tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle October 5, 2019 4:15am-5:00am CEST
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john you are in the book you are no one of the people who are. going to learn from your local affiliate. exposing injustice global news that matter to you maybe for months. about this issue when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in the world. it was hard. i even got white hair. learning the german language help me a lot this gives me a little but you need to interrupt it's to say you want to know their story. her origin of reliable information for margaret.
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is known as the father of india but throughout his life while hundreds could i'm sorry gandhi evoked mixed feelings he was viewed alternatively as a fanatic or an eccentric reactionary revolutionary saint almost soil or as a man who must be killed. he championed a philosophy of nonviolence only to die at the hand of an assassin. he led a peaceful resistance movement to free india from british rule yet independent india was born as an ally of crucial carnage. amid sectarian killings on an unprecedented scale gandhi risked his life to preach nonviolence until his dying day. on january 30th 948 he was killed by a hindu nationalist with 3 shots to the chest.
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in 1981 gandhi was interviewed by an american journalist in. york and. yeah. and. if you could. the late brother of gandhi's assassin was jailed for almost 2 decades at the time of that interview he was 85 years old and recalled every detail of the plot i'm hoping our lord say but i better not go to
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say not that i'm going to say well the one who. got a navy. but mark. the hero was. mine been buried or did. i do bread and. water i mean disappeared to india we've already there ben persons. will be able to disperse or not live. in the indian capital delhi there are several sites dedicated to the memory of the man to whom the poet to gore gave the name mahatma greats. this somebody this site where gandhi's body was cremated on
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a funeral pyre of sandal wood in accordance with hindu funeral custom. the national gandhi museum and house converted into a memorial museum after gandhi was assassinated on its grounds. every day crowds of visitors flock there from all over the country bengal and kerala pradesh and money poorer. many indians rich or poor still see it as their duty to make the pilgrimage and pay homage. to the atmosphere feels more like a temple than a museum. one room has a series of die rama's depicting key scenes from gandhi's life. visit his remove their shoes to approach the spot where the mahatma fell to the assassins bullets.
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briscoe's photographs gandhi's meager personal belongings. his notebooks walking-stick lettice even his blood stained clothes everything related to the life of the father of the nation has been preserved. when mohandas karamchand gandhi was born in 869 india was firmly under britain's imperial young. like his father he seemed destined to serve the ruling palace. his family belong to the banya canst hardworking merchants from western state. gandhi's marriage at the age of 13 was a ranged he and his wife custard would have 4 children. when
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he was 16 his father fell gravely ill. has described him as a devoted son. gandhi felt that he had a duty to his father the time he was dying and hopefully he wanted to actually be with him in his death. but on that particular day when his father came critically ill he. felt more attracted to his wife and he was actually in the act of making love to her at the moment when his father died and it's a lot of historians. gandhi's life feel that this was really something that. to his sexuality led eventually to his deciding to renounce a sexual relationship with his wife. after passing his bar exams in
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london country returned to india to practice law but soon went on to take up a short term position in south africa he ended up staying for 20 years. initially. grown in south africa had lived the life of a rich you'd have acquired an affluent lifestyle he hadn't really changed because of this very ascetic person dressing and. clothes and so on he was wearing western style suits he was living well. but then on a train journey to pretoria a white passenger objected to gandhi's presence in a 1st class carriage and though he had a 1st class ticket he was thrown off the train he resolved to stay and fight for inequality in south africa. when he returned to india in 1915 gandhi was a changed man. the barrister had become
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a political activist trading his english suit in time for a dhoti the traditional dress of the indian poor he says how to familiarize himself with the social problems in his homeland travelling by train across the country always in 3rd class. the movement for indian independence was gaining momentum gandhi addressed crowds in every town and village he visited he spoke of human dignity justice and independence. across the country nationalists organized bonfire protests to burn textiles imported from england gandhi launched his charkha all spinning will movement. he declared it the patriotic duty of every indian to spend $200.00 yards of cotton thread a day and to boycott textiles produced in the mills of manchester and liverpool.
