tv DW News Deutsche Welle October 3, 2019 3:00pm-3:31pm CEST
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i am. this is deja news coming to you live from berlin germany celebrates a day off from german guna t.v. shows on love michael says the country's relief occasion has read a success but there's still more to do to 9 years since the german reunification in the uk also means being aware of the fact that plenty of people of eastern germans have said they feel like 2nd class citizens. legalists else was originally from
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east germany could she have done more to bridge the divide also in the program. ending scenes like these hong kong is said to lose in rules governing the use of force by police and made that face mobs to get an update from our correspondent at the scene. and prime minister a bar is johnson tells parliament his meal breaks the plan is the last chance to get a deal and it's now under debate why keep building because. chile is marking the anniversary of the country's reunification 29 years ago east and west germany became one nation after decades of hostile division during the cold war there. michel commemoration ceremonies this year took place in the northern
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city of kiel german president front father steinmeyer and chancellor angela merkel took part along with some $700.00 invited guests the theme of this year's unity day festivities is courage connects. speaking at the event chancellor matic cautioned that more work is vital to achieve equal conditions between east and invest in germany. you know in a month in the 29 years that have gone by since reunification an incredible amount been achieved overall in both western and eastern germany people are now more content with their lives than at any other time since we unification but we also know that this is not the whole truth of a show that 29 years after reunification the majority of people from east in germany feel like 2nd class citizens. and for some analysis i'm joined now by
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a senior political correspondent and my colleague peter gave it craven welcome peter nice to have you here. the chancellor as we heard knowledged that the shortcomings of german unification with the focus very much on the people from eastern germany how do you think they'll respond to her comments it was interesting i found it was very much sure there was a lot of praise from the chancellor to begin with in this address for the peaceful revolution back in 90. 9 to lead to the fall of the berlin wall of the years in advance of that she talked about his german dissidents about the courage that shone about what the courage of ordinary eastern germans had shown by going out on the streets or leaving the country risking everything including their lives to leave the country but then she seemed to imply that people were taking too little responsibility they were blaming the states they were blaming the league for their woes and their troubles in recent years she said there was she said really that there was too much moaning now she didn't say who was doing them loading there she was there she was pylon saying but it was clearly by implication too many
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instruments remoting and not taking responsibility not showing the courage to face . and i'm not sure how well that will go down among eastern german voters and viewers and listeners she did talk about divisions between former east germany and west germany that she's been chancellor she's into a 4th she has said is from east and do you think she could have done more to bridge this divide. whether. or not sort of my opinion is very important an awful lot of people here in germany do think that anglo-american this is after all her 4th term in office she's been dominant the dominant force in german politics for so very long and a lot of people are saying look this happened on her watch that so many recent germans have become disillusioned 57 percent saying they feel like 2nd class citizens she ought to have done more especially as an east german and somehow for some reason we've never really worked out quite why she has shied away from taking the role of designating the people of eastern germany as her constituency or at
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least as an important constituency for. peter craven thank you very much for those insights. into address chancellor merkel acknowledged that not everything had gone smoothly since reunification and that goes both for the east and the west as we hear in our next report. martina in amman is the matter of dresden she's a local politician who's had to give up her job. the move was triggered by disobedience from a supermarket in arms dos that made headlines around the country 3 years ago. a patient from the local clinic a mentally ill refugee from iraq was dragged from a shop by 3 men and then tied to a tree with cable ties these self-appointed lauren forces talked about having civil courage but the mad publicly criticized them. i saw excessive violence in this video and i don't think it was civil courage it was vigilante behavior so it's just
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it's that's when the threats came thick and fast and mostly on the internet she collapsed with burnout syndrome and has been on sick leave since the beginning of the year. does not. the psychologist says that this process caused something in me akin to trauma. that germany's president. took an interest in her case and invited her to his official residence in berlin he hoped to persuade her to continue but the massively found it impossible to hold office even though 75 percent of voted for her didn't have the distinct impression that the vast majority of people support democracy what i want is for that majority to be louder and visible. social exclusion disenchantment with politics protest votes or problems found in other parts of the
