tv Eco Africa Deutsche Welle September 25, 2019 5:30am-6:00am CEST
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told from most schools that he has been of the school field we have political didn't surprise me i saw it coming 10 years before but sure nothing much. does it take to change the course of history. raising the curtain starts september 30th on d w. hello 2 and welcome to all our viewers around the world we're glad to have you with us for the latest edition of our environmental magazine eco africa and i'm especially pleased to introduce to you my new partner sandra it's a great pleasure for me to present the program with you so i'm drunk. thank you so much thank you for the one welcome i am standard to know bill coming to you from
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father here in uganda and from now on i'll be taking up with n.c. to bring you interesting environmental programs here's what we have for you this week. we visit women in uganda. stalls the group without hunger for chuckle we also show you why russia's and it runs on treatment away. and. south africa the sun it's made me close to nature. uganda has those 2 thirds of its forest cover in the last 20 years much over for its husband cleared to provide chuckle for bonding seen everywhere the kitchen couple are more than 80 percent of ugandans rely on chucko for their daily cooking needs according to government figures rose trina's innovation hova uses volcanic rocks as energy for cleanup cooking and lighting solutions for families while providing employment to the women she has built a clinical can stall to replace the environmentally positive.
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good. if. only for life. but it's both bad for her health and bad for the environment she's also expensive no she has a special news tov it costs a lot but it can still save how money. i used to use a lot of committed. using what one proves we're doing shootings in this home. but no the. news doesn't even 100. 1 can it is the key to this new. ones. they remain hold for i was with a. hard fun. that blows a continuous flow of air over them. was invented
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by ross twine she runs the company that makes them. we have a technology that can reduce more than one people think of a tree cracking in uganda because with razor walk on it which a binding more than bonds more than a firewood bond if crane is the issue i think. the volcanic rocks can be used for about 2 years an average of comes in virus configurations including large commercial ones like this range at a market in the capital kampala where a 1000 people come to eat every day it's also beneficial for the kooks who use it because the device generates almost no smoke estimates say smoke from traditional stoves contribute to the death of almost $20000.00 people a year in uganda and used to have is also more efficient than conventional designs . but others. can cook anything on the stove and save
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a lot of the stoves have really helped us because after building them here the company gives you the volcanic rocks. well we have since given up using charcoal and only use charcoal dust which we used to light the rocks i now just spend a quarter of the money i used to spend on charcoal. what are you. insult western uganda at the foot of mount bora it has provided new opportunities for farming families it has trained and employed a number of groups to extract their rocks which are later collected and taken to the company premisses. to use them when a truck comes i get up to $100.00 i only use the money. to pay school fees for my children by them clothes and food life is much better now because people buy these
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rugs we used to grow crops in the stones got in the way of that but now we're lucky enough to have someone pay for them. there is a large to volcanic world at the eco still factory the company builds up to 40 stoves a day around $17000.00 have been sold so far each comes with a small bag of forks roast twenty's big vice can be used in many we jews in countries if we want to get as many people to be coming to play new us to be able to make exactly what we're doing in various parts of the country we don't want to on that issue again remains here uganda has a population of 14000090 percent chocolate so these are huge potential market for the told the benefits will also be huge and help to steward it for a station of the african continent. will go from uganda to russia
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wait looks quite different from the victoria right behind me the eco system in left money in the autonomous russian republic of congo is under serious threat with its pelican numbers in recent years the poker numbers are reduced by 50 percent that's right sondra on who's to blame game where experts say our old friends climate change and pollution are wrecking the lakes delicate balance in who africa take stock of one of europe's biggest public and reservations. in some of this shallow say line lake in southern russia as republic of color makiya attracts countless birds some of them have journeyed thousands of kilometers to get here and while there are dozens of different species it's the pelican population that environmentalists are looking at most closely the birds have been coming to lake money for centuries but this year numbers are down. the population
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has fallen. last year there were about 700 and this year there are only about $500.00. that's because there were a lot of cormorants among them last year and we don't have that many ponds now to provide enough fish. the lake itself is 344 square kilometers an area and has an average depth of just 0.6 meters but the effect of global warming causing it to shrink as the water level goes down range. explains some of the islands that pelicans nested on have become peninsulas attached to the shore. managers becoming shallow in some places which means it's accessible to predators and assoon as predators come into play the colonies gone. we have younger island right here and last year the pelicans used to nast this year the water is too
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shallow and fox is of turned up so the pelicans and cormorants are gone. the lake money to go to low wetlands are of vital importance to more than just pelicans they're also a migration habitat for millions of geese and ducks. twice a year large flock stop over to rest and refuel before moving on. but it's the pelicans that are most affected by the dramatic changes in the lakes ecosystem . come on my bus is food is becoming increasingly scarce habitats are deteriorating pollution is on the rise feeding even a few offspring they only lay a couple of eggs is becoming harder and harder. so the population is declining she's convinced. it's a question. for locals and tourists who come to love the pelicans its hope that
