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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  October 1, 2019 7:15am-8:01am CEST

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bion will become the 1st german team to play it tottenham's new stadium it cost more than a 1000000000 euros to build the 2 strike is set to grace its pitch up priceless you're watching they doubly news live from berlin after a short break a documentary film of young americans fighting against gun plenty of that's up next now matheny health thanks for watching. and i'm getting on with the brand new delusions on the bulk of explosive devices the top they still affect us all. climate change returning. fullerenes check out.
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this film takes us to a country where the younger generation is rising up they no longer want to watch their siblings classmates and friends get killed. newtown orlando las vegas each place has witnessed a mass murder with over 20 dead these tragedies are happening more and more often we were alive 1st. we learn every year in high school or college. we knew about what happened in orlando. on valentine's day 2018 there was a massacre at montreux stoneman douglas high school in park in florida. every single time like. nothing happened people love to clear off your thoughts and prayers our entire nation. with one heavy heart is praying for the victims and
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their families. for once it was just like enough is enough. for. a student initiative organize the biggest protest in the u.s. since the 1960 s. when young americans took to the streets to oppose the vietnam war millions took part in the march from miners in spring 2018 to demonstrate against guns in their country guns that kill their friends and that moment was an absolutely riveting and catalyzing moment i think for the country that is different from anything we've seen before. at the same time the arms industry was upgrading and launching new products on the market it has so there's very many factors that make that specific gun an amazing piece. more than $30000.00 people dying through gun violence in the
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u.s. every year in some areas the situation is completely out of control but rather than abolish guns the government stands behind the arms industry. now. teenagers are voicing their rage right outside the headquarters of a powerful gun lobby group the n r a they no longer want a system where politicians sound exactly like the arms industry. and. i'm really gonna. crack. the protest movement has been growing since spring 2018 it's calling for tougher gun laws and to finally make access to weapons more difficult can american teenagers succeed where so many others have failed.
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parkland is a small wealthy town in florida with. the population of 30000 it's mainly the white middle and upper class who live here. some of our biggest problems in parkland were speeding complaints that the bulk trash wasn't being picked up properly and people leaving their car doors unlocked. it was valentine's day and it was a day a lot of analysts actually wasn't really looking forward to this day because all she wanted it was somebody the love her she wanted a valentine. and i can remember then driving alyssa to school and i opened the door to the car and alyssa got out. there was a pretty normal day we were in my class i teach at the american governments then it's the irony of all ironies but we were talking about the no that's
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a rifle association you have this interest group that is so powerful. i told a listener that i loved her and that would be a last time that i would see alyssa live. there was a murder at school that day among the 3000 students and the teachers l'oreal her death couldn't reach her door to a new so on her cell phone and began to panic she could only watch as other parents embrace the children in really. i just started screaming on top of my lungs because you know i know life times passing by and i know my daughter she she would have would have told me that she was ok and this is mother could do nothing but stand on signed and imagine what was happening to her daughter. some of these students and teachers and staff members they've seen what most people don't see unless they've
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been at war. there were over 400 people in that building and the ones who got out had to walk over dead bodies. laurie i had to have stuart are a loser was among the dead. the police found the perpetrator he'd hidden himself among the group of 15 students and wandered around outside for over an hour he was a former student 19 year old nicholas cruz on february 14th 2018 he shot down 3 teachers and 14 children at montreux stoneman douglas high school. my husband i later we went to the funeral home and we spent 2 hours planning the funeral arrangements for lester. and then we got to go see a lesser. and she was shot in the heart and she was shot and top of the head and the hand and the femoral artery and her body was so cold and i was taking my
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hands i was trying to warm her body because i had her mother in china break our back to life. a few weeks later and parkland more details had come to light about the killer police had visited nicholas cruz at his home several times before the rampage because neighbors and relatives were concerned about his guns but the police didn't confiscate them they said the 19 year old had acquired them legally including his any ar 15 a semi automatic that's controversially not classed as an assault rifle after the incident the police found this video on his cell phone. i am going to be the next.
