tv Eco Africa Deutsche Welle October 4, 2019 6:30am-7:01am CEST
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don't tell me that she was into them don't tell me that there's enough to show. you . and the joint your comments in the morning when i mean. really feel the sense of music as you. start. on. time you know. did you know was that more than 2 sides of the is covered by water so you can see much of what a huge role this plays in maintaining the ecological health of a plant welcome to iraq an african environmental magazine africa i am sunders you
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know you're coming from kampala here in uganda on a big hello to my fellow presenter auntie in nigeria hello everyone and hello sandra you are so right about our waters in fact you could go so far as to say that the future of our planet may be pinned on the conditions of our oceans lakes and rivers will have more on that in the coming reports but 1st a brief look at what's lined up today in our program. special as a rescue plan for it's called still a way as we'll take a look at how that works. they intergovernmental panel on climate change has just presented its report on the condition of our oceans we'll see what he said and in germany and other parts of europe you can go kayaking for free as long as you collect trash along the way. first to the seychelles where environmentalists are working to protect coral reefs. these frogs ecosystems are
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among the most specially rich bio tubes on earth and the island nation relies on them for its very survival and emissions of launching 2014 aims to support a healthy ocean and implement climate change strategies and to promote the stable blue economy and the region depends on winning $115.00 islands that simple they go is truly unique a marine ecosystem. this issues is a tropical paradise a key pillar who covers around 455 square kilometers of land. much more than 1300000 square kilometers of sea. sand on our american resource for everything whether its economy activities or for tourism and fisheries we don't have anything without that. many tourists come to visit the archipelago
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for this quick to actually show. so i realized that they were the horses for quite a survey old fellow and growing up and understanding the relation that the say show what people have done with the ocean with the assists in the how much we rely on. a summary scientist she's concerned about the growing pressure because you steam. experts go on regular days to assist the foundations fishing environmental pollution and to resume put strain on the sea shells unique underwater world. the coral reefs are suffering the effects of climate change because they're very sensitive to changes in water temperature and. they provide a home for a whole host of them a real life from sea snails to sharks so we've got them. reefs near the
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coast are especially vulnerable and therefore strands today. there has been a rise in ocean temperature and this has an impact on your corals and then this leads to coral bleaching and then you move the coral because then you and the corals by the late 1990 s. most part of the reason the shallow waters had died. the corals and once they're dead they are usually taken over by. the resources and the activities that you carry out. that. none of the government recently agreed to protect merely a part of the country's marine waters within the next 2 years as part of an initiative called lucy shows no signs of time. danish or t.v. scurrying out to some of the of the underwater ecosystem. we carry out the
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activity with the intent of collecting that. ensure that the management of protest. is effective in partnership with the nature conservancy ngo. vision of clarity is hoping to understand exactly what's happening to the lose. her ribs and trouble regenerating. because the waves and currents are constantly moving this kind of times are good coral around making me tired for new ones to sit. down on. you can see the changes really had a very long period of time where the temperature is really high in the. recall so this has a huge impact on your marriage. we have started
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a coral reef restore. looking at all the ways to try and restore coral reefs using the corals. and growing corals and putting them on the ring. together with the fisheries in termism compounds the country wants to find ways for everyone to use the seasons tentatively even after the pretty. action in. the marina especially is the 1st of his kind in the indian ocean very point that we constantly have this good healthy coral i want everything i do should make a difference and if you have any i think it's a really wonderful feeling knowing that whatever information. it's going to point you to the way we do conservation that's going to have a positive in. byron conservation the seychelles. the project transit least until
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2021 which time the fos long term protection plan should be in place the eco system in the sea shows is counting on. what a beautiful place let's hope it stays that way that the united nations' intergovernmental panel on climate change recently published its nature of a supplement on the state of our oceans and it wasn't good news the same process that's happening online and is also happening on the sea yes sadly you're right and we are being too careless with our quartic eco systems the increased levels of a border being absorbed by the water bodies how slow to acidification coastal areas are being polluted or eroded marine life is disappearing in a moment was picked to an expert in nigeria but for now here are a few raw facts in our new segment eco tick oh.