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to become a symbol of commitment to the nationalist cause to every every morning to sit down and to get out your spinning wheel to spin your cotton thread and they became very skillful at it you know they were spend hours every day doing this and gun the saugus of something which was it was it was almost a spiritual task of spending you know for the good of the nation. 930 gandhi led to 3 weeks all to march walking 358 kilometers to the village of dandy on the arabian sea where he defined the british self an athlete by lifting and auctioning off just for the song.
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he and his followers were arrested but it was a victory for the man who churchill contemptuously called the half naked for. coverage of the manse captured the world's attention. gandhi had an innate sense of symbolism and mass communication. in them on there seems like a contradiction paradoxical for a man who came across as an ascetic someone who renounced worldly things in search of spiritual salvation. but he was a great politician and a great communicator us. said. gandhi's weapons with civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance the british
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countered with truncheons. colonial repression was often brutal presence. gandhi was jailed 7 times for a total of 4 years he started. 8 times serving 9 years. from the beginning to the end the struggle for independence was led by the indian national congress party. gandhi was its guiding light. its chief organizer. the 2 men shared a deep bond even if they didn't always see eye to eye. candy from a traditional merchant family now and they set it close in a dhoti. narrows the and dishonest brahman well dressed and elegant with ideas rooted in socialism something like their socialism in the 1920
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s. . gandhi was prepared to tolerate that because he believed that there would always basically be loyal to him. so that he gave narrow sort of certain amount of rope. but gandhi would always be holding it and moved to draw him in whenever he felt you know he was going to to to to create an extreme. and there when he was there you knew you know that he was it was in his interests to keep him with god but he also had a genuine affection for gandhi there is own father who died in 9 $131.00 and in many respects you can see gandhi is sort of taking over that position of father figure for the area and so they do have a very close relationship despite the differences. the 2 men were very different
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not least in their views on religion. narry was a self professed atheist something rare in a country where refusing to express religious belief is a to boot. gandhi was deeply religious he began each meeting with prayer. life in india is permeated by the values of hinduism which assigns a person's caste on the basis of. that hinduism has been traditionally because it has a tolerant religion not given to proselytizing. islam had expanded under the reign of the move the empress in northern india to become the country's 2nd largest religion.
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in british india muslims accounted for a quarter of the population. after the country's partition in 1947 that number dropped to 12 percent. hindus and muslims had long enjoyed a peaceful coexistence until political representation was attached to religious identity. the muslim league emerged as a political force in the 1930 s. with the aim of protecting the interests of indian muslims. but a new goal in the creation after britons both drawn from india of
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a muslim nation pakistan or land of the pier. the party was led by mohammad ali jinnah who'd known gandhi for years. both. came from. speaking people they were both lawyers had been educated in law and received training there so in a way they had a lot in common but unfortunately they came into very sharp conflict early on after gandhi returned to india. in 1944 gandhi went to meet jinnah at his private residence in bombay over the course of almost 3 weeks gandhi tieless he tried to dissuade from his plan for a muslim pakistan. he assured him that muslims would have an honorable place in a secular and democratic india. he even offered him the post of prime minister in independent india's 1st government.
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to jinnah couldn't stand the affection and attention he was shown by gandhi because like many muslims he viewed it as a pattern izing attempt by hindus to assimilate muslims. gandhi saw himself as a universalist. he didn't want to be seen as hindu but as indians go. god you know. yet everything about his style his dress was typically hindu dominion and. so musical memory his embrace of renunciate or a disciplines and linking of ascetic practice with political aspirations all of that created the impression of a quintessential hindu bike sales. to. shimla the summit capital of british india.
