tv DW News Deutsche Welle October 1, 2019 9:00am-9:31am CEST
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this is deja vu news live from berlin a massive show of military might in beijing as china marks 70 years of communist rule president xi jinping says no power on earth can halt the rise of the chinese nation. but will china's big day be overshadowed by the ongoing protests in hong kong and what are the plans for hong kong also coming up. the pressure mounts on u.s. president donald trump house democrats subpoenaed his personal lawyer rudy giuliani
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over the ukraine whistleblower allegations. that our brian thomas thanks so much for joining us china has been staging a massive military parade to mark 70 years of communist rule some $15000.00 soldiers hundreds of tanks and military hardware including a nuclear capable hypersonic missile all rumbling through the capital beijing the celebration commemorating the founding of the people's republic of china by chairman mao in 1949 an event that ended a bitter civil war that claimed millions of lives president she said china's development would be peaceful but that its noto would safeguarded sovereignty and security. let's bring indeed abuse mathias billings who's at the celebrations in
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beijing good morning to you mathias president easy saying this morning that nothing can stop the rise of china was that message more for the home crowd or for the international audience. it was of course for both but the more important crowd here is the home crowd because what she chimping ideology what his narrative his promise to his people is is that he will make china strong and powerful his predecessors have started economic reforms they have started this economic miracle they have achieved some. economic prosperity and he will be the one who gives china the role that he thinks it should have on the international stage these. prepped the preparations and the parade has been broadcast throughout china broadly in social media on t.v. in newspapers so it is really
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a show of. what the communist party thinks it has achieved ok is also show of just how omnipotent it appears the communist party's grip on power is is there any opposition at all to the chinese communist party. well there is no organized opposition in china as soon as people start assembling organizing themselves they will be very quickly taken into custody or will for face other repercussions and there is of course people have different opinions as in every place on on the earth and there is of course there are of course people who challenge your 30 of the communist party there have been lawyers who want to take carty to stick to the laws it has some when when it breaks them there are activists environmental activists who challenge them on certain fields of
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policies and there is of course an uprising in hong kong that is challenging the communist party more than anything has challenge the communist party within the last 30 years and what about president jay looking forward as china marks this anniversary what are the main challenges that he's facing right well this anniversary and this military parade comes at a moment where there is a lot of insecurity in the economy slow growth rates have slowed down they could just not take to keep up with the pace that they had 10 years ago and the trade war that donald trump has started is also of course threatening china's growth and so these these are the main economic challenges apart from of course the political challenge that comes with the protesters in hong kong who have been on
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the streets with 3 months this is something the communist party in china had to deal with only once that was in 1989 when the students in beijing protested much less furious than the protesters in hong kong today and it's very clear that beijing hasn't really found the clue how to deal with this it is thanks very much for that from beijing. ok let's go straight to hong kong now where there are no big celebrations for they and where did have used some pill is standing by for us today to charlotte hong kong of course has been dominated by these anti beijing demonstrations we've been seeing for months now what's the mood where you are this morning. we are number one of a number of protests that are taking place across hong kong today brian as i'm sure you can see behind me there are masses of people out on the streets now they
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declared today a day of mourning many of the people as i'm sure you can see it dressed in black as a symbol of the theme of this process that of protest that it's taking place today hong kong really is on lockdown at the moment this usually would be a very busy shopping street this in course is a national holiday and yet it is filled with protesters on the streets to shop shouted at train stations as well close miking security reasons today really is being dominated by these protests that we're seeing all over the place in fact we have heard that tear gas has been deployed at one of those protests where some clashes have started to erupt where we are now those 2 peaceful people here heading towards government buildings to make their voices heard. we're getting some live images right now as we speak about that along down you mentioned today in hong kong a strong show of force there what do protesters have planned in spite of the heavy police presence. is widely expected that these
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protests will go on late into the evening people here have really been gearing up for today everyone that we've spoken to over the last week or so has been saying that they really want to share save that energy food today that is because they know that the of the world will be watching what hong kong does today and they want to make the most of that public attention worldwide attention to make their complaints heard there is also a sense that by holding big protests here today that they could show up and even embarrass the authorities in beijing who are trying to present a show of their prowess today in beijing so we are expecting protests long into the evening potentially some violence as well we haven't. already seen as i've mentioned some clashes breaking out we saw pepper spray used in the early hours of this morning already this is going to be a long day here in hong kong ok and charlotte just bill we'll have more on that long day from hong kong as it moves words thanks so much for now.
