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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  October 2, 2019 4:30am-5:00am CEST

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don't tell me that the female. and the torture become a film only player. revealed the superuser of your husband's. dramas code starts on the 11th on t w. you are. welcome to the global 3000 this week we look at the garbage choking the nairobi river in the kenyan capital young people from informal settlements are doing something about it we head to one of the poorest regions in the u.s. where beside bringing former coal miners hope for the future but 1st the legacy of the transatlantic slave trade at how some of their descendants are returning to the
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continent their ancestors came from. for hundreds of years the trade in african slaves was a lucrative business the consequences for the continent were horrendous entire areas were stripped of their populations millions of africans died either when their villages were attacked or on the long journey from the interior of the continent to the coast the ones who made it were packed together like cattle and the holds of slave ships for a journey that often took many weeks most ended up in brazil the caribbean and the us from the beginning of the 16th century until the end of the 19th around 2000000 people died at sea during the crossing between 10 and 12000000 survived the horrific voyage. after arrival abducted africans were sold on many to the owners of plantations. where they were forced to work for the rest of their lives without
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rights and often brutally abused. in the u.s. slavery was only abolished at the end of the american civil war and $865.00. the many west african slaves this is where that journey across the atlantic began on the gun in coast in elmina which means the mine it was given the name by portuguese traders because of the region's plentiful gold deposits but in fact they made their fortunes mainly with the slave trade elmina castle was where people were held captive before being boarded on to ships headed for america 400 years later the descendants of those slaves are returning to search for traces of their history and identity many come from the u.s. mostly as tourists but some come to stay like a via kolya and marcus taylor. 6 and with built their race
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within. $600.00 men and $400.00 women were confined here in cramped dungeons some would become forced labor as others would die visitors lay wreaths of remembrance here for many it's a profoundly moving experience. i'm a history buff. and i know my history very well but enough. about me knowing our status as a parent for the suspect. started. this language and even some of it for me to speak my. my mind my heart what i feel. marcus is from detroit and wants to settle in ghana. he and a v.m.
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met here and now live together in the capital across he's still waiting for his belongings to a right in the u.s. . they have a base of furniture and photos of relatives family history is important to both of them even when it's a painful history of humiliation and violence. when i was 12 years old my family was attacked by the police of police officers i watch my family members every male that my family. everyone. grandmother. be beaten in front of me at toil. and we were coming from my great grandmother's funeral and to watch that big injustice from a very young age i kind of felt like i never belong here. via is preparing for her next client she works as
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a professional massage therapist mixing traditional western mass techniques with gunning and spirituality she tells us that she turned towards gone after experiencing rejection and discrimination in america now 38 she remembers being summoned to see her employer nearly 20 years ago and 19 are a half moment of that i was directly told that be an african was not acceptable and the person was looking at me like you know i like you a lot you know you're here is so cute you're so cute right yeah but we're going to have to take you out of your position unless you change your here because the higher ups they think you're here is a little bit too ethnic and i was like to ethnic what does that mean. but that was long ago nowadays she's focusing on the positive. i use it to give people
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hope i used to inspire people. music is pretty much hill into for me is just as well as smart they're informed that although there is a video once have to be her she started performing hip hop in los angeles and is continuing in a crowd would have gotten marcus's support hi larry serve identity about being a woman about being black. marcus had a bodybuilding career in the u.s. and canada he stopped for health reasons but now he's training again he wants to qualify for the mr universe contest. cracks me which country that i wanted to represent whether i wanted to represent the u.s. i wanted to represent canada or i'm representing this year and i'm here.
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you know and process of getting my citizenship so i thought that it would be great for me to represent gonna. elmina console a place of terror for west africans returning to where the trauma of slavery began is a way of marking a new beginning for many african-americans. in the dole. no the. coming here helps them connect with the heritage markets can't imagine ever going back to the. not the last challenge. and for me i just feel. for us we have to we have to make our own change we cannot allow basically a speck somebody else to make a change when they have been the same way for years. in the french have
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a say in. this change but they stay to say. so for me i can i can live. by crossing the ocean to come to africa via cali and marcus taylor and making their own change. the largest coal producing region in the u.s. stretches from pennsylvania in the north to alabama and the south the heyday of the mining industry is long past though between 20082017 around half of all coal mines in the country shut down and over a 3rd of the jobs in the industry disappeared thousands of unemployed miners have been left behind many of them with major health problems in west virginia where coal was once king a busy insect is no bringing a ray of hope. for the keepers indeed b.