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in the 1946 the leaders of the muslim league and indian congress party met here to discuss ways to implement gandhi's vision of a united independent india. it . never is not for diplomacy failed in the face of generous intransigence. after 3 weeks the talks broke down. in june our campaign centered on a single topic congress was a hindu party with a hindu leader and if hindus won the 1st elections after independence muslims would face a simulation and oppression to survive they needed their own state pakistan. so in 146 he decides to take the matter to the streets gena have been a strictly constitutional competition for them and he's been loyal to the british
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he hasn't ever been involved in civil disobedience campaigns he never adopted the sort of tart tactics that gandhi adopted the 946 august 960 decides to take the issue to the streets he's going to show the power of muslims in india and he has a direct action. jinnah's call for direct action day on aug 16th 946 in support of the demand for pakistan sparked an eruption of harrowing violence in calcutta. 5000 people were massacred and 20000 wounded most of the victims were hinting. that later retaliatory attacks by hindus against muslims elsewhere reprisal killings spread across northern india entire families were slaughtered. something hindus now claim their religion was too passive and lacked martial art. to them the
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hindu value of tolerance was an inexcusable weakness which had for centuries allowed 1st the moodle and then the british empire as to enslave the hindu majority . they felt the time had come for hindus to assert themselves and for hindu main to reclaim their progress. for me they wanted to reform hinduism and boost hindus moral and physical strength in every town and village where the movement had a local chapter activists convened mornings and evenings for ideological training and physical drills to prepare to fight muslims who were once again the enemy of the very more peaceful if you don't want. internationalist. massacred muslims muslim league extremists fortunate hindus gandhi was horrifying. he began to fast in calcutta which he vowed to continue
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until the fun and stopped. he refused to relinquish his vision of an india where the 2 communities could live in friendship and peace. and gandhi was watching all this he was doing his best he went to bangor he walked around the villages which where the muslims have massacred the landlords and he talked to the muslims he really put his life on the line and he went without any protection just a few of his followers walking on foot and he managed to persuade the muslims that there was not not right to do this as he walked people would throw glass pieces on the floor. in his spot and his answer to that was to even give more of the very simple sandals which he used in order to walk and start walking barefoot this had a tremendous mortar impact and the battle that we like to draw is between in the christian
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tradition the crucifixion of christ that is suffering for humanity tormenting the fish in order to make the martyr. beat and then there is other retaliation by by muslims in east bengal whether in the majority they turned on him attacked them massacred many then hindus and behati on. the muslims. and again they do the same in india and then in the punjab we see the muslims retaliating by attacking the sikhs and killing a lot of sikhs in march $947.00 so the whole thing is blowing up in a way that's becoming really completely uncontrollable. in march 947 louis mountbatten arrived in delhi. as the last viceroy of india he'd been tasked by the british prime minister to negotiate an exit deal with indian leaders. batten appeared bent on hastening the end of imperial rule and soon came to favor the
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option of partition. again and again. but. once you are gone. but. only after you decide. and then of course the congress leaders decided that they would accept the partition. was able to stir up so much trouble for them that if they didn't come. for a separate state of pakistan then he would he would cause terrible disruption within within india after independence and perhaps compromise the integrity of the indian nation state perhaps collapse. was appointed to the boundary
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commission in charge of equitably carving a muslim majority state from british india. he was assisted by 2 and 2 muslims because he himself knew nothing of india that was why he'd been chosen to guarantee objective ety and fairness. most of india's muslims lived in the north the plan called for the creation of one state with 2 territories east and west pakistan located 2000 kilometers apart. but hindu and muslim communities in bengal and punjab were in extra mixed drawing board is was an exercise in absurdity. on aug 15th $947.00 the partition between india and pakistan was made official. as the clock had approached midnight darla nehru the 1st prime minister of independent india addressed the nation. to reinvigorate with it to me.