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but with me in the studio now is younger wardle china expert at the german marshall fund good morning to you thanks for coming in as we saw there hong kong is clearly a threat to beijing's authority is beijing going to wait it out or could the leaders in beijing president xi risk a tiananmen style military crackdown as you can see over the past couple of months now they've been waiting for this to and they've been waiting for this to stop like a natural or unnatural times to peter out what we haven't seen is like a clear movement there from finland from beijing side that they could intervene whenever they wanted to with people police or with troops but it does not seem very likely because there's not much to gain also i think we have a problem if we focus on that too much because now anything below that level seems like a good outcome for us. in the west if we think about just the military intervention as being key as being like the that's the red line not to cross them that's
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a pretty low bar for the chinese government not to ok and they will no doubt take that into consideration as they did today what they were displaying in beijing beijing one of the things we saw there's a new generation of military technology the hypersonic nuclear capable missile out there wasn't alone in it wasn't the only thing we saw is beijing close to stealing america's competitive edge militarily i think what beijing has demonstrated today is that it is going to be more deadly to attack china in any kind of form and it's going to be much more fierce in retaliation so the competitive edge is not when they're not on equal terms yet but there are pockets of accidents in which china has achieved near equal status to american military coup. abilities especially happy sonic field make sample ai we're talking about a lot of those the drone technologies for example so there are pockets of excellence and which means that it is definitely hard to beat china in a military confrontation how does this factor into the south china seas role
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looking at that right now it's not just the united states the philippines vietnam a lot of regional players does this military progress that china has made mean that that region now belongs to china or we haven't seen anything to the contrary and like to think that for the freedom of navigation operations who have been a show of force of some sort by the u.s. and other western powers we have not seen much of a competition about dominance in that in that region anymore this is basically china territory president trump in the u.s. when he wants to turn that around he wants to slow china's rise with the tariffs with better protections for intellectual property is there support for this ring fencing china strategy here in berlin for there is definitely is support on the like the analysis of the problem that we're facing china's current economic posture it's a set of mess in the region this is definitely something that is not something that is appreciated and berlin and in europe more broadly but there is not an agreement
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on the ends that are approached and the way in which the present time but ministration is approaching china at the moment but and certainly doesn't want to get in between washington and beijing its security provider and its most important economic partner ok so this big huge number of reasons to stay on the fence right now for berlin over last few years there's been a growing realization that prosperity did not bring china the democracy and freedom that we hoped for when it entered the w t o in 2001. should the west respond when we look at for example i think it is interesting to see that the west is not responding really at the moment it's awfully quiet around hong kong aseptic cept for in washington want to say europe there's not a lot. there's not a lot of me i'm voices heard many times the michael travel to china just recently there wasn't a lot of criticism on this so this shows that there is not a lot of leverage that europe needs to grow stronger and needs to act more
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forcefully and more in a crash and closer coordination with the united states on these issues if it wants to have a voice in this something that may prove difficult for berlin and brussels no doubt definitely well i mean this is that it's hard to side with a compact ministration at this point in time if you're based in berlin younger order german marshall fund thank you very much for coming in thank you 1st preview down some of the other stories making news this hour a bridge crossing a bay in taiwan has collapsed national to post more below a truck carrying while was implementing from the bridge into the water at least 10 people have been injured rescue teams are searching for survivors. nigerian police say they have freed 19 pregnant women and girls from a so-called baby factory the victims were allegedly abducted and raped so their captors could sell those babies. to women suspects have been taken into custody in the capital others. british prime minister boris johnson says
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he'll present his final plan this week to get a deal for britain to leave the e.u. at the end of october reports suggest his ideas include locating custom centers several kilometers from the irish border he also wants to you to rule out any further delays to break so. well democrats in the u.s. house of representatives are increasing their pressure on president trump as they move closer towards impeachment proceedings they have now issued subpoenas against his personal attorney rudy giuliani as well as 3 of giuliani's associates. democrats are turning up the heat on donald trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani has been ordered to turn over text messages phone records and other communications related to ukraine it's a significant step by the house intelligence committee as it examines whether trump abused the office of president when he asked ukraine's president to dig up dirt on