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how was a teenager with such clear behavioral problems allowed to have a rifle but only the military is allowed to have in other countries. several days after the massacre a few parklane students resolve to take home the lax gun laws of the united states of america teenagers says politicians. have it want to come up to me and tell me it's my belief that it was a terrible tragedy and how it should never have * been and many have when nothing is going to be done about it i don't have the after him how much money he received from the national rifle was. jamal lemmy was also among the students fighting back the creative head of the movement he designed t. shirts containing a message for young americans. the blue in the u.s.
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flag is a q.r. code scanning it with a cell phone provided information about the midterm elections of all time 2018. sort target audiences those are not voters of this country and generally think of the nonvoters of this country the huge demographic is 18 to 20 not so young people this country they wanted to motivate these millions of potential young voters to register before the elections so that they could vote for politicians who favored stricter gun laws you can't fold if you're not registered and we know that young people tend to vote in lower numbers than any other age category in 2014 only about 20 percent of the youngest age cohort voted in those midterm elections and one of the key efforts is to try and increase that number by mobilizing students getting them interested in this issue robert spitzer is one of the most renowned
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political scientists in the country teaches at suny cortland university in new york state the author of numerous books on guns in the us most students most young people generally favor stronger gun laws to a higher degree than older categories of americans saw the potential for younger voters if they enter the system at the register and actually vote to change political outcomes to change electoral outcomes is great. but the general political situation in the spring of 2018 was not conducive to change u.s. president donald trump's pre-disaster barack obama tried to enforce stricter gun laws and failed in congress. the current president is an advocate of the arms industry during the election campaign he received $30000000.00 us dollars from the n.r.a. . thank you. there's
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a dedication you have ministration fighting to protect your section on. the 2nd amendment of the us constitution gives americans the right to keep and bear arms and millions of americans claim that right to this day. the president town to the 90 if it originated with the n.r.a. teachers should carry guns to protect our students and shoot in and imagine see. it costs almost nothing i would actually give a bonus to every coach teacher etc because they should go through training as good as they are they should go through a very strong strenuous training i know this proposal was rejected by the main us teachers unions and both of them have been the sefer us in saying that this is the exact wrong answer to school shootings and they dears that we're not going to try
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and deal with the issue of guns in america guns in the hands of youth securing safe spaces for our children we're going to have shoot ups a few days after the tragedy at their school in parkland the teenagers went public together with teachers and surviving relatives they met politicians on a television show and dana loesch a spokeswoman for the n.r.a. . i want to bring in right now senior emma gonzalez she has a question i was thinking very quickly the 17 year old high school student became the face of the youth movement right dana loesch the shooter at our school obtain weapons that he used on us legally do you believe that it should be harder to obtain these semi-automatic and modify of weapons and the modifications for these weapons to make them fully automatic like stocks i want to answer your question. this individual was nuts and nor the millions of people
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that i represent as a part of this organization that i'm here speaking for none of us support people who are crazy who are a danger to themselves who are a danger to others getting their hands on a firearm or the detective bought studies show that just 2 out of 10 of these killings are carried out by a mentally ill person and the facts are that when you look at mass shootings in the u.s. high profile mass shootings most from 10 we've done with legal guns that people purchased so they've passed the background check and then secondly they're not often you know the majority are not committed by people of mental health issues the issue is a lot of people get angry. and a lot of matters are can buy angry people who want to take out at that point in time vengeance and they have easy access to firearms to accomplish that it was another student confronted republican senator marco rubio on t.v.