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something can be done before these graceful birds disappear for good. and now it's a business week's doing your bit it's about construction means concrete and how to make its production more environmentally friendly it's hard to imagine any infrastructure project anywhere in the world without thinking about. german scientists and the african partners in nigeria trying to make concrete production more sustainable and. reduce the suits remissions during the process and they've made an outstanding discovery took a look. 6. africa's building sector is booming the continent uses as much concrete for construction as europe does but making the cement that binds it produces
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a lot of carbon dioxide up to 10 percent of the world's c o 2 emissions. scientists from germany and nigeria are studying alternatives they're experimenting with remains of local plants such as kosov appeals that have been incinerated at certain temperatures. and are from the ash that we collect we develop cement like products they could be used in place of cement binder sold at local markets that would reduce the c o 2 footprint. ash from rice hulls and other plant remnants are also showing promising results using plant based cement is an environmentally friendly alternative. not only can an endless supply of organic waste be put to good use the sustainable eco concrete is also much cheaper to
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produce. it may even be more stable and durable than conventional concrete. the scientists hope to see the 1st building made from kosov a concrete constructed as early as next year on the university campus. and how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it. visit our website or send us a tweet. you know your story. and once again eco africa highlights just how much we underestimate nature's potential time and again and we can feed it again in our next report even if the
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man that it's about has long recognized the problem will try to live more in line with nature cosmetics and made from natural ingredients becoming more popular be allowed going to be from lagos is making an organic so that's found fame for far far beyond nigeria and now he's shipping his naturally made soap around the world. oh. the camp would tree is native to west africa for centuries people here have used it for all kinds of purposes from woodworking to making diet and health and beauty products. when ground into powder the cool beneath the bark is good for treating various skin problems. 'd radiate needs to wood to make is due to assume black so it is pounded it is ground and it's made into
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a paste to exfoliate the skins of babies is also used as a beauty regimen to make the skin supple. because a week. and introduce this into the soap in a very smooth water from. 3 d. and his team are constantly working on improving the formula which also includes on the chair but an alley very old natural ingredients harvested locally. building a manufacturing business for ghana call that to nigeria has been challenging business structure. there's no government assistance. they do because your system is dysfunctional. the government house is literally going to existed when it comes to manufacture or business so if you're looking for to the government to help you. with your time during they set up this company in 1995 and it now produces more
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than $150000.00 per day from production to packaging everything is done in the large factory and you're in the places great value on natural ingredients and traditions we know that people have skin problems around the world people of different races different color but the skin is the same and the healing characteristics of this will benefit mankind. to do a show of his show throughout nigeria and it sells well even though 'd it is so much more expensive than regular soaps. i think is that close to nature in which i had matt and lots so we tend to spend more needs without t.v. using something based cost but you get in the venue so you will have in mind the cost of the products salads right now the masses have not changed so i don't think
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i'm thinking of changing or did you assume is already marketed in several countries but really wants to really establish the brand internationally he's also diversifying the portfolio with organic share better and by the illusions he hopes his success will inspire others to become entrepreneurs who want to provide something that the up and coming young want to say look i want to be like that and i want to beat his record if he comes. you know it's the oss and successful in the world market we can also do that as the bank keeps angering their companies planning to buy more land where he can cultivate insisting to be fashion the trees and plants he needs so he's a natural predator. living with nature and learning from it is something over central narrative of this week's africa it's also a message they in digging
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a sun people in south africa want to pass on to everyone the sun people recently opened up a new culture set according to what to means what a hole in the sun long which the sun have built a tremendous culture knowledge about in nature and plant life visitors can find out about it in the new culture center africa took a 2 hour. and learned until hope's creatures but. knows how to get up close slowly and steadily and from down. his people the sun hunt the animals but today he's really checking up on the hood elements have special significance for this one but if you look at the structure of the animal itself is quite massive and can provide a lot of meat it can provide a lot of the same terms a blanket the skin is used as a blanket and there is also a fence they use it for cooking they use it for a solution they use it for cleaning themselves though the traditional doctors they
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use it also for another purpose. so this is while your hand is the most sickness an animal. what you see bongo walks as a guide they want to send culture and education center in sanford tamia cape town it's the far center dedicated to sun culture in south africa. the sun also known as bushmen. the traditional hunters and gatherers are an indigenous people in southern africa their ancestors lived here when the dutch reached these shows over 300 years ago. they don't they left behind emphasizes the signs deep connection to nature they don't mean and solve the european colonialist massive land loss and assimilation of marginalized the group today there are only about 150000 people in south africa
