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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  September 24, 2019 4:45pm-5:01pm CEST

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your taxpayer funded abortion on demand right up until the moment took delivery. global bureaucrats have absolutely no business attacking the sovereignty of nations that wish to protect innocent life. like many nations here today we in america believe that every child born and unborn is a sacred gift from god. there is no circumstance under which the united states will allow international and yours to trample on the rights of our citizens including the right to self defense that is why this year i announce that we will never ratify the un arms trade treaty which would threaten the liberties of law abiding american citizens the united states will always a poled our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. we will always appalled our
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2nd amendment. the core rights and values america defends today were inscribed in america's founding documents our nation's founders understood that there will always be those who believe they are entitled to wield power and control over others. tyranny advances under many names and many theories but it always comes down to the desire for domination. it protects not the interests of many but the privilege of few. our founders gave us a system designed to restrain. the stagers impulse. they chose to entrust american power to those most invested in the fate of our nation a proud and fiercely independent people. the true. good of
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a nation can only be pursued by those who love it our citizens who are rooted in its history. who are nursed by its culture. committed to its values attached to its people and you know that its future is theirs to build or theirs to lose. patriots see a nation. and its destiny in ways no one else can. liberty is only preserved sovereignty is only secure democracy is only sustained greatness is only realized by the will and devotion of patriots. in this spirit. is found the strength to resist oppression the inspiration to forge legacy the good will to seek friendship and the bravery to reach where peace. love of our nations
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makes the world better for all nations so to all the leaders here today join us in the most fulfilling mission a person could have. the most profound contribution anyone can make. lift up your nations share is your culture. honor your histories treasure your citizens make your country strong and prosperous and righteous honor the dignity of your people and nothing will be outside of your reach. when our nations are greater. the future will be brighter. our people will be happier. and our partnerships will be stronger with god's help together we will cast off the enemies of liberty. and overcome the oppressors of dignity. we will set. new standards of living and reach new heights of human achievement. we
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will rediscover all troops unravel mysteries and make thrilling new breakthroughs. and we will find more beautiful friendship and more harmony among nations than ever before. my fellow leaders. the path to peace and progress and freedom justice and a better world. for all humanity. begins at home. thank you god bless you god bless the nations of the world and god bless america thank you very much. 50 united nations general assembly he's got applause from people who have been listening to him it's been a long wide ranging address that he made to the united nations he began
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a tool i'm talking about what he called the national veneer program and how it's brought prosperity and jobs for the americans the american might he stalked about and he also then touched on a range of issues he attacked and lashed out at china and said for scouting out on free trade back practices he talked about iran and its fanatical quest for nuclear weapons you also said that the u.s. never believed in permanent enemies in that context he raised north korea he talked about of gonna stand and then he touched on the countries off latin america south america venezuela. he also talked about social media and about data and the importance of data talked about minority rights and with sexuality edgy beauty q. empowering women and religious freedom and he talked again in fact equally about border security and one of his. most striking sentences during his address was the future does not belong to globalists the future belongs to patriots.
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listening now to this address where my colleagues our chief political editor michel a coup for and my colleague from arabic language program also a presenter let me get your initial thoughts on what you heard from done in time because thought that you deem well actually i'm beat that would make it very short i would at a wrap it up to me it was a speech want to the public opinion more than the international opinion basically he started with america comes 1st definitely election comes 1st voters comes 1st what he promised the voters comes 1st which means no war no involvement of the u.s. in any war in the region he comes iran he talks only about sanctions more sanctions if iran doesn't change its behavior he was there was talking indict a key about all nations have a duty to cut on to act on it and which means the international coalition but he wasn't that good about it for me opened a small door in order for discussion with the iranians and this was really
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interesting because we realized that what he was talking actually there were 2 statements and he said he is open to discussing small changes let's wait and see what does that mean and 2nd macaw he was saying the french president that in the coming hours some breaking through is going to happen during this tension doesn't lead us to the french proposal for trump in order to deescalate. the situation doesn't mean there would be a cease fire in a way in another agreement here comes actually the french and the european let's wait and see what would happen behind the scene but actually it didn't say anything to you it's a game of pressure that's all for me because look you for what was your key takeaway on that issue i think there is a crack of opportunity in the give the buzzword there will be ballistic missiles that's something that don't trump was concerned about all along he felt that the jason vieaux it was just simply too little to actually get sanctions off the table for the ringing of regime for taking off that kind of pressure so be very
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interested to see what the coming hours bring i was rather stunned that he didn't mention climate change. at all not once yes not a single time i think that's rather telling what he didn't say also it was really a complete mix in a very almost some book kind of tone of the leader of the free world clearly calling on china to face the international music defending democracy there basically telling china that it should stick to its commitments towards the brits which insured who enshrined rights of freedom of speech in hong kong before handing over the territory back to the chinese and quite clearly saying that howard china deals with hong kong will define its very future and how it stands in the world so i think that was a very clear message there at the same time speaking of iran as a country that has blood lost but also saying that the united states has no
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interest in having longstanding conflicts with countries whether there's a military conflict see we said that some friends today used to be enemies in the past so that can almost be seen as a bit of an olive branch but mixed in with a very dogmatic anti iranian rhetoric so a very very mixed signals they're also ranging to defending women's rights. homosexuality freedom of religion which isn't such a such a terrible surprise so we got both we got clearly an nationalist speech of a president who is already clearly in election mode. not interested in any conflict i mean that's quite clear if there's any achievement on iran that is his achievement so far he didn't live he didn't listen to don bolton for instance who had already ordered a strike on iran and then was canceled at the very last moment so at the same time we got. a world leader standing up for democracy in the world that was quite
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clearly the message he sent he stuck very much. crypt and his address united nations unlike last year. well he was as michelle a said as somebody because last year he went off script a little bit and he got a couple of laughs from the delegates who had gathered there but what was also interesting that in that there was a bit of everything for everyone if they were looking for except as you said climate change but the rhetoric that he used the muck about iran for example is fanatical quest for nuclear weapons blood lust as michelle mentioned upon soaring massacres at home and abroad how do you think these words will go down in iran they get used to it i think they know strong very well and they were expecting this then not expecting that he's going to be tender and nice with them they will leave it maybe behind the scene but this is really normal when it comes from the trunk and ministration and from him and let's wait and see for honey how his speech is going
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to be i'm really curious in order to see how you are react to that and is he going to have also this like tone like a trump with some strong words or not ok so what i'm going to do thank you very much for both your comments i want to now draw in our correspondent alexander phenomena she's been this in the speech in new york and been covering that story for us a welcome alexander what was your take on that wide ranging speech made by donald trump at the u.n. general assembly. so there was there were no big surprises there watch president trump said here today was exactly what i had expected to hear what was interesting was to what extent he's speech was meant to be addressing his domestic audience and as my colleague said it is showing us that he is already in the middle of peace reelection campaign right thank you very much out of the front of phenomena for those initial reactions of course we'll have more for
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you from you at the top of the hour you've been watching special coverage of donald trump's speech at the u.n. general assembly thank you very much for your company by.
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is you don't really use life from growing u.s. presidents double stop. really targets iran at the united nations general assembly . leaders around the world. stricter. calderon's leaders are feeling to be tragic wars in both syria and yemen. trungpa blamed iran directly for the recent attack on a saudi oil plant accusing the iranian leadership of having quote blood lust also on the show. based.


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