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look at nicholas cruz but the point is you're here so senator rubio can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the and i was wouldn't tonsil the question for senator had received over $3000000.00 in contributions from the n.r.a. during the election campaign he's part of a system that the parkin students want to fight. who are on our way to a typical american gun store in orlando florida a students don't want to abolish the right to possess arms they just want more rigorous background checks and minimum age of $21.00 and a ban on assault rifles including the eof murder weapon used in pop and dividers in florida all you have to do is fill out a form and prove you're not a criminal. when the store owner sean gets a new rifle and he shows it off to his friends who come by regularly. and we can do
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that with kevin maxwell is an instructor with the n.r.a. . b a r 15 rifle is the favorite weapon of many americans including those who commit mass shootings think. it's no more lethal than any other firearm. it's not the configuration of the gun that makes the firearm lethal on lethal it's what the bullet does when it hits you and that's determined by the person firing it not the gun the gun doesn't decide who to shoot. this is the logic of the n.r.a. and its supporters. the system also stifles the politicians who want change like linda stuart a democratic member of the florida senate she represents the greater orlando area
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18 months before the parkland massacre her district experienced a similar tragedy. a gunman in the pulse nightclub killed 49 people and injured 53 some of them severely he was also using an a r 15 semiautomatic rifle. there is no reason for someone to have that high capacity type gun they don't need it for hunting we're not for taking guns away from people and allowing them to enjoy a sport that is not a gun that is for sport that is a gun to kill people and they need to be banned. while tens of thousands of people in orlando mourn the victims linda stuart proposed a new norm in the florida state senate. the bill that
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i put forward right after the paul shooting was to ban about 70 types of high capacity guns and magazines and it didn't get a hearing the 1st year at all. before a bill can be voted on in the florida senate it must be passed by the judiciary committee and according to the law the senate judiciary chaired the science which bills are debated in this case it was republican greg stube. ringback mr stevie didn't want to hear my bills though he was a huge n.r.a. supporter and back and they backed him heavily and he absolutely felt that guns should be anywhere and everywhere. these images are from the politicians own election campaign video.
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refused an interview with us. the young parklane demonstrators were hoping their protest the biggest one the u.s. had seen in decades would mobilize people to replace the politicians standing in the way of change. the march for our lives took place on march the 24th 2018 the students raised several $1000000.00 through crowd funding and donations from celebrities like steven spielberg and george clooney with help from their political science teacher and p.r. strategists they assembled 800000 demonstrators at the capitol in washington d.c. . and that moment was an absolutely riveting and catalyzing moment i think for the country that is different from anything we've seen before. on this march today in more than 700 cities across america young people in particular protested against gun violence and the political
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influence of the arms industry. they also demonstrated how skillfully they could use social media through twitter they created a network with millions of other young americans with a power source read in our. university to reach anyone you know. i think the was literally in the palm of your hands and at that moment i was just so people were just were feeling this pain and needed to express themselves and the movie was born within a few weeks and the gonzalez alone while i have a 1500000 twitter followers twice as many as the n.r.a. i for 17 year old was the main speaker that day. 6 minutes and about 20 seconds and a little over 6 minutes 17 of our friends were taken from us 15 were injured and everyone absolutely everyone in the douglas community was forever altered 6 minutes and 20
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seconds with an a r 15 and my friend carmen would never complain to me about piano practice erin feist would never call kiera miss sunshine alyssa ahdaf would never to me gothenburg would never have met okalik whenever. i she remained silent for as long as it took the camera and parkland to and 17 people's lives. since the time that i came out here. it has been 6 minutes and 20 seconds the shooter has ceased shooting and will soon abandon his rifle blend in with the students as they escape and walk free for an hour before a rest fight for your lives before it's someone else's child.
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i. it was a chance for emma and her friends to bring the discussion of young people's lives and their concerns to a national stage in a way that had never been done before. of modern results carrying on cemetery i must say your are not mondale colleagues prove i was not. the problem has been at the forefront of gonzales for a very long time i know many. i know many people who have lost loved ones friends and family on the one regular bases due to gone by. the student from chicago addressed an issue that is often forgotten in the media shooting in
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schools is not even the biggest gun problem in the united states of the almost 35000 people killed by gun violence in 2017 the majority were victims of suicide followed by homicide only about one percent by victims of shootings like the one in pocket and. we've traveled to chicago the city with the most gun violence victims in the us on average around 600 people are shot here every year as many as new york and los angeles combined but these things don't happen downtown in the center of this prosperous city. a few kilometers away in the west side of chicago one of the main african-american districts it's one of the most violent areas of the us.
