe that china do have a role to play in seeking peace. the ability in that region and in promoting a sense of ability sustainable development in the area chinese government issued
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a white paper on the arctic policy in which the pope so crowed has been off fish will be announced as a policy of the chinese government and you can see the north sea of routes. i have to because. commercial they physical all of 10 years all for a celebration melting ice in the arctic region. of china aims to create a new silk road trade route that would run from asia to europe via the north pole. right now china has to move its exports to europe through the indian ocean the proposed new arctic route would cut shipping time by 20 percent for about 2 weeks.
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some experts say that china also wants access to the arctic's rich supply of natural resources. the growing chinese middle class is basically screaming for resources from all over the planet. and then the oxy gets no exception so what you see is basically the same interest for resources as china have in south america and as china in africa and and you can also i think today see that china moves in in the places where united states is not present always united states for solve then you see china course in and and we also stopped to see that in the oxy. meanwhile back in our to canada be tory
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a piece prepares to fly back to camp. the research that she and her colleagues are doing here could be used by any number of countries. the scientists have no control over where their data ends up and that's fine with victoria. i look at the tectonic environment where rocks form and that information is useful to the industry. and what they do with it is beyond me. this research work is difficult time consuming and expensive it's not yet clear how the governments and businesses that are funding these projects will make use of all the data. but if they have a strategic interest in the arctic after the ice they'll have to start preparing now.
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it's just this i will start with some materials from the franklin basin. these researchers at germany's institute for geosciences and natural resources and how nova are going to end a life some rock samples that were taken off the coast of western greenland. they've got a lot of work ahead of them. first to cut away a slice of rock that's just 30 microns think about the same width as a sheet of paper. that will examine it under a microscope. my voice jesus christ this sample is almost transparent it's thinner than a single human hair. that will allow us to examine in detail how this material interacts with light. and that will help us identify the individual minerals that
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are contained in this sample if you. can the ice in the holly and. we return to none of the local residents sometimes find jobs helping the foreign research teams. several countries have a vested interest in exploiting the region's natural resources and the scientists research may help them to do that. that if you would hope that is the arctic ice continues to melt will be able to share in the economic benefits and have more of a say in how they live their lives. over the centuries the in you would have proven that they can adapt to even the harshest climate conditions but they're tired of living in primitive dwellings and eating only the meat and fish that nature provides as their ancestors did before them. were.
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this is greenland's capital new coal located on the southwest coast. greenland has been part of denmark since 814 but now enjoys a great deal of autonomy but. still subsidy payments from denmark make up about 60 percent of the territory's budget. the capital is in the middle of a construction boom as greenland gains more control over the allocation of revenues generated by the exploitation of natural resources. we want to diversify away economy inchers off generating new income sources for our country. we see. the mining as serve as a future income source along with tourism along with other industries that we are
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trying to attract to green so there is a consideration of making our economy less vulnerable for rapid or sudden changes of fish. the fishing industry is a key element in greenland's economy fish and shellfish make up about 90 percent of total exports and as much as 20 percent of g.d.p. . greenland left the european economic community in 1905 in a dispute over fishing policy. part of today's catch is being unloaded at the port of new. works for oil greenland the territories largest fishing company it has more than 40 processing facilities in greenland and also on canada's atlantic coast. the company headquarters are located here in new coke.
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the most important fish of all shellfish is from for greenland i think it has a good price in the international market so it's a good species to have but at the moment. our main supply us all the local fisherman. in for the near coastal fishery so that approximately 3000 people fisherman delivering the fish for our factories and besides that we have a lot of troll us that off fishing in the in the sea. while greenland also operates its own fleet of fishing vessels one of them is just coming to port. in monaco and meets the captain yes the ship was at sea for 2 weeks and brought in 250 tons of fish the catch was immediately frozen onboard.
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this is the cooling facility the temperature is minus 25 degrees centigrade each bag contains 30 kilos of calling. some scientists predict the climate change will force large numbers of fish and shellfish to move north into colder water. in addition there are indications that the area off greenland's coast is being overfished. to monica seeing that happen before. his species that is coming back back in the. eighty's there was a lot of a lot of cut in the greenlandic sea but suddenly it disappeared so there hasn't been the fishing in the last 20 years and green and so it's it's 1st the
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last years that it's started to come back. after the trawler and not it's catch it goes back out to sea. the market for fish and fish products is good right now sales and prices are rising still the fishing industry does not generate enough revenue to support greenland's entire economy on its own so the territory will have to find new sources of income. at the moment the fishery cannot alone. maintain this economy for green and so we have to welcome some new businesses in the greenland tourism is one of the things that the politicians are talking about and though we have to develop new businesses to to gain some more economic growth in green and.
