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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  September 25, 2019 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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baker constructs this for you live with the rules set by the team. costs. being recipes for success strategy make good use of. baking bread on d.w.p. . welcome to the door to bella debates have the world's economic forum sustainable development impacts summit in new york my name is sarah kelly our central question today is how can we build a market that people want one that prioritizes not just profits but also rewards those who are tackling some of the most pressing issues of our time including sustainability inequality and climate change what will it take to
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redesign today's business today's economic models in order to provide for that sort of long term value and ultimately a more sustainable and a more inclusive society to discuss we have a very distinguished panel the c.e.o. and chairman of the management board of royal d.s.m. is joining us if i can see this my senior advisor to the world economic forum and also the interim merican development bank caroline n.c. and we have the co-founder of bye-bye plastic bags and also one of the co-chairs at this year's summit. and we have the prime minister of cent lucia joining us from there alan tasm him. thank you so much to all of you for being here today and we've got to give our panel very well bob thanks and
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i'd like to begin with you because you have a company you're helping to run a company that was a little less sustainable you've been around for more than a century you started lining to chemicals now you are a leader in nutrition and food ingredients and i found it quite interesting i've heard you claim before that you can both make a profit and improve the world's so you've cracked the code. and i believe that the role of this is is to make the world a better place and we're not a charity foundation we need to make money. but we need to make the world a better place so what our business is doing well we changed our portfolio would change how this is models and will say something more maybe later on about that about how to change the markets because sometimes it's hard when we went into different pieces we now make wolf sustainability our living. we make 8 of trollish
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green we use aquaculture waste for energy we make food bowls here we make house cleaner in terms of their emissions cetera et cetera we make our money with that now at this moment and i will share price did very well in the company did very well so new versus say ok pern the is possible to make the world a better place and to make money and i say to those who versus you know what come back in 1015 years those 2 things are not exclusive like you said 10 years ago those things cannot go and sit down together which you say today those 2 things have to will go together in 10 years from now on a waste of minerals don't want to work for your company anymore they don't buy a product you've got to put a project car when you. wake up in may where you lost your license to operate i believe in the business model. it was only. it didn't wind
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automatically. they were proud and along the way there is still this gap we're talking about transitioning the markets toward sustainability caroline i'd like to bring in your experience because you bring a very interesting view to this panel you've worked in the public sector in the private sector how leadership positions over the past decade the world bank u.b.s. where do you see the biggest gaps right now and the ones that we have potentials to close i think the good news and following on from fi key is that things are changing. the bad news is i'm not sure they're changing fast enough and there are a lot of pitfalls. it's true that recently we've had some good progress we've seen the business round table share move away from shareholder primacy say the stakeholders we must think now about stakeholders and today i sort of bump a stick up which said no more. share value shared value which was
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a nice little nice little slogan the bad news is a lot of companies are still thinking about corporate social responsibility they're not running it through the business through the strategy they're not really putting it into the plumbing and without any global metrics consumers and investors and others really don't know who is sustainable and who is doing greenwashing so i think we need global metrics and they need to be mandatory and companies need to show how they're running the business in line with people and planet and this broader group of stakeholders that the business roundtable took so out and we need to be able to compact companies and they need to be a 3rd party and regulations need to hold them to account for that i think we also need to look at how we use product labeling so that consumers consumers. control
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about 60 percent of global g.d.p. they they make choices every day using their pocketbook say wallets it with proper labeling and disclosure we've seen it with food labeling but also with product. product production supply chains consumers can make that choice but it's very important that consumers don't have to pay more for doing the right things mr prime minister i'd like to turn to you now because i think that you would underscore the urgency for that change you're on the front lines of the climate emergency you're a small island but you most certainly have a big voice and you're here in new york this week on a mission aren't you what what needs to happen right now for your country well most of the small and developing states are facing 2 things extinction. and being violent and unfortunately the extinction extinction part comes 1st so