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these are common seems many of the $600.00 gun violence deaths per year in chicago happen here. innocent bystanders are often in court in the crossfire black teenagers in the us are 15 times more likely to get shot than white teenagers this is what they're surrounded with growing up. right lives in the middle of it all. where my i'll give a young lady gets shot in front of my house right across the street and i was the only one i went out for go help her like i've never taken a class on how to deal with gun violence thank gosh i was. i needed when our fire when our one in my ear and started a choir pressure got to go. that was the weekend where chicago with having a lot of shilling and going now i thought all of the hot little wiped down like
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they weren't taking the. far away from downtown west side seems like a completely different world there's very little hope and few prospects people say the city isn't doing enough to create opportunities especially for young people. a lot of young people to get a job especially a mock immunity you have to have the support their family so you have young kids my age and younger. after all and they have to go home and help their family and you know. the jobs that we have in there they don't pay that much some of the young people who take the illegal route and go like this. to get money that way ironically they used to be at least some form of order hand because the area was among large gangs but many of the gang leaders are either in prison or dead and so
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violence escalates more often and. sometimes entering the wrong stall or walking on the wrong side of the street is enough do i got to be like songs by the loud pack team who come from here also deal with the every day struggle. selling drugs is a constant for. anyone who disrupt someone's business or wants to steal their business talks to the police get support it's. there is certainly racism in america a sense that african-americans who live in these communities perhaps bear some responsibility for the crime that occurs and it's not our problem. so might say many in the white community that those factors together have yielded a situation where it simply hasn't received the attention that it really should. in the middle of this area of gang violence is north lawndale high school martin
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luther king the famous civil rights activist once lived next door he's the role model for a group called the peace warriors they want to solve conflicts without violence the problem is it's all they've ever known growing up. well you his good shots and his polices rights are basically my whole life has been nothing but go about our roles my brothers are gone his name was titus jackson or he was killed and he was killed on monday for by the river my now self he was found there a car. almost everyone here is traumatized but no one can a full therapy chairing the meeting is 17 year old audrey write the president of the peace warrior group on so the 1st single do you know how used to do it will i like start a game we're constantly honey i love you didn't say if i did then i would like that
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but the game is a kind of redux ation exercise and an affordable way for the group to deal with doxil. was. the leader of the project is gerald smith he's a guidance counselor at the school and a pastor charged for almost 10 years he's been teaching students the principles of martin luther king. almost nonviolence as a way of life for courageous people what i like about that the tickle approachable is a chosen lifestyle right is not just something you do when you're in school are you do when you put on a shirt it becomes something that you praise as a commitment to a way of life and dealing with all tough situations i was in the piece barrios have reduced violent altercations at the school by 70 percent the group is also like a replacement family many here have been orphaned by gun violence including or 3
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right. you know when appeals were really being helped me cope with a lot of emotions that i was bottling up from move the mom of my brother my father what a short period of butt. i had to under i had to come to understand it it's ok to agree but you can't make it make your losses make you lose yourself you know and it's not me a lot to understand there. is this new every day and i'm very appreciative that those nights of peace where because had i not i don't know what i would have though my life. is a piece warrior shot is given to those who have demonstrated that they solve conflicts without violence it's the 9th state with no incidents at school. that's how they measure success those who prove themselves to be ambassadors for peace are then supposed to carry the idea to the outside world out into the streets to
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friends and family every time they have to go home after school or 3 says the tension comes back. their group hasn't attracted much attention outside chicago but it didn't escape the youth movement from parkland the leaders have met the peace warriors several times like here in chicago. that same weekend after we left 76 people were shot right after we left. so to hear stories like that that deeply pained him that showed us really even before we actually are at the peace marches that this movement is not only or not it's not only ours it's about creating this coalition and creating relationships with these with different organization and different view that there was around the country to continue this message the parklane students have been continuing to expand their network and now in alliance with many other initiatives nationwide pledging for stricter gun laws. next stop is newtown connecticut there's