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is checking alvin farley's hives he's one of her proteges like many in this area from the used to work as a coal miner then he was diagnosed with black lung disease and could no longer work . for a long time beekeeping remained just a hobby it's nothing like one. of my listeners i enjoy there's. more than me by a bit more than martin. sometimes i work cold but we're 42 inches high. and you got to crawl around all day you can't straighten. up get a private place right now. the small compensation that probably receives for his disability isn't enough to get by i. seem to be works for a collective that offers beekeeping training for people like farley and then buys their honey in west virginia where many people live below the poverty line every
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little bit of cash helps we do c.s. so the key thing is kind of the supplemental thing that we're hoping will help out increase the. income of my partners. founded in 2016 the nonprofit organization is situated on the site of what was once a summer camp for the children of coal miners it's funded by a $1000000.00 settlement from a lawsuit against a coal mine operator that violated environmental regulations. tomorrow when a star master beekeeper mark lilly and his team have trained 90 partner beekeepers so far and that number is growing so they want to prove that there are alternative business opportunities for the former mining state for 30 years the only traveled through out west virginia as an appraiser for an insurance company then his hobby offered an opportunity for a 2nd career. i think i probably think many of us the older we are the more we
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hope things to return the way it was and that's our job is to help educate that if we want to retract younger generations we have to give them something different today and could be keeping really be a possibility absolutely and maybe it's just a gateway right so it opens their mind to a new idea. they've created new jobs here as well robbie in jeans and was 70 are preparing their sugar water the bees are fed to help them survive the winter. 3 things. past my apprentice that whatever. there's another there's a next level test you can take is plenty to learn at 1st they were scared of being stung even the former coal miner james you know maybe not used to it but you get more aware you know it's it's not not as bad as we thought we were 1st starting the
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more you learn these yeah you need to learn. to me we're learn as i learn something new every time a go in the yard it's amazing needs. help perfectly they do what they do so this is this indeed be shows as the barrels of centrifuge honey which is being stored until spring. they want to have a good supply on hand when they start selling it as a pure natural product from the heart of the appalachian mountains. his or. her taste. west virginia has one big advantage they tell us that there's still so much untouched nature here. yet. we don't have the agricultural problems that other states have in other words we don't have the mondo food source that bees might these might be taking advantage of
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they need a lot of different kinds just like human beings need a lot of different kinds of sources for their food and whispered to me provides that. the label emphasizes that the product is a collaborative effort it means to provide a ray of hope in these economically trying times. coal continues to be mined in the region whole mountaintops are being dug up but there are hardly any jobs even so some people here still believe president donald trump's promise to save the coal industry. but outside with the beads no one talks politics regardless of who they voted for in the end the love of west virginia is the most important thing. the mountains are the home i've lived in my whole life. for here raised here and. can't be that. mark clearly doesn't think this project will solve all the region's problems but he hopes it will help people here regain their self-esteem and it's
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not just about the production of honey they're also working on a breeding program trying to develop hardier bees that are better able to cope with the consequences of climate change or the one with the green dot is the queen same principle as humans morely. and yet work together and that's what they're doing what their struggle will. today they're checking the hives for might invest stations. the organization behind the beekeepers isn't just involved with the bee project it's also interested in aiding reforestation of areas destroyed by mining. keeping healthy bees is one part of the picture. i don't think that the government has an answer for anything and most people around here would agree to that so it has to be a grassroots which is what we're doing as a grassroots learn to help ourselves. sustainably so that we can continue from this
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generation of the next generation so you don't have a big arguments we all kind of agree that west virginia needs a lot of help and in we're going to look within for help instead of looking without we're rich in family and brains. the bees have given james a new perspective but a part of him is still hoping that the coal industry might recover his boss understands far too long in west virginia coal mining was the only way to make a decent living and views don't change overnight. but views have to change and not only in west virginia we all have to rethink our relationship with nature according to a recent australian study numbers and around half of all insect species are falling dramatically as their habitats disappear and without sufficient pollinators entire
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ecosystems could collapse. they actually collect next to for the own purposes drawn by the fragrance and color of the flowers. in the process they transfer poland for one flower to the stigma of another flower helping the pumps to reproduce. the percepts is called pollination. and those who transport the pollen pollinators. pollination was originally carried out by the wind. but in the process of evolution insects and animals have increasingly taken over. their work is important 75 percent of crops from cocoa beans to pumpkins depend on pollinators. and if you include all flowering plants it's nearly 90 percent. bees are probably the best known pollinators and can be found all over the world. that flies also transport pollen. has to be
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moths. and butterflies in tropical and subtropical regions but also help to pollinate along with bumps they like flowers with strong smelling slimy nectar. in madagascar the so-called traveler's tree is pollinated by lemurs. but the most important pollinators for farmers worldwide are insects domestic honey bees alone can pollinate all the fruit crops. wild pollinators are often more productive. in the case of the apple blossom for example a wild mason is 80 times more effective as a pollinator but it's the insect diversity that best increases the yield in the case of coffee the fruit sets much better when various types of bees pollinate the flowers and when the same number of bees from only one species are involved.