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we have had now several years we are there is absolute evidence of the climate change its numbers that are uncomprehensible so for instance dominique to hurricanes in the 2nd one maria 200 percent of your g.d.p. can we fathom that. that all of a sudden life as you knew it on an island has completely destroyed that the people who are staying there are really the ones that were self employed that were on the farms and teachers doctors nurses leave do they ever come back and so bahamas and if i can just take you for a moment to be in a house in which the sea level rose more than 15 feet and that you're hanging on to the rafters of your roof to breathe because the water's underneath you and that instead of the wind blowing off the roof the water basically took the roof off with
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it and that you were there for 36 hours and then another 24 to 48 hours afterwards there was still sufficient wind it did not allow planes or helicopters to come in so for 5 days you were literally by yourself and then when the water subsides what do you have you have an island that had $25000.00 people that has nothing so for the next year and a half to 2 years while the island is being rebuilt whose thought of villages sticks of where those people are going to go who's thought of the logistics of who is going to support those people and i was just saying when they left they left with just the clothes that they had no idea. no job so imagine we have to now get their i.d.'s to be able to get into their bank accounts who's paying their mortgage what's going to happen and so these are the logistics that we have to start thinking of when i talk about being extinct the final nail in the coffin for us is that we've become now uninsurable so i mean you need action not only from the
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private sector you also need policy changes and you need public sector action as well i want to get to that just a 2nd but you know you mentioned the micro level now what's the grassroots level a lot of. your generation. they're out on the streets they're demanding action on climate change you're actually been taking action yourselves at the age of 12 you started this organization in order to tackle an issue in your own country of bali. that was the use of single use plastic items that were being disposed of and polluting your water is there. a better mission to for a 12 year old to take at the time i mean how did that make you feel surely you must have felt a sense of anger i mean where were the adults in the room why was this problem not being handled i think you. know i mean i'm not 12 years old anymore but i at times i'm 18 now and i like to say that i'm
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a full time change maker you know dedicating my life entirely since i was 12 where growing up on the island of bali definitely there was this deep frustration as to why nothing was happening in this in the situation of plastic drowning our island home and you know we learned that 40 other countries around the world banned plastic bags so you can imagine at the age of 10 and 12 my sister was 10 i was 12 we looked at each other and said 40 other countries we can do it too and so it was a simple as that you know was no business plan no agenda no strategy that we pulled together it was just this it came from this pure intention and this vision to make our island home of bali plastic bag free now 6 years ago you know and with our and you know by plastic bags we've really managed to mobilize the masses on the island we've gone into classrooms we've gone into conferences we've also gone into government meetings and i think this is where you see the integration of what needs
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to happen on a society level how we have to mobilize how we have to collaborate to really get change happening now it shouldn't have taken a 6 years but i can now say finally with a smile on my face that as of 2. or 3 months ago this summer we finally saw the implementation of the ban come in place for plastic bags straws and styrofoam on the island of bali. thank you know i really resonated with what you said earlier that things are happening and i see that again and again entering these sort of spaces learning from so many different people from all around the world things are happening but they're not happening fast enough and you know one of the bad the forefront questions of this panel is you know how do we create markets that people actually want and through my work with bags through my work with meeting other young change makers in the discussions we have our answer to
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that question would be to involve people in the planning for those markets involve the young people take our ideas as crazy as they might be we have things to offer we are smart we are passionate we are motivated and we're ready to be part of those opening markets and you feel like your voices are being heard now. i think i think we're going we're demanding pass just being heard we don't want to just be heard it's not enough for us anymore we expect a seat at the table we expect to be invited to these high level discussions we expect to be involved in political meetings because i think that we grew up with a reality so extreme that no other generation has ever experienced our childhood was completely taken away from us and so in order to have a say with what happens in our future in our lifetime we not only expect to be heard but we expect to be a part of the decisions that are being made today. and one of the decisions i mean
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we're saying at least. potentially a shit in the world of business right now we have the business roundtable come out about a month ago with this commitment essentially to you know benefit all stakeholders not just shareholders the issue of shareholder privacy they say is not going to be so predominant doing business something that caroline just mentioned we actually told everyone through the world economic forum on twitter to ask whether people believe it we ask the following question business leaders say they want to be more sustainable do you believe that i can imagine that you might imagine how people answered so 23 percent of people said yes 22 percent of people said i'm not sure 55 percent of people said no i do not believe them so i mean there is clearly