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and now all the time comes when we showed the age at the front of the midnight hour when we were lead into our window week in like a leader. but the very morning after independence celebrations hindus in pakistan and muslims in india began to flee their homes muslims headed for pakistan well hindus set off for india. enormous convoys of people moving in opposite directions the greatest mass migration in history. 10000000 people with displaced many were attacked by robbers and militants along the way a 1000000 people lost their lives. no one took responsibility for the tragedy but hindu nationalists accused gandhi of
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allowing muslims to steal part of the hindu nation. we went to the delhi headquarters of the rightwing hindu muss about organization. there we spoke to its then president he maintained that his was the only group that sought to defend india's integrity. of i was the only one major son in india richard or good. with the courage and explorations there. really share. of india. do you want to know did india one india solo the hindu nationalists claim that this was a vivisection of in there. something that the congress and betrayed the indian people in agreeing to in fact it was very much a part of their own program to have
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a separate state and it's always serve their interests subsequently to have a separate state which is always an antagonism to i was always a red representation of. india's its opponent. a few months after independence the new states waged their 1st war over kashmir a province with a muslim majority but a hindu maharajah the 2 sides agreed to a ceasefire along what's known as the line of control it divided the region into with one side and ministered by india and the other by pakistan of the 3 officially declared wars between india and pakistan to have been over kashmir and it remains a flash point to this day. on september the 9th 1947 gandhi moved into the delhi home of his friend the industrialist and congress party supporter gunshy. in january of the
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following year gandhi began another indefinite fast saying he would only east if he saw a plan to stop the continuing violence hindus who had fled persecution in pakistan with dumbfounded by gandhi's empathy for muslims which was inherent in the 2nd indirect goal of his fasting. going to gandhi's hunger strike was also aimed at forcing the indian government to release pakistan's share of assets from the treasury of british india. that stored. in. and said that i shall go straight. i sort of die. the good old should be given then. i shall believe my past that moment.
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some yields make me bizarre did you die of hunger strike your bullets now. hindu nationalists found it scandalous that gandhi would fast to ensure india respected the financial clauses of the partition agreement and transfer 550000000 rupees to a country that had launched cross border rates on kashmir. saw on the ground did it. or don't do any better. i thought of that a member of say one of big boost. they'd say i depair to meet you. there. not are not. going to.
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see this myself. the attack of january 20th was botched god say was unable to reach the window from which he planned to buy his gun he hadn't thought of bringing the latter. so hard right from the river and. it was so high. you know and. so. i just came. here in my. police. actions did not take place so probably. the group
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fled back to plan a renewed attack there accomplice who'd set off the homemade bomb was arrested. under interrogation he revealed the names of his coconspirators. even now there is debate as to why the police failed to apprehend the men for 10 days. mark my bandidos to sit in the monitor as you can see in this picture this was taken on 29th dunwoody on the eve of his passing of it. he would address people who are visiting her some would be very angry with him that they would think i mean i don't know there was a thinking among them the bottle did not do enough to prove in the partition. on the day of judgment he probably said. i didn't try to
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destroy him are different story and very good pair. even in their bio clock are fired maybe 5 meters. that. indicates the exact spark began the feared most feared by the assassins bullet. in this bomb the adam heart muddies this water to world there he stepped forward. he took 3 steps before mahatma gandhi and he saw him point blank. and if you see the photograph. of mahatma gandhi with the bullets it's on looks like a god and. it's almost in the same missile could. sassing gollin did mahatma gandhi with bullets and i think. at that one moment mahatma gandhi
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near who its you know the movements he held responsible for gandhi says has a nation. the hindu master and the hindu volunteer organization they are sas 20000 r.s.s. militants were jast so members do very last us for. gandhi supporters targeted the brahmins of maharashtra the caste to which the assassin ghodsee belonged and which was closely associated with the hindu. and the r.s.s. is. in the us about the witnesses. the trial of gandhi's assassins was held at the red fought a highly symbolic location it was there that nehru had made his 1st speech to independent india and to this day the prime minister addresses crowds from the red
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force on independence day. india is a democracy the defendants had the right to a fair trial supposedly for the trial to read 40 offered mataram god sent the perfect platform to air his fears. he refused legal defense and though he had lawyers he pleaded his own cats. feeded he stated that he had out it to his hindu faith and the back about good to which justified violence. he said he had been compelled to take action for the nation of hindus which candy had betrayed. he needed to rid the nation of this man who persisted in weakening india starts pakistan. he described the assassination as a salutary act undertaken in the public interest not the rash deed of
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a lunatic but rather a deed motivated by political realism which had been well thought out and lacked the simoom or efficient on the. road in a good for a. developmental they're not put on go to sleep and have their hair. and they should be a simple instruction. amid a resurgence of fundamentalism in india nationalist groups like the hindu musser bar enjoying a revival. at its daily headquarters there is a statue of its late leader. souther kirk a contemporary of gandhi's and a nationalist but one with a very different ideology souther curse upon the idea of hindutva or hindu inis a concept that inseparably links the hindu and indian identity that i'm going to
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say himself shared that i have more love than the big mean forest there is no question that i am going to belong to. no doubt but you know was our allies not belong to god to be love. this is a doozy. has nor in the murder of danny there was a very closely linked between the leader of the him and the assassin the mean a fast and the mean organizer of the conspiracy off. and. not to have a good thing he had been a close associate of father before it is the decade before the assassination and this immense of it occurred was directly involved not just ideologically or inspiring but directly involved in the conspiracy to barter.