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country to. the crisis in the coal and steel industries here has made it to social hotspot marked by growing poverty immigration high unemployment and society . this is the shooting range in maslow where has won the top marksman award several times his world is shrinking the club is losing members the range is a place of retreat for him. basically proud to be from here but things are becoming more and more threatening for us. if you have a part of town today where you hardly have any germans left no offense to foreigners but with different cultures coming together german culture and traditions are increasingly being validated out of this part of the city. much damage from the uncertainty generated by the repercussions of label change and
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people see that the international order with which they grew up and which meant peace for them is no longer being respected by everyone. from the 1st pick to. the fear of losing an identity that's true in 2019 across germany in the west as well as in the east. and the craven upper tical correspondent is still with me so peter that report raised some questions and one of them was about the fear of losing identity what does that mean well i think this is about identity politics moving center stage in politics not just in germany not just in eastern germany western germany but in the whole of europe and indeed in many many different parts of the world and the. speech today and kill was very much the young girl americal the liberal doctrine of the wrangle america has has brought into german politics in the 1st free and now her 4th term in german as german chancellor saying that we you know the law is based values based pluralism checks
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and balances appealing to people in the political process tell us how the emotions get involved being. you know be say what you want and what you need to play by the rules stay calm and play by the rules that is essentially the miracle doctrine and that is what she was talking about today in large measure so tell us looking ahead what was chancellor merkel's message on 40 of reaping the benefits of the unification. her message warns. a lot of people have said yes joe germany unity has been achieved an awful lot of money more than 2 trillion euros has gone east and been invested in infrastructure projects that have been a channel for lots of interest in german towns look a lot more polished a niche that western german towns got the facades might be polished in minutes but the time has come one pundit said this week i thought was very good comment timely
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salute to announce a look behind the facades to find out what people have got in their heads because there's a definite clash of mentalities east and west and it is perhaps becoming a little bit more toxic than lust talks about is the fear you know it's a relief occasion is still unfinished business is very much armors a very much and physically wounded obvious political correspondent thank you very much for that analysis. and some breaking news coming in a man armed with a knife is killed 4 offices at the police headquarters in paris another officer then shot and killed the attacker and this information is coming from the french police union there's been no official confirmation and be and have no details yet on the motive or the identity of the attacker. let me now drawing journalists catherine field in about us catherine what more can you tell us . well i can tell you that it was around lunchtime here in paris when all of a sudden a model worker
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a man who's described as ministers of the. paris police headquarters suddenly lashed down no one knows the background to it but he went on around page 3 of the building stabbing and killing several of his police colleagues on the way we understand that he was then shot dead in the courtyard of the paris police headquarters at the moment we're waiting for more information from the prime minister is going to lead who is on his way to the scene and also the french interior ministry officials but what we are hearing is that there is concern that this was just just between employees but the background to that is that it police here in france have been saying either a lot of pressure at the moment that their neighbor a key point there's been a lot of suicides among colleagues and they have been telling the officials at the interior ministry for some months that they cannot be working to the type of deadlines to the type of constantly on patrol constantly having these protests and
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that something was going to get so no clear indication yet those are the indications of the police trade unions given to us at this time so how are the authorities treating this attack. well at the moment everyone still in quite some shock it's only really been in the last 20 minutes little flourishes that given your clears to get. people to go about your business in the area near valley. paris police headquarters was a like you were used to but what they are saying is please just be prudent don't come to any you know conclusions it is very difficult to not jump to conclusions when you think of the terror attacks that have been going on in front of the last full 5 years i mean immediately people are thinking is this a terror attack and at the moment police and the others are still saying please just wait. catherine field in past thank you very much for bring us up to date on that breaking news that a man armed with