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a distrust out there. you know if i felt turn to you essentially people saying c.e.o.'s or yourself your greenwashing. and. this is the. score of course. that's cool because he would do i mean what is the essence of species it is a simple model which we have for distribution competences you've been in this i've been there is you do does i do this and then we exchange at the end of today and we live and be he had to get it it is no more more complicated than the pieces in the last d.t.h. we sold to making money is not a goal this is not a goal i mean making money is a tool to exchange a little bit to goods and to live have be all together if you do to
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a business and what you have done. it's called the show sure and to prices social and to preserve i don't like that word old oh my of which you do i think all ends of british obesity there should be shows you in the good news you should go to jail if you are not one because obese issued sure if society says sorry my caroline also said it out you need to do it the new mainstream a few of your bases that is which we need to fight i mean you you you don't like the score right but do you seem validity to it i mean to is is there a point there and what in your view separates a sustainably run this as for one that's just greenwashing and what if you see it what are you seeing more of out there right now are you seeing people really doing the work or is it just like government saying all invoke is changing the world is changing and that's to bolster the news and companies are changing the new
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generation is coming at the helm and want to do things in a different way. i see myself also wish a new generation we've compared to the old laugh i'm. the one to do it to me in a different way and that means that he is sorry to see how to do in the mainstream a few businesses something good for the world and it goes for his resistance of shareholders to the girls who is greenwashing of some of the people who do it on the side demetri says glee at cetera ok let's talk about how we can make that change happen caroline turn to you because i want to get concrete steps actually what would you need to see from c.e.o.'s and from business leaders to make you believe that they are serious that this isn't just a piece of paper or that they've all signed to make themselves feel a little bit better at the end of the day i think the biggest issue behind the lack of trust is how many different systems they rock to measure these sustainability
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and even to define what sustainability is i was just in a meeting earlier where i heard there are 600 different types of metrics. not talking to each other not necessarily compatible to say whether a company is running itself sustainably and many of those just focus on the immediate footprint of the company they're not actually looking at is the company creating long term value for the society so we have a financial system a regulatory system some might say it's too onerous we have a client system that asked companies and banks to conform to a whole host of issues we need to start extending that to conforming to a clear set of metrics about how is environment social governance whatever it may be is integrated in your business one set of metrics so that people can see and
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people can make comparisons across companies i mean companies love competition let's have some competition so can i. still to best thing you can do is good for me or to every c.e.o. what well about i know i want to take that challenge i think america for every c.e.o. would be good but but even with america i think some might turn out to be rather shortsighted you know when they need to do something which to me or to look into it and to answer the question would they do so and their company a contributing something meaningful to society and if not then you can maybe call you companies with you missed the point why we have an economy but a lot i just want to ask you for your quick reaction how do you feel do you trust business i mean you've had the experience of partner actually with this is what you
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lurk in your experience what is the scent of either thing that. and just generally speaking how does your generation see the business world. as a step to getting to where it is we want to go with sustainability i think we're seeing a lot of commitments come out but again i think that if we know that. i think we're just expecting a lot more and with the timelines that are set and placed with the budget that we know companies have behind them they're investing in 70 percent when they could be investing in the 100 percent solution and i think that we're living in a time where we're waiting for this leap frog to happen and that's where i think young people play a huge role and i think the biggest mistake that any company can make is to look at us and put and invite us to you know meetings or lectures as an inspirational part i think we are beyond just an inspiration and i think that a lot of us young people.
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we want to really give voice to how what matters for us and i think that with the changing markets we're already creating a bigger push and a bigger direction of where we want to see it go and that's also the consumer's role as us individuals we do our homework we go above and beyond and you know we have phones and the 1st time i don't have my phone on me all right handy but you know we have our phones on us at all times and especially as kids we go on social media we check out what the company stands for what the reports are and if we can't find it we start questioning and it's those big hard questions that we're asking and when we don't get an answer that sits right with us when we feel a hint of greenwashing that's when we decide as consumers where we want to use our pocket or where we want to use our wallet for that's where we can make the decision mr prime minister you weigh in here what do you want to see from business.
