tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle September 27, 2019 2:30pm-3:00pm CEST
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so. time to overcome dreams. and connect the world. trying. to do a video coming up ahead. minds. well coming soon in good shape coming up want to alcohol does to your body. frees up clinics for a project in nigeria a. man's a recovering alcoholic on why giving up is so hard. here's your host dr costin like you taught. to
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check if you ever said to yourself oh just another sip of wine. just one more. and tomorrow i will stop. and it's not that easy sometimes alcohol can become a problem ok. this is just great shoes. we met a young woman in berlin who told us what it's like when you try to wash away your problems with a call. by mia even as a kid i knew i had issues that i didn't deal very well with my emotions that i always feel out of place i'm either on a total high or i'm completely miserable. been ordered to put the book.
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out the glass and the 1st time i had alcohol it was like falling in love for the 1st time. yes waste of your life and veers into and i have such a feeling of exhilaration of lightness death of this life. written kind of saddened by it wasn't the reason why i started drinking but i did have a traumatic experience my best friend who had studied with committed suicide and i was the one who found her and if he had off before the bar after that i could tell myself that i needed a drink because i'd had this terrible experience likely his and it. looked at if the absolute local insurers altered in my 3rd visit to rehab i barricaded myself in my apartment for 12 days and had 4 to 6 bottles of alcohol delivered every day. order that i am off him and my
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partner at the time took me to the emergency room 3 times and they kept me in hospital. then cup of a doesn't when you detox you deny your body what you've been bingeing on when you sweat your heart rate says alcohol withdrawal is one of the few with girls that can be deadly as much law i couldn't sleep couldn't eat i shouldn't the whole time i was a physical wreck. i've been here but i haven't had a drink for 18 months and i don't think about alcohol at all i don't even want it i don't have any cravings and. if it was a self-help group from alcoholics anonymous they gave me back my will to live and a sense of clarity joy and freedom. for.
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myself i know i'm an alcoholic and that if i start drinking. and i won't survive. luckily she managed to get a grip on herself and managed to change her life for the better and now in meeting somebody who's helping people to do this and yes lots of. mentally have lots o. is a social worker and addiction therapist for over 18 years he's worked as an addict cancelling center in berlin. we like to approach people as early as possible to find out whether alcohol reduction is still possible or sobriety is the better solution. to lots of low and the woman we just saw in the report was in her early twenties when she got addicted to alcohol. age here 1000000 that ya
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know that's pretty young that's really really young but we observe that people are common earlier stages and early ages to counseling office. thing is that berlin is the partner capital right now there's a lot of drinking and drug taking going on but the other thing is also that people the might be a little early aware of that is something wrong with the arkle cancer. we will continue to talk in just a moment and talk about how to moderately drink alcohol but 1st let's take a look at what happens in your body and in your organs and we think our core. alcohol affects the body from the moment the 1st sip passes your lips in your stomach it stimulates the production of gastric acids irritates the stomachs mucous lining. up at an alcohol is then absorbed by the intestine and to a large vessel called the portal vein and through that into the liver delivers very close by and therefore especially at risk because
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a lot of alcohol flows directly from the stomach into the liver and through it. the liver eliminates almost all the alcohol and detoxifies the body but account breakdown goes to the brain. within minutes the alcohol reaches the cerebrum the organ responsible for thought processes decision making and emotions. 'd intoxication depresses the central nervous system making the nerve cells working stream and slowly the brain is unable to cope. with alcohol attacks the main control center eating eventually to completely collapse. alcohol also puts a strain on the heart survey of $3000.00 beer drinkers each with a blood alcohol level of around 0.8 showed that one in 3 gets cardiac arrhythmia. one and 4 suffer from
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a racing heart beat or talking cardio. after recovery period of half a day the heart rate normalizes again. when the heart stops pumping trouble the blood begins to build up in the liver if the liver is already damaged by alcohol the backlog of blood in the liver causes additional damage which worsens its condition. but. that. although the liver becomes spotty it continues to function deliver has one fatal flaw in the liver too nice to be liver doesn't hurt so many alcohol drink us don't realize if the liver sick of it can only find out if that check of the doctor is perhaps once a year if they regularly drink high amounts of alcohol the doctor can do a blood test and see if the liver values are ok. after getting drunk the cerebellum is the 1st to recover after about 8 to 10 hours it coordinates movement in language. the frontal lobe controls judgment behavior