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greenland is one of europe's most remote tourist destinations but visitors are not attracted by luxury hotels or wellness with celebrities there are none here. they've come to see the territory's breathtaking natural beauty. those who are looking for a unique travel experience will find it here. there are ruins of viking settlements. the northern lights. and arctic wildlife including reindeer. these vast landscapes are populated by more than 20 species of mammals and dozens of bird species. rumania.
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but greenland is an expensive place to visit food prices are high mostly because supplies have to be imported. the infrastructure needs a lot of them. only small planes can land at the airport and know. the runway is too short for large commercial passenger jets. freedman's government is trying to line up foreign investors who will help finance improvements high on the list of potential partners or chinese businesses. i'm not afraid of china in general i think china. and metals and minerals. it's an important investment country.
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last year a company owned by the chinese government submitted a bid for the expansion of 3 smaller ports in greenland but the government in denmark stepped in and blocked the bid citing security and financial concerns. in any case greenland needs to make a serious effort to improve its infrastructure. that it definitely the. very difficult it is far away from both europe and north america and it's a very big island the biggest island and world spread out over a very large area so definitely look just tickle challenges and also environmental challenges and from one form of bad weather.
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in large parts of greenland many people earn a living by hunting. one of them is to be as ignites usent who lives in the lock on the southeast coast. during the summer he goes hunting every week. in the winter months he could just fish. this is the only way that he can provide food for his family. it's not up enough my father and brothers told me how to hunt i don't need and i'm quitting the new longer low if you will go by myself. and been. binya any good when my family lives on the meat all the fish that i bring back you know. so far we've always had enough to eat that we've never gone hungry.
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to be as often takes a long foreign tourists on his hunting trips the extra income is allowed him to buy a few luxuries like a snowmobile and an outboard motor for his boat. we're not going to be out of our grow vegetables here. we can only bravado it's. we don't waste any food. if we don't eat it right away we'll freeze it and story. and if you are going to be you know top of all.
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those who prefer to buy their food instead of hunting or fishing for it can shop at the supermarkets and does he like. but the food in the shops is expensive because a lot of it has to be imported mostly from europe. some food supplies are brought in by helicopter. there aren't many trees in greenland only a few species are able to grow here mostly in the far south but that may change because of global warming. during the summer some crops are grown in the south. as legend has it the region was given the name greenland by a 10th century norse explorer he hoped that a pleasant sounding name would attract settlers. the residents of to see like would love to grow vegetables here in the summer and
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that may happen if the arctic ice continues to melt. 2000 people live into z. like it's the largest town in southeastern greenland. but behind the colorful facades of these homes many people suffer from depression and alcoholism. the community only recently started to discuss these problems openly. the causes include the town's high unemployment rate and the poverty that goes along with it. domestic abuse is common. the suicide rate among young men is high. and during the winter the bodies can't be buried because the ground is frozen.
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food. the local mortuary is located next to a church the bodies are kept here until spring. many local residents simply have not been able to cope with the transition from a semi nomadic eco centric culture to a modern society that's based on commerce and consumerism. some are frustrated by the presence of wealthy tourists when they themselves can't find a job. there's no need to go hunting anymore you can just buy food at the supermarket. many people but it up well for.
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every family in greenland knows the pain of the social problems that we are seeing in the statistics and they are quite high i mean it's both suicides and as i said. we do see. a lot of violence as well and violence against women and children and this is something that we need to fix and i think we need to fix it within the next generation or otherwise it will be every every family it is being affected by this 3 or 4 times over we have to stop it now. tilly martinus is a member of greenland's parliament and has been speaking out on these problems. she's half innuit and have to. she believes that greenland should maintain close ties to denmark because she fears that the indigenous peoples will not be able to survive on their own. right back.