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souther curry and a group with the conspirators he was also arrested and tried but denied all challenges and was acquitted. going to remember again he himself said after the 1st assassination attempt. maybe the assailant is right maybe i am a nuisance in independent india says the dorset down than the one this is the classical greek tragedy in its purest form where victim and assassin have a secret understanding with. gandhi felt deep despair his method and his course had failed. sunni. despite his efforts to violence between hindus and muslims continued. and despite his efforts india was fractured into. what use was he alive now. gandhi had envisioned an
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independent india that was self-sufficient and predominantly agrarian there as approach was more grounded in economic reality he aim to combat economic stagnation and dire poverty with state centered planning and industrialization that relied on domestic industry after the independents went all out for you know modernization of economic adviser action in developing large scale industries building. which he. described as the new temples to india which would replace you know the old temples. it is difficult to know how gandhi respond to this had he been alive after $948.00 and it's likely that there would have come into some conflict over this because mayer didn't really put very much into trying to. maintain the gandhi and economic program.
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to this day gandhi disciples gather on fridays to spin cotton at his commission site the same handwheel the same motions as back then when carson was spun to create the basis for economic independence. and. today it's more of a ritual than a lesson in economic theory. you've got. to. keep. meat to kill. people skellies. ansible of self-sufficiency did prevail until the early 1990 s. . measures like high tariff levels and exchange rate management
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protected domestic industry from foreign competition. even. if it. does over the past few decades the country has really opened up to the forces of globalization. a growing middle class shops at new malls of these the temples of india today. your job as a on an order if gandhi returned to india today he would be aghast to see how far the country particularly the middle class has succumbed to western consumerism. he preached the importance of self-sufficiency thing each village the defense of the week and a form of asceticism according to such dictates as don't consume more than you need respect nature. there was a clear environmental subtext to gandhi's message for the don is that they're going
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to. on march the 12th 2510 months after returning to power india's congress party marks the 75th anniversary of the so much. hundreds of people walked in the outpost footsteps following the same 358 kilometer route for 26 days. marches done traditional whites culloty clothing made of homespun cotton and the iconic gandhi cap. the great grandson of to her lol nehru rahul gandhi was 35 at the time of the procession and had only recently entered politics. he would go on to become party
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president. he joined the marches as they reached the coast in quitter at 75 years to the day that the haka gandhi shook the british empire to its core by harvesting a handful of salt. with their own $35.00 millimeter film. or undertow video the cameras captured the same scene. globalization has swept aside many of gandhi's principles but the mahatma's fundamental message has endured a message that speaks of the power of peace forgiveness and freedom and can transcend even the hatreds that killed him.
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have plenty to talk about so. let's does our coverage. 3 more. subtle we have. let's have a look at some of them at least look so you don't want to miss the. w. . frankford to help watch international gateway to the best connection self in the road and rail. located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and try our services. be alan gassed at frankfurt airport city managed by from a bought. i've
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. this is deja vu news live from berlin hong kong authorities invoked emergency powers and an attempt to end months of unrest mass transit is suspended and a ban on face masks takes effect but protesters remain defiant talk to pro-democracy activist joshua wong in hong kong. also coming up. another day of debt.
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