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and emotion. it returns to normal 12 to 14 hours later. 2 days after being intoxicated the brain is fully recovered and works almost as well as before although some nerve cells are missing. you know just those missing cells because we have great ability to compensate for this loss in the stomach to can absorb the damage even after a lengthy drinking career it recovers after one or 2 months of the booze what about the liver. the old friends are doing when people stop drinking the liver can regenerate may not be quite as healthy as before but it can stabilize and that's a big advantage for type. likewise the heart recovers after 2 months of that alcohol. drinking a lot of alcohol damages the brain there is memory loss and learning gets difficult but that too can be reversed after 12 months of abstinence the brain recovers
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healthy brain parts take on new functions. you haven't seen dust in the 1st 30 if you stop drinking alcohol in time most of the organs can regenerate it's always good to stop drinking alcohol because it improves organ function. even with advanced liver disease survival rates are better than if you continue drinking so at the end of the day it's best to quit. we just saw in the report that alcohol consumption can really harm our body but still people like to drink it through something like a healthy alcohol consumption well years back the health organization said that 30 grams for men and 20 grams for women per day. ok if you have 2 days in a week off but the last years health organization said that actually
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good for nothing it's just poison for the body so. drink as less as possible that sometimes is not that easy not to drink so how important is social pressure to get up into all these and it depends on the social group you live and the groups it's very important to drink alcohol maybe al gore is even in the center of all activities but there are other groups especially of young people who have a very healthy and mindful lifestyle and also drink very mindful when somebody considered being an alcoholic when he has lost control that's one very important thing and the other thing is if i go has already influenced many parts of your life and has damaged many parts of your life and still you go on drinking then you are over the top we go to view a question and if you ask us up to what percentage of pure alcohol can manage and
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have so that it's not harmful it's not so easy to say we say just avoid hard i mean the stronger the alcohol is you drink the more influence it has on has it on the body and so just to stay with beer maximum wine what has to happen to become an alcoholic. you 1st thing is you have to lose control of it and then you start to use alcohol to solve problems and to regulate your emotions if you do this one time this might be not too harmful but if you do it again and again so that it becomes a pattern you are in a trap after a while so if i want to drink a little less in my life how can i start how you can make a list of pros and contrast and write down what would be the advantage if you could be able to drink less then you can use a drink diary just write down when you know what which amount with whom you drink
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on which occasions and you can have it is an app. or an online guide also and there are also drink less programs available and the web and last part of this to go to your counseling center. on this i've never idea i never like to drink don't drink but go to your computer and send me your questions you like me to ask our experts. coming so we'll be talking about antibiotics prescription rates are on the rise and so it's resistant to what are the consequences and what alternatives are there send your questions to in good shape bhakti w. dot com just find actually by all 6 in the subject line we look forward to hearing from you. at all abuse is a worldwide problem and our coal consumption is on the rise over the last 30 years 70 percent especially in countries like india or in china but people are drinking
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here in europe too number one is through a now let's take a look at africa they have people are drinking more in the south than in the north our d.w. correspondent. was taking a look at one of the few rehabilitation centers in nigeria look how they're treating patients that. even him is older brother has come to take him home the former alcoholic spent more than a year living at this rehabilitation center. and then a key. no nation before i was brought to this center i was always coming back home drunk i used to take different types of drugs. my family was not happy and that's why they brought me here. sheen i have a brand new person now and i've assured them that i will never go back to drugs or begin to hear joe. even him say is that thanks to the treatment he's received here
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he has now put his addiction by. find him he's looking forward to starting his life afresh. the rehabilitation center in could do now in northern nigeria is one of the few in the country founded 13 years ago it houses more than 200 recovering addicts and it services are in high demand the people just keep coming. it is also a skill acquisition center so patients are undergoing treatment they are taught different skills that they can turn into small businesses once they're fully recovered. many also attend lessons in a makeshift classroom the teachers are themselves recovering addicts while the founder al-hadi material says he has helped thousands of patients. and i been using my knowledge of traditional undesired medicine to treat them. i
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see this as my contribution to reducing the problem of children getting into drugs . but juries methinks the harsh. those living here have to wear uniforms their feet are also chained together all the time. we're only able to get a few shots of the chains because madeira doesn't want us to film them he also won't answer questions about the practice on camera things. he tells us it is to keep the inmates from running away some of them up brought in by their families and are not here of their own free will. we show the footage from the rehab center to mental health physician dr name in a dairy for the wear uniform she's shocked by what she sees for this money.