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i think the rules challenging. point but that's no news to everybody. the question really becomes the disrupters so caroline is right we're not pricing our products out properly right so. the idea that you would transport a tomato to solution which is a small tropical island because the economies of scale suggested it's cheaper to produce it simmers right. how does a small farmer in solution survive if in fact the product that he's producing which may have substantially less carbon emissions but he cannot produce the volume of that tomato it to be able to sell it at the price that's currently on the market so imagine if a country of $180000.00 people can find the solutions to be sustainable and viable
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. and that you now go the way that we're thinking we're seeing this. i had to write it down again think small and acts smart. right because it's about being small now all of a sudden we're the big part was the economies of scale but it wasn't being priced in because you have the transportation to bring everything else to the distribution the world basis whereas i go to a restaurant in an island valley i want to get fresh produce from bally and now people are saying that's what they want they don't want they can choose to comes from somewhere else or can juice that really is the same prototype of the same kind of juice that they couldn't get anywhere else in the world and how much of that cost and how much to do so we have a sting in england i think it's called free trade in terms of that we're trying to figure out what products were produced how they produce what with their employment strategies and once you start now imposing these new rules whether we call them
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rules or requirements then all of a sudden the distribution process is going to start to change quite dramatically and we start becoming a bit more sustainable i do want to talk about you know the actions that can be taken in the trying to you with that one perhaps you can give us some lessons learned from your company there it's transformation and ones which can be extrapolated and perhaps used by other business leaders for example going forward and i just want to remind us also of the central question that we're asking today how can we move beyond growth to create greater alignment between the chair people's choices and economy. for me it's still stark choice to mirah and your own belief and your own moral feelings and opinions if you don't have to feeling like your contribution should be then it goes wrong if you have an impact if you have power as a c.e.o. or a company you need to take that responsibly to going to get it we said it's not enough
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that's not the only thing. i will built but they talk to each a lot see what lessons do you think we need to learn i mean you've talked a lot about the role of the individual for example. or you can tell us you know how you might see the possibility to scale so here initiatives. i truly believe that we don't need more mirrors but we need to look more at each other and i think that we need to build a space a true community where we can build trust and where we can have that authenticity that we tap into because we have only each other to depend on and how we get rid of that greenwashing is not by holding up a mirror but by looking at each other and by honestly calling out each other for when we feel like we're wrong and when we know there is another way caroline i'd like to give you the final word now take us one year from now we're at the next sustainable development impact summit what action would you like to see in the next here on this particular issue well i would like to see something on metrics i would like to finally see something on redefining growth so it's not just gross domestic
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product but about how resilient are your communities how integrated are your old people do your young people have jobs we measure what we measure we do and we measure it in the wrong way but i think there is on the horizon a very interesting pincer movement and i think it looks like this i think it looks like modern companies recognizing that their long term value means they have to be sustainable and the mortgage show that they can be sustainable and still deliver. to their shareholders the more it will spiral i count ability council going to how do we build a market that people want one that is more inclusive one that is more sustainable we thank you so much to all of you for being here for this story to vela debate at the world economic forum sustainable development in fact summit and especially a very special thanks to our panelists.
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thank you thank. you. the book. a good. thing. to. look.
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to. as the ice melts a. man merging. fear. i hope. i'm reading. what kind of book or a male what will happen to the arctic after the ice melts. 15 minutes on d w. literature
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invites us to see people in particular. i like to see some as the kids find strength and growth. my objective is to share work and find beautiful. on youtube. where is home. when your family scattered across the globe. such. a journey to the roots get minimum live. shots family from somalia live around the world i'm one of them needed urgent assistance of. a family starts october on.
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. this is g w news live from berlin. democrats in the u.s. congress launch an impeachment inquiry into alleged crimes by president donald trump the actions of the trump presidency who feel. that betrayal of office of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of. the president must be held accountable no one is a fox a lot. also coming up the british prime minister is returning early from the. after the country supreme.


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