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a small town was the site of yet another tragedy a 20 year old committed a massacre here in december 2020. he shot 20 children and 6 teachers here at sandy hook elementary school his murder weapons also included an a r 15 semiautomatic rifle. the president of the time barack obama then tried to enforce stricter gun laws but in vain he didn't get a majority. of people cheered as the march for our live students arrived in newtown the final stop on their road to change talk jamal and his team traveled through 60 cities in the u.s. to encourage young people in particular to vote they were constantly stopped for photos and interviews. you know at that point i mean no one would know my name in the young kids walking to work on my golly i'm so inspired by you like like you
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know whether it's you know asking for a picture you know tell me like you know with the one doing the score asking for advice i'm slick. wow this is crazy because when you think about you know inspiring someone you know you think you have to be an athlete or you have to be a movie star. thousands of people came to hear what they had to say and head of the midterm elections thank you. but this shows me this country is high your politicians don't represent them this country is tired of children die. this country is tired of the racism discriminatory rhetoric that is priest every single day. visitors at the event could register to vote surveys show that more and more young people registering them before. on the form it asks which party you would like to be affiliated with when i 1st
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read it as a republican then i became on to tell you that it and i'm a democrat well being so close to this tragedy and then watching what happened parker and and seeing how the democrats stood up and really wanted to enact change for common sense gun laws that's the party i want to be you if i don't want to be with the party that just sends prayers and gets nothing done the youth movement is doing bad parents initiatives from newtown have failed to do in the past to make the fight against gun violence a long time issue. after newtown people said well if newtown doesn't change anything what will. and i think there are a lot of you know cynicism some depression and just a loss of hope i think when you measure the engagement in the gunvalson movement today versus 10 years ago it's a dramatic change. this is the annual gun and knife show in indianapolis
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manufacturers come here to present their latest products studies show that since the 980 s. the number of households with guns has fallen but there are still an estimated 265000000 privately owned guns in the yo ass. the other a is well aware of an existential threat to their political agenda which is this most gun owners most gun rights advocates in the general population tend to be older and white bay are slowly dying off obviously meaning guns aren't spread evenly across the population 78 percent of americans have no gun a tall but 22 percent of americans and lots of guns. that's why manufacturers are targeting new groups women teenagers even children the
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teenagers that is gun show seem interested but it's not representative of the big picture according to the violence policy center the majority of young americans are no longer interested in these kinds of weapons and now the parklane students and their fellow campaigners immobilizing people against rifles like these to have this movement occur at this point in time is the exact worst possible thing that could happen to the n.r.a. in the gun industry if this movement has impact and has longevity you have a generation turns against violence gun violence the most egregious types of firearms sold this country that's very dangerous for the industry. fairfax in virginia is home to the headquarters of the national rifle association the n.r.a. did not respond to our multiple requests for an interview.
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the parklane students and their supporters are demonstrating here today the scene is symbolic of american society on one side advocates of stricter gun laws. until now a pro-gun group the patriot picket see themselves as a protest group who are campaigning to preserve the 2nd amendment. the 2nd amendment it's not like a driver's license is not a privilege or by the government 2nd amendment said let's have a white. house not necessarily government approved and it appears they're just not getting history lessons to appreciate that this is one of the only countries on earth that has that is. the youth movement is repeatedly accused of wanting to ban people from owning guns in general. i mean our goal is not to take the 2nd amendment away and we have said that time time again but i think
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it's just do it when it's like anything it's when the word is hate involved it's the lack of information. they reiterate that they just want access to guns to be more strictly regulated some states have responded for example by raising the minimum age of possession from $18.00 to $21.00. because of the mobilization of the parkland high school students they were able to put significant pressure on states around the country such as for mobs which is a very strong gun tradition also inec to the whole series of new tougher gun laws other states have done the same and that by itself has been a remarkable achievement of that that has occurred specifically as a result of the efforts of these park and high school students the gun lobbyists have also been reporting on this from their own t.v. station the town has become increasingly aggravated the n.r.a.
