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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  October 2, 2019 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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from politi to flash from housing boom boom town this is where it was. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend on g.w. . every minute we produce and process huge amounts of food around the planet and to make sure to do this project says transported by ships and trucks from one part of the world to the other but nearly a 1000000000 people go hungry every night hello welcome this is equal india and i'm somewhat of a coming to you from mumbai roughly one 3rd of the 4 pronouced of the world for
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human consumption every year approximately 1300000000 tons gets lost over easter so waste is one of the most important reasons for hunger in the world how can do you avoid this we are some people in bali what they thought when we have left 0 1st then we bring you. to the office the next day and share it with my colleagues and we eat we have a big lunch together. we throw away leftovers and put them in the recycling bin. more than 3600000 people live in the land and more than 13000000 visitors come every year and makes up many cultures and ways of dealing with food and with leftovers. if you buy enough you'll eat enough and you will not raise the best logic and i buy in small quantities and if there is some leftover from some meals if it spit me. we have
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a lot of stray cats and dogs in turkey so we just feed them with those leftovers. and that's it's i usually do not throw my father i did this i put it in the freezer or give it to my friends i think it's my time as a back what one great thing you can do with old credit is to cut it into small pieces and let it dry then when you need it soften it up with water or milk maybe add an egg and you've got a great dough for dumplings at some herbs or vegetables and fry it up it's really tasty. to me so it has no i don't like going shopping all the time so i just look in the fridge and eat whatever i find so i started composing at home so. i'm trying to do something new and good now another big reason for hungered and malnutrition particularly in emerging countries is post-harvest losses this means i've recalled to the produce that is harvested never makes it to the consumers plate why does this happen let's take
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a closer look. monday in northeast did you sprawled over more than 90 years this doubted as largest holes in fruit and vegetable market it is also referred to as the monday that never sleeps. like every day fresh vegetables have arrived from all parts of the country but the market has opened to a slow creating day trading in farm produce in this part of the world all has been a volatile business a struggle for critters to get good prices. every hour is crucial for these massive quantities of raw food fragile and better should build a new mcgregor and most of which have already long distances by road and rail.
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has. there is a lot of waste that takes place here in the gulf making some money we actually end up losing even more. than a. known more popularly as sunny is a leading capsicum trade at the monday is consignments arriving from all over india including shims jungle in tune but in the absence of an integrated gold chain system and much of the produce market in the still following age old trade practices a big chunk of it's ready to hold off in better shoes during the long journeys. if a farmer makes
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a mistake that could have been sent becomes even more. if a farmer does not use the right kind of packaging their damage can go up to 60 to 70 percent instead of using a box that costs. if you decide to go with the one that cost him $50.00 it will be used in an attempt to save the whole consignment going. it is a sad irony that in india counted amongst the 20 countries suffering the most from acute levels of hunger up to 40 percent of its fruit and vegetables remain unsold in the market most of it going to waste and rotting in garbage dumps do you do gaps in the supply chain.
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a researcher on food security and climate change stresses that there are different reasons for food wastage around the world. there are various studies some studies put it at around 20 person but some studies scores as high as 40 percent so it's difficult to support exact figure on how much is wasted but the fact remains that whether it is a developed country or developing country still food is wasted the numbers are different but it is the gift of the numbers good amount of food. the only difference is that there is a difference between the nature of wasted natural food i dismissed it we do in developing and developed countries most of the time in developing countries food wastage takes place between farm to read to you whereas in developed countries it's
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between the consumer. according to the un food and agriculture organization india waste. 13000000000 euros. the country produces enough food to feed its population in theory the challenge lies in preventing it from going to waste. agricultural economist joakim one brown was the director general of the international food policy research institute for many years food waste forced harvest losses hunger and malnutrition he's been working to find solutions to these problems for decades our team went to some questions tickle. we're laying the table with your him fund brown he's been studying agriculture and health for new tradition for almost half a century. too much on the tabors is leading to. food waste and losses
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and the word is wasting and losing a lot of food more than 1000000000 tons a year and that has to change. every year consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food as the entire net food production of sub-saharan africa yet the problem is global. so the losses and wastes add up to one 3rd of the word food supplies. and it's about 8 to 10 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions on earth that is. approximately or so. the traffic on the street is emitting so we have a climate problem in front of us a lot of the vast amount of food that's lost or wasted could be avoided if certain key measures were adopted. we need. much better infrastructure in the food chains we need cold storage we need proper storage against insects and
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we need well functioning market so that things that are harvested are getting quickly took a. to most. it's estimated that more than 820000000 people are undernourished and that has far reaching consequences it means. there is a seriously affected. their labor productivity. impaired. especially our mothers and children are most seriously affected so we have about 150000000 children under 5 years of age who is paris is seriously affected by. another problem is unbalanced diet malnutrition affects of the world's population that includes under-nutrition micronutrient deficiencies overweight and obesity lots of people are calorie deficient so this rise is
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important to feed. but. a poor diet meaning a diet that lacks vital means or good proteins they are seriously impaired and their health. impacts their productivity. brain capacity and bad diet leads to low productivity and that leads to poverty and low income. us him from brown's center for development research seeks to develop strategies to provide everybody with enough to eat. we have to invest in over coming. better nutrition under nutrition so that people are more productive and. that uplifts who is society is the economic way being of of low income nations so. it's not just.