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who identify as sun. walking at the center mark to see bongos colleagues along the mall has learned to appreciate the believes and traditions of how people. whether it's animals it is plans it is the way of living the right the land so that you can keep your house. so that you can live with it one day so that one day you can tell i am from that community. not far from the museum group makes its way across the shrub learned this afrikaans call a fine boss it is out in nature that guide can best illustrate this sounds immense knowledge of medicine no plans will lead become chaos or a constable and wild man and. a macho seebohm will explains how any fusion lead from the leaves can be used as a remedy to treatment called the flu and
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a host of other means. he's proud of the knowledge gathered by his artist has much of it is now of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry might assume gore and his colleagues have been walking for years to really naturalized been 100 head to site improving conditions for not have medicinal plants like wild garlic and wild cannabis around acquired to. today not only will species like zebras spring bogs toti says raisin fields that in the 1990 s. would domina to buy wheat monocultures mountains of deadwood illustrate another reason not to realization the shelf inverse of species like the porch excellent at tree brought here from australia have been removed to reclaim the space from it if plants. take some time before would be snotty ruled by else he'll is back in balance but martin and his colleagues have already achieved
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a lot his message about the environment is clear use it sustainable or keep it for the next generation this is what we want to learn and i'll settle on says to nobility and environmental protection this is a message that has been passed down by the sun for generations. on next video in the show comes from the very south africa let me be up to date 44 percent of namibia's total an area has been set aside for conservation papa says the network consists of state run protected areas freehold wildlife management units community this is and community forests wow this is an impressive number sandra as we all know in most african countries it's local communities who hold the key to expanding the impact of conservation so it's really important to build up infrastructure
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around the wildlife parks that will also benefit people living in the area or german memory reincorporation has recently shown how this can work. he never runs out of things to do and the work can be a bit monotonous but moses knew as i was glad to have this job at the ca's eally island lodge he's among the group of local residents who've managed to find work inside a national park in north eastern namibia he's been working in this large for 2 years. i think it's difficult enough before. many people are looking for jobs so. then they need to know why when. they want to. take that well the launches one of 2 in the park belonging to an image be in company
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that has long been involved in eco tourism the company was allowed to build in the national park in exchange for employing local residents and sharing profits with the community conservancy tourist numbers are good and the more tourists the more the conservancy benefits the money generated goes towards community projects this year the local conservancy will receive $100000.00 euros that's how namibia is giving people in rural areas an incentive to protect the animals and it's working. there's been a drastic reduction in poaching. recently there was a ceremonial celebration in the part. of. the form of the german development minister was in the country to attend the inauguration of a new park station built with german funding. the
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namibian government wants to upgrade the park and get even more local residents involved. about 6000 people live in the communities surrounding the park which is situated in the poorest region of the country. fully. built. we should do more. because you will not be able to succeed if you. who live side by side with. benefits.
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now has 25000 elephants again their numbers have risen significantly in recent years. the elephant herds are a big draw for tourists but locals are often less enthusiastic about seeing the majestic beasts. so takes us to his family's home on the edge of the national park. it sits there that's why he will put the full plate for 15 minutes because it's the . offense surrounds each home and one of. those mother knows the destruction wildlife can cause to crops and other property looks like 70 percent of the namibian population she makes her living from farming despite the arid conditions in this region. it's hard work we only have simple picks no tractors but at least
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he has a job in the park so he can support us. despite the challenges moses mianzhu and his family now see their animal neighbors as more of a blessing and not just a threat and they're hoping that in the future the park will create even more jobs for local people. time now to wrap up 182nd i dish and all the environmentalists out of amy chua pick up co-produced by tunnel's television in nigeria doris about my journey i made to be uganda i was also a sound of rust if you are because why do you think sandra in typing on lightly in the i'm sure all of us in uganda loved it and much as they did will be back next week with most solutions and ideas on protecting the environment and it is for me here in kampala.
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farm land has been called ethiopia's green gold the country has an abundant supply and leases it to international tariff giants the government is after high export revenues and the corporations high profit margins but not everyone benefits from the booming business of the selling out of the country dead donkeys if you know who knows in 75 minutes on d w. enter the conflict zone with tim sebastian faulks challenging those in power asking tough questions demanding ourselves. as conflicts intensify i'll be meeting with keep players on the ground in the sense of. cutting through the rhetoric holding the powerful to account facts the conflicts. conflict zone with tim
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sebastian kong d.w. . it's time. to take one step further. and face the council. posted here on this side of love relative time to search the unknown. and find for the truth out of. time to overcome boundaries. and connect the world. this time for the t w d w s coming up ahead. for minds. and i'm just i'm with the brand new delusion born in this book it's personal it's
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divisive and it's about topics that affect us hold water pollution climate change and the return. for living things check it out. this is deja vu news and these are our top stories washington's top democrat nancy pelosi has announced an impeachment inquiry into president donald trump the u.s. house of representatives will examine whether trump sought ukraine's help to smear the democratic presidential candidate joe biden and if that is grounds for.
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