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that is dehumanizing. institutionalizing day dinner hour medic or. take word for what the court can require restring that we have them even if now we have dental managed anger that would restrain d.m. she says nigeria lacks qualified mental health professional missiles that could help those with drug and alcohol problems there's a deficits huge one in that group comments i a professional us so. a lot of or people that claim to more doing this is it pan bomb within to explode a man dr derry says and i cheer ians need to take the issue of drug and alcohol addiction more seriously and. in the meantime many have no choice but to seek help from people like al hardy material and his rehabilitation center in could
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do a. are there specific indicators for alcohol abuse and other dependence. we speak of alcohol abuse if somebody is used too many played his feelings by oracle hole force good feelings. kick off bad feelings and if this. ensures that different. things in your life for example your social relationships or your work abilities are something like this and you still can't stop or cut down your drinking then you are all dependent ok in syria fine line when you can say that somebody is dictator i call it the number of brings or is it more what the best to you it's more what the article does to you it's not always the amount of oracle who drink for example if you have other things that make your life nice and. worth living you don't depend so much on
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alcohol somebody who is just sitting there maybe unemployed and has his bottle of wine this bottle of wine means a lot more to him ok and if somebody says ok i want to quit going to kick the habit can he do this on his own or does he always beat up it's difficult because most people tend to hide this problem and that's a trap you have to go out to talk to people and maybe your friends and related are not able to help you like a professional is able to under so it's best to go to a counseling center like ours as early as possible ok so that it's better to seek some professional help but if i'm not a professional drug advisors somebody would come to me as a friend can i help him. yes or you can give feedback. hard for treat because possible to talk about your feelings your emotions you. rian
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says. try to avoid things like you should and you have and you must things like that you know so if somebody is addicted to alcohol it's a problem of the whole family because everybody suffers from that so like pick the kids small kids because even adolescence do they need help too in some cases yes the poor thing should be that the family members talk with each other about the problem also with the addicted person possible but in some cases they should go to a counseling center also. they can have a counseling for related as well and in some cases it's good to go to a sufferer group ok so if you want to quit don't want to drink anymore and you need professional help and there are several phases of the withdrawal process so do we have to start with
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a doctor even in the hospital for instance best would be to go to addiction counseling center because they know everything about all these processes but you need. a prescription from the doctor to go to a hospital and have a detox there we can also tell somebody what's going on and what you can do after this detoxing process is it very important to do this inside the hospital or can you even do this like an outpatient if you're physically addicted you should go to hospital it can be dangerous to do it by yourself because you can get cramps holds nations and all the bad things that you never want to experience one problem is that many a colleague so when successfully through a detox program still relapse even after years why is it so hard to get rid of. some people don't take it so serious as they should because our call of the psych who act of substance that means it inflates your feelings and emotion.
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and people have to deal with this. to get really rid of this problem and many people are not ready for that one question remaining why are people getting addicted in the 1st place and researchers are trying to find this out and they're trying to cure the addiction you roofie think we're not. nice drop even at lunch time sometimes relaxed approach to intoxicating drinks is a bit too relaxed the world health organization says $3000000.00 people die every year worldwide from alcohol abuse. why is moderate drinking so difficult. to kick. drugs kidnap our system in a very powerful way and then change the system you're a chemically not a molecular level but especially on an epi genetic level you're here drugs can
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cause very powerful effects and in some cases may start a program that lasts a lifetime in need. why do people become addicted. he's published many studies on brain and addiction has come up with some of the says he and his team mostly do research on addicted rats and mice. so to what extent can their results be applied to humans. even. when it comes to addiction it's been shown that animals ultimately show the same behavior patterns in the same progression of disease as humans. we can see many many processes in animals that are the same as in humans. knows who see. when it comes to research involving germans were limited we can do sky we can do net attesting neuro imaging studies but after that you come up against ethical boundaries. e.t.c consumer research hasn't
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found. at the control center in the attic sprain is no longer in control instead it's the reward system that starts to take over and increasingly takes the elite. thing consumed can create to get more. when givens get to the stage they drink on all occasions and the pub at parties in the office and also in front of the t.v. . they do this even though they know the alcohol homes the party department is a neurotransmitter called glutamate. and we find that the gluten the target system overshoots it's like a powerful hyper excitability in the system which then paralyzes the control center the. lobby. goes colleague pay to kids is looking
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to basically reprogram the brain. is developing a kind of brain training to help alcoholics escape the vicious cycle the method is called neurofeedback during an m.r.i. scan the subjects are showing images of alcohol called cues and have to try to overcome that desire for it simply through the power of the mind. the. skin of the subjects in the scanner get the signal from their brains own reward system here they're seeing a picture of alcohol of the same time. i. believe that their job now is to bring down the activity and the reward system is built to steam want to soar it's about involves regulations a telemarketer from the hot red yellow colors to the blue green colors to didn't blow and gordon. what happens in the brain during this process has yet to be researched but the method seems to work patients say they regained control of. an initial run to my study was just
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a few subjects found that they have less desire for alcohol than. the control group now is conducting a larger study with more than 100 alcohol dependent patients. hobble experience of being able to say i can regain control of my addiction and of my life i can that's a very very important part of the successful treatment of addiction patients for an idea of folk like my loved ones with button. side when it's high time to have bitch will drink has to rethink before it's too late. that's it for today see you again next weekend i'm so then let's all try to stay in good shape. right cheers.
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i'm not all think. well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up and whip it up and read the germans think stevens or german culture of looking at the stereotypes aquatics put in here think this leaves a country that i don't. need it seems ridiculous gram a day out. it's all about a new i'm a joke join me to meet the jetman fundy w. post. the fall of the berlin wall began long before november 989. we visit the heroes of eastern europe we talk to those who began the struggle for
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freedom and those who showed personal courage. the museum the fall of the wall didn't surprise me you should go 1st what does it take to change the course of history. raising the iron curtain starts september 30th on d w. d c org 5 keys to safer food. police to prevent companies shut. separate draw and cook foods to avoid cross contamination. cooks thoroughly to kill microorganisms. keep food safe temperatures fall to prevent bacterial growth.
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the big. this is news coming to you live from berlin young climate activists are returning to the streets reach out to make china's future boozman stages another day of marches around the world launch a week after the biggest mass protest in history i'll believe is any closer to delivering policy change also on the program the u.s. treasuries and abused his power and the white house competition accusations of mr avila a whistleblower by their very act.
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