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donating in order to feed people but overcoming hunger means. very productive investment and. one of the un sustainable development goals is 0 hunger by 2030 so there still an awful lot to do. now india has the largest number of hungry people in a single country one in 9 people don't have enough to eat and organization operating in 2 cities across the country is trying to change this by collecting excess food from restaurants wedding receptions and corporate counties which would most likely be thrown movie and distributing it among those who can't afford a healthy meal. it's time for a handy lesson but all minds are on the lunch that's about to be served in the next room. put these $200.00 children from
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a low income neighborhood in group graham lunch might be the only warm meal they get that. being a privately funded school dreamgirl foundation doesn't qualify for the government me program so they have teamed up with an organization called feeding india it ensures that day's enough food so that the children stay in school. the closest program to my heart is pushing to parch i which is where kids who come to they will schools they usually don't want to have any incentive to the parents for some times when we really want to get them to come to the schools and we give them a meal and then instead of covered just set up feeding india in 2014 in an attempt to address the issue he found it really troubling when i was 22 years old i was doing a corporate job in google and at that point of time i happened to visit
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a very big not very far away from my house incidentally a reading where there were more than 252 scenes of food which were being served and while i was there with my friend's apartment on my which is. what would happen to that soap less food but excess food that would be left after the reading was over and i went up with a clear try thinking as there would be an answer to this question in a developing country but peter told me that all the extra food that was going to go into the question and what was disturbing was that food could affect 10000 people. feeding india works to address systematic hunger by understanding food waste mobilizing people to reduce wastage and enabling surplus food to reach those in need it is based in delhi but has a network of over 20000 volunteers in 86 different cities and towns across india actually a lot of people don't know that in the actually had the highest number of hungry
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people in the world feeding them believes that food to be given to both and the people who do not have access to food and regularly are other ways so we have 5 key people that we give food to children women elderly specially and migrant workers these are people who do not get access to food regularly on nutritious food they obeyed a lot when even giving food on the streets or just landing you giving out food the point of the organization is not also means it's to actually address the problem of hunger. to keep the food flowing organization has partnered with restaurant chains and coffees across different cities. leftover pizza slices are some motors are collected by feeding india which then checks the quality of the food.
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thanks volunteers are called hunger heroes depending on where they live which restaurants are in the neighborhood or where large events are being held the teams are put together and sent out to collect and distribute food. it is transported in a refrigerated van to schools and institutions so that the food doesn't spoil on the way to places like this home for the aged in good to cram. in. to do it 30 women at the large have had their weekly feel from feeding india. we have seen i don't know if any person has an institutional thinking what i mean. if they're throwing them out they were 10 percent of that about if they stood for if particular office has 2000 employees excess food will becoming
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a profit to 50 people or 300 people forget imagine that you know we can feed 2 for 300 people every day basis treating india has recently tied up with a large food service company that operates all over india this is one of its warehouses that procures 12 tons of ingredients from farmers and importers every day that they then supply to restaurants but restaurants are normally critical of potatoes to bent out of shape or capsicums that aren't the right shade of green so those that don't make the cut are set aside for feeding india nutritious and ready to be cooked. about all the talent we. have if one aspect of feeding india's work is reaching out to the community at large volunteers need to have present to teves of presidential associations to talk
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to them about the scale of food waste in india and what they could do about it now obviously where. we do food loving country right and we're also very very hungry people would sound for some reason since decades even in the festivals that we celebrate we've placed in our food i think getting people to change their behavior getting people to not. 30 or you know great packs of sweets in the valley i mean that behavior a shift is something which has been the biggest challenge as a country for india and for us as an organization. could work to me that shift through initiatives like community free just that have been set up to encourage people to act on an individual level any food that might go bad or leftovers that are not going to be eaten can be dropped off and are eventually donated. the fridge is very set up after similar initiatives gained popularity in
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saudi are obvious and thoughts of europe and have now sprung up in several cities across india we've had instances when people have put up the fridges in delhi and then all because in the media anymore because now they have access to food. over the last 5 years feeding india has served more than 25000000 meals it aims to take the number to a 1000000000 across 100 cities by 2021. the importance of north wasting food needs to be in calculated at an early age especially because of the number of resources that go into producing food for the. and it an organization in germany is trying to do just that by conducting. children to mind with food together with rescue food which is food that's fostered. but is still going to be use and learn about how food we used can be avoided at home.