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is under an all out assault anti gun forces are rallying conspiring in an effort to destroy this great organization we will not let it happen or engaged passionate. patriotic membership will squash the hate coming yes we have to i mean the n.r.a. is an organization that wants to sell guns they continue to sell guns they're the largest lobbying group in america and when they're attacking us it just shows that what we were doing something right and didn't these young people know that many americans don't give the issue much focus. in the. media coverage of the mass shootings often gives the impression that all americans are engaged in the issue when in fact it's only a small minority. these protests however now seem to have woken up the silent majority who want stricter gun laws which should help to legally ban guns like the eof 15. and welcomes on ascent have fellow protesters receive plenty
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of encouragement so it's hard for us to live. and sometimes it comes from unlikely places us war veterans have pledged their support with this video about gun violence i was stationed at camp in a condo in iraq and afghanistan vietnam my service weapon was an m. 4 assault rifle my service weapon was an m. 16 it's basically the same you know what it is the same as the a r 15 same weapon that's killed hundreds of people and the deadliest now should ins in america under the power of this weapon 1st firsthand firsthand and there is no reason no reason no reason why anyone other than military and law enforcement should have an assault weapon like this. the arms industry knows that an a r 15 was used in almost all the mass shootings of the last decade. after the mass
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manufacturers vehemently oppose a ban. on the gun manufacturers in america like assault weapons because there's a. hi mark upon them the profit that they make on them is greater than for other kinds of records. as a result of the student demonstrations and then networks with other protest initiatives around 20 states decided to tighten they come north albeit moderately and the number of registered young voters rose significantly. the new youth movement has made a big impact in politics but in society people are still scared about gun violence more than ever what's happened in the past 20 years is that no one feels safe anymore you can't go to a movie theater you can't go to a shopping mall you can't send your kids to school you can't go to your place of business you can't drive your car well we're going to somehow being involved or the
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victim of a mass shooting who we're back at the gun shop in orlando to add to the many variations of the a r 15 including children's rifles in pink there's another new hot product on the market guns with silencers. fluently everybody all those. years were taken with nick. here in florida with its lax laws the new generation of guns can be bored very easily. 17 shot and they're 17. david adare 0 is from boston and he tells us for anything with more the 9 bullets you need an extra license that can hold up to 17 rounds which would not be applicable in past and by any stretch of the means the suppressor would not be applicable at all so i mean that's definitely it has some.
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very many factors that make that specific gun an amazing piece. but why would someone need it especially with a silencer. well i own a scrap metal business and numb and you know our cash situation on a regular basis and you know if god forbid i have a did me have the time that i needed to protect myself i wouldn't have to wake everyone up. one state 2 worlds. in coral springs near parkland concerned fathers continue to collect guns with the police but with approximately $265000000.00 guns in the us taking them out of circulation completely is impossible and there will always be new guns to replace them. were in way too deep for any quick fixes you know we're paying the price for decades of a complete laissez faire gun policy in this country and that you think there are
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going to just sort of overnight change this is not realistic the most important thing we can do right now is we turn off the spigot for the manufacturers whether they sixteen's depends on politics media reported on the results of the midterm elections from the capitol in washington in the house of representatives the democrats won a majority good news for the students. over 30 republicans closely allied with the n.r.a. lost their mandate around 2 thirds of the young voters voted for democrats but in the senate the republicans remain the strongest force since the midterms trump has no longer had unified rule he's had to compromise with the democrats including on gun legislation. the leaders of the youth movement have announced that they plan to continue that fight their goal at the next election is to defeat donald trump the
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defender of the arms industry. oh man because 20 twentieth's come that's where the real fun starts. the. kickoff i clubs gave away their home advantage. ending victory to the visitors'. last weekend away to try the. shot cannot see shot off the top of the table and to really kick into the relegation zone. if.
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we can start rewriting the software of sample bacterial cells. we're not creating life rafts we're rewriting the program for the software or treat all of us well we can redesign them they'll have different properties i don't have a clue world but in one place changing the amino acids the opposition the focus should give us better attrition. sort of using fossil fuel. to bake plastic. you could have vital organs synthesize the molecules of the late. by class we're just learning this is a new field. this
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is deja vu news live from berlin a massive show of military might in beijing as china marks 70 years of communist rule. president xi jinping says no power on earth can halt the advance of the chinese nation also coming up. the pressure mounts on u.s. president donald trump house democrats subpoena his personal lawyer rudy giuliani over the ukraine whistleblower allegations. and on the macula serving her last term as for germany's leaders.


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