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political rival joe biden this country trump has been pushing back aggressively firing at verbal barbs against democrats leading the impeachment probe reports on the whistleblower that prompted us probably figured i made a call the call was perfect whether the whistleblower reported it he made a senator and then you have that i'm sure of who even worse made up my words which i think is just horrible have never even seen that they were too but the allegations against the president are mushrooming the australian government has confirmed that trump recently urged prime minister scott morrison to help him discredit the miller inquiry another instance of trump pushing his own personal political interests with a foreign leader the new york times reports that the wife has then restricted access to the call
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a breach of convention also used to conceal trump's call with the ukrainian president did abuse all over salad has been covering the latest developments in washington and sent us this. the impeachment inquiry against president trump is coming under way quickly rudy giuliani president trump's private lawyer with subpoena over documents and is coming under fire for allegedly pressing ukrainian officials to interfere in the 2020 election and other revelations the new york times reports that president trump called the australian prime minister pressing him to launch investigations into the beginning of the moller probe later the transcript of the call disappeared just like after the ukraine phone call a common practice in president trumps wide held it seems but one that is increasingly problematic and the public opinion shifts nearly half of the american voters do not support impeachment. older selleck there still to come on the show
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using technology to save time new services are helping thousands navigate doctors infamous traffic jams where fishing. but 1st germany's leader on the back was known as an international stateswoman but as her final terms chancellor draws to a close many say her influence on the global stage is waning when it comes to foreign policy for example she's often restrained by her social democratic coalition partners critics also accused merkel and her party of running out of ideas and of leaving others such as the french president manuel mccall to fill a big vacuum. house way into her last time as german chancellor if anything going on macro is sounding more ready than ever to take on more responsibility. we have the responsibility to solve the tensions between russia and ukraine unless libya is stabilized the whole region in africa will become unstable
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and that's why this is our task europe must leave a footprint as one might say today in solving the conflicts in the world. and that footprint is looking increasingly friends as president in monaco call makes or he is seen to take the lead in europe. meeting russian president vladimir putin yes post germany out of the deflate matic driving seat over the ukraine conflict. mccaw also took the lead in trying to negotiate a meeting between iran's president rouhani and u.s. president tom. it's less than a year since germany and france renewed their political values by signing the our one treaty of bilateral cooperation but in this political marriage president mccoy is increasingly seen as the one wearing the trousers. and the think tanks are beginning to talk because the chancellor is making space from across without
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setting her own agenda. as part of that afghan treaty german and french m.p.'s held their 2nd joint session in berlin last week mccall sent his top diplomat for europe who found german foreign policy restraint unlike in france we're not used coalitions we are in a system where we have more freedom of movement i would say more gas is to be a giant in the current situation of the global crisis we see this is sometimes an advantage a french m.p. who was in the room also sees merkel's leadership qualities limited by her lack of political space. we all see how calm she is not a face of adversity but she isn't free to act to shout with like. fight. having to share the government benches with the social democrat s.p.d. party appears to be keeping germany from taking more of a european lead key merkel advisors say the demand for german leadership is not
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being met. that should be our role. politics look slightly different not only in this country do we have a coalition so we always need to find compromises the opposition is less diplomatic we have a huge lack of leadership lack of initiatives coming from germany what we see is a government in this country which is. which is done there are tired stability and compromise have been the hallmarks of merkel's policy architect for just over 14 years that formula alone may no longer be working. under american my belief that from the outside is already being regarded as a kind of lame duck who has entered the end phase of her term and has little left that she can shape. i'm going to marco have survived many attempts to declare
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the end of her political career but in the autumn of her last time as chancellor the woman long seen as the leader of europe is fast running out of opportunities to demonstrate that leadership. let's talk about this more with political correspondent. joining us now good morning to you thanks for coming in you know just last year germany had the initiative on a number of foreign policy fronts on iran ukraine migration doesn't anymore lost an issue what's happened in berlin life in the grand coalition what happens there were seen the german government that currently consists of marcos posse the conservative c.d.u. has sister part of the variance is you and the social democrats having like had a long time of forming this government it was almost a record of several months until they were able to form this government and then they were darkly cern into crisis mode over domestic politics just as on migration they couldn't find a hair and line there and then other topics took over if saying that the climate