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the students at this brylin elementary school are going to be cooking today the unusual thing about this school lunch workshop is the ingredients which nearly ended up at the dump. that this is all produce that we rescued yesterday from a local supermarket that sells organic food we go there once or twice a week and find great stuff here are some carrots in various colors they were rejected as they're slightly soft on the bit wrinkled but they're still fine to eat today. and that's a question founded an association for years ago that makes use of leftover food she and her team go into berlin schools to teach the children that fruit and vegetables that don't look perfect are still great to eat me the students learn to appreciate the value of food in a playful way some are already quite well informed. yet
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here when we buy food in the supermarket here there's always enough and food costs money to be produced so it's not right to just throw it away and. might make one cry you think sometimes it's because things just don't meet certain standards for example carrots are supposed to be straight and if they're bent some people won't buy them. really it's all just food that's grown crooked it doesn't mean you can't eat it. before they get down to cooking the children learn about the process the food has been through from the start of production to landing on their dinner plate like meat for a hamburger. then the burger patties get taken by truck to the supermarket. it soon becomes clear that many valuable resources have gone into producing the
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food lying on supermarket shelves. too many for the food to just be thrown away. by. supervision only it's super important to understand everything that's involved in producing food if we waste food say an apple that has a blemish we're not just throwing away the apple but the time that went into with the c o 2 that was produced by transporting it etc. by him a source told me it's about making the children realize that they're not just throwing the apple away but a lot more it's really important that this is. one of the ingredients that the children are now cooking with couldn't have been sold any more the fruit and vegetables just aren't attractive enough the bread to dry but it's still fine for cooking and that's what annette equations association wants to show . this is still fresh a few bits were bad but i got rid of those so now it's fine. in the end the
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children rustle up a healthy 3 course menu from the rescued food. they made soup salad and fruit compote. so far over a 1000 berlin school children have taken part in the school lunch workshop and learned a lot about the value of food but the proof is in the putting food is only as good as it tastes. good really yummy it's the seasoning yeah that gives it something special is haven't actually and i just took a little the try it but if nearly finished it i don't normally like salad that much but this is really good and i have a national. economy i can't believe this would have been thrown away and wasted when it's so good all good. and that's exactly the message the team wants to convey . it went well they were great group and really into it some of them knew quite
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a bit already i was quite impressed and they enjoyed the food too i can have all. the children acquired new cooking skills and learned not to waste food in future they're likely to pay greater attention to what's ending up on their plates and in the trash. and aggregated at the new yorker is also experimenting successfully with something similar hundreds of restores supermarkets autos and big cruise have joined into so the food out of the dog gets soared by the end of the big for cheaper of course let's see how that works and how consumers that reacted to it. when restaurants and cafes call it a day they often throw out leftover food that's perfectly edible. that's not only a waste of food it's also a waste of money and of the resources that went into making it.
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thanks to a smartphone app over 20000000 meals have now been rescued from the trash can. too good to go directs users to unsold food in their neighborhood. they can buy at half price by their smart phones. the food can be picked up when the store or restaurant is closing the business and a little extra and even cuts down waste disposal costs. there's also an environmental benefit since the app was launched in 201552000 tons of carbon dioxide have been saved in europe. france has become a hub of high tech solutions to tackle food waste in the country known for its gone me eating tradition there's even a law forbidding food waste by supermarkets if they fail to comply they face hefty
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fines. the startup comments saw is developed a digital solution for major supermarket chains they offer a tracking system for food once the products in a supermarket are about to expire the app notifies the employees and they can discount the food if nobody buys it it can be rescanned in donated to charity. solutions like this france has cut its food waste down to less than 2 percent of all the food produced in the country. now food losses and amounts to roughly 6000000000 u.s. dollars in industrialized countries and 310000000000 u.s. dollars in emerging countries are action can help mitigate this drastically we'll be back next week with yet another episode a lot more for you to think about until that the bat.
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the behavior. now in times day 2018 parkland florida usa i told the let's say that i loved her and i would be a last time that i would see ls a lot of. 17 people died in a high school shooting. for once it was just like enough was enough for the protest movement is born. a. young americans against gun mania. spot. double.
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the something nice when fires canterbury's or dealing with anyone at all i killed many civilians in the. coming including my father says i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself lactase totally but suddenly life became alledge kind of zob. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines. where he's home. with your family gathered across the globe. this is to listen to. the journey back to the roots should government live. the charge family from somalia live around the world. one of them needed urgent assistance.
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in family starts october on d w. 2 itself. with its own gravitational pull. the finest musical compositions. with some mysteries terrific. lol i. don't believe that he was using them don't tell me that the female verb. and the joint you come up in the morning blame. reveal the symphonies of your heart is pumping. the brahms cut starts oct 11th on t.w. enough. cut.
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cut. playing. this is the news live from her lead hong kong reeling from a day of unrest. i took a staging a sit in against police after dozens of anti-government protesters were injured in clashes with officers yesterday they gather at the school where police shot a demonstrator and close range with live ammunition also coming up. he was murdered and then dismembered by saudi agents in turkey yet one year later there's still been no justice for these.


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