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a knife was killed 4 police officers and that he was himself a member of the police force still no confirmation on the identity of the man who carried out the attack but catherine is keeping track of that and we'll bring you more news on that story as it becomes available now let me bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the world rescue teams in south korea sports city of tucson are trying to locate 4 people feared buried under a landslide after a typhoon at least 6 people are known to have lost their lives and several others are missing after the intense storm hit southern part of the country on wednesday night. climate change activists in london used a fire engine to spray hundreds of gallons of fake blood onto the facade of the british treasury the stunt aimed to draw attention to what activists say is the government's failure to address a new main global climate catastrophe. attempts to recapture
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that escaped a circus in northern germany have come to a tragic end the animal named bumba ran onto an autobahn in the city of rostock and caused a collision after unsuccessful attempts to catch the zoo. alive police say they were forced to kill the animal. turning out to hong kong where parties are said to ban the use of face masks as an attempt to kill of the anti-government protests that have rocked the city for months many demonstrators rather masks to hide their identities and shield themselves from tear gas following repeated clashes with demonstrators the city's police force is all support for a curfew to restore order violence is escalating in recent days after a protester was shot in the chest by police the teenager who said to be in a stable condition has been charged with driving and assaulting police he could face up to 10 years in prison. but to europe now where
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migration remains a contentious issue one of the most outspoken critics of e.u. refugee policies is. the captain of the refugee rescue boat sea watch she drew worldwide attention off a tour taking 40 refugees to the mediterranean island of lampedusa just last june ignoring orders not to end italian territorial waters. was briefly address to and fine she addressed the european parliament ahead of next week's meeting of e.u. interior minister has address of refugee policy and she had a clear message for all because have a listen we need a system change a temporary relocation agreement with a focus on returning rubble and well coming mrs human rights based critique or a free location a political bill only 2 people rescued by n.g.o.s leaving out merchant vessels not
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recognizing the central role. a realistic short term solution. we shall ensure people's right to seek asylum for prompt relocation from ports up to some by cation along with the creation of humanitarian corridors from libya. that's this kind of. talking at the an opinion in brussels in the u.k. the british prime minister has presented new proposals for braggs a deal ahead of attrition summit with the e.u. on october the 17th if brussels decides to support the plan the u.k. can bend of the european union with an agreement at the end of this month boris johnson has faced fall event to outline his plan for the 1st time this afternoon let's hear what he had to say. this government's objective has always been to be with a deal will be constructive and reasonable proposals show our seriousness of purpose they do not deliver everything we would have wished they do represent
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a compromise but to remain a prisoner of existing positions is to become a cause of deadlock rather than breakthrough. and joining me now from brussels is fun bent riggers and in london we have a shot of boss welcome to both of you shall let us start with you if i mean a prime that said johnson says he's solved the biggest sticking point in this riggs of pro system north island border what's this plan. well he is trying to replace the northern irish backstop and that was let's remind of us an insurance policy to prevent a hot border between northern ireland and ireland now after his proposal northern ireland would leave the customs union would stay in the single market which then would make border checks unnecessary he says at the at the border between north and south and the northern irish assembly would vote on the issue every 4 years and
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with this proposal he is hoping to finally get it done and convince the european union and that is exactly what he's setting out in the next days ahead he will visit european capitals trying to convince european leaders there that this is the way going forward and been to a representatives 27 have been meeting to trash out a response i hearing about any reactions. after being briefed by me showed on the she from the goetia for brooks of the european union the 37 reacted cautiously and. reluctantly saying well there's still work needed it is good that the proposed on the table but as it looks right now these proposals are not workable they are not replacing the famous in famous backstop the reassurance for
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ireland that there would be no hard border between northern ireland and island so lots of work has to be done and also this steering committee of the european parliament said these proposals are not even remotely that what they expect from the united kingdom and they are looking for more proposals or crew there if occasions from the european from the united kingdom and on friday didn't go through the media in brussels and try to hammer out something more realistic. and i shall have does johnson have the votes in him and to get this deal if it's reached toward to get this through. exactly because that would be the next step so 1st of all he has to reach a deal with the european union then he brings that in front of parliament what we know so far under theresa may that withdrawal agreement has been rejected 3 times and judging from the mood in palm and today we can say he is going to have a very hard time on the positive side the northern irish the u.p.a.