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the problem is insect diversity is in decline some food crops like rice or wheat manage without pollinators but many nutrient rich fruits and vegetables can't do that. a lack of pollinators could lead to crop losses which could in turn in danger feet security. as land is converted into farmland many insects find their natural habitat dwindling disappearing completely conventional farming often involves huge monocultures hit pollinators find only a limited choice of flowers if any a tool and only for a limited period. they've also been hit by the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. so how can pollinators be protected we need to preserve the habitats of insects by planting flowers on the edges of fields for example or between the crops
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we need to limit the use of chemical pesticides or in some cases i'm completely. and we all need to understand the importance of insects they need protecting just as much as the pig impressive animals and the cute and cuddly candidates that win our hearts so easily. clean water is vital to human health but millions have no access to it this week in our global ideas series our reporter thomas hasn't visited some informal settlements that are home to residents of the kenyan capital nairobi they're taking water clean up into their own hands. bringing the nairobi river from garbage might seem like a never ending battle the name nairobi comes from kenya's messiah tribe and means cool and refreshing water but these days the cooler waters are littered with refuse concerned residents from the nearby slum no longer accept the environmental
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disaster right at their doorstep. think of the car when we were young the river wasn't as dusty so we decided to clean it in the past we went swimming in the river but that's not possible anymore because the water quality has changed we want to try to return it to the way it used to be but. lydia one boy is one of about 70 residents from the korogocho slum in eastern nairobi who works with the organization called the green solutions they get acquainted themselves to protecting the environment one boy knows that the pollution in the river is now threatening those who live there or where water on a would be the water of the nairobi river has become dangerous which is and i knew it was about the children play there and because they have nowhere else to swim no matter you may also go into the water. but it's full of unhealthy stuff and the children get diarrhea and skin diseases you know what kind of an old kenya is
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suffering from more frequent droughts to to climate change people here depend on the river for water they use it to wash their clothes and irrigate their fields the kenyan authorities have been slow to react to the pollution problem in the river the residents there feel they've been left to deal with it on their own fredricka kinda the chairman of calm green solutions felt that way too he decided to take advantage of a rare visit by a government representative. mikhail you've got to do that now we're not cleaning the river because we want recognition we're doing it because we want to when the government started to recognise our work we had already started doing it you see this rubbish that we've collected here we've asked for machines to collect it but they never come so we wanted to raise concerns. to the only man. i understand that there are challenges to get the equipment that you're asking for but as director of environment i'll make an effort to get those resources we have
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to you. young people. the activists are still waiting for the government to finally keep their promise. at the river the main source of the pollution is clear. in the adjoining slums there's no system in place to collect garbage you don't have any specific shown point where they've got to be so people in said big community they just. said they're not tonight not out there just dumping them into their uber and because only half of nairobi's more than 4000000 residents are connected to the sewage system waste water is pumped directly into the river untreated what it is with you will become to go into i think you threw up on the sewer lines and appear to make sure that they're not being directed internet would be so that you might be like if you like. but the nairobi rivers life is
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already being compromised at its source which is located in the un dearie wetlands in the western part of the kenyan capital around 50 kilometers from the korogocho slum the wetlands are the only peat bog in the country there vital for the binding of climate damaging carbon dioxide but in the former bird sanctuary there are hardly any animals left the pollution stats right from here because it is now surrounded by greenhouses those who have down greenhouse. know that it is chemical intensive. people use copious amounts of fungus aids and abets to say it's in order to protect the across. from where it breaks you can see that the war is already dead and by the time it reaches name be. it is
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a completely toxic we have. people like nuff tally moon guy and his team are trying to see the river at the source and they're getting a helping hand from mother nature herself we are planting trees along this wetland they are very good. trees when it comes to save been in the meadows that coming out of the greenhouse. freeing the wetlands of poisons and filth is essential if they want the wildlife to return now the government has to keep its promises. the government seems to be in slumberland when it comes to coming up with policies that serious about solving. and you see how we treat our idea of us is that reflection of who we are as a society when i look at the amazing team of well you and. friends of on the
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land and when i hear about other community groups downstream i see a lot of hope. the river cleaning projects are continuing in korogocho slum kenya citizens are developing an awareness for keeping the environment clean. the dan dora waterfalls are located a few kilometers downstream resident and environmental activist clement coach yang wants to make this part of the river picture perfect again. i would say with the portuguese the create that know what you need to put out why you and for the bad forget that change that is literally bit bad for them we believe this place that not good there would be so many local and even international credit. the people of the nairobi river have taken on the challenge and want the river to once again be worthy of its name nairobi cool and refreshing water.
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that's it for this week on global 3000 thanks for joining us and don't forget we love hearing from you got something to tell us send it to global 3000 at d.f.w. dot com or post on our facebook page d w women thanks for watching and bye for now.
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this is v.w. news live from berlin for the 1st time police use lethal force against a protester in hong kong. tens of thousands of protesters the fire ban on demonstrations on china's national day while a protester is hospitalized after being shot at close range by bullets. this while beijing shows off its military might as china march 17th in.


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