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the ocean is a place of many wonders. but now it's also a garbage dump each 1000000 tons of plastic land in our oceans each year about one garbage truck per minute. that's not only harmful to all sea life but also to human beings. climate killer carbon dioxide around 30 percent of greenhouse gases from human activities are absorbed by the ocean that's roughly $1000000.00 tons per hour . that helps to reduce the greenhouse effect. but the more c o 2 the oceans and seas absorb the more acidic they become 40 percent of all call reefs have perished in the last 3 decades. the oceans are getting warmer
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sea levels are rising. between 20172018 they rose by 3.7 millimeters it's the highest see that a rise in a single year and it's already enough to flood small island nations. it's pretty shocking isn't it the oceans have huge potential to adopt to change and even to compensate for 8 but that's going on a walk if we humans also play a part my colleague n.t. paid a visit to the nigerian institute for oceanography annmarie in resorts in the us while his spoke to dr resident following that is to collect data and mix recriminations to the government on how best to protect the sea or off the coast caused dr follows so had some interesting things to say take a listen. ducks a flu shot thank you so much for speaking with us let me go up because now we've
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just heard a. stink about those who walk with junkies holes in the film i said can you tell us what exactly is the state of the oceans. around the world. because now confident that oceans ocean of plastic. why you see crews of the national empowerment for example official you will catch tons of plastic and very little fish the fish eye gets in bed because the i am just saying plastics and they have a stomach full of plastic for the situation like that margie and me don't do clean up the glass you know the pollute us should pay they should encourage people to come out for beach cleanups there are also domestic waste in the oceans there are several things the biodiversity is depleting the mungo budget fission is deeply
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tight and the ocean is not so good do you think the government can do anything to show me some countries are a bunch of rustics yes our governments can help by. gets in the same hands groups of people to create the awareness of the damaging effects of single use plastics for example cops you know plastic cards strolls plastic bottles also some of the you wish to go back to what do used to be you know in the fifty's whereby we use a vegetative leads to save food we use a cotton box to shop most things we ought to be doing to save the environment let's leave the last exam because a little bit of the question of overfishing and africom on the course of the region the message size for fishing you know tsunami. is smaller than the space fight
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mr eyes because if you measure sizes are smaller than it is that you take on bald more fishes done just what you targeted the federal government can help by have been you know money train systems all over the coastline because we cannot share our fish resources with the people who would do more to come from and to do constant. discuss the environment nigeria without talking about the oil industry and its impact on the well we have oil fields and this oil fields affects the fish resources because the juveniles cannot breathe when there is a oil on the surface of the water so the 7 of by and then we have the whole fish top level for human consumption this week is the un the un talk about climate change and no jew think some of these marches need to be looked at more more deeply than it would for us because we have to save our next generation these are the
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resources we have to live for them so we have to look critically at the climate change issues at pollution that's a single use plastic you know being dumped anyhow when you look you must be a function you know when we put some of these things in place to keep on vironment safe for the next mission thank you very much but. so now we are bit wise about the state of the woods oceans but what about the lexx on the river as well to make up a significant part of the water system in many countries i hear things aren't much better sandra not if you talk to the people at the danish initiative great kayak but they are not just complaining about the state of you of the rivers they are taking action they've come up with a pretty cool idea as you'll see in this week's doing your bit.
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far too much waste ends up in rivers and lakes especially in cities that bother to b.s.d. about hundreds in from denmark so much that in 2017 he launched an initiative called green kayak paddlers can use boats for free in return for collecting any trash they find in the water. recorders. this price is small bits of plastics and. green kayak now has support in 5 countries including germany after reserving online a boat a bucket and trash grabbers can be picked up at the dock of a cooperating vote rental a few enjoyable hours on the water that benefit the environment too and others are also getting on board to mention people are pretty conscientious these days almost everyone who rents a canoe kayak or paddle boat picks up whatever trash they find along the way and in
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that dream kayak volunteers have collected over $21.00 tons of waste so far and as word spread via social media the amount is sure to grow. and how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send his or tweet. doing your bit. we share your stories. and that will be a good idea for law going here in lagos we're going to stick with the subject of us and visit one of germany's biggest waterways now the right even major rivers are feeling the heat as climate change gathers pace right and what we tend to forget is that a river system like that one has provided on the source of water for people and nature for thousands of the is here to the eco system is fragile and needs protecting so
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our water treatment plant on the rhine purifies millions of little's of water every year. the rhine is one of the most important rivers in europe. it's 1200 kilometers long and over half of it flows through germany seanie because it is it's also. busy transport. industry lines its banks and much of its waste water is discharged into the river if it isn't cleaned 1st the water is contaminated and can't be used for anything else here before the wind sampling points close to the river bank the water is extracted from the river as it flows by and then to transport rights each with a diameter over a meter directed to the water works right there the water is intensively cleaned before being directed back into groundwater reserves fired these shafts the water treatment plant south of frankfurt is the only one in germany dedicated to
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processing river water. the infiltration process taking place in these tanks has a number of advantages. historically very. well historically surface water hasn't been used for drinking water in germany mainly because the potential for a disaster on the rhine is unavoidable so we couldn't guarantee supplies around the clock and there are also hygiene reasons the infiltration process filters bacteria from the water reducing if not actually completely removing the risk of contamination in the summer time the water in the rhine can be as warm as $28.00 degrees the infiltration ensures a temperature balance so the top priority is maintaining groundwater levels guaranteeing a clean water reservoir even in the event of extended drought $43000000.00 cubic metres of water per year a process here at the main treatment facility in bieber's heim the process is