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bricks the ts and now rallying behind him they haven't done that before a behind a deal but there are also many many critics in palm and so he is going to have a very tough time there the numbers are just not there at the moment as we see it and he is therefore keeping the threat of a no deal breaks it open he reiterated that today in palm and he said clearly addressed to the european union but also to the m.p.'s assembled in parliament there saying i will take out the u.k. without a deal on october 31st if we don't get a deal so let's get it done right if you have to leave it there false in london and bent in brussels thank you both very much. this is the u.s. where president donald trump is attacked his political opponents are in a white house photo session with the visiting president of finland a tramp especially harsh towards house intelligence committee chair democrat adam
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schiff his father of what trump had to say i'm sure he's a lowlife you should be forced to resign and frankly they should look at him for treason because he is making up the words of the president of the united states not only words but the meaning that it's a disgrace and should not be allowed to happen. trump was referring to a statement in which shift paraphrased the gist of a phone call between trump and ukraine's president in which democrats say truong abused his office right now democrats have launched an impeachment inquiry of the president's election abuses which trump has condemned as part of an attempt to subvert the will of american voters. the white house is boosting itself defenses outside the security fence is being raised from 2 to 4 meters to keep out unwanted visitors and inside it's all hands on deck for the impeachment inquiry on wednesday
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the president continued to defend himself against accusations of misusing his position as well as having acted against the u.s. constitution trump alleges he is facing a coup and he says he was in the right to ask ukraine's president to investigate his political rival joe biden and his family i have a duty to report corruption and let me tell you something biden sure is corrupt and biden is corrupt and i'd rather run against by then almost any of those candidates and i think they're all week. but i think biden has never been a smart guy and he's less smart now than he ever was one of the main witnesses called forward in the investigation into trump is u.s. secretary of state mike compay who's currently in italy on wednesday he admitted to having been present during trump's call to the ukrainian president but he was frustration at subpoenas from congress. and we won't tolerate folks on capitol hill bowling intimidating state department employees that's unacceptable and it's not
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something that i'm going to permit to happen the political climate in washington is getting even hotter in congress democrats accuse the secretary of state of keeping key witnesses from testifying any effort by the secretary by the president or anyone else to interfere with the congress's ability to call before it relevant witnesses will be considered as evidence of obstruction of a lawful functions of congress the battle of a questioning witnesses and turning over documents is only beginning lawyer john decker reports for the conservative fox news network and is an expert on impeachment he claims the facts known so far don't prove any illegal actions by the president but that a lot still remains unclear. if there were evidence for instance of a quid pro quo of a deal that the president made with the president of ukraine saying essentially if you investigate the bidens i will then release the $400000000.00 in aid that the
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united states has promised you that would be hard to defend for republicans even if you are the biggest supporter of the president the president's fortifications are holding so far with senate republicans continuing to support him it would take a 2 thirds majority there to remove him from office. and office in sports starting with a football deal with one to have secured their 1st champions league win of the season after they beat slavia prague kimi scored both goes as the germans layabouts to a 2 ne win. another german outfit leipsic lost 2 nil to the french side lille with member memphis the pike on the scoresheet reigning champions liverpool are treated again sulzberger but the austrian side drop back to equalise was salah save the day for liverpool with the match winner. meanwhile 3 gold medals up for grabs at the
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was athletics championships in qatar on wednesday here's a roundup of day 6. colons hammer thrower pavel fighter sealed his 4th consecutive win at the world championships. but apparently his mojo only works at this competition at the olympics he's never even made it to the final round. drama in the 110 metre hurdles in lane 4 jamaica's omar macleod current olympic and world champion was well on course to grab his next title but then he blew it allowing american grant holloway to win in his world championship debut. deena asher smith became the 1st british woman to win a sprint world title she dominated the 200 meters to win in 21.88 seconds
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the gold in the 200 meters came after winning silver in the $100.00 per personal medals tally is also great britain's entire medals hall. finally a full colombian politician sentenced to 15 years in prison has made a brazen escape from custody i didn't know has been a score to what had been a score to to the dentist and downtown bogota by a prison guard but was left alone inside the office that's when she used a red drill to slide down to the street below and then limped away to a waiting motorcycle officials are still searching for men i know the director of columbia's prison system has been fired over the incident. here's a recap of the top story that you're following for you on. jimmy's a mocking 29 years since east and west chelsea were reunited after decades of court for division of the official celebrations in kenya chancellor angela merkel said
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play. play play. play play. after the fall of the berlin wall nov 9th t.w. . this is the that video is a shop coming up fighting for survival. and of funds are being targeted by poachers for this scheme and this for the animals will disappear altogether in the next 6. but can it be prevented plus. is open definition in india a thing of the past prime minister narendra modi says in 2 years we get
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