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crisis has become a defining topic for voters here in germany with the rise of the greens becoming a stronger policy and that has determined politics in germany more than foreign policy ok well germany recently hosted the 2 apparently get some kind of new initiative the 1st big meeting of the new all alliance for multi multi-lateralism 15 nations committing themselves to boosting international cooperation is this group. approach the new face of german foreign policy if talking in terms of how german chancellor angela merkel says probably she's always been a champion for kind of like solving things in the bigger group she's always been a champion of multilateralism and some say that's the election of the us president donald trump has been one of the motivated to keep her in office to run for this last and yes so it has been for policy terms that's to keep up this multilateral
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liberal democratic world order has been one of her like defining issues and foreign policy if you will germany in the autumn of online back over turn to the initiative will again initiative again what do we expect from german foreign policy during the 2nd half of this administration well especially what is going to be interesting is into looking how germany is going to position itself within your we've heard that the french president has been taking the lease in shape and define foreign policy or policy in general and europe and will be interesting to see where germany and specially the german chancellor angela merkel is going to position herself and as we are celebrating our is to celebrate today the 70th anniversary of time especially going to be interesting how germany is going to position itself and relation to china its most important trading partner and it's going to be interesting how germany with in europe is going to find a stance on china's rise to global power ok you know now if germany realigns let's say someone with china would not risk its relationship with the united states that is exactly the conundrum germany is in at the moment it is the most important
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trading padma china to germany of the same time it needs to think how europe and germany within europe is going to play a role into how the tensions between china and the u.s. economy happening in the chinese u.s. trade will have we'll see where all this is that most of the ana forestay thanks very much we have some sports now on the world athletics championships are taking place in qatar on day 43 out of 6 gold medals want to ask leeds who also took top spot 2 years ago. undisputed leader of the pack of defending champions was russian high jumper maria less at scana who won her 3rd straight gold medal. this one though as a neutral athlete as russia's track and field federation has been suspended since 2015 due to widespread doping allegations. the men's 5000 meter final had 3 norwegian brothers competing in good brits the youngest of the band of
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brothers was leading in the final lap only to be picked at the left corner. in good brits and ended up in 5th while gold and silver went to ethiopia with a dress repeating his triumph from 2 years ago in london. and finally some joy for a no we didn't athlete cost involved home defended his title in the 400 meter hurdles climbing an impedance streak of 14 races meanwhile 3rd place of developing some back when the 1st middle of the championships for post was. its to bangladesh now its capital dhaka has one of the worst traffic problems on the planet the world bank says more than 3000000 working hours are lost each day as commuters sit in bumper to bumper jams as a result many in dhaka or now are turning to a new ride sharing service as we report that comes with its own problems which.
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should decker's nearly 20000000 residents getting from a to b. is a daily nightmare the bangladeshi capital is one of the most congested cities in the world. to me is 6 kilometers by car can take up to an hour which isn't much faster than walking. now technology is offering a helping hand. carrying a back wait it says a lot of time. it can we change our on time usually on all. there writes it's takes time because all the traffic so sharing our bike ride really has me a lot swapping full wheels for 2 allows drivers to navigate narrow alleys and congested traffic lanes and as well as cutting travel time ride sharing has created thousands of jobs one local company alone has more than 200000 registered drivers. wasn't a good run this year downturn in my free time i'm right sharing it's
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a good opportunity to earn some money. millions of bangladeshis now use one of several companies on the market producing travel time has also been a boon for business. trip which used to be 2 hours before people were uncomfortable writing on rickshaws on you know both of now only takes 40 minutes and that things that in not to go to save their time but also increases their productivity. but despite the numerous perks critics say ride sharing has led to a spike in traffic accidents in a city that only ready has one of the world's highest road death tolls. let's get your modern now of our top stories this hour china's marking 70 years of communist rule the country staged a massive display of nor terry might in the capital beijing showing off new nuclear capable weaponry present she said nothing could halt the advance of the chinese nation. this is the interview news live from berlin coming up next kick off all the
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their striving for reconciliation and the rebuilding of their young nation the people of kosovo a war widow founds a successful company. an artist realizes his dream and a journalist bites persistent prejudice. old ones new perspectives kosovo 20 years after the war. 60 minutes on t w. o. d.t. you know that 77 percent topic are younger than 65. that's me and me and. you know what time off boyce's. on this 77 percent talk about the issue stuff. for almost 42
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