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managed and monitored and control center more mushrooms industries and. you need to bear in mind that this solution is only possible thanks to local geological conditions and with what we have here as a vast natural aquifer you don't get them everywhere. across eastern germany for example there aren't any natural reservoirs. so this sort of solution wouldn't work there for geological reasons. water from the rhine flows into these basins and these pure find using especially develop process. the response once the water has been mechanically purified in the untreated water pump station the next step is flocculation that's part of the chemical purification process a flocculation agent is added so that flocke forms which is an initially soluble then is turned into sediment and floats to the top and the next step is to filter off the purified water. the facility was built 30 years ago at the time
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it was state of the art today it's been extended to be able to cope with the increasing. contaminants in the rhine. the water is examined for bacteria heavy metals and pesticides here in the abort in germany drinking irrigation water must satisfy stringent quality standards that are based on specific micro biological parameters the facility also provides clean water to farmers such as hands you a fish if it irrigation. the soil in the region suffers badly during heat waves lately local farmers have needed to irrigate much more than usual to secure their harvest. around 12 percent of the water purified in the facility is a market for farmers it's going to be sure it's essential we grow onions
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strawberries and a step is flocculation that's part of the chemical purification process a flocculation agent is added so that flock for it's almost as clean as drinking water and that means we can sell our strawberries directly but i can wholeheartedly vouch for our produce. farmers pay between $30.50 per cubic meter for the irrigation water drinking water would cost $10.00 times as much says hands. against a backdrop of climate change clean water has grown more important than ever for the region. back to africa here in uganda but also in terms anya and kenya face stocks in like victoria are being depleted while this in is bonded to them oz is over exploitation of natural resources appropriate but now from 7 countries in europe and africa so forces to talk with some of these problems we went to the gun and side of lead with toria to meet up with
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a team from the university of cars in germany the scientists are here told what their goal is to boost fish stocks and also show the local communities how to preserve the environment. mohammed has been fishing off their gun and shoes of look taller for more than 25 years. we no longer catch fish like we used to do it had a big economic impact on us. right now you can sit ups and come up empty or get just one cut away in the old days we would get a good catch every day. the main cause for the depletion of stocks is overfishing pollution from industrial activity is another problem these issues have made it harder to meet the rising
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demand for fish. this has prompted some ugandans to set up fish farms. one of the biggest challenges is the lack of clean fresh water. runs of fish from outside the capital kampala. to fish farming you have to keep flushing your points all the time so you can imagine the amount of money that was spent just an actual that we had water running into the different points every 10000. she's taking part in a union funded project called vision one she and the other fish from us are learning about a new technology. it was developed by a team of european and african scientists the project is led by professor john from the university of kansas way in germany the team has come up with a new system green use west water in order to cut costs while boosting efficiency.
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one develop a system for the market it's called research aquaculture so this is to makes use of 100 percent water. reuse water recycle ation so it's environmentally very friendly because there's no water going through and there's no nothing spoiling the environment and we make use of renewable energy in order to reduce c o 2 footprint. in the tunnels on the can and side of the lake a pilot project is already in place the water is filtered using what's known as membrane bio reactor technology. in uganda has been using recycled water for the last 18 months the used water is pumped into a town from there it flows into this business which contains stones and sun that help clean the water. now wants to
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use recycled water to have big points too. so we already have a system and it has proved to be very efficient for us using the same water would maintain the same temperatures because that's also very crucial when you're watching exit to the into her chair so for the points that still work in progress for us to see how would be able to integrate it. this just would like more from us to recycle water ideally using renewable energy the professor and his team have been working on this project for the last 3 years so far their work has brought them to uganda kenya and tanzania. we want to train we want to show people and we want to see how everything develops in the future and finally very very important is we need to dept this solution for the local market so at the moment we brought
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a lot of ideas from europe and now we need the feedback of the local people to give us a guidance in future how can we develop a low cost system one of the ways they're hoping to achieve that is by promoting exchange between scientists and from us. establish best practices that boost fish stocks and protect the environment. so what we us would see a dramatic decline in sea life or since waterways full of plastic and industrial waste surely it's time for all of us to do our bit and hopefully you know how you can do that you've been watching a special edition of africa on aquatic eco systems it's time for me to say goodbye from kampala here in uganda. and goodbye from me in lagos nigeria you can find the show on further information on our website and social media platforms and remember our oceans and waterways are just as important for the planet as the that see you
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percent. are younger than 6. that's me and me and you. know what time of voices i watch on the 77 percent talk about the issues. from politics to classes from housing boom boom town this is where. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend g.w. . play a milf and i'm just going with the brand new w violence books it's personal it's divisive and it's about topics that affect us all water pollution climate change and the turn.
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slowly being such about. play. play. play play play. this is deja news live from berlin. openly urges china to investigate his leading political rival. the us president wants. a democratic presidential candidate. even as trump faces an impeachment inquiry for making this same request to the president of ukraine will get an update from washington. and. dozens are
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