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politician elect a ham and also hopes for a better future for greenland but she believes that this will only happen if the territory wins its independence from denmark. i have a danish passport but that's all i'm not danish i don't think danish i don't speak danger at home i don't feel like a dane and i don't feel like at home when i meant i'm off. greenland continues to move toward independence from denmark and today even young any what children learn to take pride in their traditional culture their language and their homeland. a lot of people around the world are definitely concerned about the effects of global warming but many in greenland see these environmental changes as an
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opportunity to free themselves from foreign influence. many of the european immigrants who helped build this territory are buried in the cemetery. dependence is a question of what society. that we want in the future for the people of. independence is a question of the freedom of the choices the government of $39.00 should be doing in regards to the foreign affairs in terms of the safety and the military issues connected to bring them both denmark is responsible for greenland security and maintain several military bases here. but in the near future greenland will have more control over its defense and foreign policy. still some danes are reluctant to sever ties completely for
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a number of different reasons. both. of them that deniz greenlandic relationship goes back many underage years so there is there is cut your ties there are historical ties people who have married each other there are a lot of greenland those living in denmark there's a lot of people living in greenland so so so it's not just you know a matter of pulling the plug and then say from now on we are independent. from. denmark. also understands the importance of maintaining good relations with the territory to the strategic lee important and rich in natural resources. as the competition for those resources intensifies denmark to maintain its security
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presence there. many danes believe that the government's current policies on greenland benefits both sides. and. that is where i would argue that it is difficult to find a better deal if you are looking at the world from a greenlandic perspective. and i would doubt that if your partner up with china or anyone else that there will be no favors in return. china keeps a close eye on developments in the arctic from its embassy in reykjavik iceland the ambassador says that the world has nothing to fear from beijing's trade policies the chinese government has no intention. with the u.s. side for the influence we. face on this marriage and
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also we have. developed a good relationship with all the countries. as world powers compete for position and influence in greenland to anywhere people are standing up for their rights when these children grow up they may find themselves living in a country that has won its freedom from denmark but is heavily dependent on china. the innuit and canada also want more autonomy some even favor closer ties with innuit peoples of other countries. we were one people before governments were going at it and divided us through borders we work with we work across borders we have always been one in 8 we recognize that we know we have rights as it is people's. okalik easy ak is a former chair of the anyone circumpolar council and often speaks out on issues
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that affect indigenous peoples. here she's meeting with an old friend former nun of a premier eva arya. they've set up camp on the outskirts of none of its capital. we will never completely lose. who we are. and it's not in the middle. with. them and. we want to work with our governments and we want to work with the industries. that are up here that want to come up here . recognize that act and. work with us to your collective benefit i guess which. every year hundreds of delegates from dozens of
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countries gather in reykjavik for the annual arctic circle assembly. the participants include politicians scientists business exactly. it's representatives of a digitas peoples and others who are interested in the future of the arctic region and how it will be affected by climate change. the organization's chairman is former iceland president olafur good himself he says it's important to bring together as many international representatives as possible to discuss policy. the problem for the arctic is not in the arctic and it should be heavily industrialized countries in the world and without putting a lot in perspective we want a comprehensive understanding of the future of. the arctic ice has been rapidly melting now for 2 decades the process has even affected glaciers in greenland that are 100000 years old. scientists estimate that 10000 tons of arctic
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ice are lost every 2nd due to global warming but some say that this may turn out to be a positive development. summers are. getting longer there's midges change and. i believe. you know there are a lot of even read things. that have become so all. i can see they're prophecy and. i believe that proposition. as the arctic ice continues to melt the indigenous people stand to benefit from the exploitation of the region's natural resources and the creation of new trade routes . increased prosperity may help them to preserve their natural way of life but as all of our good him some points out the future of the arctic has become an
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international issue. we are now seeing for the 1st time in human history the arctic. becoming a global. fund shows for the rest of the world for what's happening and the author and also how the rest of the world in pods all they all. kick off. the make things right match bloodbath keeps distal goers and wins back the fans. the it'll be all right match canta house course possible to win its 1st game this
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season in berlin breathes a sigh of relief. because. it took. place and i'm just going to go to the brand new delusion buying this book it's personal device and it's about topics that affect a whole lot of solutions to climate change in the turn. coleraine says check out. the fall of the berlin wall began long before november 989. we visit the heroes of eastern europe we talked to those who began the struggle for freedom and those who showed personal courage. the museum of the fall of the wall didn't surprise me mission for 1st what does it take to change the course of history.
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raising the iron curtain starts september 30th on. w. . this is the w. news live from berlin climate activists created term bird holding world leaders to work out. behind the beginnings of a mass extinction and you can talk about this in money in fame tales of economic growth oh dad if you. leader after leader responding with promises
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